时间:2021-01-15 15:05 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
笔译不是一个简简单单就可以完成的工作,需要译员有扎实的基础并熟悉语言背景,接下来翻译公司为大家分享笔译翻译者的要求有什么? Translation is not a simple job. Translators need to have a solid foundation and be familiar with the language background. Next, translation companies will share with you the requirements of translators? 一、背景知识1、 Background knowledge很多人都抱有这种看法:就是篇幅越短翻译越容易。其实很多时候恰恰相反。多达数百页的年报或招标书即使一开始对其内容不够了解,但通过一些关键字搜索也能把握其行业。这样一来,翻译时恶补相关专业知识也好下手。但若只有寥寥几个字甚至几行,不了解行业很难翻译到位。稍有不慎恐怕还会闹出笑话。另一方面,个人也要不断丰富自己的知识结构,应根据个人的专业特长、兴趣爱好、工作重点等等来确定。 Many people hold this view: the shorter the length, the easier the translation. In fact, most of the time the opposite is true. As many as hundreds of pages of annual report or tender, even if the content is not enough to understand at the beginning, but through some keyword search can also grasp its industry. In this way, it is better to supplement the relevant professional knowledge when translating. But if only a few words or even lines, do not understand the industry, it is difficult to translate in place. I'm afraid a little carelessness will make a joke. On the other hand, individuals should constantly enrich their knowledge structure, which should be determined according to their professional expertise, hobbies, work priorities, etc. 二、精细入微2、 Meticulous and meticulous这儿说的细心不是一般的“认真”(careful),而是一丝不苟(meticulous)。为什么这么说呢?因为一份资料往往涉及很多内容,有时含有大量数字、图表等等,所以处理时要非常小心。而且不同稿件的用途不同,客户的要求也不同,这就要视具体情况而定。而且某些细节比如客户是否对数字拼写有要求(英文数字还是阿拉伯数字)最好事先确定。当然,时间允许的话,应该尽量保证行文更地道、语言更流畅。而且,中译英结束后用word进行拼写检查是免不了的。不然,恐怕会忽略一些拼写或者错误。须知越是简单的错误越是容易犯,因而拼写检查就显得很有必要。 Carefulness is not "careful", but "meticulous". Why do you say that? Because a piece of data often involves a lot of content, sometimes contains a lot of figures, charts and so on, so we should be very careful in processing. Moreover, the purpose of different manuscripts is different, and the requirements of customers are also different, which depends on the specific situation. And some details, such as whether the customer has requirements for the spelling of numbers (English numbers or Arabic numbers), are best determined in advance. Of course, if time permits, we should try our best to make the writing more authentic and the language more fluent. Moreover, it is inevitable to use word to check the spelling after Chinese English translation. Otherwise, I'm afraid some spelling or mistakes will be ignored. It should be noted that the simpler the mistakes are, the easier they are to make, so it is necessary to check spelling. 三、怀疑精神 3、 Skepticism 这一点跟上一点密切相关。此处所言怀疑精神就是对原文部分内容、字句、图表等等的怀疑。有时一字之差会使整句话甚至整段话的意思大不相同,应该极其谨慎。事实上,原文作者大多数都在自己的专业领域有相当水平,但有时也难免出错——例如错别字。当然,也有可能是原文涉及内容是过于冷门的专业,有的概念不好理解或者易于和其他术语混淆。起码也应该求得疑难字句或术语的解释,翻译时不致出洋相、闹笑话。 This is closely related to this. The spirit of skepticism is the skepticism of some of the original contents, sentences, charts and so on. Sometimes a word difference will make the meaning of the whole sentence or even the whole paragraph very different, so we should be extremely cautious. As a matter of fact, most of the original writers have a good level in their own professional field, but sometimes they can't avoid making mistakes, such as spelling mistakes. Of course, it is also possible that the content of the original text is too unpopular, some concepts are difficult to understand or easily confused with other terms. At least we should seek the explanation of difficult words or terms, so as to avoid making a fool of ourselves. 四、挑战权威4、 Challenge authority的确,古今中外历史上有很多翻译大家;但这并不表示他们的所有著作都无懈可击,完美无缺。事实上,是人就无法避免错误。能做的就是尽量避免错误。当然,这是承认事实,并非为谁辩护。不管是身旁朝夕相处的“权威”还是中外公认的大家,某个习语的理解或翻译出现问题都很正常。因为从事翻译稍早,有时竟然也被当初“权威”不免啼笑皆非。 It is true that there have been many translators in the history of ancient and modern China and foreign countries, but this does not mean that all their works are impeccable and perfect. In fact, it's human beings who can't avoid mistakes. What can be done is to try to avoid mistakes. Of course, this is an admission of fact, not a defense for anyone. It's normal that there is something wrong with the understanding or translation of an idiom, whether it's the "authority" who lives with us all the time or the well-known people at home and abroad. Because I was engaged in translation earlier, sometimes I was even criticized by the original "authority". 五、反省自我5、 Self reflection说实话,每次翻译完都觉得很不完美(far from perfect)。很多时候也就是满意(satisfactory)而已,都谈不上出色(excellent)。这往往是由于自身水平有限,亟待提高。面对可能涉及五花八门、各种行业的资料再高的水平都是有限的。所以,定期总结一下以前的译稿大有裨益。而且,有什么疑问难题也可以发到翻译论坛(翻译中国论坛、译网情深为主)里求助,或是与熟悉行业的同事讨论等等。诚然,各个翻译的行文风格当然会有有所不同。有时近义词可以通用,有时却是用某个词最佳。 To tell you the truth, every time I finish the translation, I feel that it is far from perfect. Most of the time, it's just satisfaction, not excellence. This is often due to their own level is limited, need to improve. In the face of information that may involve various industries, no matter how high the level of information is limited. Therefore, it is helpful to summarize the previous translations regularly. What's more, if you have any questions or problems, you can also send them to the Translation Forum (translation China Forum, translation net) for help, or discuss with colleagues familiar with the industry, etc. Of course, the writing style of each translation will be different. Sometimes synonyms can be used in general, but sometimes it is best to use a certain word. 六、独立钻研6、 Independent research这一点也很重要。我始终认为,一名翻译人员不但应该具有强烈的钻研精神,而且应该独立进行。因为依赖别人或者所谓权威中终究不是办法。不管是搜索资料还是讨论疑难,都应该独立思考。先得出自己的结论和看法,即使有什么失误也没什么。从中借鉴学习取得长足进步,那失误问题就会暴露自己不足的一面,未尝不是好事。 This is also important. I always believe that a translator should not only have a strong research spirit, but also be independent. Because relying on others or the so-called authority is not the way after all. Whether it's searching materials or discussing problems, we should think independently. Draw your own conclusions and opinions first, even if there are any mistakes, it's OK. Learning from it and making great progress will expose one's own shortcomings, which is not a bad thing. 七、规范性7、 Normative翻译中的各种专有名词、术语等等往往都已约定俗成,翻译时必须与之相符。要知道,日常翻译的大多数资料并不是文学资料,由你别出心裁,发挥创造。其实即使是文学类翻译照样有限制,不是随意乱译。即使专有名词、术语在上下文中有特定含义或者保留其字面,也应该指出其真实含义,以免不懂外文的读者不知所云甚至产生误解。 All kinds of proper nouns, terms and so on in translation have been established by convention and must be consistent with them in translation. You should know that most of the materials in daily translation are not literary materials, which are created by you. In fact, even literary translation is still limited, not random translation. Even if a proper noun or term has a specific meaning in the context or retains its literal meaning, it should also point out its true meaning, so as not to make the readers who do not understand the foreign language confused or even misunderstood.