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Key Words to Understand China: The Fight Against COVID-19





Decisions by the Central Leadership


1. 生命重于泰山



Saving Lives Is of Paramount Importance.


Safety and health are the basic needs of the people. Xi Jinping attaches great importance to these two issues, and has given instructions on ensuring people’s health and safety on different occasions. 
Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has made thorough arrangements and strengthened centralized and unified leadership over the prevention and control of the epidemic. On January 25, 2020, the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting and listened to a report on epidemic prevention and control. Xi Jinping presided over the meeting and emphasized that “saving lives is of paramount importance.”
He demanded Party committees and governments at all levels to give top priority to people’s safety and health, and take epidemic control a most important work in the immediate future. He required effective measures to be taken to contain the outbreak.
“Saving lives is of paramount importance.” – This echoes the CPC’s mission of serving the people whole-heartedly and its principle of taking the interests of the people above everything else. It is the CPC’s pledge to save lives and cure patients at all costs. It will spare no effort and adopt all measures necessary to combat the epidemic. For the current time, other work should make way for the efforts to protect the safety and health of the people. Implementing the decisions by the CPC Central Committee, the whole country will take comprehensive actions in social mobilization, deployment, and prevention and control of the epidemic.


2. 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任



Go Where There Is Epidemic, Fight It till It Perishes.


Epidemic prevention and control directly concerns the safety and health of the people, the overall stability of the economy and society, and the country’s opening up to the outside world.
After hearing the report on epidemic prevention and control at the meeting held on January 25, 2020, Xi Jinping ordered, “Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.”
This is an important deployment made by the CPC Central Committee at a critical moment. It reflects the Chinese Communists’ care about the people, who always put the people in the first place. It requires leading officials at all levels, especially major ones, to go deep into the front line of epidemic prevention and control, fulfill their responsibilities by giving timely guidance, closely monitoring the situation and taking prompt actions. Epidemic prevention and control is a race against time. Concerted efforts must be taken to treat patients and contain the spread of the virus at the fastest speed, without even the slightest hesitation. All-out efforts are need to carry out epidemic monitoring, screening, and early warning, and to curb the spread of the virus racing against the clock. Enormous efforts must be exerted to implement the most effective measures, mobilize the people to the largest extent, and build a solid line of defense against the epidemic.


3. 把疫情防控工作作为当前最重要的工作来抓





Epidemic Prevention and Control: Top of Current Agenda


The novel coronavirus epidemic is a major public health emergency with the fastest spread and the widest range of infections, and has been the most difficult to prevent and control in China since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949.
At the meeting held on January 25, 2020, Xi Jinping emphasized that epidemic prevention and control must be put at the top of current agenda. This underscored the work in this emergency period and set clear coordinates for resolutely winning the war without smoke.
Putting epidemic prevention and control at the top of current agenda – This is because people’s lives are of supreme importance, and people’s health and safety are the top priority. China will save people’s lives at any cost, safeguard their health despite any difficulties, and prevent and control the epidemic without shying away from any hardships. As the epidemic spreads, China will do everything possible to combat it. Only by taking the problem more seriously and implementing more thoughtful measures, can the country outrun the epidemic, gain the initiative to win the war, and effectively curb its spread.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Xi Jinping has paid close attention to and made important instructions on virus prevention and control. The CPC Central Committee has issued a circular on strengthening Party leadership and providing strong political support for the battle. The Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control has made timely study and arrangements for relevant work, and the Central Guiding Team dispatched to Hubei province has actively carried out their work. The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council was developed for overall planning and inter-agency coordination, which has promptly solved many pressing issues in epidemic prevention and control. In the meantime, Party committees and governments at all levels have taken active steps to outrun the epidemic. A strong joint force to battle the epidemic has been formed.


4. 坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策




United to Take Science-Based and Targeted Measures and Fight the Epidemic with Confidence


At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 25, 2020, Xi Jinping called on the whole nation to be united, take science-based and targeted measures against the epidemic, and have confidence in conquering the virus. This is a general requirement by the CPC Central Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control based on a thorough analysis of the situation.
Having confidence implies that the Chinese nation has the strength and ability to contain the spread of the virus and win the battle in the end. Working in great unity, the whole country follows the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and Party committees and governments at all levels fully understand the importance and urgency of epidemic prevention and control, and implement the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee in real earnest. Defeating the epidemic requires a strong scientific underpinning. In its science-based response to the outbreak, China has engaged both Chinese and foreign experts in relevant fields to carry out scientific research on COVID-19 prevention and control, enhance cooperation between scientific research and clinical trials, and race against time to explore rapid and simple ways of diagnosis and develop vaccines and effective drugs. Taking targeted measures means to adopt varied prevention and control policies according to different regional conditions. While endeavoring to protect Hubei province and its capital city Wuhan, all-out efforts are also made to fight the epidemic in Beijing. The areas that are not key places for virus prevention and control will adopt region-specific targeted approaches based on an assessment of local risks.


5. 坚决打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战



A Nation’s War on the Epidemic


During an inspection in Beijing on February 10, 2020, Xi Jinping encouraged the people to be determined to fight and win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources to control the spread of the virus. He has reiterated this resolution on different occasions.
Epidemic prevention and control is a war that involves every one of the nation. The epidemic directly endangers the people’s health and their living standards. The government must closely rely on the people to fight and win the battle against the epidemic. Party committees and governments at all levels must “take the interests of the people above everything else,” give top priority to people’s safety and health, and put epidemic prevention and control at the top of current agenda. They must bear in mind the fundamental purpose of the Party, spare no effort to combat the epidemic, and enhance the people’s sense of security. In the face of the epidemic, Party committees and governments at all levels should “pool the strength of the people” and extensively mobilize, organize, and rally the people while playing the role of exemplary vanguard.
Epidemic prevention and control is a war that calls for all-out efforts. Party committees and governments at all levels must act in a coordinated national response and follow unified command, coordination and dispatch. They need to acquire relevant knowledge and skills of epidemic prevention, have greater confidence and be more resolved to defeat the epidemic. They must unite as one like a fortress, fully implement the joint prevention and control measures, put up an effective defense, and build a strong synergy against the virus. They must know that epidemic prevention and control is not an issue merely about medicine and health, but a task that demands all-out efforts, and all work must provide support for winning the war against the epidemic.
Epidemic prevention and control is a war to stop the epidemic from spreading. Facing the menacing, highly contagious and fast-spreading epidemic, all Party members and officials must get prepared for this unprecedented test. They must keep up the spirit, stay true to the mission of the Chinese Communists, and bravely shoulder the responsibility. They must devote more time and energy to the front line of epidemic prevention and control, pool the strength of every citizen, strive to overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, and hand over a perfect answer sheet to the Party and the people.



Anti-Epidemic Guidelines and Arrangements


1. 成立中央应对疫情工作领导小组



The Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control


At its meeting on January 25, 2020, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided to form a Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control (“Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control” for short).
The Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control is the decision-making and command body set up by the CPC Central Committee in response to the urgent need for epidemic combat across the country. It works under the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and exercises unified leadership and command over epidemic prevention and control. Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and premier of the State Council, heads the group, and Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, serves as deputy head.
On January 26, Li Keqiang presided over the first meeting of the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control. The meeting concluded that as epidemic prevention and control is currently in a critical stage, Party committees and governments at all levels must unify their thinking and actions by following the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions and the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. They must put epidemic prevention and control at the top of their current agenda, and take more decisive, more powerful and orderly, more scientific and thorough measures to effectively curb the spread of the virus. 
To further tighten epidemic prevention and control in Hubei province and Wuhan city, the meeting decided to dispatch a Central Guiding Team there to promote the frontline work. It also decided to allocate resources nationwide to first meet the urgent need for medical workers and medical supplies in Hubei and Wuhan and to ensure the supply of daily necessities for the citizens there as the whole country is battling the virus.
On February 22, the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control issued a document on protection and care for medical workers, putting forward 10 measures in detail. By February 24, the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control had held 11 meetings to study and deploy epidemic prevention and control work.


2. 向湖北等疫情严重地区派出指导组



The Central Guiding Team Dispatched to Hubei Province and Other Severely-Hit Regions


Wuhan city and Hubei province are the top priorities of epidemic prevention and control, and the main battlefields of the war against the virus. On January 25, 2020, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided to dispatch a Central Guiding Team to Hubei province and other regions severely hit by the epidemic, aiming to comprehensively strengthen epidemic prevention and control on the front line.
The Central Guiding Team has three major duties: (1) to guide and supervise Hubei province and Wuhan city to implement the arrangements made by the central leadership; (2) to guide Hubei and Wuhan in the battle against the epidemic and increase prevention and control forces; and (3) to investigate negative, wrong and irresponsible actions, supervise local rectification, and deal with those problems in accordance with laws and discipline.
Led by Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, the Central Guiding Team arrived in Wuhan on January 27. Empowered to comprehensively strengthen frontline epidemic prevention and control, the Central Guiding Team mainly carries out work in five aspects: (1) to strengthen prevention and control at the source, make arrangements such as traffic restraint and extension of Spring Festival break, in order to interrupt epidemic transmission; (2) to do everything possible to deploy resources to satisfy the need for medical workers and medical supplies, increase hospital beds, and ensure the supply of daily necessities for the local residents; (3) to coordinate the efforts in treating and curing patients, building temporary treatment centers, thorough infection screening, classified and multi-level treatment for patients, and management of the four groups of people who are confirmed patients, suspected cases, febrile and close contacts, and promote the use of traditional Chinese medicine in disease treatment; (4) to organize the conducting of epidemiological investigations, tracking and studying of the source of infection and the route and mechanism of transmission, and timely analysis of the epidemic trend; and (5) to clarify the duties for administrative divisions, industry sectors, units, and individuals and ensure their full performance.
The Central Guiding Team has worked alongside with the people in Wuhan and other places of Hubei province, and focused their work on epidemic prevention and control, treating and curing patients, and ensuring medical supplies, thus playing a key role on the front line of the battle.


3. 分区分级做好疫情防控工作



Region-Specific and Multi-Level Approaches to Epidemic Prevention and Control


In addition to science-based and targeted measures against the virus, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 25, 2020 also required sector-specific guidance on epidemic prevention and control. 
On February 17, the inter-agency task force under the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a package of guidelines on taking science-based, targeted, region-specific, and multi-level measures for epidemic prevention and control. According to the guidelines, all provincial governments and central departments must enforce the central leadership’s requirements by focusing on key issues, strengthening coordination, giving sector-specific guidance, and applying different policies for different areas. They are required to take region-specific, multi-level targeted approaches to epidemic prevention and control in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the Regulations on the Urgent Handling of Public Health Emergencies, and coordinate epidemic prevention and control and restoration of economic and social order.
Region-specific and multi-level approaches are meant to suit the specific features and epidemic situations of different regions. In line with the guidelines, differentiated policies will be adopted for epidemic control and restoration of economic and social order in different places. Counties and other county-level administrative regions (cities, districts and banners) need to conduct a comprehensive analysis of local population and epidemic severity, make science-based classification of the virus risk, and take appropriate prevention and control strategies accordingly. They should divide their management and control grids into smaller pieces, and urban and rural communities, government bodies, enterprises and institutions, social organizations and individuals within their jurisdiction must follow relevant rules for virus prevention and control. 
Hubei province and Wuhan city are required to take more stringent, more targeted, and more effective measures to curb the spread of the epidemic within their jurisdictions and beyond, and ensure the supply of all kinds of materials and basic necessities for the local people. Beijing, capital of China, must make every effort to fight the epidemic, resolutely guard against imported cases and spread of the virus within the city, and cut off the source of infection to ensure the city’s safety. Other areas should strengthen organization and leadership, abide by relative laws and regulations, carry out differentiated epidemic control, implement relative requirements on epidemic prevention and treatment of patients, and restore the order of production and life in an orderly manner.


4. 及时准确、公开透明发布疫情信息




Prompt Release of Accurate Epidemic Information


The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee demanded at its meeting on January 25, 2020 prompt release of accurate information on the epidemic and timely response to concerns at home and aboard. It also required providing timely updates of the epidemic with the World Health Organization (WHO), relevant countries and regional organizations, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan province, and enhancing cooperation in an all-out response to the epidemic, in order to jointly safeguard regional and global health safety.
Speaking to a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau on February 3, Xi Jinping required frequent release of authoritative information by relevant agencies at different levels, addressing existing problems squarely, and responding to public concerns in a timely and specialist manner with a clear aim. At another meeting held on February 23 to promote nationwide epidemic control and economic and social development, he urged improving the release of epidemic information, which shall be made in an open, transparent, timely and accurate manner in accordance with the law.
Following the arrangements and requirements by the central leadership, the State Council Information Office has since January 26 held press conferences at irregular intervals on the joint efforts in virus prevention and control. On February 15, it for the first time moved its pressroom to Wuhan, the forefront of epidemic prevention and control. Starting from January 27, the National Health Commission (NHC) has held press conferences every morning. Starting from February 3, the inter-agency task force under the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council has held press conferences daily. Hubei province and other regions severely hit by the epidemic also hold press conferences every day. 
By releasing latest information about the epidemic, prevention and control measures and effects, these press conferences have taken the initiative in responding to public concerns and quashing rumors, thus have further improved the effectiveness of information disclosure.



Effective Measures


1. 早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗


“早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗”是中央对防控新冠肺炎疫情提出的明确要求,也是中国科学防治新冠肺炎的一项重要措施。2020年 1月20日,国家卫生健康委高级别专家组研判指出,在疫情上升期,早发现、早隔离是最有效的防控手段,要尽可能减少传播。1月25日中共中央政治局常委会召开专题会议,要求做好疫情监测、排查、预警等工作,切实做到早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗。
随着疫情防控进入关键阶段,国务院应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控机制印发《关于进一步强化责任落实 做好防治工作的通知》,对防控措施作出具体要求:及早发现和隔离病毒感染者,有效阻断疫情扩散蔓延;前移疫情防控关口,加强社区网格化管理,将各项防控措施抓早抓小、落细落实;进一步提高检测能力,优化确诊程序、缩短确诊时间,实行边诊边治。2月23日,习近平在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上发表重要讲话,明确早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗的防控要求,强调要坚决遏制疫情扩散输出,对确诊患者应收尽收,对疑似患者应检尽检,对密切接触者应隔尽隔,落实“四早”要求,找到管好每一个风险环节,决不能留下任何死角和空白。

Early Detection, Reporting, Isolation and Treatment


“Early detection, reporting, isolation and treatment” is a definite principle put forward by the central leadership for epidemic prevention and control, and it is also an important measure taken by the country to fight the virus. 
On January 20, 2020, the High-level Expert Group of the NHC pointed out that against the rapid escalation of the virus, early detection and early isolation are the most effective means to block it and keep transmission to a minimum. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 25 demanded monitoring, screening and early warning be conducted to ensure early detection, reporting, isolation and treatment.
As epidemic prevention and control entered a critical stage, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council on February 7 issued a document on the responsibilities of different parties during epidemic prevention and control. The document emphasized the urgency of early detection and early isolation of infected people to effectively prevent the transmission of the virus. For this end, it is necessary to deploy preventive methods at an early stage and perform meticulous community grid management. It is also necessary to further improve the testing capability, optimize the diagnostic process, shorten diagnosis time, and carry out diagnosis and treatment simultaneously. 
At the national meeting for coordinating China’s epidemic control and economic and social development, held on February 23, Xi Jinping reiterated the principle of early detection, reporting, isolation and treatment. He urged more efforts to resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic, hospitalize all confirmed patients, conduct thorough tests of all suspected patients, and isolate all those close contacts. He demanded tracking and managing every potential risk without leaving any dead corners.
With the efforts made in “early detection, reporting, isolation and treatment,” the spread of the epidemic has been initially curbed, and phased effects have been achieved in the prevention and control of the epidemic.


2. 火神山医院



Huoshenshan Hospital


Isolation and admission of patients are the key tasks in epidemic prevention and control. To ensure that all suspected and confirmed cases could be received and treated, Wuhan decided on January 23, 2020 to build an emergency hospital near Zhiyin Lake in Caidian District, following the practice of Beijing when the capital built the Xiaotangshan Hospital during its fight against SARS in 2003. Named “Huoshenshan” (“Fire God Mountain”), the new hospital was designed to treat patients suffering from novel coronavirus pneumonia.
After the decision was made and preparatory work was launched, the designers completed the site plans within five hours and delivered all design and construction drawings within 60 hours. More than 7,000 construction workers rushed to assist Wuhan. By working around the clock in three shifts and completing the tasks of communications infrastructure, land leveling, surveying and mapping, ward installation, and power construction, they were able to complete the construction in merely 10 days. On February 2, Huoshenshan Hospital was officially delivered to the medical units of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that came earlier to assist Wuhan. 
With a total floor space of 34,000 square meters, Huoshenshan Hospital has 1,000 beds for intensive care units and general wards. It has supportive departments covering infection control, clinical laboratory, special treatment, and radiodiagnosis.
On February 3, with the approval of Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, 1,400 PLA medical personnel were deployed to staff the new Huoshenshan Hospital. Many of them have worked at Xiaotangshan Hospital in the fight against SARS, assisted Sierra Leone and Liberia in the fight against Ebola, and have rich experience in the treatment of infectious diseases. 
On February 4, the National Healthcare Security Administration announced to include Huoshenshan Hospital as one designated hospital of medical insurance, and the new hospital would adopt the charging standards of public hospitals. On the same day, Huoshenshan Hospital began to receive confirmed patients. On February 13, the hospital discharged the first group of cured patients.
The construction of Huoshenshan Hospital shows the “Chinese speed” at a time of urgency. During the construction of the hospital, a 24-hour live broadcast was streamed on the construction site. Every day, tens of millions of Chinese and foreign netizens voluntarily acted as “cloud supervisors” to root for the builders on the front line.


3. 雷神山医院



Leishenshan Hospital


On January 25, 2020, as the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital had just begun, Wuhan decided to build another emergency hospital near Huangjia Lake, Jiangxia District. The new hospital, named “Leishenshan” (“Thunder God Mountain”) was designed to treat patients of novel coronavirus pneumonia diagnosed in fever clinics or transferred from other hospitals.

In the face of the epidemic, the designers and builders counted against the clock. On January 26, the overall design plan of the hospital was completed; on January 27, large-scale construction began; on January 28, the construction and renovation of communication base station infrastructure saw completion; and on January 29, power supporting engineering was completed and began to supply electricity to the hospital. At the peak period of construction, more than 10,000 builders and nearly 1,500 sets of machinery and equipment fought together, night and day. 


After more than 10 days of construction, Leishenshan Hospital was put into use on February 8, officially taken over by Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, and the first group of patients were admitted that night. 
The hospital covers an area of nearly 80,000 square meters and is divided into three parts: isolation area for the patients, living area for the medical staff, and logistics area, with a total of 1,600 beds. On February 18, the first cured patients in Leishenshan Hospital were discharged.
Like Huoshenshan Hospital, Leishenshan Hospital was also a major project for China to fight the novel coronavirus epidemic. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, the Party organizations of all construction units had unswervingly implemented the decisions and deployments made by the CPC Central Committee. Ordinary workers united as one, spared no effort, and created a miracle. Construction of the hospital has demonstrated the institutional advantage of the system of socialism, that is, by concentrating efforts on major initiatives, a vital guarantee was formed for winning the war against the epidemic.


4. 方舱医院



Temporary Treatment Centers


Temporary treatment center, better known as “mobile cabin hospital” in China, is a modern mobile medical system that takes medical cabin as the carrier and integrates the functions of medical treatment and clinical technology. Composed of medical treatment units, ward units and technical support units, temporary treatment centers are mainly used in major disaster rescue, emergency support, itinerant medical services, and other tasks. With such features as good mobility, fast deployment and strong environmental adaptability, these improvised hospitals are capable of undertaking medical rescue tasks at emergencies and therefore are valued by many countries.
China began to design and develop its own temporary treatment center system in the 1990s. The second-generation temporary treatment centers successively carried out medical rescue tasks in earthquake relief in Wenchuan and Yushu. 
In February 2020, facing the spread of COVID-19, Wuhan transformed several gymnasiums, convention and exhibition centers, training centers, industrial park factories, vocational high schools and other venues into temporary treatment centers to isolate mild cases and cases under observation. These emergency hospitals have complete functions and can carry out emergency treatment, surgical treatment, clinical tests and other tasks. They also have a team of psychologists to provide psychological support and counseling for patients. 
On February 16, the National Development and Reform Commission arranged 230 million yuan (32.81 million dollars) in the central budget to support the temporary treatment centers in Wuhan to improve their facilities and add necessary medical equipment to enhance their treatment capacities. By February 22, 16 temporary treatment centers had been put into operation in Wuhan, offering more than 12,000 beds.
Establishing temporary treatment centers is an effective measure to ensure patient isolation, decrease patient density, expand treatment capacity and control the spread of the epidemic. Temporary treatment centers have played an important role in providing emergency support for the national public health system.



About COVID-19


1. 新型冠状病毒



Novel Coronavirus


The novel coronavirus, first discovered with a viral pneumonia case in 2019, is a new strain of coronavirus that had never been found in humans before. The coronaviruses already known can cause cold or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and other diseases of varying degrees.
On February 8, 2020, China’s National Health Commission temporarily named the pneumonia infected by the novel coronavirus as “novel coronavirus pneumonia” in Chinese. The commission issued the Guidelines on the Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment (Provisional 6th Edition) on February 19, pointing out that respiratory droplets and close unprotected contacts are the main routes of transmission, and that transmission through aerosols is possible in the case of long-term exposure to high concentration aerosols in a relatively closed environment. The main signs and symptoms of the infected people include fever, dry cough and fatigue, and the incubation period varies from 1 to 14 days. Currently there is no vaccine available against the disease.
The WHO temporarily named the new virus as “2019-nCoV” on January 12, and officially named the pneumonia infected by the virus “COVID-19” on February 11. “CO” stands for corona, “VI” for virus, “D” for disease, and “19” for the year 2019 in which the disease was first discovered.


2. 人传人



Human-to-Human Transmission


After the disclosure of “pneumonia caused by unknown reasons” by Wuhan Municipal Health Commission on December 31, 2019, there had been no clear answer to whether the virus could be transmitted from human to human until January 20, 2020. On that day Academician Zhong Nanshan, who heads China’s COVID-19 Expert Team and the High-level Expert Group of the NHC, made it clear in an interview that there was a phenomenon of human-to-human transmission for the novel coronavirus. This scientific judgment has given the public a deeper and clearer understanding of the disease. Since then, strict prevention and control measures have been enforced throughout the country. 
On January 21, the WHO stated that the latest reported infection information suggested persistent human-to-human transmission. In an interview on February 18, Zhong Nanshan pointed out that to effectively stop human-to-human transmission of the virus, there must be separation of healthy people from the infected, and separation of COVID-19 patients from flu patients.


3. 国际关注的突发公共卫生事件



Public Health Emergency of International Concern


On January 30, 2020, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared in Geneva the novel coronavirus outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern.”
According to the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), a public health emergency of international concern is an unusual event that poses public health risk to other countries through international spread of the disease and may require a coordinated international response. After an epidemic has been declared a public health emergency of international concern, member states of the WHO all have the legal responsibility to respond quickly.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that he was impressed by the mobilization of the Chinese leadership and the Chinese people to fight against the epidemic, noting that China has taken extraordinary measures to contain the outbreak and is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response. He highly appreciated China’s commitment to transparency and to protecting the world’s people, and stressed that the WHO believed that China’s epidemic could be contained and doesn’t recommend and actually opposes any restrictions for travel and trade or other measures against China.
Since the entry into force of the IHR (2005), the WHO has announced six public health emergencies of international concern: the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, the 2014 Ebola epidemic, the 2014 wild poliovirus epidemic, the 2016 Zika virus epidemic, the 2019 Ebola epidemic, and the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic.



International Aid


1. 国际社会积极合作与援助 



Cooperation of and Aid from the International Community


At the meeting held on February 23 on coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, Xi Jinping noted that public health security is a common challenge to human beings as a whole, and all countries need to join hands to deal with it.
After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Xi Jinping has met with visiting WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, and Mongolian President Khaltmaa Battulga. He has also communicated on the phone with the leaders of France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Indonesia, Qatar, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Chile and Cuba. Xi expressed appreciation for their support and aid, introduced China’s progress in virus combat and confidence in development, and exchanged views with these leaders on promoting international cooperation and advancing bilateral ties.
By the end of February, more than 170 state leaders and over 40 heads of international and regional organizations had sent written or oral messages, or issued statements to express sympathy and support for China. International organizations including the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS, the ASEAN, the AU, the League of Arab States, the Latin American Community, and the Group of 77 have expressed their confidence and support for China’s action against the virus. Many influential politicians around the world have publicly voiced encouragement and support to Wuhan and China, while more than 50 countries and international organizations have made donations and provided solid assistance to China. 
The international community has given China valuable spiritual support and material assistance, building broad consensus on facing difficulties and fighting epidemic together. And the friendship between foreign people and the Chinese people has been significantly promoted in the battle against COVID-19.
During the process of fighting epidemic, China has won universal recognition and praise for its rapid and decisive actions. It has fulfilled its commitment of building a global community of shared future, demonstrated the image of a responsible major country, and made significant contributions to the global public health. The international community widely recognizes China’s determined and effective prevention and control measures and is impressed by its extraordinary abilities in leading and mobilizing the Chinese people to respond to the outbreak, which has set a good example for the global epidemic prevention. Its experience in dealing with infectious disease and advancing global governance on public health provides an important reference for the international community. 
While fighting the epidemic in an all-round way, China has actively and voluntarily cooperated with and shared information with the WHO and the international community, swiftly shared the genome sequence of some strains, and successfully developed rapid testing kits. These moves indicate that China not only shoulders responsibilities for the Chinese people’s life and health, but also brings a major benefit to global epidemic prevention and control. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that China has made great sacrifices to fight the epidemic and prevent the virus from spreading to others, and has made contributions to humanity. Some international authoritative professional journals point out that China has paved the way for the international scientific community to join the fight against epidemic and laid the foundation for global mobilization of scientific research cooperation.
To prevail over a disease that threatens all, unity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon. In the face of the epidemic, improving global governance on major infectious diseases and promoting international ordination is the high priority. Only when each country assumes its morality and responsibility, can we finally win the victory of the global fight against the epidemic.


2. 世界卫生组织大力支持和帮助




Strong WHO Support and Assistance


Since the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO has been highly concerned with the epidemic. It has not only given understanding, support and affirmation to China’s prevention and control efforts, but also fully cooperated with China on the fight against the epidemic.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus visited China on January 28 to investigate the COVID-19 epidemic. An advance team of WHO international experts led by Canadian epidemiologist and emergency expert Dr. Bruce Aylward arrived in China on February 10 to work with their Chinese counterparts. 
On February 16, the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 began to work by visiting Beijing and the provinces of Guangdong, Sichuan and Hubei respectively. After conducting filed investigation, asking about epidemic and treatment situation, and learning from Chinese experience in epidemic prevention and control, they carried out technical exchanges and deepened mutual trust and cooperation. 
At the press conference the joint team held in Beijing on February 24, Dr. Bruce Aylward noted that China’s unprecedented public health responses to the COVID-19 outbreak have yielded notable results in controlling human-to-human transmission of the virus, and “averted and probably prevented at least tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands, of cases.” China is taking prudent, phased and orderly steps to gradually restore order in social, economic, education and healthcare sectors, and other countries should swiftly reassess the measures taken toward China. He also said the world needs to learn from China’s experience and recognize what the people of Wuhan have done to the world, and the world is in their debt. With the disease finishes, he said, he hopes he has the chance to thank the people of Wuhan on behalf of the world again.
In response to the fake news and stigmatization emerging amid the epidemic, the WHO has made judges based on science and evidence, tried to communicate with and coordinate mainstream information channels, actively clarified the actual situations, constantly called for all parties to stick to the truth, boycott rumors, maintain confidence and strengthen cooperation, and ensured the public have access to authoritative information. 
Statistics models provided by some WHO experts showed that China’s measures on movement restriction have delayed the dissemination of the outbreak two or three days within China and two or three weeks outside China. 
The WHO has spoken positively of and fully affirmed China’s efforts to contain the novel coronavirus. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the quick speed and massive scale of China’s response to coronavirus is rarely seen in the world and shows the advantages of China’s system. He called for other countries to emulate China’s experience. China’s large-scale prevention and control action has brought time for the world and made the world safer. Moreover, WHO officials and experts including Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Bruce Aylward have expressed commendation, respect and appreciation to China’s medical professionals on many occasions.

3. 日本:山川异域,风月同天




Japan: Miles Apart, but Close at Heart.


The international community has given great understanding and support to China in its fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. Japan and China are neighbors that always offer mutual assistance in times of hardship. The Japanese government and the Japanese people took immediate action to provide aid materials and voice support, bringing encouragement and warmth to the Chinese government and the Chinese people.
“Miles apart, but close at heart.” This was a two-line poem written in Chinese by the Japanese HSK Bureau on the boxes of supplies it donated to China in its fight against the novel coronavirus. As the poem describes, while mountains and rivers separate China and Japan, the two countries enjoy the same moonlight under the same sky. Also quoted by former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama in a video message sent to show his support to Wuhan, the poem has brought the people of the two countries closer, and has evoked a significant moment in the history of cultural exchanges between China and Japan. 
The poem was composed by Prince Nagaya of Japan more than 1,000 years ago. During his reign, Japan often sent ambassadors to China to learn Buddhism and Chinese culture. The hymn was embroidered on 1,000 Buddhist robes that Prince Nagaya sent to the Chinese monks. Moved by the Prince’s hymn, Jianzhen (688-763), the renowned Buddhist master and traveler of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), decided to go on a voyage to Japan despite hardship, promoting friendly exchanges between the two countries.
As an old Chinese saying goes, “You toss me a peach, I give you a white jade in return.” In mid-to-late February, as confirmed patients increased in Japan, China donated a batch of COVID-19 nucleic acid testing kits to Japan and strengthened information sharing. These benign interactions demonstrate that the two countries share an inextricably linked destiny and cooperate to protect regional and international public health security.


4. 科摩罗:千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重








Comoros: It Is the Kindness That Counts.


The Comoros-China Friendship Association of Comoros, which is an island nation in the Indian Ocean, donated 100 euros to support China’s efforts in dealing with the epidemic. The picture of He Yanjun, Chinese ambassador to Comoros, holding two 50-euro notes beside Moussa, chairman of the association, received a lot of “likes” and “forward” on the overseas social media. The Chinese people believe it is the kindness that counts.
As a country that bases its economy on agriculture and fishery, Comoros relies heavily on imports of grains and daily necessities. It is considered one of the least developed countries by the United Nations, as the ordinary workers in the country earn less than 10 yuan a day, and 45% of its population live in extreme poverty. China was the first country to recognize the independence of Comoros and established diplomatic relations with the country. 
The association originally intended to donate a box of facemasks, but did not get any in local supermarkets and pharmacies, so they decided to donate 100 euros instead, as a symbolic gesture to show their support to China in the fight against the epidemic. One hundred euros was equivalent to 760.41 yuan at the exchange rate in February 2020. It was equivalent to the earnings of an ordinary worker in Comoros in two months.
As an old Chinese saying goes, “Only heart-to-heart exchanges can last long.” Comoros’ kindness has won the hearts of the Chinese people, as it demonstrates that both China and the African country have shown their politeness to the world through their philosophies of life and conduct.


5. 巴铁信任值千金



The Trust of “Iron Pak” Is Worth More Than Gold.


China and Pakistan are all-whether strategic cooperative partners who enjoy a tradition of mutual assistance. After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Pakistan immediately voiced solidarity with China, offering donations and assistance despite its own difficulties, and maintaining all bilateral regular exchanges. It has made solid moves to show trust and support to China.
On February 10, the Pakistani Parliament and Senate separately passed a resolution to support China in its fight against the epidemic. The resolutions extended appreciation to the Chinese government for protecting Pakistani students studying in China amid the epidemic, and expressed willingness to fully cooperate with China. 
On February 21, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan called Chinese President Xi Jinping to express sympathy and support. Because of China’s effective prevention and control efforts, the COVID-19 has not spread around the world, he said, adding that the whole world should commend and appreciate China’s efforts and achievements in containing the virus, and no other country can do better than China. Xi emphasized that China and Pakistan are true friends and good brothers who share weal and woe, and China will take good care of Pakistani brothers and sisters in China the same way as its own citizens.
According to media reports, Pakistan tapped into its national hospital reserves to donate medical materials, including medical masks, protective suits and gloves, to China. Pakistani students and merchants in China have also donated money and goods to support China’s fight against the epidemic. All these acts of kindness have shown the two countries’ true brotherhood and proved that China and Pakistan, as members of a community with a shared future, always stand together and help each other in difficult and odd times.



Brave Fighters


1. 钟南山:新冠肺炎疫情科研攻关专家组组长



Zhong Nanshan, Head of China’s COVID-19 Expert Team


Zhong Nanshan is director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a leading Chinese expert in preventing and treating respiratory infectious diseases. 
During the outbreak of SARS in 2003, Zhong led a group of scientists to explore effective prevention and treatment measures. His team was the first to formulate a set of standards for clinical diagnosis of SARS, which was recognized by the WHO experts as significantly valuable for the global combat against SARS. Guangdong province, where Zhong worked, was one of the SARS-hit areas with the highest cure rate and the lowest mortality rate in the world.
When the novel coronavirus epidemic broke out in early 2020, the 84-year-old Zhong returned to the battlefield and was appointed to head both China’s COVID-19 Expert Team and the High-level Expert Group of the NHC. After his field trip to Wuhan, he warned in a TV interview that there was a phenomenon of human-to-human transmission for the novel coronavirus. During the outbreak, Zhong educated the public about the virus, updated them on the trend of the epidemic as well as relative drug R&D. He also led his team to focus on curing severe cases, critically ill cases and cases with complex diseases. He is hailed by the Chinese people as a “national idol” and a “one-of-a-kind talent.”


2. 李兰娟:国家传染病重点学科带头人


在新冠肺炎疫情蔓延之际, 73岁的李兰娟率医疗队抵达武汉。在收治危重患者的定点医院,李兰娟不分昼夜地工作,向公众普及病毒知识、与医护人员商讨诊疗方案,每天只睡3个小时。在到达武汉后的第3天,李兰娟院士团队发布了重大研究成果,称阿比朵尔、达芦那韦两款药物能够有效抑制新型冠状病毒。随后,阿比朵尔列入《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)》。

Li Lanjuan: Pioneer of Epidemiology


Li Lanjuan is a Chinese epidemiologist, a member of the High-level Expert Group of the NHC, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. She has undertaken the tasks of diagnosis, treatment and research for infectious diseases such as the SARS, the hand-foot-and-mouth disease, post-quake epidemics and the H1N1 flu virus. She has made many groundbreaking achievements in the prevention and control of the H7N9 flu virus, and has contributed greatly to the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in China.
Amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the 73-year-old Li Lanjuan led a medical team to Wuhan and worked day and night at the designated hospitals for treating severe cases. She educated the public about the virus, discussed the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment with other medical workers, and slept only three hours a day. 
Three days after arriving in Wuhan, Li’s team announced an important research achievement, indicating that Arbidol and Darunavir could effectively curb the virus. Arbidol was later added in the Guidelines on the Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment (Provisional 6th Edition).


3. 刘智明:因患新冠肺炎不幸殉职的武昌医院院长



Liu Zhiming: Hospital Chief Who Died of COVID-19


Liu Zhiming was president of Wuchang Hospital in Wuhan. On January 21, his hospital was urgently turned into a designated hospital for treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus. Since then, Liu had stuck to his post and kept working on the front line without a single day away from the hospital. On January 24, large numbers of confirmed cases were admitted to the hospital, and Liu was unfortunately diagnosed with the coronavirus. While being treated in the isolation ward, Liu still inquired about the patients every day and kept working until the end of his life.
Liu passed away at the age of 51 on February 18. He was the first hospital chief to die of the virus. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus mourned the passing of Liu, saying that he had touched and saved numerous lives in the COVID-19 outbreak. By February 22, more than 400 severe cases had been cured and discharged from Wuchang Hospital.
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