时间:2020-05-27 08:14 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
At the invitation of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Health Commission, China's top respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan, answered questions about the pandemic on Monday during a video conference with staff members from the Confucius Institute and Chinese students studying abroad. 目前没有证据表明蚊虫叮咬会传播新冠病毒 钟南山院士说,一般来说,病毒在高温环境下存活率、活动率比较差,随着夏季到来,病毒活动会下降,温度高对病毒活动不利。但是,自然中紫外线没强到消毒的程度,不能全靠高温来隔断病毒传播。 他提到,蚊子叮咬可以传染很多疾病,比如疟疾、登革热,这在非洲比较多见。但是到目前,没有任何证据表明,新冠病毒能够通过蚊虫传播。 There is no evidence so far that the coronavirus can be transmitted by mosquitoes, Zhong said. With the arrival of summer heat, virus activity will likely decline, he said. However, the natural ultraviolet rays of the sun are not strong enough to provide a sterilizing effect, he added, nor can people rely on high temperature alone to reduce the spread of the virus. 有充足证据证明连花清瘟有效 钟南山提醒国外留学生,假如说有点发烧,就要多多喝水,吃点带过去的药物,比如日夜百服宁、布洛芬、连花清瘟这一类药物。 他特别提到,刚刚做完一个实验,有充足证据证实连花清瘟有一定效果。离体实验发现,连花清瘟胶囊对病毒抑制作用有一些,虽然很弱,但好处是对病毒引起的细胞损伤、炎症有很好的修复作用。80%以上患者都属于普通型新冠肺炎患者,连花清瘟胶囊比较适合普通新冠肺炎患者。
For those Chinese students overseas developing a fever, he advised drinking more water and taking medicines such as Ibuprofen and traditional Chinese medicine Lianhua Qingwen (lotus for cleansing). Zhong said that Lianhua Qingwen, a traditional Chinese medicine, is effective in treating COVID-19, the pneumonia the virus causes. He cited a recently concluded experiment that provided evidence that the TCM product had a positive effect. In experiments, researchers found that a Lianhua Qingwen capsule had some inhibitory effect on the coronavirus, although it was weak. Its advantage was that it seemed to help repair cell damage and reduce inflammation caused by virus. 新冠肺炎是否有后遗症? 钟南山表示,据他的观察,病人康复出院后恢复得不错,只要没有基础性疾病,恢复得很快。就算有些基础疾病,也比SARS那时要好一些。病人总的来说恢复得都不错,包括肺。17年前的非典,有些病人半年到一年后还有肺部纤维化,新冠肺炎患者肺部纤维化不是太重了,看起来是可逆的。对100多个病人做了肺功能检查,还没有恢复到正常水平,但是看起来不会损害太大,慢慢都会恢复,所以后遗症并不大。 Zhong said that in his observation most COVID-19 patients recovered well after being discharged from the hospital, and those with no underlying health problems generally improved rapidly. He and his team tested the lung functions of more than 100 recovered patients, and found while they hadn't returned to normal, the damage was relatively minor, meaning the outlook was positive. 不赞成群体免疫,因为要牺牲很多人 在直播连线中,钟南山表示,不赞成“群体免疫”,因为要达到“群体免疫”需要牺牲很多人。钟南山表示,在欧洲有报道称,20%的人有抗体了,最高达到25%,这个数字离所谓的群体免疫差得很远。新冠肺炎要达到群体免疫,一般要60%~70%的人感染以后才有这个可能,现在还远远没达到。 因此,钟南山表示,并不认可这个办法,因为牺牲的人太多。“我们有很多办法,我们能预防、能防护,会争取时间、争取制成疫苗。” Zhong said he doesn't agree with promoting so-called herd immunity because it requires the sacrifice of many people. To achieve herd immunity — a reference to large human populations — COVID-19 would require 60 to 70 percent of the population to be infected, a number still far out of reach. "We have a lot of options. We can prevent, protect and buy time to develop a vaccine," he said. 海外留学生生活中要注意什么? 钟南山建议: 第一,戴好口罩做好防护。不要人云亦云。以前,很多人对中国戴口罩都投以异样的眼光,现在以前非常反对我们戴口罩的一些国家都开始戴口罩了。正是我们的正确做法带动他们。 第二,多人共同居住,通用厕所、厨房等公共空间要注意消毒和洗手。 Zhong reminded Chinese students overseas to wear face masks for protection and to pay attention to disinfecting the home and washing the hands, especially when sharing a kitchen and bathroom with others. 钟南山回忆41年前留学经历 谈如何缓解压力 有留学生问到,疫情之下留学生的心理压力普遍都很大。钟南山回忆起41年前,他在英国的留学经历,教大家如何缓解压力。钟南山说,当时他也有同样的感觉,很孤独很压抑,学科工作也重,压力非常大。如今全球疫情暴发,他特别理解留学生们的感受,他勉励海外青年留学生,把这次疫情当成对自己心理的一次测试,不仅要做好身体上的防护,更要做好心理上的防护。坚持学业,锤炼意志力。 综合来源:新华社,央视新闻,中国日报,CGTN 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |