- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2017-12-22 08:44 点击:
1) As ilmenite for all intents and purposes is an industrial mineral, detailed information as to the specific market(s) for the Tinghuai ilmenite is critical to the project valuation. Buyer(s), volumes, specifications, and transportation are but a few of the variables that must be defined to assess the project properly.
2) Current pricing of ilmenite as best I can determine is less than U$100/tonne, compared to the RMB 1000 (=~U$150/t) used in the study.
3) Back-up for the 80% recovery specified in financial projections is needed. Further, it would be helpful to have comment on the metallurgical performance of the existing plant.
4) Reference is made to the extent of titanium mineralization in Tianyang County. Such raises the questions of potential competition within the local market, and for exploration.
5) Choice of a 25-year project life appears too long (depending on market size). Annual project cash flow is modest, and might be more interesting were production volumes to be doubled or tripled, for example.
6) If my interpretation of the numbers is correct, the projected annual net profit is approximately RMB 4.5M, which equates to less than U$700K. Such a modest cash flow will likely have a limited impact on market valuation of a company with 10’s of millions of shares outstanding; and obtaining financing through normal channels could be very challenging. Generally speaking, personal experience has demonstrated that industrial minerals projects attract no premium in the North American financial markets, and in fact are often discounted from expected valuations.
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