时间:2020-05-06 08:14 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
第4页盛旺集团的领军人面对未来,卓有远见,充满自信。他将今后的大目标定为,将企业打造成“世界500强”的一流企业。盛旺集团的将士们以此努力方向,振奋精神,团结一致,齐心协力,共同创造美好的明天。 The leader of Shengwang Group has great vision and full confidence when facing with the future. He set the grand goal as “to develop the company as the first-class enterprise and one of the Fortune Global 500”. The officers and soldiers of Shengwang Group will work hard towards this goal, keep up the spirits, unite as one, make concerted effort, and create the beautiful future together. 第6页 我们的作风:没有接口完美执行 Our Work of Style: No excuse and perfect implementation 晋升理念:创造成果培养人才得以晋升 Concept of Promotion: Promotion based on achievement creation and cultivation of talents 执行理念:领导有情制度无情执行绝情 Concept of Implementation: Affectionate leaders, ruthless mechanisms, and heartless implementation 管理理念:智慧化管理人性化管理 Concept of Management: Intelligentmanagement and human-based management 成果理念:只有第一没有第二 Concept of Achievement: Strive to achieve the first place without considering the second place 第7页 香港盛旺矿业有限公司于2011年注册成立,驻中国香港,主要开展国外地质勘查和矿产资源开发。 Hong Kong Shengwang Mining Co., Ltd., based in Hong Kong, China, was registered and founded in 2011. The company mainly engages in overseas geological survey and exploitation of mineral resources. 辰砂 赤铁矿 磁铁矿 方铅矿 黄铜矿 Cinnabar hematite magnetite galena halcopyrite 辉钼矿 闪锌矿 稀土 自然金 毒砂 Molybdenite blende rear earth native gold arsenopyrite 蓝铜矿 黑钨矿 白钨矿 Azurite wolframite scheelite 第8页 马达加斯加综合大楼效果图 Effect Picture of Madagascar Building Complex 第9页 马达加斯金矿图片为现场拍摄。 The picture of Madagascar gold mine was taken on site. 第10页 图为马达加斯加矿区选厂一角。 The picture is a corner of the selected plant of Madagascardiggings. 图为马达加斯加长石开采现场。 The picture shows the feldspar exploitationsite in Madagascar 第11页 马达加斯加风土人情 Local Conditions and Customs of Madagascar 第12页 图为勘探人员在野外工作。 Thepicture shows the field work of exploitation personnel. 老挝拥有矿权项目个,矿权总面积平方公里,矿种主要为金、铜、钨、钼和稀土元素。 There are projectswith mineral rights in Laos, with the total area of mineral rights square kilometers. The mineral kinds are gold, copper, wolfram, molybdenum and rare earth element. 图为夕阳下的老挝蒙宏铜矿选厂。 This picutre shows the Laos Menghong Cooper Mineselected plant under the setting sun. 图为老挝勘探现场。 This picture shows theexploration site in Laos. 老中铜矿开发有限公司 Laos China Copper Mine Development Co., Ltd. 地址:老挝万象市T2路蛙歹通村106号 Address: No. 106, Wadiatong Village, Road T2, Vientiane, Laos 第15页 图为棕榈滩高尔夫俱乐部健身中心 The picture shows Palmbeach Golf Club Fitness Center. 图为棕榈滩高尔夫俱乐部(实景拍摄) The picture shows Palmbeach Golf Club (live-action shooting). 余晖挥杆(实景拍摄) Swing under the sunset glow (live-action shooting) 17页 图为棕榈滩别墅样板房(实景拍摄) The picture shows Palmbeach villa model houses (live-action shooting). 第18页 棕榈滩海景城社区内规划有占地面积10万方,建筑面积20万方, The planned floor area of PalmbeachSea-view City Community is 100,000 cubic meters and the area of structure is 200,000 cubic meters, 第21页 十年前,西式建筑意向融入海湾 铸就了海派陵园文化 十年来,以其精致的意蕴,经久散发着独特的人文魅力 人文之林,日月同辉,百米瀑布……都承载着海湾的文化和精神 在一城,承一脉 海湾园,秉持海派文化,倾力打造海上陵园 周边高等学府环绕,尽显文化氛围 沪金高速直达 A decade ago, western building concept was integrated into Haiwan, and it created the Shanghai School Cemetery Culture. During the decade, the exquisite lasting appeal has shown unique cultural charm. A cultural garden which shines forever like the sun and the moonand a hundred-meter waterfall have carried the culture and spirit of Haiwan. In a city, the garden has come down in one continuous line. Haiwanyuan, which adheres to the Shanghai Cemetery Culture, does its best to create a cemetery on the sea. With institution of higher educationaround, the cultural atmosphere is manifested. Hanwanyuan can be reached through Hujin Expressway. 第22页 知青广场占地面积30亩,有知青墙、知青林、客过亭及知青博物馆是展现上海知青历史、传承文化、开拓未来的载体,其在设计与建设上诸多方面均体现知青文化和现代艺术的完美结合。 Educated Youth Square occupies the area of 30 mu, with Educated Youth Wall, Educated Youth Forest, GeguoPavilion and Educated Youth Museum, is the carrier to show Shanghai Educated Youth history, inherit culture and expand future. In terms of design and construction, the square shows the perfect combination of Educated Youth culture and modern art. 第24页 古林人文纪念园 GulinCultural Memorial Park 青山环抱古林园,塞外别有一洞天; 遥望峰台烟火灭,首府国道路蜿蜒; 牧野飘香风悠悠,山泉甘冽水潺潺; 自然人文融一处,思古悠情顿盎然 Green mountainsurroundsGulinyuan, beyond the Great Wallhidden a beautiful spot. Looking into the distance, the fire in smoke towers vanishes, and national roads in the capital is winding. The countryside is fragrant with wind blowing, and the mountain spring is sweet with water babbles. The nature and culture are integrated into one place, and there is a full emotion of recalling the ancient times. 第25页 内蒙古自治公安英烈纪念园是内蒙古首个为纪念公安英烈而建设的园区。园区占地规划为一万平方米,总投资为1500多万元,选址位于古林园三期的中心位置,由古林园无偿提供土地资金捐建而成。2011年9月18日,内蒙古自治公安英烈纪念园落成仪式在古林人文纪念园内举行。他的落成标志着我区公安优抚工作又上了一个新的台阶。 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Heroic MartyrMemorial Park is the first park constructed in honor of public security heroic martyrs in Inner Mongolia. The planned area of the park is 10,000 square meters, with total investment of more than RMB 15 millionyuan. The selected site is in the center of Phase 3 of Gulinyuan. It is built with the land and capital donated by Gulinyuan. On Sept. 18, 2011, the completion ceremony of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Heroic Martyr Memorial Park was held in GulinCultural Memorial Park. The completion of this park is the symbol that the preferential treatment compensation and comfort for public security personnel of our region has made progress. 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |