时间:2020-12-02 14:43 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
日语口译是翻译行业常见的翻译形式,大家会发现每个翻译公司的报价不一样,那么影响日语口译报价因素有什么? Japanese interpretation is a common form of translation in the translation industry. You will find that the quotation of each translation company is different. What are the factors influencing the quotation of Japanese interpretation? 1、所选择的日语口译公司 1. Selected Japanese interpretation company 所选择的翻译公司同样是影响报价的另外一个重要因素。正规的日语翻译公司,对日语口译和笔译的报价都是严格按照规定来的,就笔译来说,文件的字数和内容以及文件的的难度,都是和价格相关,报价的高低直接影响着翻译的质量,如果报价低的则翻译质量无法保证,正规翻译公司内的日语口译翻译译员翻译能力高,专业知识广,翻译质量自然是毋庸置疑的。 The choice of translation company is another important factor affecting the quotation. In terms of translation, the number of words and contents of documents and the difficulty of documents are all related to the price. The level of quotation directly affects the quality of translation. If the quotation is low, the quality of translation cannot be guaranteed. The translation ability of Japanese interpreters in regular translation companies is high There is no doubt about the quality of translation. 2、所需口译翻译的语种 2. Languages to be interpreted and translated 会议语种是直接影响报价的因素之一。会议要求翻译的内容不同,价格也有差别,语种不同,报价也有差异,比如英语很多人都能够翻译,价格就不会比日语低,越是小的语种,能翻译的人就越少,翻译价格往往高一些,反之,价格较低。还有所需会议的时间,都与价格直接联系的,质量好的价格贵,这样收费是合理的。 The language of the meeting is one of the factors that directly affect the quotation. For example, many people in English can translate, and the price will not be lower than that in Japanese. The smaller the language, the fewer people can translate. The price is often higher. On the contrary, the price is lower. The time required for the meeting is directly related to the price. The price of good quality is expensive, so the charge is reasonable. 3、所需日语口译译员的水平 3. Level of Japanese interpreter required 日语口译译员水平是直接影响报价的主要因素。口译员水平分为三个等级,报价也是三个等级,按照会议的性质,翻译公司会合理地安排参会的译员。水平高的译员所需要的翻译时间和精力就越多,报价相对高一些,反之,报价相对较低。 The level of Japanese interpreter is the main factor that directly affects the quotation. The interpreter level is divided into three levels, and the quotation is also three levels. According to the nature of the meeting, the translation company will arrange the interpreters reasonably. A high-level interpreter needs more translation time and energy, and the quotation is relatively high. On the contrary, the quotation is relatively low.