时间:2020-12-08 08:57 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。爸爸说,也许有一天,它可以帮我实现一个愿望 我会像公主一样,住在那个漂亮的城堡里 When I was a little girl, my papa gave me a pretty crystal ball He said it may make one of my dreams come true some day That I will live in the beautiful castle like a princess 12亿巨资,打造东三省最大的室内主题乐园—永泰城(EONTIME CITY)主题乐园 1.2 billion fund the largest indoor theme park – EONTIME CITY across the three northeast provinces 哈尔滨首家大型室内主题乐园 12亿投资,占地50002,25m挑空 The first large indoor theme park in Harbin Invested with 1.2 billion, covering a land of 5,000 square meters, 25 meters height 1亿投资,国际领先 国内首创大型室内黑暗过山车 100 million investment, the most over the world In the first large indoor blind roller coaster in China 7D影院,互动射击 音乐乐园以及3D灯光秀等项目顶级游乐设施 7D cinema, interactive shooting Music park and 3D light show and other top-level recreation facilities 泰莱时代影城(Tai Lai Cinema) 哈尔滨首家超五星级国际影城,亚洲最大IMAX影厅 10000m2超大空间,12个高科技放映厅 Tai Lai Cinema The first ultra 5-star international cinema in Harbin, and the biggest IMAX cinema in Asia Extra-large space of 10,000 square meters, 12 hi-tech video hall 电玩城 2000万投资,4.8m层高 Game center Invested with 20 million, of 4.8 meters height 泰乐会KTV(Time Party) 3000万投资,4.8m层高 将成为哈尔滨乃至中国音乐文化界最具影响力的健康K歌会所 Time Party KTV Invested with 30 million, of 4.8 meters height To be the most influential clean KTV in Harbin and even in China’s music cultural circle 步行街三楼 哈市最大的餐饮美食一条街 汇聚全球精品美食 Third floor of the pedestrian street Harbin’s biggest food & beverage street Gathering specialties from all over the world 步行街多个中庭多个入口 与主力店相互贯通 Multiple atriums and entrances along the street Connecting the main stores 步行街二楼 丰富的生活配套,儿童天地及少淑女装 Second floor of the pedestrian street Abundant supporting facilities, children’s corner and young ladies’ dress 步行街一楼 汇聚最前沿快时尚潮流品牌 First floor of the pedestrian street Gathering the cutting-edge fashion brands 主题式潮流百货 28000m2总建筑面积,近280个中高档时尚潮流品牌 Theme-based fashion shopping mall Total construction area of 28,000 square meters, nearly 280 middle to top fashion brands 泰好商超(Tai Hao-Mart),大型综合超市 真正解决“一站式”家庭全购物的需求 Tai Hao-Mart, a large general supermarket Real “one-stop” solution to family shopping demand 2000余个车位的停车场 为自驾车提供充足保障 Over 2,000 parking spaces Adequate for driving-in shoppers 哈尔滨市首家国际喜来登五星级酒店 The first 5-star Sheraton Hotel in Harbin 周边多条公交线路 规划中的地铁2号线新春街站直抵项目 Several bus lines stopping by Xinchunjie Stop of Subway line 2 in construction connected to the project 全球合作伙伴 Worldwide partner 全球知名建筑事务所 凯里森(CALLISON)作为全球知名的建筑设计事务所,在世界各地提供专业化的设计服务 World-renowned architectural firm Callison being widely known as an architectural design firm offering professional design service in world wide LLA建筑师事务所 LLA涉及多个领域的国际性建筑设计机构,荣获多项国际建筑设计界奖项 Laguarda.Low Architects (LLA) LLA, an international architectural design firm engaged in several aspects, won multiple awards in international architectural design 国际顶尖娱乐业态咨询顾问公司 专门从事世界级开发和商业规划。ECA已经成功为全球各大开发商,运营财务机构和政府进行了超过1000项的娱乐、文化和体育项目的研究,咨询顾问服务。 World’s leading entertainment industry advisory agency Specifically engaged in world-class development and business planning. ECA has successfully offered study and advisory services to developers and operating financial institute and governments from all over the world for over 1,000 entertainment, culture and sports events. Thinkwell 全球最大的娱乐设计公司 美国娱乐设计产业领军企业,专长于大型旅游度假胜地,主题公园娱乐项目的规划与设计 The world’s biggest entertainment design company Leading enterprise in America’s entertainment design industry, specifically good at planning and designing for entertainment projects of large tourism and resort destinations and theme parks Randy Ewing 创意制作副总裁/设计总监 VP Creative/Production Designer Paul Redding 项目总监 Project Director Gwen Ballantyne 艺术总监 Art Director Dave Cobb 创意总监 Creative Director 哈尔滨永泰城 HARBIN EONTIME CITY 中国首家真正意义上的大型室内主题娱乐体验式购物中心 China’s first real large indoor theme park and experimental shopping center 全球招商 梦幻启动 Global Grand Investment, Started Off Strongly 招商电话 Invitation line 项目地址:哈尔滨香福路52号 Project location: No. 52 Xiangfu Road, Harbin |