时间:2021-01-12 16:03 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
旅游英语翻译的作用主要是帮助游客更好的了解参观景点的风格介绍与文化特点,那么旅游英语翻译有怎样的特点?下面世联翻译公司为大家分享: The main function of tourism English translation is to help tourists better understand the style introduction and cultural characteristics of scenic spots. What are the characteristics of tourism English translation? Here's how to share with you: 首先是翻译体裁的多样化要求。众所周知,旅游景点有着不同的分类和特点。比如,中国有举世闻名的万里长城,也有让世人称为“世界七大奇迹”之一的陕西秦始皇兵马俑,也有贵州的亚洲最大的瀑布黄果树瀑布,也有湖北卧龙的大熊猫自然保护区。在这其中涉及天文、地理、历史、文化、宗教、诗歌、艺术等各种体裁。如果说,英语翻译要求翻译工作者是一个杂家,那么旅游英语的翻译则是对翻译工作者文化知识的全面考察,甚至要胜任一名合格的旅游英语翻译,从某种程度上来说,翻译工作者要具有“百科全书”式的知识材料储备。 The first is the diversification of translation genres. As we all know, tourist attractions have different classification and characteristics. For example, China has the world-famous Great Wall, the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang in Shaanxi Province, one of the "seven wonders of the world", the Huangguoshu waterfall in Guizhou Province, the largest waterfall in Asia, and the Giant Panda Nature Reserve in Wolong, Hubei Province. It involves astronomy, geography, history, culture, religion, poetry, art and other genres. If English translation requires a translator to be an expert, then the translation of tourism English is a comprehensive investigation of the cultural knowledge of the translator, and even to be competent for a qualified tourism English translation. To some extent, the translator should have a "Encyclopedia" type of knowledge material reserve. 其次是翻译语言风格的多样性。由于在旅游英语的翻译中,翻译工作者所接触的翻译对象不尽相同。有的翻译语言要求具有一定的高雅与深度,类似于古代所盛行的“阳春白雪”一样高大上。例如在翻译一些诸如:莫高窟,李清照故居等等具有浓厚文化底蕴的景点时。同样当翻译一些具有浓郁的地方民族特色的风土人情时,例如潍坊的风筝节,陕西的皮影戏以及东北的二人转等等。在这种旅游景点的翻译时要求翻译工作者要在尊重异国民族文化的基础上,用贴近百姓生活的艺术化语言来实现古语所提到的“下里巴人”的翻译工作。换句挂说,在旅游景点的翻译语言风格上既要高雅,又要接地气。只有这样才能实现旅游景点翻译的准确与到位。 The second is the diversity of translation language styles. Because in the translation of tourism English, the translation objects contacted by translators are not the same. Some translation languages require a certain degree of elegance and depth, similar to the ancient popular "spring snow". For example, when translating some scenic spots such as Mogao Grottoes, Li Qingzhao's former residence and so on with strong cultural heritage. Similarly, when translating some local customs with strong local ethnic characteristics, such as the kite festival in Weifang, shadow play in Shaanxi and Errenzhuan in Northeast China, etc. In the translation of this kind of tourist attractions, translators are required to use artistic language close to people's life on the basis of respecting foreign national culture to realize the translation of "xialiba people" mentioned in the old saying. In other words, the translation language style of tourist attractions should be both elegant and grounded. Only in this way can the translation of tourist attractions be accurate and in place. 最后,翻译表达的一致性。由于翻译的景点在一定程度上是某一国家和地区的标志性象征。因此无论翻译的体裁如何多样,翻译语言风格的如何高大上,在一些重要的旅游景点的关键解释与翻译上要尽量保证翻译的一致性。避免由于对同一景点或同一事物翻译的不一致而导致沟通的不一致甚至是误解与分歧。这点要求也是旅游业推向国际化市场的必然要求。只有标准统一,才有利于景点与地区旅游文化的世界推广。当然需要指出和强调的一点,尽管要求翻译的标准性与一致性,并不代表在旅游英语的翻译工作中,千景一词,千人一面。这样反而对景点的介绍带来不利的影响。因为,民族的文化,民族的景点需要具有民族特色的翻译与表达才能真正的让民族的变为全世界的。 Finally, the consistency of translation expression. To some extent, the translated scenic spots are the symbolic symbols of a certain country or region. Therefore, no matter how diverse the genre of translation and how tall the style of translation language is, we should try our best to ensure the consistency of translation in the key interpretation and translation of some important tourist attractions. Avoid communication inconsistency or even misunderstanding and divergence due to the inconsistency of translation of the same scenic spot or the same thing. This requirement is also an inevitable requirement for the tourism industry to push into the international market. Only when the standards are unified, can it be conducive to the world promotion of scenic spots and regional tourism culture. Of course, it needs to be pointed out and emphasized that although the translation standards and consistency are required, it does not mean that in the translation of tourism English, the word "Qianjing" is the same for thousands of people. On the contrary, it has a negative impact on the introduction of scenic spots. Because, the national culture, national attractions need to have national characteristics of translation and expression, in order to really let the national into the world.