时间:2020-12-22 17:06 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
口译是一项实践性非常强的工作,所以翻译公司对口译翻译员的要求非常高,口译的速度直接影响到口译的质量,所以有很多译员都想要提高自己的口译速度,下面给大家分享一些提高口译速度的技巧。 Interpretation is a very practical job, so the requirements of translation companies for interpreters are very high. The speed of interpretation directly affects the quality of interpretation. Therefore, many interpreters want to improve their interpretation speed. Here are some tips for improving the speed of interpretation. 集中精力听懂原文的意思 Concentrate on understanding the meaning of the original text 口译首先得听懂原文的意思。听懂原文的意思是做好翻译的第一步。根据不同的题材应该采取不同的听力方法。若是新闻或快速朗读的原文应抓住每句话或每段话的重要意思,不要计较个别字词的意思。 The first step in interpreting is to understand the meaning of the original text. Understanding the meaning of the original text is the first step to a good translation. Different listening methods should be adopted according to different subjects. If the original news or fast reading should grasp the important meaning of each sentence or paragraph, do not care about the meaning of individual words. 而在新闻发布会或在法庭上口译时则要仔细听懂每句话的意思。因为在这些场合每句话都是有非常重要的意义,一旦听误信息,口译便会失去意义。译员应该在翻译是集中精力,切忌翻译时精力分散而丢漏翻译内容。 When interpreting in a press conference or in court, you should understand the meaning of each sentence carefully. Because in these occasions, every sentence is of great significance. If you hear the wrong information, the interpretation will lose its meaning. The translator should concentrate on the translation and avoid losing the translation content due to the distraction. 而为了提高译员的听力获取信息的速度,译员平时应训练听力的速度,在口译中,翻译的记忆力表现在两个方面。 In order to improve the speed of information acquisition, interpreters should train their listening speed. In interpreting, the memory of translation is shown in two aspects. (1)是必须记住大量的词汇,以便口译时能脱口而出。这一点主要涉及到长时记忆。(2)是必须在短时间内把别人在一段时间内讲的话尽可能详细地表述出来。这一点属于短时记忆的范畴。 (1) It is necessary to remember a large number of words in order to be able to blurt out when interpreting. This is mainly about long-term memory. (2) It is necessary to express what others say in a short period of time in as much detail as possible. This belongs to the category of short-term memory. 口译笔记 Notes on interpretation 在口译过程中,由于时间是紧迫的,对译员的记忆表达能力要求相当高,为了保证质量的翻译效果,笔记是一个有效的提高速度的技巧。 In the process of interpretation, due to the urgency of time, the interpreter's memory and expression ability are required to be quite high. In order to ensure the quality of translation, note taking is an effective skill to improve the speed. 笔记有利于帮助记忆,有的翻译信息内容复杂繁冗,数字较多,专有名词述语,如果不记笔记,译员难以储存所有的信息在头脑中,最后会导致翻译的信息不完整,不准确。 Note taking is helpful to memory. Some translation information is complex and tedious, with many numbers and proper nouns. If you don't take notes, it is difficult for the interpreter to store all the information in his mind, which will lead to incomplete and inaccurate translation information. 口译笔记不同于课堂笔记或会议记录。在时效性方面,口译笔记只供译员现场翻译使用,而课堂笔记或会议记录则需要保留较长时间。 Interpreting notes are different from classroom notes or meeting notes. In terms of timeliness, interpretation notes are only used for on-site translation, while classroom notes or meeting notes need to be kept for a long time. 在做口译笔记时应该保持简洁,条理清晰的原则。做笔记就是译员在专心听取发言,理解发言的同时,把讲话的重要信息(包括讲话的主题,要点,涉及的日期,地名,人命等)用简单的文字和符号记录下来的过程。 The principle of conciseness and clarity should be maintained in interpreting notes. Note taking is a process in which an interpreter records the important information (including the theme, main points, date, place name, life, etc.) in simple words and symbols while listening to and understanding the speech. 口译笔记中有些是固定的符号和文字能被各种语言所接受,而成为通用的口译笔记“语言”。 Some of the notes are fixed symbols and words, which can be accepted by various languages and become the common "language" of interpretation notes. 其中包括:英文的缩写和简单的汉字,标点符号,数学符号,英语缩略语,箭号,数字,划线(表示强调或否定)等等。 These include: English abbreviations and simple Chinese characters, punctuation marks, mathematical symbols, English abbreviations, arrows, numbers, dashes (indicating emphasis or negation), etc. 有时甚至可以划些简单的图形。口译笔记宜用硬壳的一只手拿的笔记本记录,忌用单张的易弯曲的叠纸进行笔记。 Sometimes even simple graphics can be drawn. Note taking should be made in a notebook with a hard shell in one hand, and it is not allowed to take notes with single folded paper. 对翻译内容进行预测 Predict the translation content 为了提高翻译的速度让译员及时表达出翻译的内容,译员可以通过对翻译的内容的预测首先要求译员对翻译的场合有所了解,应该了解翻译的背景知识。 In order to improve the speed of translation and let the interpreter express the content of translation in time, the translator can predict the content of the translation. First of all, the interpreter should know the translation situation and background knowledge. 例如,在国务院总理温家宝的记者招待会上,翻译可以在会议前了解会议的主题,并献出与会议相关的材料,以便能熟悉翻译的内容。 For example, at a press conference held by Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council, translators can understand the theme of the meeting before the meeting and offer materials related to the meeting so as to be familiar with the contents of the translation. 在进行口译时,就可以根据口译根据会议的主题进行预测在很多时候预测是因为句子过长,不能及时听到整句话的意思,在这个时候,我们应该进行断句,或者根据句首猜测整句话的意思。 In interpreting, we can predict according to the theme of the meeting according to the interpretation. In many cases, the prediction is because the sentence is too long to hear the meaning of the whole sentence in time. At this time, we should break the sentence or guess the meaning of the whole sentence according to the beginning of the sentence. 口译表达技巧 Interpretation skills 口译表达是口译的最后一个环节,它直接影响着说话方和听话方之间的交流,也会影响到交际双方对译员的信任程度。 The expression of interpretation is the last link of interpretation, which directly affects the communication between the speaker and the hearer, and also affects the degree of trust of both sides in the interpreter. 译员应当摆脱原文本身的束缚,将源语的词语和意思分离。最重要的是让口译员开口讲话忠实地表达原文的意思。 Translators should get rid of the shackles of the original text and separate the words and meanings of the source language. The most important thing is to let the interpreter speak and faithfully express the meaning of the original text. 另外,译员可能在表达过程中可能碰到一些具体的问题,译员可以运用其它的口译技巧,如询问,重复或者根据自己的理解运用迂回的表达源语含义等等,尽量表达理解了的内容,而且强调表达的内在逻辑和关联性,可懂程度和准确度以及流畅性。 In addition, the interpreter may encounter some specific problems in the process of expression. The interpreter can use other interpretation skills, such as asking, repeating, or using circuitous expression of the source language meaning according to his own understanding, etc., to express the understood content as much as possible, and to emphasize the inherent logic and relevance of the expression, the comprehensibility, accuracy and fluency of the expression. 利用身势语帮助口译 Using body language to help interpretation 口译是一个现场进行的翻译活动,有时仅仅口头表达是不够的,而必须借助外界条件来帮助表达翻译的内容。在翻译有感情色彩的文体时,译者也可以用相应的身势语言来表现。 Interpretation is a kind of on-the-spot translation activity. Sometimes, oral expression is not enough, but external conditions must be used to help express the content of translation. In the translation of emotional style, the translator can also use the corresponding body language to express.