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Welcome to use PMG40 pipe layer manufactured by Pipeline Man Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. We are dedicated to provide the good quality product and reliable service. 
PMG40 pipelayer is developed and reliable pipe work machinery with microcontroller after absorbing oversea pipelayer developed technology. It is mainly for pipe laying, fit-up and trench lowering etc. Chassis (specially used for pipe layer) is adopted for pipe layer and the pipe layer consists of engine, transfer box, hydraulic torque converter, planet power gear shift box, final transmission and track travel device. Hydrostatic open transmission is adopted for the hoist system. It consists of left and right frame, boom, combined winch, pulley, hydraulic pump, plug-in valves and torque limitor etc. 
This manual is made for your better understanding of PMG40 pipelayer use and maintenance. As the technical document with the equipment, this manual is to be used by operators, maintenance personnel and equipment managing personnel. Please read this manual carefully before use and use the pipelayer according to this manual. It is very important for safely use and equipment life extension. The pipelayer is the special hoist equipment, thus the operator shall be with the qualification cerficate. The operator shall be dedicated for pipelayer and the unauthorized personnel is not allowed to operate the pipelayer.    
This manual is the general instruction of the pipelayer. There are particular manuals for all functional parts. During use, please read other manuals as well apart from this manual for all parts. 
The manual should be kept in the file in the operation cabin or behind operator’s seat to get and read it easier. 
Due to product upgradation and customer requirement variation, we will continuously improve product characteristics and performance, thus please understand that we may not renew the content of the manual timely accordingly. 
The product is under improvement and development; therefore you are requested to give your valuable suggestions and advice so that we can further improve our product according to your suggestion. 
第一章 安全 Chapter I Safety
1.1安全标牌 Safety sign board
The following caution marks and safety sign boards are applicable to PMG40 pipelayer:
Please fully and correctly understand the position and content of the safety sign board.
The safety sign board shall be provided in the correct position and maintained its cleaness to ensure it can be read. The organic solvent and petrol is not allowed to clean the board to prevent drop-off. 
Clean other boards in the same way of above safety sign boards.  
If the boards are damaged, missing or unavailable, be sure have it replaced. Please refer to this manual or the board for the detailed parts number and place the order to dealer of Pipeline Man Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd to purchase it. 
1.1.1安全标牌位置图 Safety Sign Board Position Figure
1.1.2安全标牌Safety Sign Board
(1)超负载警示 TYBP.14 Overload warning board TYBP.14  
Overload warning (TYBP.14) is on the projected area of right hand operation console.
If the load exceeds the maximum load capacity, pipe layer roll-over may occur which may cause body injury. The rated load capacity is calculated presuming that the pipelayer is parked on the leveling concreting floor with the counterweight fully extension. In case pipelayer parks on the slope, loose soil or unlevelled ground, the capacity will be lower than rated capacity. 
(2)防碾压标识 TYBP.08  Anti-rolling board TYBP.08
Anti rolling board TYBP.08 is in both sides of oil tanks. 
Danger! Stay away from the pipelayer when it is working to avoid body injury. 
(3)防火标牌TYBP.06   Fire proof board TYBP.06
Fire proof board TYBP.06 is in the left side above oil tank inlet.
Be cautious when filling oil into oil tank, smoking is not allowed. Do not fill oil in the place close to the flame or spark. Ensure engine shutoff before oil filling. 
燃油加注口标牌TYBP.11   Fuel inlet board TYBP.11
Fuel oil inlet board TYBP.11 is above left side of oil inlet top. 
Caution: 1. Select the diesel oil label number according to the environment temperature; 2. Screw down the cap tightly to prevent oil leakage or unwanted material entering fuel tank.
 (4)吊臂警示标识 TYBP.07 Boom warning board TYBP.07
吊臂警示标识(TYBP.07)位于吊臂两侧      Boom warning board TYBP.07 is placed in both sides of booms.  
During operation of the pipelayer or the material suspending, do not stand under the boom. In addition, do not stand on the lifting material or on the ground under the lifting material. Otherwise body injury may occur. 
(5)吊点标牌TYBP.03  Hook board TYBP.03             
The hook board is in the both sides of track chain. 
Use the lifting points specified in this manual and select the lifting device which is safe enough to lift the material. 
(6) 避开电线标牌TYBP.02  Anti-collision with electric wire board TYBP.02
Anti-collision with wire borad TYBP.02 is in the left side of pipelayer head.
Electrocaution! The pipelayer and its parts shall be kept certain safety distance with the power supply wire.  Please read the related content in this manual. 
(7) 防挤压标牌TYBP.04  Anti-Extrusion board TYBP.04
防挤压标牌(TYBP.04)位于吊管机的配重支臂上侧。Anti-Extrusion board TYBP.04 is in the counterweight holder upside. 
Danger! Do not stand near the area where pipelayer is under operation or counterweight is in extension. 
During pipelayer repair, provide the proper support under the extended counterweight. 
Body injury may occur if the pipelayer is not operated as per this manual. 
(8) 阅读说明书标牌(驾驶室) TYBP.16      
Read manual reminder board (operation cabin) TYBP.16
Read manual reminder board (TYBP.16) is in the right hand side of the projected area in the operation console. 
Do not operate the pipelayer before reading this manual and fully understanding the instruction and warning. Body injury or death may occur in case of non-compliance of the instruction or warning. 
避开电线标牌TYBP.02  Anti-collision with electric wire board TYBP.02
避开电线标牌(TYBP.02)位于驾驶台的右手控制台的上部突台上部。Anti-collision with electric wire board TYBP.02 is on the projected area of right hand operation console. 
During operation, the pipelayer shall be kept certain safety distance with the power supply. Please read the related content in this manual.
安全带警示TYBP.15  Seat belt board TYBP.15
Seat belt board (TYBP.15) is on the top of right hand of operaion console. 
During pipelayer moving, fasten selt belt all the times to prevent severe injury or death if the pipelayer collapse.  
1.2 安全守则 Safety Rules
1.2.1安全原则 Safety Principle
Please read “PMG40 Pipelayer Operation and Maintenance Manual” (hereinafter called Maunal) before use. The running-in, operation and maintenance shall be done as per the manual strictly. 
Operator can use the pipelayer after training and being qualified only. In case of any problem found during operation such as high temperature of hydraulic oil, low pressure of engine oil, high temperature of water or abnormal noise of transmission parts etc, operator shall stop working and check the pipelayer timely. Restart the pipelayer after problems are resolved. Sound horn before moving. 
操作者必须反应灵敏, 身体健康, 不得吸食影响视力、听力、反应力或判断能力的物品,了解驾驶室内部件的使用方法。
Operator should be health and should not drink or eat the thing which affects sight, hearing, reaction or judge ability. The operator shall be familiar with the components in the operation cabin.  
Although precaution has been taken, in case any incidents such as hurt by pipelayer or track chain, oil into eyes, burn by hot disel oil or antifreeze entering eyes etc, please see the doctor immediately. 
Do not remove the lead sealing area such as disel oil injection pump etc. Any fault found, have the parts to checked and repaired by professional personnel.  
CD-4 or above degree lubrication oil shall be used for disel engine. New and used lub oil mixing and different type lub oil mixing is strictly prohibited. 
Operation and maintenance shall be done as per safety rules, precaution measures and this manual. 
During operation, ensure all personnel understand the gusture and command signal. 
If any problem found, stop the operation and check the same. It can be started again only after no any problem is observed. 
The pipelayer shall be used under 3000m altitude elevation. The capacity will be decreased with increasing of altitude elevation. If it is used in the higher elevation for long time, parts will be damaged. It is advised to use plateau type pipelayer manufactured by our company. 
1.2.2 安全装置 Safety Device
All safety guards or covers shall be in correct place. Make sure have the damaged parts repaired. 
Use the safety device such as operation safety lever and seat belt etc correctly. 
To keep the pipelayer in a good working condition, dismantle of any part is not allowed. 
Severe body injury or death may occur due to wrong use of safety device. 
1.2.3 服务和个人防护工具                           Service and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Do not wear loose clothes / ornaments or loose long hair due to it may be getting caught by operation lever and movable parts causing severe body injury or even death. 
Do not wear the greasy clothes to prevent fire. 
During operation and maintenance, the personnel must wear safety helmet, protection glasses, mask, gloves and safety shoes. If there are sweepings and other particle, personnel must wear helmet, hardening safety helmet and thick gloves, particulary when hammer the pin by hammer or use compressed air to clean air filter core, personnel must check the persons around. 
1.2.4未经许可的改装 Unapproved Refit
Any unapproved refit may bring risk, so if any please contact with PipelineMan Company. Pipeline Man will not be liable for any damage or body injury due to unapproved refit. 
1.2.5离开驾驶室座椅前一定要加锁                        Do lock the pipelayer when leave the operation cabin
When the operator leaves the operation cabin, make sure the operation safety lever and brake must be locked, otherwise the pipelayer may start suddenly due to movement of the unlocked operation lever which may cause severe body injury or equipment damage. 
When leave the pipelayer, operator shall lower the lifting material on the ground, lock the operation safety lever and shutoff the engine. Lock all devices and take the keys with him. 
1.2.6 上下车辆 Operator getting on/off
When getting on and getting off the pipelayer, do not jump. 
When getting on/off, stand towards the pipelayer; contact the pipelayer at least 3 points (i.e. both hands and single foot or both feet and single hand) to ensure safety. 
Do not hold any operation lever during getting on/off. 
Check handrail and ladders when getting on/off. If any oil stain or greasy filth found, remove it immediately. Check and repair the damaged parts and tighten the loose bolts timely.  
在上下设备时, 不要将控制机构、软管当成扶手。控制装置和软管不能提供刚性支持,且控制装置的活动会造成设备或机构突然运动。
When getting on/off the pipelayer, do not take the operation lever and hose as the armrest. The operation lever and hose bear the force and the operation device movement will cause the equipment or machinery suddenly move.  
1.2.7 油料的防火 Oil fire proof
Feul oil, engine oil and antifreeze are flammable material that is easy to cause fire. 
The oil shall be kept away from flame. 
During oil filling, engine shall be shutoff and smoking is not allowed. 
Tighten the cap of feul oil tank and engine oil tank. 
Fuel oil or lubrication oil filling should be done in the well ventilated place. 
Keep the fuel oil and lubrication oil in the designated place. Unauthorized entry is not allowed.
1.2.8 高温时操作的安全措施                       Operation safety measures in the high temperature condition  
The engine cooling water, engine oil and hydraulic oil are in the high temperature and high pressure condition when just stopping operation. At this time, if remove the cover to discharge oil and water or replace the filter, the severe burn injury will be occurred. The above work shall be done as per operation rules when the temporary is getting lower.  
To prevent spilling of hot water or hot oil, ensure the engine already shutoff before removing the cap. When water and oil cooled, screw the cap up slowly to release the high pressure air and then the cap can be removed. 
1.2.9 防止被挤伤或切伤                               
To avoid crushing injury or cut injury
Do not put your hands, arms or other parts of your body into the moving parts (such as operating parts and oil tank or body and moving parts etc.). When pipelayer working, the clearance will be changed which may cause severe injury. 
1.2.10 使用防翻架的注意事项                          Notes of using anti-tipping over frame 
If anti-tipping over frame has been installed, do not move it when the pipelayer is working. 
The purpose to set the anti-tipping over frame is to protect the operator if tipping over happens. It can not only bear the load when pipelayer falls, but also absorb the impaction produced by tipping over. 
The product of Pipeline Man Company is in compliance with ISO standard; unapproved refit or damage after tipping over may decline the strength, so it will not meet the design requirement. The anti tipping over frame can be used after repair or refit in the proper way only. 
Althrough the anti tipping over frame installed, it can not protect operator if operator was not use seat belt properly. Thus, please ensure to fasten seat belt. 
1.2.11关于选装件的注意事项 Notes of optional parts 
Read the optainal manual and this manual before install and use the optional parts. 
Do not use the optional parts which were not approved by Pipeline Man Company or our dealer. Unapproved parts will cause risk or affect the pipelayer running and decrease equipment life. 
Our company will not assume the responsibility of injury, incident and machine fault due to erection of unapproved optional parts. 
1.3安全规程 Safety rules
1.3.1 启动发动机之前 Before start engine
现场安全 Site safety
Check site and observe the abnormal situation which will bring the risk before engine start. 
Survy the terrain and soil and choose the best work methodology. Do not work in the place where loose material may fall from heigh. 
When working on the road, a dedicated person for traffic command shall be engaged and hard barrication shall be provided to ensure the safety traffic and passengers. 
When working in the place where under ground facilities such as water pipe, petrol gas line or HV cable etc. is there, pls contact concern agency to confirm the exact location of the pipeline. Do not damage the pipeline during work. 
Remove all flammable material such as excelsior, leaves or paper on the engine cover to prevent fire. 
Check leakage of fuel oil, lub oil and hydraulic oil. 
Ensure one set of extinguisher with good quality. 
Operating is not allowed near flame. 
     在驾驶室里 Operation cabin interior
Keep operation cabin clean and ensure there is no oil, grease, snow etc on the floor, operation lever, pedal and handrail. 
Check damage or abrasion of seat belt, anchor and other small part. If any damage, have it replaced. Fasten seat belt during working. 
Do not bring flammable and explosive articals into operation cabin. 
No smoking in operation cabin. 
     密闭空间的通风 Ventilation in the confine space
If running engine in the confined space, sufficient ventilation shall be ensured to prevent death due to emission produced by engine. 
Notes of back mirror, windows and lights
Clean all windows and lights to ensure the clear eyesight. 
Adjust the back mirror, so that you can see the road clearly. In case of crack on the mirror, replace it immediately.  
Ensure the top light and work light is working.
1.3.2 操作机器 Pipelayer operation
     当启动引擎时  When engine start
Be sure the operation lever in neutral position before starting or operation.
Before getting on the pipelayer, check around and ensure there is no any person or obstacle. 
Work can be started after operator is seated well in operation cabin only. 
Unauthorized person is not allowed to enter operation cabin or get on the pipelayer. 
Ensure the reversing horn is in proper functional. 
While starting engine, start-up time should be no more than 20 seconds when keys turn to “START”; secondary start up shall be at least 2 minutes later after first start-up. 
After start up, throttle the accelerator and then engine oil pressure will increase. After that the pipelayer can start work in intermediate or low speed. Warm up at least 5 minute before start loading. Engine should be shut off after 3-5 minutes idling, but not shutoff when water is excessive overheated. 
During new engine running-in period, engine ilding or full load operation must be no more than 5 minutes. After running-in period, engine idling time must be less than 10 minutes.  
During operation, persons should keep away from rotary parts. Do not remove the parts under running condtion. Extend more attention to safety when checking the parts. Once engine is out of control and extinguisher is out of service, cut off the oil supply and the air supply to force engine shutoff. Ensure body and machine safety during operation. 
Do not continuously run the engine if the coolant temperature is lower than 60℃ or higher than 100℃. If happenes, resolve the issues immediately to prevent damage of engine. 
     倒车时的检查Check pipelayer when reversing 
Before operation of pipelayer or working device, precaution to be taken as follows:
Horn to the persons around pipelayer. 
Confirm nobody standing around, particularly standing backside of pipelayer.
If required, engage dedicted person for safety inspection, particularly during pipelayer reversing. 
Engage dedicated person for traffic command in case the pipelayer is working in the risky or dark area. 
Nobody is allowed to enter the route of pipelayer moving. 
行车注意事项 Notes of travelling
During travelling on the rough road, travel in the low speed and turn smoothly to avoid steering sharply. 
Cell phone is not allowed to use during operation. 
Any problem of engine or operation lever found during travalling, stop the pipelayer immediately for maintenance. 
    在斜坡上行驶 Travalling on the slope
Do not travel transverse with slope. Working on the slope more than 20o is not allowed. 
Do not make a turn on the slope. 
Do not travel on the grassland, leaves or wet steel plate which may cause slipping of pipelayer.If travel along the edge of slope, keep the speed very slow. 
When downward on the slope, travel slowly and use engine to brake. 
If engine shut down on the slope, slam the brake immediately.
If the pipelayer stoped for long time, put the sleeper to block track chain. 
During full load working condition, prevent suddenly start, turn or brake. 
    保证良好的视野 Keep the good eyesight
Work light and top light shall be used when working in dark area and the site illumination device shall be provided. 
When working in foggy, snowy or rainy weather, work should be stopped. Work can start only when the weather become fine. 
在松软的地面施工时 Work on the loose earth
Keep a certain distance with cliff and ditch, otherwise tipping over may happen which will cause death. Be sure to keep in mind that the soil bearing load shall be declined after rain. 
Soil near gully is looser and may collapse due to the load and vibration of pipelayer. 
When working in area where stone or gravel may fall, fall prevention device must be provided. 
When working in the area where stone may fall or pipelayer may tipping over, anti-tipping over device and seat belt must be provided. 
其他注意事项 Other notes
When pipelayer cross the railway, it should be in low speed and the travelling direction should be perpendicular with railway. At this time, do not shut off the pipelayer.   
Place more attention when working in tunnel, under bridge or in the warehouse. Do not damage the operation parts. 
Do not drive and operate the pipelayer near cable as electric shock may happen causing severe body injury or equipment damage. If work is required to be done around the cable, operate pipelayer according to the following requirement: 
Before working, inform local power management authority to take necessary action. Work can be started after their approval.  
Electric shock and further fire disaster may happen if pipelayer is near the HV cable, thus a certain distance shall be kept with the cable. Before operating, please fully aware of the local power authority’s regulation. 
电缆电压 Cable voltage 安全距离 Safety distance
100V—200V 大于2m  More than  2m
6600V 大于2m  More than  2m
22000V 大于3m  More than  3m
66000V 大于4m  More than  4m
154000V 大于5m  More than  5m
187000V 大于6m  More than  6m
257000V 大于7m  more than  7m
500000V 大于11m  more than  11m
1.3.3  起重操作安全 Hoist operation safety
Check boom, counterweight mechanism and hydraulic system to ensure it is working without any damage before hoist. 
Hoist operation shall be done as per crane general safety regulation. 
Unauthorized reset of start pressure of hydraulic system safety valve is strictly prohibited. If necessary, pressure shall be reset by professional personnel; the reset pressure shall be compliance with this manual. 
Load capacity shall be less than the rated capacity. Overload is strictly prohibited. 
During operation, ensure boom, hook, wire rope and lifting material shall be under balance condition. 
Signal man is a must for hoist. Observe boom end moving and load during working. 
Horn before operaton. 
Do not stand under the boom during work.
Do not stand on the lifting material or on the ground under the lifting material. 
Wire rope must be checked before hoist and work can start after confirming wirerope is safe. At least 3 circles wirerope should be wound on the hoisting barral. 
Observe the hook during hoist to avoid overwinding and risk. 
When travelling with load, pipelayer shall be in first gear and the load shall be no more than 70% of rated load. If the load is around 60% of the rated load, the slope shall not more than 10o. 
During work, operator shall not leave operation cabin. If he has to leave, release the lifting material on the ground. 
After operation, all working mechanism shall be kept in non-working condition and then engine can be shutoff. Shutoff with load is not allowed. 
Luffing and driving is allowed when hoisting to a certain height. 
During operation, thing which has nothing to do with operation such as adjustment and cleaning is not allowed. 
1.3.4运输 Transportation装卸 Loading & Unloading
During loading and unloading, there is potential hazard, so the personnel shall pay more attention. The transportation and running of pipelayer shall be in low speed.  
Have the wheel and inclined plate blocked by wood before loading & unloading. 
Use the inclinded plates with the sufficient strength and length & width to make the safe ramp. 
Ensure firm fixed plates and both plates shall be on the same level. 
Ensure the plate surface clean without greasy dirt, ice or other loose material. Remove the dirt from pipelayer track chain. 
Do not operate steering rod on the slope. If necessary, withdraw from plates to correct the direction and then go forward to the plate. 
After unloading, put the wood block under track chain to keep the pipelayer stable.装运Transportation 
When transporting the equipment by trailer, regulations and applicable laws of all contries and regions regarding length, width and height shall be followed.
Material length, width and height shall be considered before transportation to avoid the size exceeds the limit one. 
1.3.5  蓄电池 Battery 
The sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte will burn your skin or clothes in case of spilling on it. Flush the sulfuric acid from your skin with flowing water immediately. 
You may be blinding if the sulfuric acid enter your eyes; in case acid spills into eyes, flush your eyes with plenty of water and see the doctor immediately. 
If carelessly drink some acid, please drink plenty of water, milk, eggs or rape oil. See the doctor immediately. 
Wear protection glasses when handling the battery. 
Hydrogen produced by battery is explosive and easy to burn by a few sparks or flame. 
Before handling battery, shut off the engine and put the switch “OFF”. 
During removal or installation of battery, cathode/anode pole to be identified. 
Fasten battery cover tightly. 
Fasten the loose electrode to avoid spark and further explosion. 
不要用金属物放在电瓶两极之间检测电瓶的充电状况,这将产生火花可能引起爆炸. 只能用电压表来检测。
Do not put metal between two poles of battery cell for checking charging. It will produce spark and then cause explosion. Voltmeter is allowed to use only. 
Before maintenance of LV DC electrical equipment, switch off power supply to prevent wire burn and danger.  
1.3.6 用充电电缆启动 Startup with charging cable
Wear protection glasses before startup by changing cable.
Machine can not contact each other if startup by other machine’s battery. 
When using charging cable, connect anode pole first; when removal, remove the cathode pole first. 
Spark will be produced when any tool contact anode pole and chassis at same time. As it is very dangerous, be caution to operate. 
For the parallel battery, anode pole shall connect to cathode pole, vice versa.
Ensure the reliable connection of ground wire and the started pipelayer.  
1.3.7 拖拽 Traction
Tie the rope with traction pin when traction. 
Wrong traction way may cause body injury or equipment damage. 
If dragged by other vehicle, use the rope which has sufficient strength. 
Do not drag vehicle on the slope.
Curly and kinky traction rope is not allowed. 
Do not stride over or stand near the traction rope. 
Nobody is allowed to stand between the vehicles when traction. 
The center line of two vehicles shall be same and correct. 
Rigid connector must be provided when traction by pipelayer. Precaution shall be taken to avoid incident. 
1.3.8 进行保养前 Work to be done before maintenance
适当的工具 Proper tools
Good quality tools must be used; any damaged, inferior or defective tools may bring injury. 
    定期更换关键安全部件 Replace the essential safety parts regularly 
Replace the aging parts regularly such as oil inlet hose, oil return hose and hydraulic system pump distribution hose and branch hose.  
No matter the above parts seems damaged or not, replace the same regularly as it is aging gradually. 
Any defective found, replace it immediately even it does not reach the replacing time. 
    检查和保养前先停止发动机 Shut off engine before checking and maintenance
Park the vehicle on the level and firm ground, shut off engine and remove the key before checking and maintenance. Otherwise, other personnel may start engine or move operation lever during checking and maintenance. It may hurt you. 
During maintenance of parts in the operation condition such as clearance of radiator interior, operation safety lever must be locked. Two personnel must be engaged and one of them should sit in operation cabin so that he can shut off the engine immediately when shutoff is required. He must be very carefull to avoid touching the operation lever. 
Maintenace personnel shall pay more attention to aviod touching rotary parts. He should be caution that he is caught by rotary parts. 
1.3.9 进行保养期间 During maintenance
人员 Personnel
Maintenance can be done by authorized person. If hammer must be used during grinding or welding, safety precaution shall be taken. 
配件 Fittings
Fitting removed from pipelayer shall be put in safety place so that it will not drop and fall, otherwise it will cause injury. 
在机器下面工作时 Working under the pipelayer
When maintain pipelayer or repair under the pipelayer, working mechanism shall be put in the lowest place. 
Working under the pipelayer without safety support is not allowed. 
保持车辆清洁 Keep the pipelayer clean
Keep the pipelayer clean at all the times. The oil, grease or loose tools and damaged parts will make persons falling down.   
Do not clean sensors, plugs or operation cabin inside with water or steam. If water enters electrical system, pipelayer will be not able to move or it will move suddenly. 
加燃油和机油的原则 Principle of fuel oil and engine oil filling
Remove the leaked fuel oil and engine oil timely to prevent slipping. 
Fasten the cap of oil inlet. 
Do not clean pipelayer parts by fuel oil. 
Oil filling shall be done in well-ventilation place. 
The selection of specification and type of oil and water shall be based on work circumstance and temperauter. Please refer to “Sheet of fuel oil, cooling water and lubrication oil type and quantity”. 
Do not mix the antifreeze with methyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol to prevent fault of engine. Antifreeze is the flammable liquid; therefore it should be isolated with fire. 
Use soft water as cooling water. Do no use dirty water. No any leakage preventive agent is allowed to add in cooling water. 
Replace or clean all filters regularly.  
Check the cooling water, fuel oil, lubrication oil and working oil etc time to time and fill the above oil as per requirement to ensure the smooth operation of the pipelayer. 
散热器水量 Water quantity of radiator
Shut off engine and cool the engine and radiator before water quantity checking. 
Screw up the cap slowly and release the pressure before remove the cover. 
使用照明 Illumination
Explosion proof lamp shall be used when checking fuel oil, engine oil, cooling fluid or battery electrolity. Otherwise there will be risk of explosion.                                                                                   
Note of battery maintenance
Disconnect the cathode pole of battery when repairing electrical system or welding. 
处理高压软管 Handling high pressure hose
Do not bend or hit the high pressure hose; do not use curly and crackle hose and pipes, otherwise explosion will happen. 
Have the the loose or broken oil pipe repaired. In case of oil leakage, fire disaster will occur. 
处理高压油的注意事项 Notes of high pressure oil handling
Be fully aware that pressure is always in working mechanism oil pipe.
Do not fill oil, discharge oil or maintain the pipelayer before releasing inside pressure. 
In case HP oil leakage happens, it is very dangerous if the oil contact with your skin or eyes. Before handling, wear the protection eyeguard or thick gloves and block the leakage by presspaper or wood plate.  
If you are hurt by HP oil, pls see the doctor immediately. 
Notes of maintenance in the high temperature and high pressure condition
After just stopping work, the cooling water of engine and oil is in high temperature and high pressure. In this case, if remove the cap, discharge water/oil or replace the filter, burn or other injury may occur. Check and maintain according to procedure given by this manual after cooling down. 
旋转的风扇和皮带 Rotating fans and belts
Do not stand close to the optional parts as you may be caught by the rotating parts. 
If your body or tools touch the fan blades, your body wil be cut or the tools are knocked off. 
废弃物 Waste
Do not dump the waste oil into sewer or river. 
Discharge the oil from machine into vessel. Do not dump the oil directly on the ground. 
Please follow the related laws and regulations when handling engine oil, fuel oil, cooling agent, solution, filter, battery or other hazardous or poison material. 
1.3.10 其他安全规则 Other safety rules
Besides the safety rules of engineering mechinery, crane and AC power supply & LV electrical device, the following safety rules also to be followed during using the pipelayer:
Pipelayer shall be operated in good condtion without any fault; particulary it is found when no oil pressure or lower pressure, higher water temperature or any other abnormal found, shut off the pipelayer immediately and solve the faults. 
设备上配备灭火器,操作者应会使用灭火器; 使用灭火器以后, 应立即填充灭火器。
Extinguisher should be provided and the operator must be fully aware how to use the same; refill the extinguisher immediately after use. 
除了操作者以外, 任何人都不得进入驾驶室工作. 不允许未经授权的人员驾驶、保养或修理本设备。
Nobody is allowed to enter into the operation cabin other than the operator; unauthorized person is strictly prohibited to operate, maintain or repair the pipelayer. 
请不要在库房内长时间启动本设备。启动发动机后, 发动机的废气, 能造成人员的昏迷和死亡,应尽快将设备开出库房。 
Do not use the pipelayer in warehouse for long time as too much emission gas will cause unconsciousness and death. Leave the warehouse ASAP.  
在装有电子控制装置的机器和发动机上焊接时,焊接程序必须正确,以防损害电子控制装置及轴承。 要在装有电子控制装置的机器或发动机上焊接,应遵循下列步骤:
When welding on the machine with electronic control device or engine, welding procedure must be correct to prevent damage of electronic control device or bearing. The following procedure should be complied during welding on the machine with electronic control device or the engine:
1. 关掉发动机。
Shut off the engine
Remove the cable which is connected with cathode pole of battery. 
3.用电焊机的地线夹子夹住要焊接的组件。夹子离焊点尽量近些。确保地线到部件的电流不通过任何轴承和密封件。 使用此程序可以降低损坏下列部件的可能性:传动系轴承、液压部件、电气部件等。
To clip the welding parts, use the ground wire clamp of welding machine closely. Ensure the currency from ground wire to parts will not through any bearing or sealing parts. The procedure can reduce the possibility to damage the parts such as transmission bearing, hydraulic parts or electrical parts etc. 
4. 防止焊接时产生的飞溅物及碎屑损伤线束或其它零部件。
Take precaution to protect wire or other parts from damage by spatter or scrap.  
Welding must be done in accordance with the standard procedure. 
1.4 新车试运转规则 New pipelayer trial running rules
Before dispatch, commissioning of pipelayer has been completed; however, operate the pipelayer carefully at the first 100 hours for running-in. 
If the new pipelayer is operated in full load condition in the initial period, the mechanism and function will be declined and the life of pipelayer will be decreased. Thus the new pipelayer shall be operated gentally as per requirements as follows: 
1. 做好吊管机起动前的检查工作;
Check the pipelayer to ensure it is in good condition. 
2. 发动机起动后,怠速运转时不少于5分钟,使其正常升温,逐渐进入工作状态;
After start up, idling operation shall be no less than 5 minites; temperature will be increased and it will become to working condition gradually. 
3. 不要匆忙起步或急促加速及不必要的紧急制动或急转弯;
Do not start hastily, accelerate sharply, use unnecessary emergency brake or swerve suddenly.   
4. 避免重载或高速作业; 
Avoid overload or high speed work;
5. 随时观察,调整,使机车保持正常状态;
Observe and adjust the pipelayer time to time and keep it in norm working condition. 
6. 吊管机经过250小时使用后,应按照最初250小时保养表和下列内容进行保养:
After 250 hours, maintenance shall be conducted as per the first 250 hours maintenance sheet and the following requirement:
a. 最初250小时保养表;The first 250 hours maintenance sheet;
Working time shall be based on the chronograph. 
Check the filter core and its dirt accumulation; if there is much dirt accumulation, find the reason before replacing to eliminate the potential risk. 
7. 如在冬季寒冷季节进行新车磨合,还要考虑冬季冷启动的要求。
Start up requirement in winter season shall be considered if new pipelayer running in happens in winter season. 
第二章 技术规格及性能参数 
Chapter II Technical Specification and Performance Parameter
2.1 设备结构简介 Brief introduction of pipelayer components
PMG40 pipelayer has the chassis dedicated for pipelayer and it consists of engine, transfer case, hydraulic torque converter, planet power shift gear box, final transmission and track chain travelling device. The hoist system adopts transmission by static hydraulic open system and mainly consists of left & right bracket, boom, combined winch, pulley, hydraulic pump, hydraulic valve sets and torque limiter etc.  
1.   发动机:采用重庆康明斯发动机(型号NT855-C280 ),该发动机采用独特的PT燃油系统,涡轮增压进气。发动机重量轻、功率高、扭矩大、油耗低、维修保养简便。大修时间≥10000小时。
The engine (NT855-C280) is manufactured by Chongqing Cummins Co.,Ltd. The specialized PT fuel oil system and turbocharged intake was adopted for the engine. The feature of the engine is lighter weight, higher output, greater torque, lower oil consumption and easier  maintenance etc. the overhaul interval is no less than 10000 hours after use. 
2. 液力变矩器:采用3元件1级1相,变矩系数大,传动平稳。
Hydraulic torque convertor is three elements, single stage and one phase which has the greater torque and more stable transmission. 
3. 行星动力换档变速箱:行星齿轮动力换挡操作轻便、灵活。前进三档,后退三档。终传动为承载能力很高的行星齿轮传动,可靠性高。单边7个支重轮,承载能力大,耐低温,适合吊管机工况。
Planet power shift gear box - the planet power shift operation is light and nimble; there are 3 shifts for forward and reverse respectively. Final transmission is the planet gear transmission with high load capacity. There are 7 track wheels in each side with high load capacity. The box can bear low temperature and is suitable for pipelayer work condition.  
4. 整机液压助力转向,转向离合器:采用湿式多片常闭结合式结构。转向操纵手柄在驾驶座椅侧面,具有很好的操纵舒适性。
Hydraulic power assisted steering and steering clutch- wet multichip normal closed feature is adopted. The steering lever is in seat side which is very convenient to operate.  
5. 吊臂:采用低合金高强度结构钢焊接的箱式A型臂,且外型美观,标配吊臂长度7.5m。
Boom: box type A boom is made of welded steel structure of low alloy metal, high strength and it has nice appearance. The standard length is 7.5m. 
6. 吊臂变幅与吊钩升降系统:均采用行星齿轮传动,内藏在卷筒内,并带有常闭式制动器。两绞车均用液压马达驱动,实现无级调速。该机可达到操纵一次手柄,吊钩只升降1mm的微动性能,适合管对口作业。通过常闭式离合器,起升绞车具有紧急抛载功能,确保人机安全。
Both boom luffing and hook hoist system has the planet gear transmission which is placed inside of wire rope reel with the normal closed brake. Both winches are driven by hydraulic motor to achieve govern speed stepless. The device can do the micro action such as operate lever once and the hook can be up/down 1mm only. It is suitable for pipe line-up. The winch has function of emergency load dump to ensure the safety of equipment and personnel. 
7. 配重机构:采用改进的四连杆结构,结构合理,外伸距离远。
Counterweight mechanism has improved four bar linkage structure. It is reasonable structured and has further extension distance. 
8. 安全装置:发动机、传动系统装有各种仪表,操作人员能够随时掌握各部件运行情况。若有异常,立即关机停车,排除故障。
Safety device: there are various instruments provided for engine and transmission system, so operator can be aware of all parts’ running. If any problem found, operator can shut off the engine and eliminate the fault. 
9. 吊臂限位装置:达到限定角度时,自动切断手柄油源,防止吊臂被拉弯。 Boom limit switch can cut off the lever oil supply automatically when the angle is upto the limit value to avoid the boom exceed the limit angle. 
10. 吊钩限位装置:在吊钩达到最大高度时自行切断液压油路,防止过卷。Hook limit switch will cut off the hydraulic oil supply when hook is up to the maximum height to avoid over winding.  
11. 吊重作业:将该角度下的额定起重力矩及当前起重量显示出来,使用户一目了然,当达到规定值时,自行切断液压油路,防止倾翻,保证了吊管机的安全运行。
Hoist load: it can show the rated hoist torque and the actual hoist torque in each angle to make the user clear the same. When the load is upto the rated value, the hydraulic oil supply will be cut off to prevent tipping over. 
2.2 外形尺寸 Dimensions 
Working condition is such a condition when boom and counterweight installed of which the pipelayer can travel and hoist. The dimension in the condition of counterweight retraction and boom (7.5m) in the minimum angle is shown in the following figure. The value (9292) shows the overall height of pipelayer when install 8.5m boom.  
普通运输状态外形尺寸:Dimensions during normal transportation
Transportation condition means the condition of essential parts of the pipelayer after dismantle and fixing according to Chapter V. The essential parts dimensions is shown in the following figure: 
2.3 起重性能 Hoist Performance
Rated lifting capacity of main hook of PMG40 pipelayer is 38.25t (1.22m from hook center to same side track wheel outer edge). Refer to the following tables for lifting performance chart and lifting performance:
起重能力是设备静止在水平的混凝土地上,配重伸出状态下测定的。 因此在配重收回或斜坡、软地上起重其起重能力会降低。
Lifting capacity is calculated in the condition that the pipelayer counterweight is fully extended and it stays in the level concrete ground. Therefore, the capacity will be deducted in case of retraction of counterweight or working on the loose soil. 
The weight in the table is including the weight of hook and pulley i.e. 0.46t.  
Pipelayer may be tipping over and injury may happen if the lifting load excesses the maximum capacity. 
Lifting capacity during travlling shall be no more than 70% of rated lifting capacity.  
Caution: the lifting load may be greater than what you estimated, therefore althrough the lifting capacity in performance chart is more than estimated capacity (i.e. in the capacity scope of pipelayer), please try to lift slowly and carefully. 
2.4 主机性能参数 Performance Parameter 
最大起重量(t) Maximum lifting capacity 46
Max lifting torque when minimum boom luffing  56.12(46t×1.22m)
Max lifting torque of max boom luffing 50.4(7.2t×7m)  【7.5m吊臂】【7.5m boom】
48.8(6.1t×8m) 【8.5m吊臂】【8.5m boom】
Max hook lifting height  6.4 【7.5m吊臂】【7.5m boom】
7.4 【8.5m吊臂】【8.5m boom】
Lifting speed (8 times) (m/min) 6.2
变幅时间(s) Luffing time 20
底盘型号 Chassis type SD23
发动机型号 Engine type 康明斯NT855-C280  Cummins NT855-C280
Engine rated output(KW/rpm) 169/2000
Tack chain centre distance 2250
Track chain ground connection length(mm)  3050
履带板宽(mm)Track chain width(mm) 660
液压泵型号Hydraulic pump type CBY4080-4080-K1008-169L -A【常温】
【Room temperature】
CBY4080-4080-K1008-169L -B【低温】
【Low temperature】
System rated operating pressure(Mpa) 20
组合绞车 Combined winch 起升机构
Hoist mechanism  液压驱动、行星传动、自由落钩功能 
hydraulic drive, planet transmission, free hook-down function
Max. single wirerope force (N)(4th layer) 58,000
钢丝绳直径(mm)Wire rope diameter Φ18
变幅机构 Luffing mechanism  液压驱动、行星传动,Hydraulic drive, planet transmission 
最大单绳拉力(N)(第一层)Max. single wirerope force (N)(1st layer) 58,000
Applicable environment temperature (degree) -20℃~+50℃【常温配置】【room temperature configuration】
-50℃~-40℃【低温配置】【low temperature configuration】
外型尺寸(长×宽×高)Dimensions (length×width×height)  带吊臂时(m)
With boom (m) 4.75×4.63×8.3 【7.5m吊臂】【7.5m boom】
4.75×4.63×9.3 【8.5m吊臂】【8.5m boom】
Under transportation 4.75×3.35×3.27
No load average ground pressure 85.8
整体总质量(kg) Total weight  35,000
2.5  发动机参数 Engine Parameter 
Engine Type NT855-C280
Cylinder number-cylinder bore × journey 6-139.7×152.4
Total air displacement  14.01
Ignition sequence 1-5-3-6-2-4
Lowest fuel oil consumable rate <217
 Battery 24V195Ah×2
Power generator 硅整流发电机24V35A
Silica rectifier generator 24V35A
Lubrication oil capacity 45
Cooling water capacity 79
Rated output 169
Rpm Rated rotating speed 2000
Nm Max torque   1036Nm/1400rpm
Net weight 1404
第三章    使用和操作说明 
Chapter III Use and Operation Instruction
3.1 操作装置及仪表 Operation device and instrument 
操纵装置位置图 Operation device position figure
变速杆Gear shift lever            (2) 右转向杆Right steering lever                 (3) 燃油控制杆 Fuel control lever     (4) 左转向杆Left steering lever      
(5) 左制动踏板 Left brake padel      (6) 右制动踏板Right brake padel     
 (7) 减速踏板Deaccelarator padel      (8) 起重手柄Lifting handle        
 (9)配重手柄 Counterweight handle    (10) 变速安全杆 Gear shift safety lever
3.1.1 变速杆 Gear shift lever
Pipelayer has three forward gears and three reverse gears and all gears are controlled by gear shift lever. When starting, put gear shift lever in “N”; after starting, move the gear shift lever into the gear required. 
3.1.2 变速安全杆 Gear shift safety lever
This lever is the lock deivce of gear shift lever. When pipelayer stops the work, put the gear shift lever in “N” and then lock safety lever. 
3.1.3 左转向操纵杆 Left steering lever
把左面的转向操纵杆向后拉,左面的转向离合器就分离,车辆就向左边转弯;将左转向杆继续向后拉,拉到底,左面制动器即制动,车辆即在原地向左边转弯。Pull up the left steering lever and left steering clutch will separate, so that the pipelayer will turn to left; further pull the steering lever fully back, the left brake will be functional and the pipelayer will turn left on spot.  
3.1.4 右转向操纵杆 Right steering lever
右面转向操纵杆控制吊管机向右转弯,其操作过程同左转向操纵杆一样。Pipelayer will turn to right direction when right steering lever is operated. The method is same as above left one. 
3.1.5 减速踏板 Decelerator pedal 
Decelerator pedal is used to decrease the running speed of engine. The pedal is normally control the first gear (800-850 r/min) and it can control the secondary gear. If further stamp the pedal, it will became to second gear and it will be idling. 
Warning: when drive on slope or cliff edge, due to the reduction of load, the speed will be accelelated. At this time, stamp on the decelerator pedal to better control speed and reduce it properly. 
3.1.6 左制动踏板 Left brake pedal
For easier operation, besides steering lever, pedal can be used during steering. Pull up steering lever approximately 70mm and then stamp on the brake pedal which is in the same side of steering lever, so the pipelayer will turn on spot. During working on level ground, in case of particular condition and an emergency brake is required, stamp on the middle of brake pedal immediately so that both left and right brake will be functional at the same time.   
3.1.7 右制动踏板:Right brake pedal
The right brake pedal makes pipelayer turn right and the method is same as the above left one. 
Warning: Do not put your foot on brake pedal when the brake is not required. 
3.1.8 右侧仪表及上车操纵                               Instrument in right side and on board part operation
座椅右侧 Right side of seat
1. 双轴手柄 Biaxial lever     2. 快速落钩按钮Rapid hook down button   
3. 启动开关Start switch      4. 翘板开关 Rocker switch   
5. 单轴手柄 Single axle lever  6. 仪表 Instrument
3.1.9 仪表 Instrument
The following instruments are engine oil pressure indicator, power charging indicator, water temperature indicator, oil temperature indicator and chronograph (from left to right side). 
a) 发动机油压表 Engine oil indicator
油压表的量程为 0 bar~10bar(约 0MPa~1 MPa),1 bar~10bar 为发动机的正常工作范围,冷起动时压力有时偏低,应先进行预热,使指针指在正常工作范围之内,方可进行作业。
The measuring range of oil indicator is 0~10 bar (about 0MPa~1MPa). 1 bar~10 bar is the normal working range. However, the value is lower when cold starting, so warm up is required and after the needle putting in the normal working range, the operation can be started. 
b) 电压表 Voltmeter
正常运转之前,若电压表指针指向绿区,即高于 24V,说明蓄电池电压正常,若低于24V,说明蓄电池电压偏低,可能造成起车困难,如果不能起动发动机,需对蓄电池进行补充充电。机器正常运转时,电压表指针应指在绿区,28V 左右,若电压偏低或偏高,应查明原因,故障排除后再操作。 
Before operation, if the voltmeter needle is in the green area (higher than 24v), it means the voltage of battery is in good condition; if the voltage is lower, the pipelayer may be difficult to start. In case the pipelayer engine can not start, charge the battery immediately. During operation, the indicator needle should be in green area (about 28V). If the voltage is higher or lower, stop operation and find out the reason. 
c) 水温表 Water temparature indicator
指示发动机水温,机器正常运转时,水温表指针在 40℃~100℃范围内,如果温度过高,应降低发动机转速,使指针回到正常范围之内;必要时要停车检查水位。
The indicator shows the water temperature. During the operation of pipelayer, the indicator shall be in the range of 40℃~100℃. If the value is greater, engine running speed shall be reduced, so the the indicator shall be return to the normal range; if necessary, shut off the engine and check the oil level. 
d) 油温表 Oil temperature indicator
指示液力变矩器油温,正常工作范围为 50℃~120℃。在作业中,若温度过高,应减少作业负荷,使指针回到正常范围之内。
The oil temperature indicator shows the hydraulic torque oil temperature and the normal range i.e 50℃~120℃. During working, if the temperature value is much more than normal value, the operation load shall be deducted so that the needle can return to the normal range. 
e) 计时表 Chronograph
The maintenance interval and fault test interval shall be according to the time shown on the chronograph.  
3.1.10 启动点火开关 Start ignitor switch
There are 3 positions on the start switch as follows:
“关OFF” 位置是钥匙插入位置,此时,所有的电路系统为关闭状态;“运转ON”位置是蓄电池继电器(电源开关)接通;“启动START”位置为发动机起动。起后,当手离开钥匙时,钥匙便自动回复到“运转ON”位置上。 
“OFF” is the position where keys should be inserted and all electric system is in the off condition; “ON”is the position where battery relay (power supply switch) to be connected. “START” position is for engine start. After start, the key will be back to “ON” automatically.  
3.1.11 翘板开关 Rocker switch
The following switches are headlight switch, Taillight switch, working light switch , indicator switch and Brake switch. (From left to right side) The last 2 switches are backup switches. 
3.1.12 双轴手柄 Biaxial  lever
Press the button on the lever to control luffing, hook up & down. 
The left button is for horn and if press it, the horn works. 
3.1.13 快速落钩 Rapid hook-down
When press the rapid hook down switch (continuously press), the load can be freely and rapidly down to ground to ensure the safety of persons and machine. When releasing the button, this action will be stopped. 
3.1.14 单轴手柄 Single axial lever
Press the oil supply switch in the left side or the button on the biaxial lever to control the counterweight mechanism. 
3.1.15 制动器闭锁杆 Brake lock lever
此杆是制动踏板闭锁装置。闭锁后,脚即使离开踏板制动器仍处于制动状态。 This lever is the lock device of brake pedal. After locking, even your foot left the brake pedal, the pipelayer brake is still working. 
操作过程中,首先须同时踏下左右制动踏板(即只要踏下制动踏板的中部位置),然后把此杆置于“锁紧”位置,这样制动踏板即闭锁住了;若要解除闭锁状态,仍需首先踏下制动踏板的中部位置,然后把此杆置于”自由”位置即可。During operation, stamp both left pedal and right brake pedal (i.e. middle of brake pedal) and then move the lever to “Lock”position, so the brake pedal is locked. If it is to be unlocked, stamp the pedal in the same way and move the lever in the position of “Free”.
Warning: pipelayer stopped by means of locking the brake pedal by brake lock lever should be in the condition of engine running as the hydraulic brake booster is not working when engine shutoff. Particulary if shut off on the slope, it is very dangerous. Thus the lock mechanism must be operated during engine running. 
3.1.16 其他部件 Other parts左侧仪表及上车操纵 Left instrument and on board part operation 
座椅左侧 Seat left side
1.力矩显示器接头 Torque monitor joint   2. 紧急抛载 Emergency free fall      
3. 限制解除 Limit release              4. 先导油源 Pilot oil source  
5. 油滤堵塞报警 Oil filter blocking alarm 
1) 力矩限制器使用、保养及维修请参阅《力矩限制器使用手册》 
Please refer to “Torque Limitor User’s Manual” for use, maintenance and repair.  
2) 油滤堵塞报警,详见如下说明 
Oil filter clogging alert. Details are as follows:
吸油滤清器堵塞报警  高压油滤堵塞报警  回油滤清器堵塞报警 
Oil suction filter clogging alert    HP oil filter clogging     Alert return oil filter clogging alert
3) 先导油源按钮,操作卷扬及配重时需按下此按钮或双轴手柄握键 
Pilot oil source button- when operate winch or counterweight, press pilot oil source button or the biaxial lever 
  力矩解除按钮 Torque release button       手柄有效按钮 Lever effectiveness button
4) 紧急抛载开关:用户在吊重作业时,遇到地基下沉,吊管机具有倾翻趋势时,按下快放按,重物可一甩到地,确保人机安全;
Emergency free fall switch: during lifting, the pipelayer may tip over when working in the settled soil base. At this time, push this switch and the material will be fall on the ground directly to ensure the safety of pipelayer and person. 
5) 限制解除按钮:可解除力矩及吊钩限制;
Limit release button can release the limit of torque and hook. 保险丝盒 Fuse box
Replace the fuse in case fuse rusted or be covered by white powder to prevent from damage of electric element or wire. 
New replaced fuse should have the same capacity of the old one. 
Start switch must be off when replacing fuse. 
Fuse range and electrical currency capacity:
序号 SL.No 保险丝容量 Fuse capacity 电路 Electric circuit
01 10A 备用 Backup
02 10A 喇叭电源
Horn power supply
03 10A 司机室
Operation cabin
04 20A 前灯、后灯
Headlight and tail light
05 40A 发电机电源
Power generator power supply
06 30A 监控室电源
Power supply for monitoring room 司机座的调整 
Adjustment of seat
前后调整:提起控制杆“1”,调整前后所需位置。调完后,放回控制杆。 Forward and rearward adjustment: to adjust the seat toward the front or rear, pull up lever“1”.  After adjustment to the desired position, release the lever in the orginal place.  
升降调整:用双手提起手柄“2”可使座位升降,手柄 2 左右对称各一个。 Seat raise and lower adjusting: pull up both levers “2” by both hands to raise and lower the seat. 
Adjusting seatback angle: pull up the lever “4” and release the lever until the seat is adusted to the desired angle.   
Seat hardness and softness adjustment: turn handle “3” clockwise, then the seat became hard. Turn handle counterclockwise, the seat will be softer. Adjust the seat according to operator’s weight. 集中测压装置
3.2 发动机起动及停止 Engine start and shutoff
3.2.1发动机起动前的检查 Before starting your engine 
1.按日常检查项目进行(检查项目参看“定期保养” )。
Check pipelayer according to routine inspection (for the checking items, please refer to “Periodical Maintenance”)
2. 制动踏板要处于制动锁紧状态。
Brake pedal should be locked. 
3. 变速杆要置于空档“N”位置,且用闭锁杆锁紧。
Gear shift lever should be in “N” (neutral) position and locked by lock lever. 
4. 油门操纵杆置于怠速位置。
Accelerator lever shall be in idling position. 
5. 双轴及单轴手柄处于中位。
Biaxial and single axial lever shall be in middle position. 
6. 快放控制开关、快放按钮处于断开位置。
Rapid free fall control switch and rapid free fall button shall be in shut off position.  
3.2.2发动机起动 Engine start
Insert key into start switch and turn the key “ON”. After connection of battery relay (battery switch) and then turn to “Start” position, the engine can start. 
Observe the engine oil indicator needle in the normal condition. 
Do not hold the key in the “START” position more than 20 seconds. 
4.若起动不成功时,应立即将钥匙置于通的位置,然后等待2分钟后再起动。 Turn the key to “ON” position if failed to start. After 2 minites, start it once again.  
If again the start failed, it may be because the oil cut off valve is not open. Thus, open the oil cut off valve manually and after start, turn it back. 
After start, turn the key to “ON” position (can return automatically).
Pipelayer can start only when it is neutral position. 
3.2.3发动机停止 Engine shutoff
Before shutoff, 5 minites idle running is required to cool down the system. 
Turn the key to “OFF”position and remove the key.   
3.3 行走操作Travel operation
3.3.1吊管机起步 Pipelayer start-up
发动机正常运转后,方可实现吊管机行驶起步操作,操作步骤如一下:Pipelayer can start travelling after engine running normally, the operation is as follows:
Pull back the accelerator lever to increase the running speed. 
Stamp on the middle of brake pedal to operate the brake lock lever and unlock the brake pedal so that brake pedal can return to its original place. 
Operate the gear shift lock lever, unlock the gear shift lever and then move the gear shift lever into first gear speed position. After that, pipelayer will move. 
When start up, stamp on the decelerator pedal and move the gear shift lever into forward shift, then decrease the stamp force slowly to make the decelerator pedal back gradually. The running speed of engine will be increased progressively to prevent sharp start up. 
After start, put the gear shift lever into the position of which the speed is required.  
3.3.2吊管机前进、后退、变速                        Pipelayer forward, reverse and gear shift
Put the gear shfit lever in the required speed gear. Pipelayer gear shift can be done during travelling and it is not required to stop the pipelayer. If gear shift for drive and reverse, stamp the decelerator pedal first to reduce the engine speed and then operate gear shift lever to change the direction of pipelayer driving. 
3.3.3转弯 Steering
During driving, to turn left (right), pull up the right steering lever in the middle place, so the steering clutch will be working. In this case pipelayer will make turn gradually (wide turn); if pull up the steering lever fully and stamp on the brake pedal at the same time, pipelayer can turn on a spot (tight turn). 
Warning: if pipelayer wil make left wide turn on the ramp, pull the right steering lever in the half way and the pipelayer will turn to left side slowly; to make left turn on a spot, pull the left lever back fully. 
3.3.4吊管机暂时停车 Pipelayer stop for a while
If pipelayer stops for a while, it is not required to shut off running. The procedure is as follows:
Push the accelerator lever (1) onward to make the engine running in low speed. 
2.将变速操纵杆(2)置于空档“N”,的位置,并操纵其闭锁杆(3)使变速操纵杆锁紧;Put the gear shift lever (2) into “N”position and move its lock lever (3) to lock the gear shift lever. 
Stamp on the middle of brake pedal (4) and move brake lock lever (5) to lock the brake pedal.
The boom shall be in minimum overhang and counterweight shall be retracted as well. 
3.3.5当吊管机在坡道上停车时 When stopping on ramp
When stopping on the ramp, the developed brake system of pipelayer shall be used. The procedure is as follows (procedures 1, 2 and 4 are same as above): 
Push the accelerator lever (1) onward and make the engine running in low speed. 
 Put the gear shift lever (2) in “N” position and move its lock lever (3) to lock the gear shift lever. 
Stamp on the middle of brake pedal (4), move the brake button to “OFF” position, and then release the brake pedal. 
The boom shall be in minimum overhang and counterweight shall be retracted as well.
3.4 起重操作 Lifting operation
3.4.1 变幅机构操作 Luffing mechanism operation
When luffing lever is normally in the middle position, the boom is static. When pushing the luffing lever to right side, the boom will raise. The luffing speed and range will be directly related to the luffing lever moving speed and range. Push luffing lever to left side, boom will be down. If no force is acted on the luffing lever, it can return to the middle position automatically and luffing action will be stopped. (Press the button on lever at the same time during luffing to prevent the risk raising from wrong operation)
Limit switch for boom luffing: to improve the safe performance, if boom become overhang near 1.22m (hook center to same side track wheel outer edge), pipelayer will sound the alarm. 
Warning: although alarm system has been provided, but due to environment issues, it may be not working. Thus during operation, operator shall be careful to make the boom to the minimum luffing range by means of decreasing speed and observing the alarm system. 
3.4.2 起升机构操作 Lifting mechanism operation 
Lifting lever, same as luffing lever, is in the middle position normally. At this time the hook is static. When pull back the lifting lever, it will lift the material. When push the lever onward, the material will be down. To stop moving of the hook, reduce the force on lifting lever to zero and the lifting lever will return to the middle position. The lifting speed and height will be related to the lever pulling back speed and distance. If there is heavy load on the hook, do not lift and lower too fast to avoid the potiential risk. During this operation, please confirm the “Emergency Free Fall Switch” has screwed out (when operate hoist lever, the button on lever shall be pressed down at the same time to prevent the risk due to wrong operation).
The height limit switch is installed on the boom top. If the hook is on the highest place, the limit switch will cut off the oil automatically and the hook will stop lifting, so that over winding can be avoided. If the lifting material is nearly down on land, lower speed and put the material on the land gently. 
3.4.3 配重控制操作 Counterweight operation 
Counterweight lever is normally in the middle place and at this time the counterweight is static. Push the counterweight lever onward and the counterweight will extend fully, so lifting work can start. Pull back the lever, the counterweight will retract. The middle position means work stopping. Operate the counterweight gently to prevent the great impact produced by counterweight (When counterweight lever, the button on lever or “lever effectiveness” button in left side of penal shall be pressed down at the same time to prevent the risk due to wrong operation)
Warning: in the both ends of counterweight travelling, lower the speed of counterweigt i.e. reduce the stroke of lever to decrease the impaction on pipelayer produced by counterweight inertia. 
3.4.4 快速落钩 Rapid hook down 
Rapid hook down function can be used when emergency happens only. Do not use it frequently. If tipping over found, operator can start rapid hook down to ensure the safety and pipelayer and persons. The hook should be down on the land at once and it cannot stop till it is completely on the land, otherwise the pipelayer will be tipping over faster. 
The rapid hook down founction can be done when engine shutoff. The precondition is equipment is power on and battery is in saturation pressure condition. 
When put the rapid hook down valve to the rapid down place, the force from accumulator shall open the clutch, so it will be down rapidly. Operator must be carefull and ensure no any person or objects should be under the boom. Do not stop the hook down funcation till it is on the ground, otherwise the impaction will make the pipelayer tipping over. Due to light weight of the hook without lifting material, the down speed will not as fast as with load. This function cannot be used frequently. 
If tipping over is to happen, push the rapid down switch (continuous operation), the lifting material can be down to land rapidly to ensure the safety of pipelayer and person. After releasing the button, the action will be stopped. When push the emergency dump button in the left side of control console, the hook will be drop on the land freely. The button shall be manually screwe out and then the action can be stopped.   
3.5 作业技术 Operation technology 
During working, safety work technology shall be fully awared, particularly for the joint operation, the work shall be planned and done orderly. The hasty operation may cause major incident. 
3.5.1下沟作业 Pipe lowing-in
下沟作业 Pipe lowing-in
Numbers of pipelayer shall be confirmed according to the weight of lifting material and the ground condition. Sufficient safety measures shall be taken in advance.  
Before operation, wire rope should be checked to avoid the problems such as wire rope twist or rubbing. If any problem found, straighten out the wirerope, then work can start, otherwise tipping over will happen due to impaction arising from additional load produced by wirerope shock.    
During lifting, pipelayer must be kept in sufficient distance with trench to avoid the trench collapse. 
Operator shall follow the command given by signal man. All actions shall be done slowly and evenly. 
Do not stand under the boom and swing area of counterweight.  
3.5.2对口作业 Pipe line-up 
对口作业 Pipe line-up
When doing pipe line-up, micro operation to be done as follows:
Engine runs in low speed. 
Feedunit lever shall be in the smaller swing angle. 
3.5.3摆管作业 Pipe laying
When carrying pipe, the pipelayer shall be move slowly and evenly. No tight turn is allowed.
Keep the adequate distance with the pipelayer to avoid the collision of each other. 
If necessary, provide the protection material such as rubber sheet etc to protect the pipe. 
If the load is quite light, the counterweight is not necessary to extend. However, this should be done as per ground condition or lifting material. Lifting work can start after confirmation according to performance chart provided by Pipeline Man Mechanical Co., Ltd. 
摆管作业 Pipe laying
3.5.4坡道作业 Works on the ramp
If counterweight exends during working on the ramp, the max degree to ensure the pipelayer stability shall be as follows:
A.纵向斜坡即车体顺着斜坡方向进行吊重作业,允许斜坡最大坡度为12°。Longituational slope (pipelayer body is along slope)-max allowable slope is 12o.  
Crosswise slope (pipelayer body direction is vertical with slope)
The allowable max slope is 10o when counterweight is in upslope. 
2)配重侧在下坡时,允许斜坡最大坡度为"0",即不允许此工况下作业。The allowable max slope is “0”i.e it is not allowed to working in this condition. 
Warning: the weight shown in capacity performance table is the value getting when pipelayer working on the hard level ground. If working on the slope, the lifting performance shall be reduced dramatically. 
3.5.5 牵引操作 Traction
Wire rope strength must match the dragged machine’s weight.  
Do not use the wirerope with broken strand, shrinked diameter and kink. During traction, the wirerope has the possibility of rupture. 
Traction work shall be done under first gear. 
Do not drag the machine on the ramp.
During traction, person is not allowed to stand between pipelayer and dragged machine. 
Operate the pipelayer gently. Do not give force to wirerope suddenly. 
When traction heavy machine, rear traction device shall be used. 
No traction by means of hook is allowed. 
 3.6 低温环境使用注意事项                           Note for using in low temperature circumstance
When working in lower temperature, it is difficult to start the engine. Antifreeze shall be added according to the manual. 
防冻液使用时,先将冷却水全部放空,清洗内部,除去水垢等,检查散热器、水泵 、送水软管等是否有渗漏,然后加入防冻液。
Before using antifreeze, discharge the water and clean interior to remove the scale. Check whether there is leakage in radiator, water pump or hose pipe etc. After confirm everything is ok, add the antifreeze. 
在没有防冻液时,因恒温器开启温度是77℃ (即水温低于77℃,水不流进散热器),所以为了防止散热器水结冻,可取下恒温器;或者为了防止发动机过冷,可装上帽状侧罩和散热器百叶罩等,要充分注意发动机体内的保温。
If there is no antifreeze, as the start temperature of thermostat is 77oC (i.e if water temperature is lower than 77 oC, water will not be able to come to radiator), thermostat can be removed to prevent water freeze of radiator.  Capped side casing or radiator shutter cover shall be installed to avoid cold temperature of engine. Be caution of engine inside temperature. 
During operation, observe the water temperature indicator frequently. 
The capacity of battery will be decrease with the temperature lowering. Thus charging rate shall be increased to more than 75%. Keep the battery warm. 
Charging rate (refer to following table) calculated by gravity of electrolyte with the temperature changing:
20℃ 0℃ -10℃ -20℃
100% 1.28 1.29 1.3 1.31
70% 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29
80% 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27
75% 1.23 1.24 12.25 1.26
In addition, if distilled water to be added for battery, do not add it after work for antifreeze. It should be added before work in the next day. 
Optional electric fuel heater can be selected during working in the extreme cold climate (below -20oC). It can heat the coolant in engine when connecting the power supply. Fuel exhaust gas can heat engine oil sump tank. Start engine when temperature rising. 
第四章 拆卸、组装与调试 
Chapter IV Dismantle, Assembly and Commissioning
To facilitate transportating of pipelayer, according to the transportation vehicle, pipelayer can be dismantled as per dismantle procedure and it shall be packed and transported part-wise (refer to Chapter V for detailed packing and transportation items) to meet the requirement of transportation length, width and height. After reaching destination, reinstall the pipelayer as per procedure. 
4.1 拆卸 Dismantle
PMG40 pipelayer shall be dismantled as per the following procedure to meet the requirement of length, width and height (dismantle shall be optional according to various regulations and transportation forms):
Warning: park the pipelayer on the level ground (no less than 15m×6m) before dismantle. Read this manual and be fully aware the related essiential contents. Prepare tools & equipment and arrange manpower in advance. Pay attention to personal safety during dismantling
1. 拆卸起升滑轮组 Dismantle the hoist pulley
①  拆起升动滑轮:按操作要求将吊臂摆动到图4-1-1所示的位置,拆除防过卷开关及其线束插头,拆除固定在定滑轮上的楔铁,缓慢的操作起升手柄至“吊钩起”的位置,使起升钢丝绳收回至卷筒上;
Remove the hoist pulley: operate the boom in the position shown in the following 4-1-1 figure. Remove the anti-over winding switch and unplug the wire; remove the adjusting wedge on the fixed pulley; operate the lifting lever to “Hook up” position to make the wire rope winding on the reel. 
Caution: adjusting wedge can be removed when hook is totally on the gound. 
图4-1-1 Figure 4-1-1
② 拆起升定滑轮:操作手柄至“吊臂降”的位置,将定滑轮完全放至地面,拆除称重传感器线束插头,拆除上销轴。将起升定滑轮移走后,再将上销轴穿回至原位置并用锁板固定(以下所有销轴同),如图4-1-2所示。
Remove the fixed pulley: operate lever to “Boom down” position and lower the pulley on the ground. Unplug the weighing sensor and its upper pin. After removal of fixed pulley, reinsert the upper pin and lock it with locking plate (be applicable to all pins hereinafter) as shown by figure 4-1-2. 
Caution: Personnel must lower the fixed pulley on the ground and then remove the pin. Take care of the oil cup during removal. (Be applicable to all pins hereinafter)
图4-1-2 Figure 4-1-2
2. 拆卸吊臂 Dismantle the boom
Wind luffing Wirerope: move the boom to the position shown in figure 4-1-3 according to this manual and remove the wedge on the fixed pulley. Pull the lever to “Luffing”position and the luffing wirerope will wind on the reel. 
图4-1-3 Figure 4-1-3
拆吊臂:Dismantle boom
a) 拆除吊臂弹簧线;Remove the boom spring wire. 
b) 采取安全措施,用吊带吊住吊臂尾部,拆除吊臂下销轴;
Take safety meaure by means of hanging the boom tail by slings and remove the lower pin of boom. 
c) 将吊臂移走,置于合适位置。
Remove the boom and place it in the suitable place. 
图4-1-4 Figure 4-1-4
3.  拆卸配重总成 Dismantle the counterweight
① 拆配重片:按操作规程操作配重总成至便于拆除配重片的位置,拆除配重锁紧垫及配重锁紧杆,用吊带将配重片逐个吊出;
Dismantle the counterweight stack: put the counterweight in the place where is easier to remove the counterweight stack and then lift the stack out one by one by sling. 
Dismantle the counterweight frame: use sling to hang the lifting ring on the counterweight frame, remove the long pin and lower pin of rocker and then lift the lower rocker and counterweight frame out like shown in figure 4-1-5. 
图4-1-5 Figure 4-1-5
Dismantle lower rocker arm: remove the upper pin on lower rocker arm and disconnect rocker arm and counterweight frame as shown in figure 4-1-6. 
图4-1-6 figure 4-1-6
4. 拆除排气尾管 Remove the emission tail pipe
Remove the clamp of the emission tail pipe and dismantle the emission tail pipe as shown in figure 4-1-7.
Caution: after removing tail pipe, cover the tail pipe emission securely; when igniting pipelayer, remove the cover temporarily. 
图4-1-7 Figure 4-1-7
5. 拆除驾驶室(按需选择拆装)
Dismantle operation cabin (optional dismantle as desired)
拆除左侧面板后端的航空插头及右侧座舱的驾驶室电源线,如图4-1-8; Unplug the aviation plugs in the left penel end and cable power supply wire in the right side of operation cabin as shown in figure 4-1-8
图4-1-8  Figure 4-1-8
Remove the fixed bolts in the operation cabin and lift out the operation cabin by crane on the dedicated steel frame. 
4.2 组装 Assembly
During assembly, the procedure is reversed with 4.1 (dismantle procedure)
组装前的准备工作如下:Preparation before reinstallation
1. 组装前应将主机停放在一平坦的场地上,场地面积不小于15m×6m;
Before assembly, park the pipelayer in the level ground no less than 15m×6m.
2. 准备起吊设备,起吊能力不低于8吨;
Arrange the crane with the capacity no less than 8 Tons. 
3. 准备安装工具、安装人员和辅助材料,如润滑脂、胶皮等;
Provide the tools, manpower and auxiliary material such as lubrication grease and rubber etc. 
4. 清点各部件,部件清单参见表5-1-1;Check the parts as per part list 5-1-1.
5. 在组装前必须进行各部件的检验,如各结构件有无影响使用的变形、                                                 各焊缝是否有开裂等;
Check deformation which affects using or crack in the welding joints of all parts before assembly. 
组装过程: Assembly Process
1. 安装排气尾管,按扭矩要求紧固螺栓(下表为螺栓推荐拧紧力矩表,以下所有螺栓同);
Install the tail pipe and the bolts should be tightened as per the requirement of torque (the following table is the list of advised bolts tightening torque, it is applicable to all bolts hereinafter):
螺纹规格Screw thread type Tension拉伸力 Fv(N)  拧紧力矩MA(N·M) Tightening torque 
Class 8.8 10.9级
Class 10.9 12.9级
Class 12.9 8.8级
Class 8.8 10.9级
Class 10.9 12.9级
Class 12.9
M4 3900 5750 6700 3 4.4 5.1
M5 6400 9400 11000 5.9 8.7 10
M6 9000 13200 15500 10 16 18
M8 16500 24300 28400 25 36 43
M10 26300 38700 45200 49 72 84
M12 38400 56500 66000 86 126 145
M14 62500 77500 90500 135 200 236
M16 72500 10700 12500 210 310 365
M18 91000 129000 152000 300 430 600
M20 117000 166000 195000 425 610 710
M22 146000 208000 244000 580 820 960
M24 168000 240000 281000 730 1050 1220
M27 222000 316000 369000 1100 1550 1800
M30 269000 384000 449000 1450 2100 2450
2. 将下摇臂安装到配重支架上;
Install the lower rocker on the counterweight frame. 
3. 将下摇臂安装到右活支架上;
Install the lower rocker on the right bracket. 
4. 安装油缸下销轴,安装长销轴;
Install the oil tank lower pin and then install long pin. 
Caution: during this process, clearance between oil tank and winch shall be adjusted time to time to eusure the moving value A<5mm.
5. 安装吊臂,连接吊臂弹簧线;
Install the boom and connect the spring wire. 
6. 操作手柄至“变幅降”的位置,将变幅钢丝绳缠入变幅滑轮组,尾端用楔铁固定在楔套里,并安装钢丝绳夹,要求如图4-2-1所示;
Push the lever into “Luffing down”position and wind the luffing wirerope on the luffing pulley; fix the wire rope end by wedge and then install the wirerope clamp as shown in figure 4-2-1. 
图4-2-1 Figure 4-2-1
7. 安装起升定滑轮,安装时应使销轴传感器出线端口朝向图4-2-2的右侧。
Install the fixed lifting pulley and the direction of pin sensor outgoing line end shall toward to the right side of figure 4-2-2.
8. 将吊臂置于如图4-2-2所示的位置,用吊车吊起起升动滑轮,操作手柄至“吊钩降”位置,将起升钢丝绳缠入起升滑轮组,上过卷限位开关,尾端固定方式同第6)步;
Operate the boom in the position shown in 4-2-2 and lift the movable pulley. Put the lever into “Hook down” position and wind the wirerope in the lifting pulley; install overwinding limit switch and the fixed type is as the same way of fixing the boom end (procedure 6)
Caution: pay attention to the direction of the lifting movable pulley! The overwinding limit switch splint direction shall be same as fixed pulley withdrawal sleeves as shown in figure 4-2-2. 
9. 连接过卷限位开关及销轴传感器线束;
Wires connecting with over winding limit switch and pin sensor.
10. 发动设备并收起吊臂,操作配重手柄,将配重摆动到便于安装配重片的位置,安装配重片,并上配重锁紧垫及锁紧杆。
Start engine and retract the boom. Operate counterweight lever to swing the counterweight into the place where is easy to install the counterweight stacks and provide counterweight lock washer and lock lever. 
图4-2-2 figure 4-2-2
Warning: pipelayer newly installed shall not be used immediately; commissioning and test shall be done and after qualified only, it can start work.  
4.3 调试 Commissioning
Commissioning shall be conducted after each assembly as per the following procedure. Do not use the untested pipelayer.  
4.3.1装配完成后的检查 Checking after assembly 
Check the pipelayer immediately afte assembly as per the following procedures to ensure the pipelayer is complete:
Check whether unwanted material drops in the rotary parts and whether the bolts tightening securely. 
Add sufficient lubrication grease for the joints and check quantity of fuel, hydraulic oil, engine oil and antifreeze etc. 
Check all electrical plugs and sockets during assembly should be reliable. 
Getting on the pipelayer and conduct the test and commissioning to make sure the hydraulic system and electrical system is working and all movable parts moves smoothly. 
4.3.2施工前的整机试验                              Overall test for pipelayer before start work
Complete the tests before pipelayer working to ensure the normal running after assembly and commissioning as follows:
整机试验前需具备以下条件:Fronts to be available for overall test:
Pipelayer shall be reinstalled completely without any pending and wrong erection. 
The place for test should be level and firm less than 1°.
Deviation of test weight shall be less than 1%.
The deviation of measurement device such as tape measure shall be less than 1%.  
Check the lifting and luffing wire rope. Crushed, corroded and broken strands (3 strands or above) are not allowed.空载试验 No load test
Operate the counterweight without load, lifting and luffing mechanism acts 5 times in the max working radius and in the min speed respectively to confirm all the mechanism erection correctly and operation smoothly. Observe closely and if any problem found, solve the problem timely. 
Brake once during boom and hook is up and down to middle position of max working radius respectively. Check whether there is shake or reversing and whether the oil pressure is in the normal value. 
Punch the “Emergency Dump Button” and continuously press“Free Hook-down Button” to check whether the hook drop freely. Screw out the “Emergency Free Fall Button” or release the “Free Hook-down Button”to check the hook dropping stopping.额定载荷及密封性试验 Rated load and sealing test
When working in rated capacity, hoist and lower 5 times at the maximum and minimum speed respectively. Record the oil pressure when hoisting and lowering and check the stability and reliability when in the maximum load. Check the motor capacity as well as braker smooth start & secure close.液压油清洁度检查 Check hydraulic oil cleanness 
       吊管机经过试验后应拆检回油滤清器并清洗。吊管机的液压油固体颗粒污染等级不超过ISO 4406 19/16的标准。
After test, oil filter shall be removed and cleaned. The particle class of hydraulic oil shall be no more than standard ISO 4406 19/16.安全装置检验 Safety device test
Engine instrument panel indicating and display is working in good condition. 
Alarm device, reverse horn and working light can be functioning properly.  
Shift lever and brake lock lever can work properly.
Extinguisher should be in the place easy to reach. 
Seat belt works properly.
Torque monitor has the clear and complete interface. 
Torque monitor interface shall change according to the swing of boom. If take any 2 points for testing, the deviation shall not be more than ±5%.
Hoist a certain weight, the weight shown by torque minitor will be changed and the deviation shall not be more than ±5%. 
Extract the boom to contact with buffer, operate it slowly untill it is to 1.22m, the luffing limit switch will be working (luffing lever is not working).
Exend the counterweight fully, the torque monitor will display “Counterweight Extended”
Operate the lever to retract the hook contacting with overwinding limit switch, then the height limit switch is working (lever operation is not working).
Hoist weight when counterweight extends and retracts respectively, then extend the boom or increase the weight, the torque limiter’s load percent will be changed; if it is upto 90%, it will alarm intermittently and limit the torque (hoist lever and luffing down function is not working); when it is upto 100%, the buzzer alarms continuously and torque will be limited (lever “Hook up” and “Luffing down” is not working); at the same time, after pushing the “Limit Release Button”, limit will be released. 
4.3.3 行走系统试验 Travel system test
Park the pipelayer on the firm and level ground and check the oil consumption in track wheel, carrier roller and idler. Loosen the sealing bolts slowly and observe any oil seepage from screw thread. If any seepage, it means the oil is adequate and you should lock the bolts tightly; if no oil running out as the sealing bolts completely removed, the oil quantity is less and oil should be added.  
Track chain sag should be less than 40mm, otherwise grease shoule be increased. 
 Check is there any looseness of the track chain 
Travel checking: after getting on the pipelayer, travel in gear I, II and III and reverse gear for 1 mininuts each, and turn to left and right 5 times respectively. Brake 5 times during start-up and driving to ensure the brake pedal is in the range of 150-170mm; the steering lever is working properly (when steering lever is in the 0-18.5mm, steering clutch will separate and further pull up the lever to 18.5-67mm, the brake works; the fully limited range of braker is 114-134mm.)  
第五章 运输 Chapter V Transportation
After dismantling PMG40 pipelayer, packing should be provided part-wise. During transportation, be fully aware of various traffic rules, transport vehicle laws and vehicle limitation etc. When cross the bridge or tunnels, measure the bridge load capacity and dimension of tunnel; when transport by railway or waterage, the related regulation shall be learned and applied so that the vehicle can reach the destination safely.    
Before transportation, force majeure shall be considered as well and actions against water proof, salt proof, anti collision and theft proof etc. shall be taken. 
5.1包装 Packing 
Packing is the necessary precondition to ensure safe and complete goods during transportation, loading & unloading and storage. During transportation and storage, PMG40 pipelayer shall be dismantled into some parts and the maximum dimension, weight and packing shall be in accordance with 5-1-1. Numbers, title, description, and quantity of all parts shall be clearly marked on the packing. The above shall be in accordance with 5-1-1 table. 
表5-1-1   PMG40包装、运输部件清单 
Table 5-1-1 PMG40 packing and transportation part list
序号SL.No 部件名称Component title 最大外形尺寸(长×宽×高)mm
Maximum dimension (length×width×height) mm 重量 t
Weight t 数量
Quantity 包装 Packing
1 主机
Main engine 4748×3348×3265 26 1 裸装 Naked
2 配重支架 Counterweight frame 2222×1060×1200 2.4 1 裸装Naked
3 配重片 Counterweight stack 1269×547×1294 4.1 1 带运输架 With transporation frame
4 附件 Accessory 7745×1504×1233【7.5m吊臂 Boom】 3.4 1 带运输架With transporation frame
8745×1504×1233【8.5m吊臂 Boom】 3.6
Note: counterweight stack in table item 3 is placed in the counterweight transportation frame. For each pipelayer, 1 counterweight transportation frame is provided and this frame can place 2 stacks. All accessory in table itme 4 including boom, hoist fixed pulley, hoist movable pulley, luffing pulley, lower socker etc. are placed in the accessory transportation frame. To facilitate transportation, the accessory can be placed in multilayer. Please refer to figure 5-1-1 for detailed information. 
Caution: pack the pipelayer parts according to Pipeline Man Mechanical Co., Ltd can meet the transportation requirement of road, rail or waterway. The packing frame can be repeatedly loading & unloading without damage; it has the lower gravity center which is easy to lift and fork lift; if you don’t use the frame supplied by our company, incident may happen during transportation. 
图5-1-1 Figure 5-1-1
主机吊装 Main set lifting
Lifting of PMG40 main set shall be done as per figure 5-1-2.  
吊管机主机起吊位置Pipelayer main set lifting position
        图5-1-2 Figure 5-1-2
Caution: before lifting , ensure the wirerope was locked securely; take precautions such as putting wood block under the track chain to avoid the directly connection of bearing and pipelayer edge. 
Ensure the pipelayer has been locked, stop brake has started and the brake lever is on lock position when lifting. 
5.2公路运输 Road transportation
公路运输即为用拖车运输,运输前应确保使用该运输车辆运输时满足途中各种交通规则、路面运输车辆法及车辆限制条例等,如高度、宽度及载重量的限制。Road transportation is transported by means of trailer. During transportation, be fully aware of various traffic rules, transport vehicle laws and vehicle limitation etc such as the limitation towards height and width. 
It is advised to dismantle PMG40 pipelayer as per figure 5-1-1 for transportation. If it still cannot meet the transportation requirement, further dismantle is required. 
During engine part loading & unloading, it is better to use the specialized platform; if the platform is not available, use the ladders for loading of main set to trailer. However, the requirements shall be complied with as follows:
1. 拖车要处于制动状态,并用方木将轮胎固定好;
Brake the trailer and block it by wood block. 
2. 爬梯要有足够的宽度、长度及强度,能承受主机安全装卸,必要时可在下部支撑方木加强;
Ensure the ladder has sufficient width, length and strength which can bear the capacity of main set loading. If necessary, ladder shall be supported by wood under the ladder. 
3. 放正放好爬梯,然后慢慢的装卸主机;
Loading & unloading shall be done slowly on the ladder. 
注意: 装卸过程中,要有专人指挥,指挥人员应时刻保持在操作手视线可及的地方,手势应清晰明了;
Caution: during loading, commander should stand in the place where the loading persons can see clearly; his signal should be clear to understand. 
If engine has been on ladder or on the tyre, do not adjust the direction; if adjustment is required, return to ground straightly, otherwise adjustment will make main set tipping over or trailer damage which may cause severe injury.  
4. 将主机装在拖车的适当位置,然后在履带前后下方垫上木块,再用坚实的链子或绳索固定,以防途中滑脱而造成事故;
Put the main set on the proper place of the trailer, block the track chain with wood and then fix the main set with firm chain or rope to avoid slipping which may cause incident.  
5. 确保各手柄放于下列位置:
Put the lever in the following position:
put accelerator lever in the low speed position and take off the keys; 
put gear shift lever on the neutral position;
put the brake locking lever in locking position;
Put parking brake on the brake position. 
图5-2-1 Figure 5-2-1
5.3 铁路运输 Railway transportation 
When railway transporting, consign formality should be done according to local regulation and safety rules of railway transportation. 
Refer to the figure 5-3-1 for the standard dimension and limited dimension of railway transportation.  
图5-3-1   Figure 5-3-1
5.4 海上运输 Marine transportation
In case of long distance marine transportation, antirust measure (wax injection) shall be taken. The preparation can be done as follows:
Check painting of main set (including engine bottom and cabin) and the removed parts; if any pending painting is found, paint the same as per the standard. 
Paint the oil for the exposed surface of dismantled parts.
 Paint oil for surface of track wheel, carrier roller and idler which connecting with track chain.  
Paint oil for all pipe joints (including hydraulic valve & tank and cabin interior).
Use the oiled cloth or plastic bags to wrap the electrical connector and electrical panel.  
Paint oil for all exposed pin, bolt head, wire rope and counterweight oil tank rod. 
Use plastic bags to wrap the reverse horn, working light and hydraulic filter etc. 
Paint oil for right bracket, lower rocker and boom pin holes. 
Wax injection shall be done for whole pipelayer and the thick is no less than 0.035mm. 
If main set and its parts should put on the deck other than in the warehouse, cover it to avoid wave corrosion. 
第六章 存放 Chapter VI Storage
PMG40吊管机长期存放时最好放入车库内,如无条件露天存放时应用防雨布遮盖,其履带下应垫置方木或水泥板。每隔1个月应启动运转半小时,并将车辆运行一段距离。关键部位应作好防锈处理(如配重油缸的活塞杆应涂满黄油)。It is better to park PMG40 pipelayer in the garage in case of long term storage. If it parks outdoor, use tarpaulin to cover it and put wood block or cement slab under the track chain. Start engine for half hours monthly and drive it for a certain distance. Anti rust treatment shall be done for the essential parts such as painting grease for piston rod of counterweight oil tank.
6.1 短期存放 Short term storage
6.1.1存放及储存前的准备 Preparation before storage 
Preparation shall be done if storage is required afte use. 
1) 吊管机应停放在机库或机棚里,如果条件不具备,可以露天停放,但必须选择地势较高而干燥的平台停放,也可在地面上铺设木板,将吊管机置于木板上,并用防雨布盖好。
Park the pipelayer in warehouse or shed. If shed or warehouse is not available, it can park outdoor, but must in the platform where is higher and drier. It can park on the wood block on the ground. Cover the pipelayer with tarpaulin. 
2) 机库与机棚或露天停放吊管机的地方,要与其它建筑物隔开一定距离,并在其周围设置防火设备。
Keep away from the building and provide fire proof device around it.
3) 储存之前,应将整机清洗干净,根据吊管机技术状态可进行三级技术保养,吊管机上所有未涂防锈层的表面,必须涂上润滑油以防生锈,脱漆的地方应补漆。
Clean the pipelayer before storage. Class 3 technical maintenance should be done according to the condition of the pipelayer. Brush the lubrication oil for exposed surface to prevent rust and paint the painting for the surface where painting is pending. 
4) 由吊管机上拆下的零件和随机工具,在清洗干净后包好,并保存在干燥的地方。
Parts and removed from pipelayer and tools provided with pipelayer shall be stored after clean and packing. Put it in the dry place. 
6.1.2 停放及储存 Park and storage
Before storage, add sufficient fuel oil and lubrication oil and change the fresh engine oil as well. 
Paint thin layer of lubrication oil for the metal surface. 
Remove the terminal of battery and cover it or store it separately.   
5) 若估计环境温度会降到0℃以下时,应事先向冷却水加入防冻剂,确保环境温度要高于防冻冷却液配比温度20℃以上。
If it is envisaged that the temperature is below 0oC, put the antifreeze to cooling water and ensure the environment temperature is 20oC higher than the solution.  
6) 放松履带张紧度,按照润滑表指示点注入润滑脂,用木塞堵紧排气管和消声器口。
Release the track chain tension and inject the lubrication grease according to the Lubrication Table. Block the tail pipe and silencer by wooder stopper. 
7) 在各油缸活塞杆和履带张紧装置中的挺杆表面薄薄地涂一层润滑油。
Paint a thin layer of lubrication oil for the piston rod of all oil tanks and tension device of track chain. 
Set all the levers and pedals as follows: 
Put the gear lever in neutral position and use locking lever to lock it. 
Put accelartor lever in idling position. 
Brake pedal is in free position. 
8) 如果储存时间超过一个月,要坚持每月启动一次发动机,并将吊管机运行一段距离,这是为了使机器的零件和发动机各部的表面,涂上一层新的油膜。
If storage is more than 1 month, start the engine monthly and drive it for a certain distance. The purpose is to make oil film covering the parts and engine surface. 
9) 雨季或潮湿地区每隔40-60天,应开动吊管机分别以I、II、III、倒档,进行前进左右转向各5~10次,后退左右转向各5~10次,以防离合器片粘结。
If it is in the rainy season or in the wet area, drive pipelayer in I, II, III and reverse gear for forward left and right turn for 5-10 times each and reverse left and right turn for 5-10 times respectively to avoid the cementation of the clutch stack. 
Caution: if pipelayer parks outdoor, the requirement shall be considered as follows:
The parking platform shall be in the place where is easy to drain rain and snow water. Provide drain trench around the pipelayer. No accumulated snow is allowed.  
For chassis monitor system and computer torque limiter, water proof and humidity proof measures should be taken. Paint grease to all operation lever to prevent rust. 
6.1.3 吊管机存放后 After storage
If long term storage without cover or anti rust operation monthly, before use the following shall be done:
1) 卸下机油盘及其它油箱泄油塞,排出混合水;
Remove the engine oil tray and other oil drainer to drain the mixed water. 
2) 卸下气缸盖,润滑各气门及摇臂,并检查气门的动作;
Remove the air tank cap, lubricate all air valves and rocker and check the actions of all air valves. 
3) 为排出液压系统中的空气,以低速运转发动机,并按下列方法操作:Run the engine in low speed to exhaust the air in the hydraulic system; operate the engine according to following method:
Repeatedly run the counterweight oil tank 4-5 times and stop the piston on the position in the postion100mm with the end.
Run lifting and luffing winch 4-5 times respectively and for each time there should be 3-4 rounds. 
Run the counterweight oil tank fully 4-5 times and the hoist and luffing winch 4-5 times. 
Caution: if engine runs in high-speed or hydraulic elements runs fully in the initially stage, the mixed air may cause damage of essential parts such as piston gasket!
4) 发动机起动后,进行运转,直到完全升温后为止。
Run the engine continuously after start until temperature rises to working value. 
6.2 长期存放   Long term storage
6.2.1 存放前 Work to be done before storage
Caution: If long term storage is required, make the pipelayer position as following figure to protect the oil tank piston rod (to avoid the oil tank piston rod getting rust) 
When long term storage is required, do according to the procedure as follows:
Clean and flush all components and then park the pipelayer in the warehouse. If warehouse is not available and it has to park outdoor, park it on the leveled ground and cover the pipelayer by tarpaulin. 
Add fuel oil to oil tank fully, lubricate pipelayer and change the engine oil before storage. 
Paint a thin layer of lubricating grease for the surface of piston. 
Disconnect the cathode terminal of battery and cover the battery or remove it from pipelayer storing it separately. 
If it is envisaged that the temperature will be lower than 0℃(32℉), add the antifreeze in the coolant.
Use locking device to lock the levers and pedals. 
Close the stop valve used for accessory installation and add a plug for elbow. 
Optional valves for pipelayer shall be put in the postion of “no accessory installation”. 
6.2.2存放期间 Work to be done during storage
Caution: if anti rust operation must be done when pipelayer is in the warehouse, open the doors and windows to enhance ventilation preventing gas poisoning. 
During storage, operate the pipelayer monthly to make the oil film on the parts surface and at the same time, charge the battery. 
6.2.3 存放后 Work to be done after storage
After long term storage, works to be done as follows before use:
Wipe the lubrication grease on the oil tank piston surface.
Add engine oil and lubrication grease for all parts. 
After long term storage, moisture in the air may enter oil. Before engine starting or after engine starting, check all oil and if any water found, replace all the oil.  
第七章 维护与保养 
Chapter VII Maintenance and Maintenance 
Correct and timely maintenance (i.e. regularly check, clean, lubricate, adjust and tighten etc.) will improve the working efficiency, reduce wear and avoid the unexpected faults. Regular maintenance will enhance the economy, extend the life and reduce the repair cost of the pipelayer. 
The pipelayer maintenance interval shall be according to the chronoscope. 
If working condition is very poor, maintain it earlier than the interval specified in this manual.
7.1 保养注意事项 Maintenance notice
保养时须注意的事项:Items to be noticed during maintenance:
Comply with the related safety operation regulation during maintenance.
During maintenance under the pipelayer, marks shall be provided on the operation seat and if necessary, barrier guards shall be provided on the pipelayer. 
When cleaning the pipelayer, filling oil or checking rotory parts such as fans or belt tension device etc, engine shall be stopped. 
Shut off engine when maintenance and charging for bettary, meanwhile, remove the battery wire conneting with pipelayer. During battery and charger removing, switch off the charger.  
Maintenance shall be done far away from flame including smoking and welding spark etc.
When open the boxes such as gear box and rear axle box etc., be sure there is no any thing falling from box. 
7.在滤油器保养后,应将发动机以中速运转5-10分钟,排除油路内的空气。 After maintenance of oil filter, run the engine for 5-10 minutes to remove the air from the oil pipe.  
Fill suitable quantity of lubrication oil; do not add too much or too less. 
Reduce the pressure when maintain the hydraulic system such as oil feeding and oil discharging or other maintenance. The procedure is as follows: lower the boom on the ground, shut off the engine and operate all levers for 2 or 3 times; then open all covers slowly. 
Use the special tools to adjust the oil presseure, otherwise the tough maintenance will cause incident. 
Besides the necessary personnel, unauthorised persons should stay away from pipelayer during maintenance.  
Keep clean all oil inlet nozzles, oil indicator surface and all oil vessels; use the clean oil and grease. Oil checking and replacing shall be done in the environment with less dust during maintenance.  
7.2 保养表:Maintenance Table
序号SL.No 保养项目
Maintenance Item 保养内容
Maintenance Description
启动前的检查 Check before start up
1 检查漏油、漏水
Leakage of oil and water 检     查
2 检查螺栓、螺母
Bolts and nuts 检查及拧紧      Checking and tightening
3 检查电路
Electric line 检查及拧紧
Checking and tightening
4 检查冷却水位
Cooling water level 检查及补充
Checking and refilling
5 检查发动机油底壳油位
Engine oil level for sump tank 检查及补充
Checking and refilling
6 检查燃油油位
Fuel oil level 检查及补充
Checking and refilling
7 检查转向离合器油位
Steering clutch oil level 检查及补充
Checking and refilling
8 燃油箱排除杂质
Remove unwanted thing from fuel oil tank 放出水及沉积物
Draining water and settling
9 检查灰尘指示剂
Dust indicator 检查及清理空气滤芯 Checking and cleaning air filter
10 检查制动踏板行程
Brake pedal 检查及调整
Checking and adjusting
最初250小时保养 Maintenance for initial 250 hours
1 燃油滤清器、机油滤清器
Fuel filter and engine oil filter 更换滤芯
Replacing the filter core
2 发动机油底壳
Engine oil sump tank 换油
Replacing oil
3 转向离合器箱(包括变速箱和变矩器) Steering clutch box(including gear shift box and torqur converter) 更换和清洗粗滤器 Replacing and cleaning coarse filter
4 工作油箱及滤清器
Working oil tank and filter 换油和更换滤芯 Replacing oil and filter
5 终传动箱
Final transmission box 换油
 Replacing oil
6 发动机气门间隙
Engine air valve clearance 调整 
每250小时保养Maintenance for every 250 hours
Lubrication (check the lubrication oil and grease in the following position)
1 吊臂下铰轴
 Boom lower hinge shaft 1处 1 Position
Guide pulley pin 2处 2 Positions
Counterweight oil tank upper pivot 2处 2 Positions
Counterweight oil tank lower pivot 1处 1 Position
Luffing oil tank upper hinge shaft 1处1 Position
Luffing oil tank lower hinge shaft 1处1 Position
Hoist fixed pulley hinge shaft 1处 1 Position
Hoist movable pulley hinge shaft 1处 1 Position
Hoist pulley bearing 1处 1 position
Hook bearing 1处 1 position
 Hook bearing 1处 1 position
Wire rope 2处 2 position
滚筒 Reel 1处 1 position
2 发动机油底壳及机油滤清器
Engine oil sump tank and filter 放油及更换滤芯 Diacharging oil and replacing filter core
3 变速滤油器和转向滤油器
Gear shift oil filter and steering oil filter 更换滤芯
Replacing the filter core
4 终传动箱
Final transmission box 检查油位及补充
Checking oil level and refilling
5 工作油箱
Working oil tank 检查油位及补充 Checking oil level and refilling
6 发电机驱动皮带
Generator drive belt 调整张紧力
Adjusting tension
7 水泵驱动皮带
Water pump drive belt 调整张紧力
Adjusting tension
8 蓄电池电解液
Battery electrolyte 检查液位
Checking electrolyte level
每500小时保养 Maintenance for every 500 hours
1 燃油滤清器
 Fuel oil filter 更换滤芯
Replacing filter core
2 通气帽 
Ventilation cap 清洗 
3 风扇皮带 
Fan belt 调整张紧力
Adjusting tension
4 通气孔
Ventilation holes 清洗
5 终传动箱通气装置
Final transmission box ventilation device 检查 
6 后桥箱通气装置
 Rear axle box ventilation 检查 
7 乙醚启动装置 
Aether start device 检查(选装)
Checking (optional)
每1000小时保养 Maintenance for every 1000 hours
Lubrication (check the following parts for lubrication and grease filling)
1 万向节联轴节
Shaft coupling and universal joints 2处
2 Positions
Idler adjusting rod 2处 
2 positions
2 水箱散热片
 Water tank radiating flange 检查和清理
Checking and cleaning
3 转向离合器箱 
Steering clutch box 换油、清理粗滤器Replacing oil and cleaning filter
4 终传动箱
 Final transmission box 换油 
Replacing oil
5 工作油箱和滤清器
 Work oil tank and filter 换油、换滤芯
Replacing oil and filter core
6 行走部分
 Traveling parts 检查及加润滑脂
Checking and adding lubricating grease
7 涡轮增压器 
Turbo pressure booster 检查转子游隙
Checking rotor gap
8 防腐蚀器
 Anti corrosion device 更换滤芯
Replacing filter core
每2000小时保养 Maintenance for every 2000 hours
Lubrication (lubrication oil and grease shall be added for the following parts)
1 平衡梁轴 
Balance beam shaft 1处
 1 Position
Decelerator pedal shaft 2处 
2 Positions
Gear lever shaft 3处 
3 Positions
Brake pedal link mechanism shaft 6处 
6 Positions
Accelerator lever link mechanisam shaft 3处 
3 Positions
2 发动机曲轴箱通气帽
Engine crankcase vent cap 清洗 
3 涡轮增压器 
Turbo booster 清洗 
4 气门间隙
Air valve clearance 检查和调整
Checking and adjusting
5 发动机减震器
 Engine shock absorber 检查或更换
Checking and replacing
7.2.1 每日保养 Daily Maintenance 漏油、漏水检查 Oil and water leakage checking
After start pipelayer, check oil or water leakage, particularly in joints of HP hose, hydraulic oil tank, float oil sealing and other radiator parts. If any leakage found, find out the reason and maintain it timely. 紧固件 Fastener
Check the bolts and nuts tightness;
If any loose found, tighten it (especially the bolts on the air filter, silencer, track wheel and track plate etc) immediately. 电气 Electrical 
Check electrical system for the electrical line. 冷却水量的检查 
Checking cooling water level
补给打开加水口盖子,是否能在过滤器底部看得见冷却水,如看不见,即从加水口加水,加水至如图位置;加水时要关闭发动机。加水停止后,要使发动机急速运转 5 分钟左右,然后再次检查水量,如不符图示要求,再次加水。若发现加水量比平时增量较大,则应检查冷却系统是否漏水。在水温高时,不要立即打开盖子,以防热水喷出,要缓慢地打开盖子,让水中压力降低后再打开。
Open the water inlet cap and check the water level in the filter bottom. If it is not seen, fill up water from water inlet to the position shown in the above figure; when filling up water, shut off the engine. After filling up, run the engine in high speed for 5 minutes and check the water level again. If the level is not as high as the position in the figure, make the water up again. If the water quantity is much more than earlier, check the leakage of the system. Do not open the cap when temperature is high to avoid water ejecting out. Loosen the cap slowly and open it when the pressure becomes lower. 检查燃油 Checking fuel oil
当作业结束后,打开帽盖,用油尺 G 检查油量,从加油口处加油,要确保燃油加满。
After working, open the cap and use the oil dipstick G to check the oil level. Fill oil from oil inlet. Ensure the fuel oil is full. 发动机油底壳油量检查 Engine oil sump tank level checking
    用油尺来检查油量,如油量不足,从加油口补给。在发动机停止状态中检查油量时,油尺要使用刻有“ENGINESTOPPED”的一面。Check the oil level by oil dipstick and fill the oil if it is insufficient. If checking the oil during engine stopping condition, use the dipstick side with the words “Engine Stopped”
    若在发动机怠速运转状态中检查油量时,首先要使发动机油压表水温表的指针指向绿色范围,然后使用刻有“ENGINE IDLING”一面的油尺来检查油量。 If checking the oil during idling running, firstly the oil pressure gauge needle shall point to the green area and then use the dipstick side with the work “engine idling”. 转向离合器箱体内油量检查 Oil level checking in steering clutch box
Check the oil level in the gear box and torque convertor. If insufficient oil level found, fill the oil as per requirement of this manual. 燃油箱中水和沉淀物的排除 
Discharge the water and settling in Fuel oil tank 
Open the valve in the bottom of fuel oil tank and discharge the water and settling. Oil also can be discharged.灰尘指示器检查 Dust indicator checking
In case the piston of dust indicator points to the red area due to blocked air filter part, the filter must be cleaned. Afte cleaning, push the button and the red piston will return. Please refer to “Air Filter Cleaning”.制动踏板行程检查  Checking the brake pedal stroke 
7.2.2 每隔 250 小时保养  Maintenance for every 250 hours
包括吊管机开始运转的最初的 250 小时保养,并和“每日保养”一起进行。 
This maintenance includes the initial 250 hours maintenance and daily maintenance. 加润滑脂 Fill the lubrication grease
Fill the butter (lubrication grease) to the following inlet:
1. Position of engine fan belt
2. 涨紧轮及涨紧轮托架2处;
2 Positions in tension wheel and its frame
3. 按保养表加注其余各绞点润滑脂。
3. Fill the grease to all winch joints. 油量检查 Checking oil level
     检查终传动箱油量,打开盖子 G 查看,如油量达不到下孔边缘,则从给油口 F 加油。(2)液压箱检查先将配重展开,使发动机停止运转,约过 5 分钟以后, 查看油指示器G。若油指示器中的油位不处在油窗的上下线之间,则须从加油口 F 加油。此项检查应在作业前进行。
Check the oil level of final transmission box. Open cap “G” to check the oil level and if the level is below lower hole edge, inject oil from oil inlet nozzle “F”; (2) before checking hydraulic box, extend the counterweight and stop the engine. After 5 minutes, if the oil indicator in the oil tank is not between the upper line and lower line, oil must be added from oil inlet nozzle “F”. Checking shall be done before working.发电机传动皮带涨紧度检查  Checking generator belt tension 
     如图为正常涨紧度,即用手指约(6kg)的力,只能压下约 10 毫米位移量;超过此数据,须进行调整,即将滑动螺栓、螺母旋松,然后移动发电机的位置,使之达到正常涨紧度。当三角皮带磨损及延伸失去调整余量而且出现伤痕、龟裂时,应及时给予更换。更换时两条皮带应同时换新的,更换后,须经 1 小时试运转。再进行涨紧度的检查和调整。
Refer to the picture for the normal tension i.e use your finger (around 6kg) to press down the belt, the movement shall be about 10mm; if the value is more, adjust the belt. Loosen the sliding bolt and nut and move the place of generator to achieve the normal tension. If belt abrasion, crack and unflexible happen, replace it immediately. The two belts shall be replaced at the same time. Check and adjust the tension again after 1 hour trial running.滤油器零件的清洗和更换 
Filter parts cleaness and replacement
变速箱和转向离合器的滤油器零件的清洗与更换,按图;拧下螺栓 2,打开盖子 1,取出零件,然后清洗壳体内部和零件,必要时应更换新的零件。在零件更换后,要进行排气。即将发动机起动,将放气塞 3 拧松,当油喷出后立即紧固。
Refer to the picture for the cleaness and replacement of filter parts of gear box and steering clutch: remove the bolt “2” and open the cap “1”; take out the parts and then clean interior and its parts. If necessary, replace the parts. After replacement, discharge the air. Before engine start, loosen air exhausting plug“3” and when oil sprays, tighten it immediately.电池液面检查 Checking battery liquid level
若液面没有达到规定液面(过极板 10~12 毫米以上),则要补充蒸馏水。若电解液减少时,应加入同等浓度的稀硫酸。在加注稀硫酸时,不能使用金属漏斗。在检查液面时,同时须保养电池盖的通气孔。
If the level is lower than the required level (10-12mm above pole plate), add the distilled water. Thin sulfhuric acid should be added in case the electrolyte reduced. Do not use metal funnel for acid adding. When checking the liquid level, maintenance the vent hole of battery cap.履带板螺栓检查 Checking track chain plate bolt 
发现履带板螺栓松弛,应紧固。其紧固扭矩为 1100±100Nm。
If loose track chain plate found, tighten it immediately. The torque of tightening is 1100±100Nm.  
7.2.3 每 500 小时的保养 Maintenance for every 500 hours
During maintenance for every 500 hours, the maintenance for every 250 hours shall be done as well. 燃油滤清器 Fuel oil filter
   关闭燃油箱底部的阀,用滤清器扳手将燃油滤清器芯卸掉。向新滤芯中注满干净的燃油,并在密封垫上涂少量机油,安装滤芯用手拧紧直到密封垫接触到滤清器底座为止,然后再拧紧到1/2~3/4圈(注意不要拧得过紧)Close the valve in fuel oil tank bottom and remove the fuel oil filter core with filter spanner.  Inject the clean fuel oil in the new filter core and painting a little engine oil on the sealing gasket. Use your hand to tighten the filter core until you feel resistance from the filter base and then further screw it to 1/2~3/4 round (do not screw it too tightly).通气装置清洗 Air breather cleaness
Remove the air breather and use the pure diesel to clean the impurity. 
转向离合器箱1处 1 position in steering clutch box.
终传动箱2处 2 position in final transmission box.风扇皮带 Fan belt
Check the V belt and if the following condition found, replace the V belt:
V belt contacted with the belt wheel trough bottom
V belt wore and the surface is lower than belt wheel outer diameter
Crack and drop-off found on V belt
7.2.4每 1000 小时保养  Maintenance for every 1000 hours
每1000小时保养期间,同时应进行“每 250及 500 小时保养”的内容。
When doing maintenance for every 1000 hours, the maintenance for every 250 hours and 500 hours also should be done as well.加润滑脂  Adding lubricating grease
(1)引导轮涨紧油缸(2 处)   
Idler tension oil tank (2 positions)
 (2)万向节联轴节(2 处),通过两处润   滑油嘴加注润滑脂。 
Universal joints (2 positions); Fill grease through 2 nozzles. 
 (3)液力变矩器主轴(1 处),通过润滑油嘴加注润滑脂  
Hydraulic torque main shaft (1 position); Add grease through the nozzle.水箱散热片检查 Checking water tank radiator plate
Blow the soil, garbage and leaves off from radiator plate by compressed air, steam or water. Replace the hose if any crack or brittlement found and check the hose clamp as well.转向离合器箱(包括锥齿轮箱)和变速箱 
Steering clutch box (including bevel gear box) and gear box
(1) 拧下变速箱壳体上的放油塞,放出旧机油后拧紧; 
Unplug the oil discharge nozzle from gear box and discharge the engine oil. Put the plug back and screw it up after discharging. 
(2) 拧下变矩器壳体上的放油塞,放出旧机油后拧紧。
Screw off the oil discharge plug from torque convertor; screw it up after oil discharging. 
(3) 经变速箱加油口,加注机油至规定油位。
Fill oil through gear box nozzle up to the required level. 
Fill the oil from the nozzle as per annexure “Fuel oil, lubrication oil and coolant type and quantity table”. Remove discharge oil plug to discharge the oil and screw it up after oil discharge. 
Remove left flooring, bolts, caps, steering clutch coarse filter and magnet; loosen the bolts and remove the torque coarse filter and cap together. Clean the interior, coarse filter and other removed parts and then reinstall them. 
(4) 凡是滤油器零件更换后,须按照“每 250 小时保养”内的规定,从加油口加注规定量的机油。后桥箱内的油量约 136 升;使用的润滑油类型取决于环境温度。应参考附表“燃油、润滑油、冷却液种类和用量” 
After replacement of all filter parts, oil injection through nozzle must be done as per the requirement of “Maintenance for every 250 hours”. Rear axle casing has about 136 liters oil and the type of lubrication oil will depands on environment temperature. Refer to the annexture “Fuel, lubrication oil and coolant type and quantity sheet”.工作油箱内油的更换 Working oil replacement
Unplug the discharge oil in the working oil tank bottom; loosen the valve to discharge the oil. Screw up the diacharge valve after discharging. 
Check the filter oil and open the clean hole to clean the dirt in the oil tank bottom. 
(5) 检查清理完成后,从加油口 F 加入规定量的液压油。工作油箱内的油量约 560升。 
When complete checking and cleaning, inject hydraulic oil from nozzle “F” to the required level. Woring oil tank has about 560 liters oil.终传动箱 Final transmission box
Remove the discharge oil plug in both side of pipelayer. After oil discharging, screw it up tightly. 
(2)从加油口加注规定量的机油。终传动箱两侧内的油量各为约 55 升。Inject oil from oil nozzle about 55 liters for each side of final gear box.行走部分 Travel parts
Park the pipelayer on the level ground and check the oil level of track wheel, carrier roller and idler as follows:
(1) 把各轮的密封螺栓慢慢地松开,如果从螺纹中有油渗出,说明可不必加注新油,立即把螺栓紧固。
Loosen the sealing bolts slowly. If oil seepage happens, that means it is not required to add fresh oil and tighten the bolt immediately. 
(2) 密封螺栓若松开甚至卸掉后,仍没有油漏出,说明油量不足,须立即加注新油。
If there is no oil seepage till loosening bolts even removing, that means the oil is not sufficient and fresh oil should be added.防腐蚀器(水滤芯) Corrosion protection device (water filter core)
关闭防腐蚀器进,出水阀门。用滤清器扳手,逆时针方向旋转,以拆下防腐蚀器滤芯。在密封面上涂少量机油,换上新元件。安装时,在密封面与盖接触后再拧紧到1/2~3/4圈(注意不要拧得过紧)。更换后,打开阀门。Close the inlet and outlet valve of corrosion protection device; use the filter span to screw the core counter clockwise to remove it. Paint engine oil on the sealing surface and then replace the new parts. During installation, screw 1/2~3/4 round after sealing surface contacting the cap (do not screw too tightly). After replacing, open the valve. 
7.2.5 每 2000 小时保养 Maintenance for every 2000 hours
包括“每 250,500,1000 小时保养”一起进行。
The Maintenance should include the maintenance for every “250 hours, 500 hours and 1000 hours” as well.加注润滑脂  Inject the lubrication grease
如图所示在箭头所指方向处加注黄油。Add the grease to the arrow position.
1.平衡梁轴 1处   1 position in balance beam shaft
2.制动踏板轴 5处   5 positions in brake pedal shaft涡轮增压器 Turbo booster
Too much carbon dirt or pleistocene may damage the turbo booster or decline  its performance. Please contact dealer for the necessary checking or cleaning. Do not use the brush like wire brush to clean the dirt to prevent damage of turbo booster surface.气门间隙 Air valve clearance
Check the air valve clearance. If necessary, pls adjust it by the special tools. 
7.2.6不定期保养及调整  Irregular maintenance and adjustment冷却水更换 Cooling water replacement
If cooling water contains antifreeze, replace it in Spring and Autumn season of every year. 
当冷却水里不加注防冻液时,须每隔 1000 小时更换一次冷却水。
If there is no antifreeze in cooling water, replace it for every 1000 hours. 
更换方法如下:  Replacing procedure is as follows:      
(1) 将车辆停放在平坦的地方,停止发动机,紧固防蚀通气装置,慢慢旋开散热器盖,让水中压力下降:特别是水温高时防止热气喷出烫手。
Park the pipelayer on the level place, stop the engine and tighten the air breather. Loosen the radiator cap slowly to reduce the water pressure. Do not hurt your hands when hot steam goes out. 
(2) 打开 3 处放水阀(散热器、气缸体、油冷器)进行排水。
Discharge the water from 3 positions (radiator, air cylinder and oil cooler) etc
(3) 排水完毕后,用清洗剂清洗,清洗方法按商标上说明的方法做。
After water discharging, clean it as per the method shown on the trademark 
(4)洗净后把水全部排净,关闭各放水阀,从加水口把清水加到要求位置。After cleaning, discharge water and close all valves. Fill water from water inlet to the desired level. 
Running engine idling, open all discharge valves and add the water from inlet nozzle to clean it again until water is discharged thoroughly. Close the discharge valve.  
Fill the water from inlet nozzle fully.
Replace the anticorrosive in the air breather. 
(8)为了清除混入冷却水中的空气,将发动机怠速运转 5 分钟,然后再高速无载荷运转 5 分钟。 
To remove the air mixed in the cooling water, run the engine idling for 5 minutes and then run it in high speed without load for 5 minutes. 
(9)发动机停止 3 分钟后,再从加水口按“每日保养”第四条中的图示要求加满水量, 然后紧固加水口盖子。
After 3 minute from stopping engine, add water fully according to the item 4 in “Daily Maintenance” and then tighten the water inlet cap.空气滤清器检查、清洗和更换 Air filter checking, cleaning and replacing
When there is red mark in dust indicator, which means the air filter should be cleaned immediately , stop the engine and clean it. 
(1) 卸下盖子①和外套筒滤网②。  
Dismantle the cap ① and outer sleeve strainer ②. 
(2) 清洗壳体内部和盖子。 
Clean interior and cap. 
(3) 清洗外套筒滤网 
Clean the outer sleeve strainer. 
清洗方法如下:Cleaning method is as follows:
  (a)用压缩空气的清洗方法即用干燥的压缩空气(0.7MPa 以下),先从内表面沿着褶条吹气,然后从外表面沿着褶条吹气,最后再次吹内表面,使内外表面不沾尘土。                                     Compressed air - Use the dry compressed air (below 0.7MPa) to clean the inner surface along the pleat and then blow the outer surface along the pleat. At last, blow the inner surface again to clean inner and outer surface thoroughly. 
  (b)水清洗方法,即用自来水(0.3MPa 以下)从滤网的内表面沿着褶条冲洗,然后从外表面沿着褶条冲洗,最后再次冲洗内表面,待干燥后检查滤网。                                                      Water cleaning - Use the water (below 0.3MPa) and flush the strainer inner surface along pleat and then flush the outer surface. At last flush the inner surface again and check the strainer afer when it is dry.  
  (c) 对污垢严重的滤网按下列方法进行:                      Cleaness to be done as per the method as follows in case of the severe dirt: 
1) 20 升水中混入 300 克洗涤剂;
Mix 300g detergent with 20 Liter water;
2) 把滤芯在以上溶液中浸 15 分钟;
Soak the core in the solution for 15 minutes.
3)  在流动的清水中冲洗;
Flush it with flowing water. 
4) 采用电风扇吹干(决不可加热烘干),待干燥后检查滤网。
To dry with a fan (do not heat); check the strainer after dry. 
(d)若用 40℃左右的温水中冲洗,效果更佳。
It is better to flush it with 40oC water. 
(4)滤网清洗干燥后用灯光检查,如有小孔等损坏时需更换新的。(图 5-29) After cleaning, check the stainer with the light; in case of any damage, replace it. 
Outer sleeve strainer shall be replaced when it has been cleaned 6 times or it has been used for 1 year. Though it is not cleaned 6 times, if the dust indicator still in the red area after cleaning, it also shall be replaced immediately.   
(6) 在更换外套筒滤网时,要同时更换内筒滤网。
When replace the outer stainer, replace the inner strainer together.履带涨紧度 Track chain tension 检查 Checking
Park the pipelayer on the level ground to check the chain tension. Do not stamp on brake and put a rod on the chain between idler and carrier roller. When clearance between rod and chain grouser is 20-30mm, the tension of chain is qualified.                                   
(2)检查引导轮导向板间隙。如果间隙太大,使引导轮产生横向窜动,造成引导轮中心线与轨距不一致。间隙 A 小于 4 毫米范围内为正常。
Clearance of idler guide plate- too great clearance will cause lateral displacement and the centre line of the idler has the deviation with the track gauge. Clearance A should be less than 4mm.  
(3)检查链节节距 Track chain pitch
在履带板与链轮之间嵌入木块,使履带不松弛;然后以处于木块上的节销为基准,离开此节销二节以外的位置为起点,测量其直线部分的 4 个链节节距长度 L,其 1/4×L,即为链节的节距。(以主销为基准也可以)基本链节节距:216 毫米
Insert wood block between track chain plate and carrier roller to make the chain tension. Make the pin on the wood block as the bench mark and choose the pin at lease 2 pitches from the bench mark as the start point. Measure 4 pitches length. The pitch is 1/4×L. (main pin can be bench mark also). The basic pitch is 216mm.
(4)检查履带板齿高度  Chain grouser height           
当履带板拉紧后,在履带板的中间,测量其齿高 A。标准尺高:72 mm 修理极限:25 mm
After chain tension, measure the grouser height “A” in the center of track. Standard height:72mm; repair limitation: 25mm.    
(5)检查支重轮外径 Checking outer diameter of track wheel
(a)如图测量链节上下平面间高度尺寸 C;  Meausre the height of chain “C” as per the figure  
(b)当链节上平面和支重轮外圆完全接触时,停车,测量如图尺寸 B,支重轮外径尺寸 A,即 A=(B-C)×2  标准尺寸:222mm  修理极限:198mm  
Stop the pipelayer when the chain surface totally contacts the top circle of the track wheel, meaure the length “B” and the out diameter of track wheel “A” as per the figure, i.e. A= (B-C)×2. The standard size: 222mm; repair limitation: 198mm
Check oil leakage for all wheels and the tightness of all bolts and nuts. If any problem found, repair it immediately.调整  Adjustment
1.履带涨紧度调整 Track chain tension adjustment
若要增加履带涨紧度时,可从加油口注入黄油。其调整极限行程为 S。
Inject grease from oil inlet nozzle to increase chain tension; the adjusting limitation is “S”.
当调整到 S=0 时,若此时履带还是松弛,说明销子和销套的磨损已到极限,则必须更换全部销子和销套的安装位置,其方法是以它们原安装位置为基准,全部反转同一角度(改变原安装位置),然后再重新装配,或者更换一条新的履带。若要使涨紧度松弛,可把塞子 2 松约一圈,挤出黄油。在旋松塞子 2 时,不得超过一圈以上,但要注意决不能松动塞子以外的零件,防止内部的高压油喷射出来,造成事故。当黄油从塞子处出来如不正常时,可将车辆前后运动一下。
If the chain tension is still not achieved to the desired tension when S=0, it means the pin and its bushing has worn. In this case, installation position of all pins and bushings shall be reversed (reverse the same angle with the original one) and then reintall; or the whole chain shall be replaced. If the tension shall be loosened, screw the plug “2” one round out and grease will come out from the plug. Do not screw the plug”2” more than one round. Do not move other parts to prevent the HP oil ejection which may cause incidents. If the grease cannot come out from the plug, move the pipelayer a little bit.    
2.引导轮间隙调整 Idler clearance adjustment
当引导轮在外力作用下,支架 2 可以在台车架上部沿导向板 3 前后移动,引起导板 7 及导向板 3 磨损,造成引导轮横向窜动、侧向倾斜以及引导轮与轨距不一致,以至使支重轮、托轮的法兰边及链轮的侧面等和履带发生干涉而造成过快的磨损,因此必须进行各间隙调整。
When the idler is in the force, support “2” can move along the guide plate “3” which will cause the guide plate “7” and guide plate “3” worn; the idler will move transversely, incline laterally and deviate with the track, so the flange of track wheel or carrier roller and idler profile will be rubbing with track causing the severe wear. Thus the clearance among all wheels shall be adjusted. 
Connecting parts may be worn due to movement of frame. If the clearance between the parts is great, the idler may swing which cause track gnawing or even digression. Therefore, adjust it frequently as per procedure as follows:
(1)左右调整 Lateral adjustment 
吊管机在平地上行走 1~2 米后,若测得左右外侧(共四处)间隙 A>4 毫米时,应调整。调整方法如下:把螺栓 1 松开三圈以下,取出调整片 a,使单侧间隙 A=0.5~1毫米,然后紧定螺栓即可。调整垫片的厚度为 1mm。 
When the pipelayer drive 1-2 meters and the left and right outer clearance A>4mm  (4 positions), adjust it according to the following method:
Loosen bolt “1” more than 3 cycles, remove the adjusting shim “a”. The single side clearance A=0.5~1mm and then tighten the bolt. The adjusting shim thickness is 1mm. 
    (2)上下调整当间隙(B+C)≥5 毫米时,应予以调整。调整方法如下:Up and down adjustment - when the clearance (B+C)≥5, it should be adjusted as follows:
松开螺栓,将 c 调整片抽出,然后将其插入 b 内,使(B+C)=2 毫米;正常状态 C=0  
Loosen the bolts and pull out the adjusting shim “c” and insert it into “b”; (B+C)=2mm and normally C=0mm.
例:当 B=5mm 时,调整量为 5-2=3mm。 
For example: when B=5mm, the adjusting value should be 5-2=3mm;
注意:在调整前后,调整片 b 与 c 之和保持不变,否则会造成各橡胶弹簧支承力的不均匀;调整片厚度有 1mm 与 2mm 两种。
Caution: the value=B+C should be constant, otherwise the force of rubber spring is uneven; there are 2 types of adjusting thim thickness: 1mm and 2 mm. 
调整完后,紧定螺栓。螺栓 1 与螺栓 5的紧固力矩为 645~845N·m。
After adjustment, tight the bolts.The tight torque of bolt 1 and bolt 5 is 645-845 N.m.  
3.减速踏板行程的调整 Decelerator pedal stroke adjustment 
若把燃油控制杆,置在总行程的 1/2处,踏下减速踏板,使间隙 A=0 毫米,此时发动机的转速应在 800~850 转/分范围以内,不在此范围以内,应按下列步骤调整: 
Pull up the fuel lever in the 1/2 position and stamp on the pedal making the clearance A=0mm, if the speed is not between 800-850 r/min, it should be adjusted as follows: 
(1)松开锁紧螺母 1,然后调节调整螺栓 2,一直调整到出现以下状态时为止,即:当踏下减速踏板到使之间隙 A=0 毫米时 ,发动机的转速能在 800~850 转/分范围内运转,说明踏板行程正常了。
Loosen the lock nut “1” and ajust the bolt “2” until the engine speed is between 800-850 r/min when stamp the decelerator pedal making the clearance A=0mm. 
(2)调整后紧固锁紧螺母 1在调整时,为了正确调整发动机转速,必须使用转速表。
After adjustment, tighten the locking bolt “1”; during adjusting, revolution meter must be used to check the engine speed correctly. 制动踏板行程的调整 Adjusting brake pedal stroke
因为制动器结构是外带式,因此当制动带衬片磨损后,转向操纵杆及制动踏板的行程就增大,使制动作用减弱,为此必须调整。其调整方法如下:As it is the contracting band brake, afer brake band lining wear, the stroke of steering lever and brake pedal shall be increased and the brake action will be weakened; thus it must be adjusted as follows:
(1)、卸下后部盖子,再卸下制动器检查盖 1;
 Remove the cap and then remove the brake inspection cap;
(2)、将拉紧制动带的调整螺栓 2 拧到底(感觉有阻止为止),此时制动鼓和制动带相互贴合; 
Screw down the adjusting bolt “2” (until you feel resistance) and at this time the brake drum will touch the brake band.
(3)、然后将调整螺栓 2 往回退约 7/6 转;
Screw back the bolt “2” about 7/6 cycles.
(4)、发动机以怠速运转,在此状态下测量制动踏板的行程;标准行程:110~130 毫米. 
Measure the brake stroke when engine is idling; the standard stroke is 110-130mm. 
(5)、测量后如不在以上标准范围内,再次调节调整螺栓 2。螺栓顺时针方向旋转其踏板行程减小,逆时针方向旋转其踏板行程增大;
If the stroke is not in the above range, adjust the bolt “2” again; screw the bolt clockwise, then the pedal stroke will be decreased; screw it counter-clockwise, the stroke will be increased. 
(6)、若调整螺栓 2 如图的尺寸在 71毫米以下时,即要调换制动带衬片;
If the adjustment size of the bolt “2” is less than 71mm, change the brake lining immediately.  
(7)、左右两块踏板的行程,应调整的一致,即两块踏板高低差只允许在 5 毫米以内。
Both left and right padel stroke shall be same and the deviation shall be no more than 5mm.引导轮 Idler
The side guide plate, upper & lower plate and idler plate are worn due to long term running causing the swing of idler. Thus the track chain link may go out of idler or the uneven abrasion of idler or chain link may be happened. Therefore, the idler shall be adjusted time to time as per the following procedure to maintain it in the good condition: 
     1、侧面导板调整 Side guide plate adjusting
1) 车辆在水平地面上运转1~2m,使履带均匀涨紧,然后使车辆停止。检查导向板与以车架之间的间隙“A”(每侧导板共有左、右、上、下4个间隙)。
Pipelayer travels 1-2m on the level ground to make the track tension even and then stop the pipelayer; check the clearance “A” between guide plate and frame (for each side plate, there are 4 clearance including left, right, upper and lower). 
2) 若任何一间隙超过4mm,则松开螺栓1,并卸去一定数量的垫片2,再调整到标准间隙:0.5~1.0mm,垫片厚度是:0.5~1.0mm。
If any clearance is more than 4mm, loosen bolt 1 and then remove a certain quantity of shim “2”, and then adjust the clearance to the standard  0.5-1.0mm. The thickness of thim is 0.5-1.0mm. 
When loosening bolt “1”, do not screw it more than 3 cycles. 
    2、导向板和上、下导板调整 Adjustment of guide plate and upper & lower plate
Measure the clearance “B” between fulcrum bearing “3”and guide plate “4” and the clearance “C” between upper & lower guide plate “5” and bogie frame antifriction plate. If the sum of “B” and “C” is more than 5mm, the value should be decreased to 2mm by means of pulling out shim “7” to make the thickness as desired; then add the shim which has same thickness of shim “7” into shim“8”. The adjustment can be done according to the following procedure: 
间隙C是零(0mm)为正常。测量间隙“B”,从“B”值中减去2mm, 这个结果是被调整的垫片厚度(例如:B=5mm,调整垫片厚度是:5-2=3mm)。垫片(件7)和(件8)为可抽取式垫片。
The standard value of clearance “C” is 0mm; Measure clearance “B” and reduce the clearance “B” by 2mm. The value is the adjusting thickness of shim (for example: B=5mm and the adjusting shim thickness should be 5-2=3mm). Shim “7” and shim “8” is the removable shim. 
  b 松开螺栓(件9),直到感觉不到有弹簧力为止。 
Loosen bolt “9” until there is no force from spring. 
 c 松开螺栓(件1),注意不要拧动螺栓3圈以上。
Loosen bolt “1” no more than 3 cycles. 
 d 用棍向上调节导板(件5),使间隙“C”为零按第1)步确定的所需垫片厚度卸下可抽取垫片(件7)。将卸下的垫片(件7)加到可抽取的垫片(件8)上调整前后,垫片(件7)和(件8)相加厚度不变。若粗心使垫片总厚度增减,将导致安装在导向装置内的弹簧的预加负荷不适宜。拧紧弹簧座螺栓(件9)。螺栓(件1)的拧紧力矩为500~620Nm。上、下导板最大允许调整量为6mm。 
Adjust the guide plate “5” up with stick and make the clearance “C” =0mm. Remove the shim “7” according to step “1” to confirm the thickness. Put the removed shim “7” into removable shim “8” and then adjust it. The sum thickness (shim “7”+ shim “8”) is constant. If making the sum thickness of shims thicker carelessly, it will cause the spring force in guide device is improper. Screw the bolts “9” for spring seat tightly. The screw torque of bolt “1” is 500-620Nm. The allowable adjustment value of upper & lower guide plate is 6mm. 风扇皮带 Fan belt
As the belt has the automatically tension device, the tension is aways constant and has nothing to do with the V belt. Hence it is not required to replace until damage. Replace both belts at the same time. 液压油的使用和更换 Using and replacing hydraulic oil 液压设备的故障和液压油的关系 
Relation between hydraulic device fault and hydraulic oil  
Statistics show that about 70-75% device faults of hydraulic device is arising from hydraulic oil, the main reason is improper oil selection, use and management. 
Hydraulic oil performance variation (viscosity variation, poor anti rust performance, poor anti emulsifying performance, deterioration, contamination, corrosion or poor anti-froth quafity) will affect the device and vice versa. Thus use and manage the hydraulic oil well based on the correct choose of oil. 液压油的选择 Hydraulic oil selection 
Mineral oil is normally choosed for hydraulic system. When selecting, the following elements to be considered apart from the requirement of pump and valve manufacturing requirement:
1、 环境温度:环境温度高时应采用粘度高的液压油,反之,采用粘度较低的液压油。
Environment temperature: use the high viscosity oil when temperature high and vice versa. 
2、 系统工作压力:工作压力高,宜选用高粘度的油,工作压力低时,则宜选用低粘度的油。
System work pressure: use the high viscosity oil when under high pressure and vice versa. 
3、 工作装置运动速度:速度高,为减少压力损失,宜选用低粘度油。反之,则选用较高粘度的油。液压吊管机多采用抗磨液压油或低温度液压油,如下表:
Working parts running speed: when it is in high speed running, use the low viscosity oil to reduce the pressure loss and vice versa. Anti-wear oil or low temperature oil is mostly used for pipelayer as follows:
抗磨液压油   Anti-wear hydraulic oil
New label number 旧牌号 
Old label number  粘度(50℃厘斯)Viscosity (50oC centisthene) 
L-HM32抗磨液压油  L-HM32 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 20 17~23
L-HM46抗磨液压油 L-HM46 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 30 27~33
L-HM68抗磨液压油 L-HM68 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 40 37~43
L-HM 100抗磨液压油L-HM32 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 60 57~63
低温液压油 Low temperature hydraulic oil
新牌号 New label number 旧牌号
Old label number 粘度(50℃厘斯)Viscosity (50℃ centisthene)
L-HS15 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 10 8~12
L-HS22 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 20 17~23
L-HS32 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 30 27~33
L-HS 46抗磨液压油
L-HS46 Anti-wear hydraulic oil 40 37~43液压油的更换 Replacement of hydraulic oil
The hydraulic oil performance will be changed during use.
Hydraulic oil performance will be changed after use:
1) 外观上:颜色变深以至变黑,油中有沉淀物,产生刺激性臭味。
Apperance: the colour is getting dark and settling is in the oil which leads to fume. 
2) 机械杂质增加,液压件磨损加快。
Machanical impurity will be increased and the elements abrasion will be occurred faster. 
3) 水分土增加。
Water content and soil will be increased;
4) 酸值增高。 
Acid value will be increased;
5) 乳化性和抗泡性变差,这些性能的变化会引起液压机械的故障损坏。所以在一定时期就需要更换液压油。
Emulsification and anti-froth performance is getting poor. The above variation will cause the hydraulic system faults, thus replace the hydraulic oil time to time. 
2.换油期的确定方法  How to confirm the oil replacement interval
There are three methods to confirm the interval of oil replacement: 1. Specified scheduled oil replacing interval; 2. checking oil sample visually and confirm according experience; 3. Sampling test. Among these 3 methods, sampling test method is the best way to confirm the interval.  
1)规定固定的换油期:这种方法确定换油期的决定因素是:油箱大小,使用条件 (环境),机器类型等,吊管机换油期规定为纯运转1500小时以上或使用约12个月左右。
Specified scheduled interval - the decisive factors is oil tank size, using environment and machine type etc. For pipelayer, the oil replacement period is above 1500 hours or around 12 months. 
2)根据经验和对油样的观察:如与新油对照,根据外观和气味决定是否换油。或在滤纸上观察油品斑痕等。注:必须在机器工作时抽样。         Confirm it according to experience and oil sample such as comparing with the fresh oil method, appearance and smell method or sample spot on the filter paper method. Note: sampling should be done when machine is working.液压油的加注 Hydraulic oil filling up
1.液压油加注前的准备工作 Preparation before filling up
1)验明油种、牌号  Determine the oil type and label number
购买的液压油应抽样化验。确认是选定的牌号,性能指标符合要求。(按厂家技术文件检验)最好化验其中几个关键项目,如粘度、防锈性、铜片腐蚀试验等。注意:抽样时应将油搅拌均匀。                         For new purchased oil, sampling test is required to confirm the number lalel and standard performance. Test it as per the manufacturer’s technical document for essential items such as viscosity, antirust or Corrosiveness to copper--Copper strip test etc. Caution: mix the oil evenly when sampling. 
Filter: during transportation and storage, water or unwanted material may enter oil barrel. Before use, filter it with industrial filter paper. 
3)清洗液压机械 Clean the hydraulic system parts
When the used hydraulic oil is discharged, flush the hydraulic system and run the pump time to time. Use cleaning oil (naphthenic oil with 10-20 centisthene when temperature is 50oC) for flushing and replace the strainer from coarse to fine until there is no impurity on the strainer. 
2.液压油的加注 Hydraulic oil filling 
After flushing, discharge the flushing oil from oil tank and maintain the tank clean. Fill up the fresh oil; then remove and connect the upper return oil pipe to other vessel. Run the pump and operate all mechanism in sequence. The fresh filling oil will push off all used oil. Again connect the oil pipe to the oil tank after oil filling into all hydraulic system; at the same time, fill the oil as required. By now, oil filling completed. 
Caution: ensure the sufficient oil in the hydraulic oil tank;
Do not mix the oil in different label number. 
Annexed table: Fuel, lubrication oil and coolant type and quantity
部位 Component 环境温度及适用油品 Environment temperature and applicable oil
-30   -20   -10     0   5   10  1 5   20   30  35  40  45
Rated quantity (Liters)
发动机燃油箱 Engine fuel tank
-10~-35轻号柴油  -10~-35# Light Diesel oil
发动机油底壳 Engine sump tank 45
变矩器 Torque convertor 
变速箱 Gear box
后桥箱Real axle casing 122
Hydraulic oil tank 310
1) 标※的油品为其栏内油品的代用品,没有上一格的油品,可用带※的油品代用。
The oil marked “※” is the substitute of the standard oil. If the standard oil is not available, the substitute with ※ can be used. 
2) 润滑油品牌号均为 CF-4 级。
Lubrication oil label number is class CF-4. 
3) 当环境温度低于-20℃时,发动机油底壳的油换成 SAE5W-30。 
When the environment temperature is lower than -20oC, change the sump tank oil into SAE5W-30. 
4) 加油时应先从加油口抽出过滤网,用干净柴油清洗干净后,放回加油口,才可以加油。
When refilling the oil, remove the filter and then clean it with the fresh diesel oil. Put the cleaned oil into nozzle and refilling can be started. 
5) 油、油脂的加入量要符合要求,不可过多或过少。
Quantity of oil or grease shall be according to the required standard, not too much or not too less. 
6) 加油、水的用具一定要干净,用后存放在盖严的箱子或柜子中。
The tools for adding water or oil should be clean and after use, put it in the coverd box or cabin. 
7) 排油时要使油温预热至 30~40℃为宜。SAE 油品为国际通用油品号。Preheat the oil to 30-40 oC when discharing oil. SAE oil is the internation general label number. 
第八章  故障原因及排除方法 
Chapter VIII Fault causes and resolution 
The pipeplayer fault causes and resolution are as follows:
8.1电器部分  Electrical part
故障现象 Fault  主要原因Fault causes 排除方法 Resolution
Dim light during engine high speed running and instable light during engine running 接触不良;
Poor contact;
Loose engine belt.  检查端子有无松动及线路有无断开;
Whether the terminal became loosened or the wire circuit  disconnected;
Adjust the engine belt tension.  
交流电机有异音发生 。
Abnormal sound of AC motor happens  交流电极不良 
Weak AC motor 更换、修理发电机。
Replace or repair the generator
During engine running, sound of pinion happens when keys insert into the “START”switch 接触不良,电池充电量不足 Poor contact or insufficient battery capacity 检查、修理线路;
Check and repair the wire circuit;
Charge the battery. 
Motor does not run when key is on “START” 接触不良,电池充电量不足,起动开关不好,电池开关不好.
Poor contact; insufficient battery capacity; weak“START”switch; poor battery switch. 检查、修理线路及继电器;
Check and repair the wire circuit and relay;
Charge the battery;
Replace start motor. 
lower running speed when start engine 接触不良;
Poor contact;
Insufficient battery capacity.  给蓄电池充电;
Charge the battery;
Replace start motor.
Start gear has separated before engine start 接触不良,电池充电量不足
Poor contact and insufficient battery capacity 检查、修理线路;
Check and repair the wir circuit;
Charge battery. 
 Indicator light is now working 断线,保险丝断电池充电量不足
 Wire disconnection;
Fuse burn out;
Insufficient battery capacity 检查、修理线路;
Check and repair wire circuit;
Charge the battery.
When engine stop, the oil pressure indicater is not in 0 position 机油压力传感器损坏
Engine oil pressure sensor damaged;
Poor contact of Wire circuit  更换机油压力传感器;
Replace the oil pressure sensor;
Check and repair the line
When engine in the high speed,  线路接触不良
Poor contact of wire circuit 检查发电机;
Check generator;
Check and repair wire circuit.
8.2发动机部分 Engine part
故障现象 Fault 主要原因 Main cause 排除方法Solution
After engine stop, the oil pressure gauge does not drop to zero 油压表不良 
Poor oil pressure gauge 更换油压表 Replace the oil pressure gauge
After engine start, the needle of oil pressure gauge indicates the red area (left) 油底壳油水不足;
Oil sump tank has insufficient water and oil;
Poor or damaged oil connector;
Poor oil pressure gauge  加机油至规定油位;
Add engine oil as require;
Check and repair;
Replace oil pressure gauge
Oil pressure gauge needle indicates red area (left side) when engine speed up 油粘度太高,油压表不良;
Great oil viscosity and poor oil pressure gauge;
oil leakage in oil pipe and connector; 
insufficient oil;
engine oil filter blocked 更换规定用油,更换油压表;
Replace the oil and oil pressure gauge; check the pipe and connector; add the oil to the required level and replace the engine oil filter core. 
 Steam gushing from radiator top (pressure valve) 
Insufficient cooling water or seepage happens; fan belt loose; impurity and settling in cooling system 检查补充冷却水;
Check and make up the cooling water;
Adjust fan belt tension;
Clean cooling system interior;
Clean or repair water tank radiator;
Replace the thermostat; tighten water tank cap or replace it sealing gasket
Water temperature gauge needle indicates the right red area after engine start 水温表不良;
Poor water thermometer;
Blocked radiator stack;
Poor sealing of thermostat 检查水温表、水温传感器;
Check the water thermometer, temperature sensor; clean and repair;replace thermostat; replace sealing gasket
Engine not start when start motor 燃油不足,燃油系统混入空气 
Insufficient fuel or air mixed in fuel system 补充燃油;
Add fuel; vacuum the air; start motor in lower speed (refer to electrical part);
Check air valve clearance;
Calibricate or replace oil pump or oil nozzle. 
Fuel stop frenquently  燃油箱出油管路阻塞
Fuel outlet pipe blocked 清洁管路
 Clean the oil pipe
Instably engine running 燃油系统中混入空气 
Air mixed in fuel system 排除空气
 Vacuum the air
不正常的燃烧噪音或机械噪音 Abnormal burn noise or machinery noise 使用质量差的燃油、过热;
Poor quality fuel; superheating;
Inter abrasion of silencer 更换规定燃油;Replace the fuel;
更换消音器;Replace the silencer;
调整气门间隙。Adjust the air valve clearance
发动机排气为白色或清白色 Emission of engine is white 油底壳油量过多、燃油不足;涡轮增压器油管路阻塞 Too much or too less oil in sump tank;
Turbo booster oil pipe blocked  更换指定的燃油;
Replace the fuel as required;
Adjust sump tank oil level;
Check any leakage of booster
发动机排气为黑色Engine emission is black color 空滤器阻塞、排气压力过大 Filter blocked and exhaust pressure too greater 清理空气滤芯;
Clean air filter core;
Replace the oil nozzle;
Clean or replace the booster. 
8.3底盘部分  Chassis part
故障现象Fault 主要原因 Main cause 排除方法 Resolution
变矩器油压不上升(车辆不能起步)Torque covertor oil does not rise (pipelayer cannot start up) 油管或管接头漏气
Air leakage in oil pipe or connector;
Gear pump damaged;
Less oil in gear box;
Gearbox filter blocked 检查油管或管接头漏气处;
Check the leakage of oil pipe or connector;
Check or replace the gear pump;
Add oil to gear box;
Clean and replace the gear box filter
液力变矩器过热 Hydraulic torque convertor overheating
Fan belt loosening;
Engine water temperature too high;
Oil cooler blocked;
Gear pump wore causing oil circulating is insuffient. 
Tight or replace the belt fan;
Refer to “engine part”;
Clean or replace oil cooler;
Replace gear pump;
Refer to “torque convertor oil pressure not rise part”
Gear shift lever is on the gear shift position, but pipelayer does not travel 液力变矩器与变速箱无油压上升;
Oil pressure does not rise in hydraulic torque convertor and gear shift box;
Air mixed or oil leakage happened due to poor sealing of joints between valves and pipes;
Gear pump wore or jammed;
Gear box oil filter stainer blocked  向转向离合器箱里加油;
Add oil to steering clutch box; refer to “torque convertor oil pressure not rise part”;
Check or replace the gear pump;
Clean the oil filter
Pull up single side steering lever and pipelayer go ahead but not turn 转向阀不良或转向杆调节不灵或失效
Poor steering valve; steering lever not working or losing effectiveness  
Adjust the brake
Stamp on brake pedal, but pipelayer does not stop 制动踏板调整不良或制动助力阀不良
Poor brake pedal adjustment or weak brake servo valve 调整制动器
Adjust the brake
Track chain digression 履带张力过松,引导轮左右松动
Track chain is too loose; ider is also loose in left and right side 调整履带涨紧度;
Adjust track chain tension;
If track wear, replace the idler
Worn carrier roller   履带过松或过紧 
Track chain is too loose or too tight 调整履带涨紧度
Adjust the track chain tension
8.4上车部分 On board part
故障现象 Fault 主要原因 Main cause 排除方法 Resolution 
Oil pipe leakage  接头松动
Connector loosened;
Sealing parts damaged;
Pipe broken 拧紧接头
Tighten connector;
Replace sealing part;
Replace pipe
Oil pressure does not rise
Too less oil or oil inlet pipe blocked;
Too low start pressure of over flow valve;
Oil pump capacity is insufficient;
Pressure pipe and return oil pipe links or elements leaked. 加油检查 ;
Add oil and check;
Adjust overflow valve;
Speed up engine;
Check oil pipe, particulary in all valves and motors;
Maintain oil pump.
Severe noise of oil pipe
管道内有空气 ;
油温太低 ;
滤油器堵塞 ;
空气滤清器有油污 。
Air mixed in oil pipe;
Oil temperature is too low;
Pipe and elements not tightened;
Oil filter blocked;
Less oil in oil tank;
Oil stain on the air filter. 多动作几次,排除元件内部气体井排除吸油管漏气;
Move several times to vacuum the air in the oil inlet pipe and elements and check leakage of oil pipe;
Run oil pump in low speed and heat the oil;
Replace the filter core;
Refill oil;
Clean or replace.
Severe overheating of oil pipe 内部泄漏过大;
Several inner leakage;
too high pressure;
too high environment temperature;
inadequate oil;
Oil filter or pipe blocked by dirty oil. 检修元件;
Maintain elements;
Adjust overflow valve;
Stop working and cool down;
Refill oil;
Clean strainer, oil tank and pipe. Replace the oil. 
Pressure gauge is not working 阻尼接头堵塞;
Damp connector blocked;
Pressure gauge damaged. 检修清洗;
Maintain and clean;
Maintain and replace.
Too high oil pressure of no load running  
Pipe blocked by impurity;
Oil filter blocked. 排除异物。
Remove the impurity. 
Hoist mechanism brake cannot open 双向梭阀卡死;
Double way Shuttle valve sticking;
Double way shuttle valve interior leakage;
Poor sealing of brake pison;
Dirt in brake valve.  检修双向梭阀;
Maintain doule way shuttle valve;
Maintain doule way shuttle valve;
Maintain brake and replace the sealing parts;
Maintain brake valves;
Reel does not rotate or brake when motor running 快放阀打开或故障;
Quick release valve opened or damaged;
Clutch interior damaged; 检修快放阀;
Maintain quick release valve;
Maintain clutch.
Winch mechanism jamming or shaking 制动器没有完全打开;
Brake not opened fully;
Winch mechanism bearing damage. 调整双向梭阀或更换;
Adjust or replace double way shuttle valve;
Replace bearing. 
重物不能上升或下降 Lifting material cannot hoist or lower 高度限位器重锤发卡,不能自由下垂
Height limiter hammer jamming happens and it cannot fall down freely 放下吊臂使其恢复正常
Lower the boom and make it work properly
配重收起后缓慢下降 Counterweight drop down slowly after rectraction  油缸内泄;
Oil tank leakage;
Balance valve leakage. 更换密封件或总成;
Replace the sealing parts or kits;
Replace or clean. 
Winch mechanism drops when lifting load 制动器间隙太大;
Great brake clearance;
Clutch oil pipe leakage 调整(应以吊最大起重为准);
Adjust (based on the maximum hoist load);
Accumulator pressure drops rapidly 单向阀泄漏;
Single way valve leakage;
Severe clutch valve inside leakage. 研磨结合面或更换;
Grind the surface or replace it;
Replace valve or sealing parts.
No pressure for on board part 溢流阀卸荷;
Overflow valve offloading;
Overflow valve offloading due to solenoid earthing.
Severe pump interal leakage;
Keys on gear pump shaft dropped.    清洗或更换;
Clean or replace;
Check or replace.
附录1 起重吊钩及钢丝绳—保养与维修             Annex 1 Pipelayer hook and wirerope- maintenance and repair 
Hook and wirerope is the consumable and when the strength is weakened, replace it as it is unsafe. Regular inspection is required so that before losing effectiveness, you can have the wire rope replaced. 
Inadequate maintenance is the major reason of wire rope life decreasing, particularly when the pipelayer working in the corrosive environment or it is doing unconventional operation, enhancing maintenance and shortening the maintenance interval is a must. 
FL1.1 起重吊钩 Hoist hook
If crack is on the hoist hook, “α”is more than 15% or the angle “β”is more than 10%, the hook should be replaced.   
FL1.2 钢丝绳 Wirerope
The exact time to replace the wirerope cannot be provided due to variable factors can affect the time. As per ISO4309:1990, after checking the allowable damage, whether wirerope is continued to use will be decided by concern responsible personnel as he is experienced.   
Replace the wirerope or check it more frequently in case of following factors occurred:
1) 在钢丝绳的使用期间,在一绞里随机地分散着6根断钢丝,或在一绞里的一股中有三根断钢丝;
During use, 6 fractured wire in one wirerope or 3 fractured wire in a strand found; 
2) 外侧各钢丝已磨损了钢丝原始直径的三分之一;
The wire in the outer surface has worn 1/3 of wire diameter. 
3)扭结、轧扁、断口、松散或任何其他损伤导致钢丝绳结构的变形;Deformation such as knod, flatting, fracture, friability etc.
Damage spot due to heating or arc
Pitting rust interior or exterior 
Rust, spalling crack, bending, wear or incorrect connecting way 
Worn part is more than 7% of new wirerope nominal diameter. 
更换侧臂的钢丝绳应选用机器和钢丝绳制造厂推荐的尺寸、等级或结构。套环、扎头和紧固件应使用钢丝绳、紧固件或机器制造厂推荐的型号及规格。The wirerope size, class or feature shall be selected according to manufacture’s advice. The collar, thimble and fastener shall be selected as per the specification and size as well. 
Wirerope life will extend in case it is always in the lubricated condition to reduce the inside wear and avoid the rusting. The lubricationshall be same as the original one during maintenance. 
FL1.3 推荐的钢丝绳检验周期及内容          Recommended wirerope test interval and items
Pipelayer wirerope is the essential part, so check and maintain it daily. 
FL1.3.1日常观察 Routine observation
Check wirerope visible parts in each working day to find the damage or deformation, especially for the fixed parts and winding parts on the reel; if any obvious change found, report to responsible personnel to confirm the replacing interval and then test it as per clause 3.2. 
FL1.3.2检验部位 Test parts
FL1.3.2.1一般部位 Common parts
Check whole wirerope and pay more attention to the following parts:
Wirerope moving and fixing ends; the wirerope which is through pulley or rounding the pulley and the parts winding on the reel; pay more attention to the wirerope rounding the pulley parts when hoist; wirerope on the balance pulley; wirerope has the possibility of wear due to force; for the above wirerope parts, the inner test of wear and damage shall be conducted.  
FL1.3.2.2绳端部位 Wirerope end 
Test the wire rope from fixed end as it is easy to be fractured and corrosion. The deformation and abrasion of fixed device also should be tested.  
Removable device (Cuneiform connector, clamp and clamping plate etc) shall be tested for fracture and corrosion inside or at end of wirerope. Ensure the tightness of Cuneiform connector and clamps. The wirerope ends shall comply with the standard as well. 
The fixed parts of connector shall be tested visually. If wire fracture happens in the wirerope end device or around the end, wirerope can be shortened and then fix it again on the device. The length of wirerope shall meet the requirement for minimum winding circles on the reel.    
FL1.3.2.3卷筒部位 Wire rope reel 
Apart from the above parts, the wirerope reel area also shall be checked (including luffing and hoist reel). Before use, dedicated persons shall be engaged to check the wirerope range on the reel.  If severe disordered and extruded wirerope found, do not use it for work; have it rewound immediately. 
FL1.3.3检验内容 Test items
FL1.3.3.1断丝检验 Wire fracture test
The wire fracture shall be counted on the wirerope outer surface in a pitch, i.e if there are 2 fractures found in 1 wire, the fractured wire shall be considered as 2 wires. If the fracture is more than its radius, fracture statistic shall be done.
A pitch means the axial distance of one strand winding one circle distance. The measure method is as follows:
FL1.3.3.2磨损检验 Wear test
The wear includes concentric wear and eccentric wear. Measure the diameter of wirerope with wide jaw slide caliper under no tension condition; Choose 2 measuring sections at least 15m from the wirerope end and the distance between the sections should be at lease 1m, take the diameter in the different direction of section and get the value for each direction. The measured diameter should be the average value of four diameters.   
FL1.3.3.3腐蚀检验 Corrosion test
Visually measure the rust, pitting and the flexible condition. If the wirerope is less than 20mm, bend the wirerope to check; if it is more than 20mm, put the test pin inside of the wirerope and then recover the wirerope. If the pitting is visible on the wirerope surface, the wire rope can be used. 
FL1.3.3.4变形检验  Deformation test
Measure the wire rope knot, wave or flat by visual measurement. 
波浪变形,取绳径25倍区段,测量绳径,要求d1/d≤4/3,否则应该报废。Wave deformation- measure the rope diameter in the position of 25 times of rope diameter; the requirement is D1/D≤4/3, otherwise the wire rope shall be replaced. 
Flat – take the maximum diameter dmax and the minimum diameter dmin, when dmax/dmin ≥3/2, it should be replaced. 
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