时间:2020-12-04 15:02 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
企业审计报告翻译的需求不断增加,审计报告的内容对被审计单位来说是有一定影响的,世联翻译公司给大家分享做好审计报告翻译需要了解什么? The demand for the translation of enterprise audit report is increasing, and the content of audit report has a certain impact on the audited unit. What do you need to know about the translation of audit report? 1、想要做好审计报告翻译工作,首先要了解和懂得究竟审计报告是什么内容。从专业的视角而言,财务审计报告我觉得就是说在进行这项审计工作以后的依据及其有关的建议。可以展现出被财务审计企业的具体情况及其有关的观点和提议。 1. If you want to do a good job in the translation of audit report, we should first understand and understand what the audit report is. From a professional point of view, the financial audit report is the basis and relevant suggestions after the audit. It can show the specific situation of the financial audit enterprises and the relevant views and suggestions. 2、审计报告中的内容主要是包括了标题,首先人,范围段以及意见段和签章以及会计师事务所的地址所在和审计报告日期。这些内容共同组成了审计报告。而对于这些内容的翻译必须要保障精准无误,完整无缺。尤其是对于相关的日期一定不能出现差错,时间不能够早于被审计单位的签署日期。 2. The content of the audit report mainly includes the title, first person, scope section, opinion section and signature, as well as the address of the accounting firm and the date of the audit report. These contents together constitute the audit report. The translation of these contents must be accurate and complete. Especially for the relevant date must not be wrong, the time can not be earlier than the signing date of the auditee. 3、同时需要注意,审计报告翻译中对于签章以及相关的会计师事务所的地址必须要精准无误,不可出现任何字的错误。此外在翻译结论的时候必须要保持公平公正的心态,不要茫然根据自我意识或者是需求来翻译,确保精准翻译才是最关键的,这决定着翻译的综合品质。 3. At the same time, attention should be paid to the accuracy of the signature and the address of the relevant accounting firm in the translation of the audit report. In addition, we must maintain a fair and just attitude when translating the conclusion, and do not blindly translate according to self-consciousness or needs. The most important thing is to ensure accurate translation, which determines the comprehensive quality of translation.