时间:2020-06-02 08:49 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
zuijn,一位“95后”的中国天才少年刷屏了。 据观察者网报道,在当地时间5月6日上线的全球顶级科学期刊《自然》(Nature) 中,中科大10级少年班校友、美国麻省理工学院“95后”博士生曹原分别以第一作者兼共同通讯作者、共同第一作者的身份连发两篇论文。
能在《自然》杂志上发文到底有多牛? 《自然》(Nature)与《科学》(Science)、《细胞》(Cell)并称世界三大顶级科学期刊。能够在三大期刊上发文,是无数科学家孜孜以求的目标,也是评选诺贝尔奖、竞选院士、展示大学和科研机构研究实力的重要依据。 此次连发两篇Nature引发广泛关注,但曹原也并非是第一次这么“牛”了。 22岁轰动科学界 早在2018年,《自然》杂志便发表了两篇以曹原为第一作者的石墨烯重磅论文。文章刊登后立即在整个物理学界引起巨大反响。而1996年出生的他也成为以第一作者身份在该杂志上发表论文的最年轻的中国学者。
曹原发现了让石墨烯实现超导的方法,这开创了物理学一个全新的研究领域,有望大大提高能源利用效率与传输效率,《自然》杂志将曹原称作是“石墨烯的驾驭者”(Graphene wrangler)。 每年《自然》十大人物的封面图片都是一个巨大的数字“10”,具体样式和底纹都会融入当年的科技热点进行设计,2018年的封面图片明显指向曹原的成果。 这一年,数字“10”中的“0”被处理成一个正六边形,宛如构成石墨烯的碳环结构,整个数字“10”微微倾斜,点出了赋予石墨烯超导能力的“魔角”。
Cao Yuan, a doctoral candidate in physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was named one of the 10 people who mattered in 2018 by the journal Nature for discovering a "magic angle" in graphene sheets that spurred a new field of superconductor physics. According to the scientific journal, the Nature's 10 is its annual list of 10 people whose role in science may have had an important impact on the world. This year's image design for the ranking has its typical number "10" shaped as a variation of the graphene structure to represent "two graphene sheets offset by a ‘magic' angle," which is directly related to Cao's findings. In March 2018, Cao Yuan surprised the nanoscience community by discovering graphene can potentially be an insulator-a material that resists electricity-or a superconductor-a material that conducts electricity without resistance-by slightly changing the alignment of two graphene layers sandwiched together, according to two papers he published in Nature. “传说级天才”的开挂履历 曹原是许多人眼中的天才。 据报道,曹原1996年出生于四川成都,3岁时一家人迁往深圳。2007年他顺利考上了以“超常教育”闻名的深圳耀华实验学校,用了三年读完小学六年级、初中和高中的课程。 14岁被中国科学技术大学少年班录取,并被选进了驰名中外的、用来培养未来科研领域领军人物的 “严济慈物理英才班”。 2014年,即将本科毕业的曹原荣获中国科大本科生最高荣誉奖——郭沫若奖学金,当时的他年仅18岁。毕业后赴美国麻省理工学院继续深造,攻读电气工程与计算机科学博士学位,师从物理学家Pablo Jarillo-Herrero。
Cao finished his middle and high school curricula in two years. By age 18, he had completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, Anhui province. He then went to the United States to pursue a doctoral degree under MIT physics professor Pablo Jarillo-Herrero. 在《自然》杂志为曹原撰写的特稿文章中,曹原承认自己的情况并不常见,但说自己并不特别。毕竟,他还是上了整整四年大学:“我只是跳过了中学阶段自己觉得无聊的内容。” Cao admits that his situation is unusual, but says he isn’t special. After all, he did spend a full four years at university: “I just skipped some of the boring stuff in middle school.” 那么,曹原的导师和同事是如何评价他的呢?《自然》杂志称,曹原在麻省理工的导师Jarillo-Herrero认为曹原在内心深处是个"修补匠",喜欢把东西拆开重装。“每次我进他的办公室,里面都乱糟糟的,桌上堆满了计算机和自制望远镜的零件。”
尽管年纪轻轻、又有些腼腆,但同事们都说曹原的坚持不懈体现了他的成熟。有一次,曹原花了六个月时间研究一份看似富有突破性的数据,最终却发现那不过是实验设置中的巧合。“他有些沮丧,但他只是撸起袖子继续干下去。”他的导师说。 Cao loves to take things apart and rebuild them. At heart, he is “a tinkerer”, his supervisor says. On his own time, this means photographing the night sky using homemade cameras and telescopes — pieces of which usually lie strewn across Cao’s office. “Every time I go in, it’s a huge mess, with computers taken apart and pieces of telescope all over his desk,” says Jarillo-Herrero. Despite his youth and shy manner, colleagues say that Cao’s maturity shines through in his persistence. Cao shrugged off a disappointing start to his PhD, after realizing that seemingly exciting data that he had spent six months trying to understand were due to a quirk of the experimental set-up. “He wasn’t happy, but he just rolled up his sleeves and continued working,” Jarillo-Herrero says. 对于自己的“学霸”成长经历和所取得的成就,曹原保持着平和的心态。他此前在接受采访时曾表示,工作之余,他会通过天文摄影进行自我调节。 “仰望星空总是能让我安静下来。天文摄影涉及包括光学、精密机械、电子电路、嵌入式程序等在内的多方面科学技术,折腾这些东西,都是我的兴趣。”
综合来源:Nature 官网、观察者网、中国日报、CGTN、人民日报、共青团中央 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |