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冬天和什么最配?是暖气、是身旁的“毛孩子”、是街边的糖炒栗子烤红薯……不过说到和冬天最配的……怎么能少得了火锅呢!说到火锅,你知道火锅的历史吗?图片图源:视觉中国中国古人早在商代(约公元前16-11世纪)就用青铜鼎吃上了火锅。鼎分为两个部分——一部分用来煮汤,另一部分用来放木柴,一人用一锅。Ancient Chinese people had hotpot as early as the Shang Dynasty (c.16th-11th century BC). At that time, people boiled foods and soups in bronze cauldrons. The cauldron had two parts – one was the pot to cook foods in soup, the other part was a layer or a space inside the cauldron to hold firewood. But at that time, the cauldron was only for a single person to eat from.图片上图为西周有盘鼎图源:视觉中国Bronze cauldrons 青铜鼎其他常见金属材料的表达:Gold 金;Silver 银;Copper 铜;Iron 铁;Steel 钢Layer / ˈleɪər / n.层例句:A thin layer of dust covered everything.所有的物品上都积了薄薄的一层灰尘。——《牛津词典》到了汉代,人们会把“火锅”的锅分为几个格子,这样就能吃到更多味道啦!During the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), people divided a pot into several parts to enjoy different flavors (口味).图片上图为汉代分格鼎图源:视觉中国在唐朝,吃火锅变得流行起来。举办家庭宴会时,人们也会准备火锅。到了宋朝,人们会通过吃火锅迎接冬天的到来。During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), having hotpot was a trendy thing. When people held family feasts (宴席), they would prepare hotpot. People of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) had hotpot to welcome winter.图片图源:视觉中国Trendy / ˈtrendi / adj. 流行的,时髦的搭配:Trendy items 潮流单品例句:He was trying to be really cool and trendy.他总想变得又酷又时髦。——《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》“火锅”一词的来源你知道吗?是清朝诗人、美食家袁枚在他的一本美食著作中提到的。在那个时候,火锅可是大受欢迎,把各种肉、蔬菜放进锅里,味道好极了!铜锅、铁锅煮的火锅也会有不同感觉哦!Huoguo, the Chinese name for hotpot, was mentioned by Yuan Mei, poet and foodie in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), in a book about all kinds of food. At that time, hotpot was very popular. People put all kinds of meats and vegetables into pots made of different materials, such as copper and iron.你知道吗?火锅也曾经是一道“皇家菜肴”,被称为“热锅”。据说清朝的乾隆皇帝就非常喜欢吃这个,几乎每顿饭都要吃。他还曾举办过一场火锅盛宴,邀请了近5000多人来享用1550多个火锅。Hotpot also became a famous royal (宫廷的) dish, called reguo (热锅). It’s said that Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty loved hotpot so much that he had it for almost every meal. He once held a big hotpot feast, inviting more than 5,000 people to enjoy about 1,550 hotpots.图片图源:视觉中国现在,火锅仍旧是很受欢迎的中国美食,外国友人也很喜欢,也成为了人与人之间维系与沟通情感的一座“桥梁”。没有什么是一顿火锅解决不了的!如果有,那就是两顿!快约上好久不见的朋友吃顿火锅吧!图片实习编辑:王子怡责任编辑:魏浩兰 王雪辰Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务,专业的全球语言翻译与信息解决方案供应商,专业翻译机构品牌。无论在本地,国内还是海外,我们的专业、星级体贴服务,为您的事业加速!专业翻译公司,北京翻译公司,上海翻译公司,英文翻译,日文翻译,韩语翻译,翻译公司排行榜,翻译公司收费价格表,翻译公司收费标准,翻译公司北京,翻译公司上海。