时间:2020-12-15 17:00 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
翻译行业在现在是非常重要的,应用范围广泛,译员在进行翻译工作之前有很多内容需要了解的,世联翻译公司给大家说说要了解哪些图纸翻译的注意事项? The translation industry is very important and widely used now. Translators have a lot to learn before they do translation work. What should we know about drawing translation? 首先,图纸翻译必须做到精准,如果译文表达的内容和原文有所偏差,轻则影响整个项目的进度,重则就会造成安全事故甚至更大的危险,因此做图纸翻译时,每一个翻译人员都应该心存敬畏之心,认真负责地去翻译,务必做到翻译精准。 First of all, drawing translation must be accurate. If the content expressed in the translation is different from the original text, it will affect the progress of the whole project, and even cause safety accidents or even greater danger. Therefore, when translating drawings, every translator should be in awe and translate conscientiously and responsibly, so as to achieve accurate translation. 其次,图纸翻译要保证语言的自然流畅和通俗,一般图纸中的文字并不多,所以在翻译过程中,不能逐字逐句的生硬翻译,应该结合上下联系和专业术语进行有机的结合,使译文整体看起来非常自然流畅,还有一点需要注意,使用图纸的施工人员,大都不是语言专家,在保证翻译精准的前提,尽量使用通俗易堵的词汇。 Secondly, the translation of drawings should ensure the natural fluency and popularity of the language. Generally, there are not many words in the drawings. Therefore, in the process of translation, we should combine the upper and lower links and professional terms to make the translation look very natural and fluent. It should be noted that most of the construction personnel who use the drawings are not specialized in language Home, in the premise of ensuring the accuracy of translation, try to use popular words. 最后,图纸在翻译时,除不仅仅只是翻译工作,还需要对翻译后的图纸进行格式调整和整体排版,这样才能正常使用,否则很容易对使用者造成阅读困难。 Finally, in the translation of drawings, in addition to only translation work, but also need to adjust the format of the translated drawings and overall layout, so as to normal use, otherwise it is easy to cause reading difficulties to users.