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1. 引言Introduction
1.1编写目的Compilatory Purpose
This document describes in detail the functional requirement that the cost control system of Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive co., Ltd must satisfy. As the foundation and basis for the project management personnel, system designers, coding and testing personnel, and other personnel related to this project to carry out the work, this document also defines the working content and target of this project. 
1.2项目背景Project Background
Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive co., Ltd. was founded on December 26, 2011, and started operation on July 1, 2012. It was originally the  Auman Division of Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd. According to the latest joint venture company organization, a total of 89 (it will change in the coming days) functional departments, marketing companies, technology centers, Auman factories, engine plants, and departments of joint venture companies (including the secondary departments) have been involved with about 5,000 people. With the expansion of business and scale, the existing budget management and expense reimbursement process cannot meet the management requirements, and there are many disadvantages in the expense reimbursement process; they are mainly expressed in the following aspects:
(1) 营销公司市场人员相关费用报销、欧曼工厂下辖工厂费用的支出报销,均需要到公司驻地来办理,存在路途较远的问题。
(1) Both the expense reimbursement related to the marketing staff of marketing companies and the expense reimbursement of the subordinate factories of Auman need to be dealt with in company headquarters, so there is a problem that the distance is far.
(2) 原始单据的填制和粘贴不规范,财务核算人员需要花大量时间补充和修正相关信息。
(2) The filling and pasting of original documents are lack of standardization, so the financial accounting personnel need to append much time supplementing and correcting the relevant information. 
(3) 不同种类和金额的报销申请对应不同的审批流程,因报销申请人对流程不熟悉而导致审批的延迟。
(3) The reimbursement applications of different kinds and amount have different approval processes; the approval will be delayed because of the unfamiliarity of applicant s with the processes.
(4) 原始单据需要经过诸多审批环节的流转和交接,而且容易造成个别的丢单或单据到位延迟的情况。
(4) The original documents need to be handed over through many approval processes, so some of them are easy to be lost and delayed to be in place. 
(5) 由于领导出差或有关审批人员请假而导致审批延迟,会影响到正常的费用支出,同时财务部会受到较大的压力甚至投诉。
(5) The approval delay because of the being on a business trip of leaders or the absence of relevant approval personnel will affect the normal cost expenditure, and meanwhile the financial department will receive high pressure and even complaints.
(6) 每月大量的费用报销小部分通过现金结算,现金出纳的工作量大大加重,而且现金的存取风险较大,另大部分为银行存款支付,全部需要手工录入网银系统,工作量大且极易出错。
(6) A small part of the large amount of monthly expense reimbursement is settled with cash, so the workload of cashiers is greatly increased; in addition, the access risk of cash is high, and most of the cash is paid by the deposit in bank, all the data needs to be manually input into the online banking system, so the workload is heavy and it is easy to make mistakes.
(7) 费用报销全部由费用制单员一一编制会计凭证,大量的凭证属于重复制单,简单且工作量较为繁重。
(7) All expense reimbursements need to be attached with the accounting documents prepared by personnel of preparing documents; this kind of work belongs to repetitive work, so it is simple but heavy. 
(8) 部门领导需了解本部门某项费用预算立项及使用情况时,必须要部门费用管理员进行单独统计,无法做到适时掌控该部门的费用预算立项及使用情况。
(8) When department heads want to understand the budget approval and using situation of an expense, the expense administrator must make the separate statistics, so the heads cannot master the budget approval and using situation of expenses in the department.
Regulations on Financial Approval Authority of Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive co., Ltd.
Regulations on Travelling Expenses and Supplementary Notice
Management Specification of Reimbursement
Regulations on Project Cost 
Centralized Management Expenses
Regulations on Promotion Cost of Foton Daimler Marketing Company 
2. 项目概述Project Overview
2.1项目目标Project Objective
(1) 满足灵活性、全球化需要。满足公司业务灵活调整变化的需要,满足多语言、多币种、汇率调整;
(1) Meet the requirements of flexibility and globalization. Meet the demand of flexible adjustment of the company business, and meet the requirements of multi-language, multi-currency, and exchange rate adjustment;
(2) 统一平台,实现费用报销和资金支付流程的统一化、规范化、标准化、透明化、自动化;
(2) Unify the platform to realize the unification, standardization, normalization, transparency, and automation of the expense reimbursement and fund payment process; 
(3) 实现预算实时预警,实现年度、月度的弹性刚性费用控制,并灵活设置预算控制点;
(3) Realize the budget real-time early warning, realize the elastic and rigid control of annual and monthly expense, and flexibly set the budget control points;
(4) 能够按照管理需要出具平台存在数据的多维度的预实分析报表;
(4) Present the multi-dimension pre-implementation analytical table of the existing data of the platform according to the management needs; 
(5) 具有较强的拓展性,以费用报销功能为切入点,推动财务内控相关业务的信息化,能够支持未来集团财务战略的实施;
(5) With strong expansibility, the project will promote the informatization of the business related to financial internal control and support the implementation of future financial strategy of the group through taking the function of expense reimbursement as the entry point.
(6) 与SAP相关模块及网银等外部系统良好的系统集成,进行流畅的数据交流,提高效率。
(6) Integrate well with the related modules of SAP and the external systems such as the E-bank, data can be exchanged smoothly and the efficiency can be increased. 
2.2实施范围Scope of Implementation
Category 范围描述
Scope Description
Scope of Organization
There are a total of 89 (it will change in the coming days) functional departments, marketing companies, technology centers, Auman factories, engine plants, and departments of joint venture companies (including the secondary departments)
Scope of Information Systems
Physical system: Office Building of Foton Daimler
Network system: The line medium, equipments and software for forming the information system network environment of Foton Daimler. It is constituted by LAN, MAN and WAN etc.  
Application: Concerning the SAP System, DMS System, IAM System, OA System, Bank-Corporate Direct Linkage System, RTX, Mail and Short Message etc.
Host computer: The server and its operation system, database, middleware, and software platform system for supporting the application system
Security Management: Including Safety Strategy, Rules and Regulations, Staff Organization, Project Security Management and Daily Operation Management, etc.
Scope of Business 预算管理、业务申请与立项管理、费用报销管理、研发费用管理、资金管理、合同管理。
Budget Management, Management of Business Application and Approval, Management of Expense Reimbursement, Management of Research and Development Expenses, Funds Management, and Contract Management.
Scope of Business Process 预算管理
Budget Management 日常费用年度预算、月度计划调整流程
Annual budget of current expense, and monthly plan adjustment process
Annual budget of special expense, and monthly plan adjustment process
Annual budget of project expense, and monthly plan adjustment process
Management of Business Application and Approval 出差申请审批流程
Approval process of business trip application
Application process of current expense
Project approval process of special expenses
Cross-year shift process of special expenses
Project approval process of project expenses
Project expenses cross-year shift process 
Management of Expense Reimbursement 差旅费报销流程
Travelling expenses reimbursement process 
Current expense reimbursement process  
Welfare expenses reimbursement process  
Education expenses reimbursement process 
Special expenses reimbursement process 
Project expenses reimbursement process of 
Write-off process
Management of Research and Development Expenses 研发费预算调整流程
Adjustment process of the budget of research and development expenses
Project approval process of research and development expenses
Research and development expenses reimbursement process 
Reimbursement process of travelling expenses of vehicle test personnel
Management of Promotion Expenses 促销费预算、月度计划调整流程
Budget of promotion expenses, and monthly plan adjustment process
Promotion expenses project approval process 
Release process of promotion expenses
Application process of the dealer report
Redemption process of promotion expenses scheme
Redemption process of promotion expenses report
Redemption process of promotion expenses reimbursement
Funds Management 个人借款申请流程
Application process of personal loan
Application process of repayment
Application process of advance payment
Application process of transfer accounts
Payment process of reimbursement expenses of external units
Interim payment process 
Approval process of suppliers’ payment schedule
Application process of other payments
Batch payment application process 
Debit note
Bank receipt
2.3使用对象Application Object 
All employees of Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive co., Ltd. that are related to the business.
3. 业务需求Business Requirements
3.1业务需求概述Overview of Business Requirements
3.1.2现有相关业务Existing Relevant Business
3.1.3现有业务流程图及说明Existing Business Process Diagrams and Instructions
3.1.4现有业务存在的缺陷Defects of Existing Business 
3.1.5可能的改进方法Possible Improvement Methods
3.2相关信息系统分析Relevant Information System Analysis 
4. 功能需求分析Functional Requirement Analysis
4.1预算管理Budget Management
At present, the budget of the company adopts the two dimensions of Current Expense control and project expenses control, and conduct the budget preparation and control with the manner of combining annual budget, monthly plan, and monthly rolling plan. As for some large projects or cross-year projects, such a control manner cannot fully meet the requirements of the company, thus the overall situation of projects cannot be controlled and understood.
The budgetary charges of marketing companies are divided into Current Expense, special expenses (including the service expenses and propagation expenses), and promotion expenses. In order to achieve the standardization management of expenses of the company, uniformly manage the Current Expense and special expenses of the company and marketing companies.
Through the research and sorting of the business, this system controls and manages expenses in four dimensions according to the business in combination with the control requirements of the company and financial affairs: Current Expense, special expenses, project expenses, and research and development expenses. The specific overall structure of budget preparation and control is as follows: 
Because the budget management of research and development expenses is complicated, a single module will be used to manage the budget and project approval of the research and development expenses, please refer to 4.4. 
4.1.1 日常费用预算 Current Expense Budget   
Current expense refers to the general expenses for maintaining the daily operation. Such as: office allowance, travelling expenses, and entertainment expenses etc. The budget preparation and control of this part of expense will be conducted according to accounting items. The accounting items included in current expense include office allowance, communication expenses, daily entertainment expenses, and travelling expenses, etc. The control mode of current expenses is: Using the annual budget to control the monthly plan, and using the monthly plan to control the actual reimbursement. 
Accounting items related to current expense are shown in the following table:
No. 一级科目
First level Accounting Item 二级科目
Second Level Accounting Item 科目代码
Accounting Item Code 核算内容
Accounting Content
1 办公费
Office Allowance 办公费-办公用品
Office Allowance - Office Supplies 6601005001 名片制作、部门购买日常办公用品费用,后勤部门从库房直接领用的电器、电料 
Expenses for making business cards and buying daily office supplies, and the expensed of electrical appliances and electrical materials that are directly received by the back office from storehouses.
2 办公费-办公资料
Office Allowance – Office Materials 6601005002 图书资料、报刊杂志、购买发票等费用
Expenses for buying books, reference materials, newspapers and periodicals, and invoices 
3 办公费-办公用品(自动记账)
Office Allowance - Office Supplies (Auto-billing) 6601005003 日常办公用品,创预留领用自动记账
Daily office supplies, and auto billing is adopted
4 办公费-办公耗材(自动记账)
Office Allowance - Office Consumables (Auto-billing) 6601005004 部门日常领用硒鼓、A4纸等办公耗材
Toner cartridges, A4 paper and other office supplies that are daily used in departments
5 办公费-办公日杂(自动记账)
Office Allowance - Office Articles (Auto-billing) 6601005005 部门日常用办公日杂费用
Expenses of articles of daily use 
6 办公费-印刷品(自动记账)
Office Allowance - Printed Matters (Auto-billing) 新增
Newly Added 部门领用的送检单、领料单
Inspection sheets and material requisitions that are used in departments
7 办公费-办公耗材
Office Allowance - Office Consumables 新增
Newly Added  
8 办公费-办公日杂
Office Allowance - Office Articles 新增
Newly Added 部门购买的茶叶、桶装水、纸杯等办公消耗
Tea, barreled water, paper cups and other office consumables bought by departments
9 办公费-印刷品
Office Allowance - Printed Matters 新增
Newly Added 印刷各种单据、证件等费用
Expenses for printing all kinds of documents and certificates
10 通讯费
Communication Expenses 通讯费-固定电话费 
Communication Expenses - Fixed-line telephone fee 6601004001 各部门固定电话费用
Fixed-line telephone fees in all departments
11 通讯费-移动电话费 
Communication Expenses - Mobile phone fee 6601004002 领导及特殊岗位人员通讯补助
Communication allowance for leaders and personnel on special positions
12 通讯费-宅电补
Communication Expenses – Fixed-line telephone allowance 新增,原来在固定电话费中核算
Newly Added, it was originally accounted in fixed-line telephone allowance 领导固定电话补助
Fixed-line telephone allowance of leaders
13 通讯费-邮寄费 
Communication Expenses - Post Fee 6601004003 各部门日常邮寄费用
Daily mail fees in all departments
14 通讯费-站点费 
Communication Expenses – Site Fee 6601004004 公司系统租赁费及使用费、线路租赁费等
Rental fees and charge for use of the company system, and rental fees of lines, etc.
15 差旅费
Travelling Expenses 差旅费-市内交通费
Travelling Expenses - Intra-Urban  Travelling Expenses 6601003001 北京市内发生的交通费
Travelling expenses in Beijing
16 差旅费-国内差旅费 
Travelling Expenses – Domestic Travelling Expenses   6601003002 国内外出办公、开会、培训等发生的差旅、住宿费用等
Travelling and hotel expenses, etc. for working, meeting and training in other places in China
17 差旅费-出国差旅费 
Travelling Expenses – Foreign Travelling Expenses 6601003003 出国办公、开会、培训等发生的差旅、住宿费用等
Travelling and hotel expenses, etc. for working, meeting and training in foreign countries
18 差旅费-巡回差旅费 
Travelling Expenses –Travelling Expenses of Personnel at Front Line 6601003004 营销市场一线人员差旅
Travelling expenses of personnel at front line of the marketing marketplace
19 招待费
Entertainment Expenses 业务招待费-日常招待费 
Business Entertainment Expenses – Daily Entertainment Expenses 6601020001 部门招待公司内部人员发生的招待费,月度定额
Entertainment expenses for departments to entertain the company's internal personnel, the expenses are fixed monthly
20 运输费
Transport Expenses 运输费-过路过桥费 
Transport Expenses - Toll 6601007002 公务车外出发生的过路过桥费
Toll fees of official vehicles for going out
21 运输费-差旅费 
Transport Expenses - Travelling Expenses 6601007003 公务车司机补助及考核费用
Expenses for subsidizing and assessing drivers of official vehicles
22 运输费-外租车辆费 
Transport Expenses - Car Rental Expenses 6601007004 公关传播部租用班车费用、各部门外租车辆费用
Expenses for public relations department to rent regular buses, and for other departments to rent vehicles
23 运输费-燃料
Transport Expenses - Fuel 6601007010 物料消耗核算的公务车加油调整至此科目
Refueling of official cars accounted in Material Consumption is transferred to this item
24 修理费
Repair Expenses 修理费-汽车修理费 
Repair Expenses - Repair Expenses of Cars 6601006001 公务车修理、保养费用
Expenses for repairing and maintaining official cars
25 修理费-电脑修理费 
Repair Expenses - Repair Expenses of Computers 6601006003 电脑、打印机等电脑类低值修理费用
Repair expenses for computers, printers and other low value articles
26 修理费-房屋修理费 
Repair Expenses - Repair Expenses of Houses 6601006005 各部门发生的房屋小修理费用
Expenses for minor repairs of houses of all departments
27 修理费-其他修理费 
Repair Expenses – Other Repair Expenses 6601006009 部门日常小修理费用(办公低值、对讲机修理等)
Expenses for daily minor repairs (Office low value articles, repairing of walkie talkies etc.)
28 物料消耗
Material Consumption 物料消耗-包装物-纸包装
Material Consumption - Packing Materials - Paper Packaging 6601009001 配件费用科目
Items of accessories’ expense
29 物料消耗-包装物-木包装
Material Consumption - Packing Materials – Wood Packaging 6601009002 配件费用科目
Items of accessories’ expense
30 低值易耗品
Low value consumables 低值易耗品摊销-办公用低值 
Low value consumables Amortization – Office low value articles 6601010002 桌椅、对讲机等办公低值费用
Expenses for tables and chairs, walkie talkies, and other office low value articles
31 低值易耗品摊销-电脑外设低值 
Low value consumables Amortization – Computer low value peripherals 6601010004 后勤各部门购买的U盘、显示器等电脑外设低值
USB flash disks, displays and other low value computer Peripherals bought by the logistics department
32 低值易耗品摊销-其他低值 
Low value consumables Amortization – Other low value articles 6601010006  
33 低值易耗品摊销-办公低值(自动记账) 
Low value consumables Amortization – Office low value articles (Auto-billing) 6601010008 车间领用的办公类低值物品
Office low value articles received by workshops
34 劳保费用
Labor Protection Expenses 劳动保护费-劳保服装
Labor Protection Expenses - Safety Clothing 新增
Newly Added  
35 劳动保护费-劳保服装(自动记账)
Labor Protection Expenses - Safety Clothing(Auto-billing) 6601011001 工作服费用
Expenses for work clothes
36 劳动保护费-定额劳保用品
Labor Protection Expenses - Fixed labor protection supplies 6601011002 每月定额劳保费用,10元/人,工资发放
The fixed monthly labor protection expenses, 10 yuan/person, granted in salary
37 劳动保护费-保健费 
Labor Protection Expenses - Health care expense 6601011003 部门保健费用,10元/人,工资发放
Health care expense, 10 yuan/person, granted in salary
38 劳动保护费-劳保(自动记账)
Labor Protection Expenses - Labor protection expense (Auto-billing) 6601011004 后勤部门发放毛巾等劳保用品
Towels and other labor protection articles granted by the logistics department
39 警卫消防费
Guard and Firefighting Expenses 警卫消防费-器材
Guard and Firefighting Expenses  - Equipments 6601027001 消防栓维护和更换、警具维修及更换、消防知识培训,消防演习、民兵军事训练等发生的费用
Expenses for maintaining and replacing fire hydrants and police tools, training of fire protection knowledge, fire drills, and militia training
40 警卫消防费-劳务
Guard and Firefighting Expenses  - Labor service  6601027002 保安工资
Wages of guards
41 警卫消防费-消防器材(自动记账)
Guard and Firefighting Expenses  - Fire-fighting equipments (Auto-billing) 6601027003 创预留库房领用的灭火器购买及换粉
Expenses for buying fire-fighting equipments and changing powder received from the reserve warehouse
42 绿化卫生费
Greening and Hygiene Expenses 绿化卫生费-绿化费 
Greening and Hygiene Expenses - Greening fees 6601028001 垃圾清运、绿化维护、绿植购买及租摆、购买新垃圾桶费用
Expenses for garbage clearance, greening maintenance, buying and renting plants, and buying trash cans
43 绿化卫生费-保洁费 
Greening and Hygiene Expenses – Cleaning fees 6601028002 办公楼、厂区保洁费用以及保洁用品购买、清洗椅子、化粪池清掏发生的费用
Expenses for cleaning office buildings and plant area, buying cleaning supplies, cleaning chairs and septic-tanks   
44 劳务费
Service Fees 劳务费 
Service Fees 6601056001 部门外聘、返聘技师工资以及兼职人员补助
Wage to hired and re-employed technicians, and the allowance to part-time duty personnel
45 服务车使用费
Expenses for Using Service Vehicles 服务车使用费
Expenses for Using Service Vehicles 6601021001 配件科目
Item of accessories
46 商品车运费
Freight Expenses of Commercial Vehicle 商品车运费-商品车驾送运费
Freight Expenses of Commercial Vehicle - Freight charges for commercial vehicles 6601030001 营销公司发生的大委改驾送运费及个别经销商申请走高速发生的运费
Freight charges appeared in marketing companies and freight charges occurred because of the application for going the freeway by respective dealers
47 配件运费
Freight Expenses of Accessories 配件运费-社会物流-公路运输
Freight Expenses of Accessories  - Social Logistics - Road Transportation 6601034001 配件费用科目
Items of accessories’ expense
48 配件运费-社会物流-调拨
Freight Expenses of Accessories - Social logistics - Allocation 6601034005 配件费用科目
Items of accessories’ expense
49 配件运费-社会物流-清退
Freight Expenses of Accessories - Social logistics - Repaying 6601034006 配件费用科目
Items of accessories’ expense
50 加换装费用
Expenses for Processing 加换装费用
Expenses for Processing 6601071001 需要改变车辆的配置状态所产生的工时费以及旧件处理费用
The cost for changing the configuration status of vehicles, and cost for dealing with the old parts
51 残疾人保障金
Security Payments for the Disabled 残疾人保障金
Security Payments for the Disabled 6601062001 公司交纳的残疾人保障金
Security payments for the disabled paid by the company
52 翻译费 
Translation Expenses 翻译费 
Translation Expenses 6601073001 董事会办公室委外翻译发生的翻译费用
Translation expenses appeared in the translation matter entrusted by the Board Office
53 租赁费
Lease Expense 租赁费-仓储租赁费 
Lease Expense – Storage Leasing Expense 6601012001 库房、场地租赁发生的相关费用
Expenses appeared in leasing storehouses and places
54 租赁费-搬迁、装卸费用 
Lease Expense - Moving, loading and unloading expense 6601012002  
55 租赁费-其他
Lease Expense - Others 6601012003 其他零星租赁费用
Others scattered lease expenses
56 取暖费
Heating Expense 办公取暖费 
Office Heating Expense 6601026001  
57 其他费用
Others Expenses   6601999000 工厂的除渣费用、质量管理部的认证费和财务部的补差
Cost for dealing with residue, certification fee of the Quality Control Department, and the compensation of Finance Department
58 职工福利
Employee Benefit 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-丧葬抚恤金 
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Funeral pension 2211002023 员工退休前非因公死亡货退休后死亡,其供养的直系亲属享受的丧葬补助和一次性抚恤金
Funeral pension and one-time pension to the direct relatives when an employee dies before retirement not because of duty, or dies after retirement
59 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-慰问费用
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Condolence fee 2211002024 公司级以上生活困难的劳动模范走访慰问费用及对异地工作人员春节发放的慰问费
Condolence fees to model workers above the company level who live a hard life, and the condolence fees offered to staff coming from other places in Spring Festival
60 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-旺季生产伙食补贴
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Meal allowance in busy season 2211002025 旺季生产期间对车间工人的伙食补贴
Meal allowance to workshop workers in busy season
61 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-大学生生活安置费
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Settlement fees for undergraduates 2211002026 给予专科以上学历人员初次就业生活安置费用
Initial employment life relocation costs offered to staff with the college degree or above
62 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-全国新聘人员补助-水电费用
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Allowance for newly hired staff - water & electricity fee 2211002030 对符合条件的全国招聘人才的特殊优惠待遇(招聘一年周期内)
Special preferential treatments to the recruited talents who meet the requirements (within one year after recruitment)   
63 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-全国新聘人员补助-搬迁补助
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Allowance for newly hired staff - Relocation Allowance 2211002031 对全国招聘人员因工作需要需跨省搬家给予的搬家补助费
Relocation allowance to the recruited personnel because of the need of making a trans-provincial
64 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-租房补贴-租房补贴
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Rent Subsidies - Rent Subsidies 2211002035 对优惠租住公司住房人员给予的补贴
Rent subsidies to employees who rent the houses of the company
65 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-租房补贴-社会租房补贴
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Rent Subsidies – Social Rent Subsidies 2211002036 对无法安排公司内部租房的人员所给予的社会租房补贴
The social rent subsidies to employees who cannot rent the houses of the company
66 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-集体福利设施费用-务室支出
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense – Clinic Expense 2211002040 职工医务室用于集体福利设施的相关支出
Related expenditure of clinics used as the collective welfare facilities  
67 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-集体福利设施费用-食堂支出
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense – Canteen Expense 2211002041 职工食堂用于集体福利设施的相关支出
Related expenditure of staff canteens used as the collective welfare facilities
68 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-集体福利设施费用-职工宿舍支出
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense - Staff Dormitory Expense 2211002042 职工集体宿舍用于集体福利设施的相关支出
Related expenditure of staff dormitories used as the collective welfare facilities
69 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-集体福利设施费用-其他
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense - Others 2211002043 其他用于职工集体福利设施的相关支出
Related expenditure of other facilities used as the collective welfare facilities
70 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-职工生日礼品
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Birthday gifts 2211002046 职工生日礼品的相关支出
Related expenditure of birthday gifts to employees
71 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-工伤药费
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Medicine fee for occupational injury 2211002047 职工工伤药费相关支出
Related expenditure of medicine fee for occupational injury
72 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-退休支出 
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Retire expenditure 2211002048 退休职工的相关费用,包括退休职工企业补助、退休职工过节取暖费等
Related expenditure of retired staff, including the allowance, festival and heating fees, etc.   
73 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-离休支出
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit –Leaving
 expenditure 2211002049 离休职工的相关费用,包括离休职工企业补助、离休职工过节取暖费等
Related expenditure of the left staff, including the allowance, festival and heating fees, etc.
75 应付职工薪酬-职工教育经费
Payroll Payable - Employee education fund 2211005002 核算员工参加的外部培训和人力资源部规划的公司级的培训
The fund for employees to participate in the external training and the training at corporate level organized by the Human Resources Department
As for the items of auto billing, the system only make the budget, other than offer the control; at the end of a month, the actual acquisition data in SAP will be put into the expense control.年度预算导入Leading-in of the Annual Budget业务描述Business Description
The cost administrators of all business departments (four major factories (stamping, Auman1, Auman2, and frame factories), engine plant, technical center, and marketing company) prepare the budget of the next year according to the template of annual budget offered by the finance department, and finish the budget preparation of all departments before December 25 of each year, and submit to the finance department, and then the budget management personnel will lead the annual budgets submitted by all departments in this system; this template includes the annual budget and monthly plans.
Budget of current expenses is included in the level accounting items, and controlled according to the monthly plans of first level accounting items when in reimbursement.业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 财务部预算管理员依次将每个部门审批后的预算导入到本系统中
1. The budget management personnel of the Finance Department successively lead the budgets approved by other departments in this system.
2. 年度预算总额=12个月之和,如果不相等,则不允许保存和提交
2. The total annual budget = the sum of budgets of 12 months. If they are not equivalent, the saving and submission will not be allowed.年度预算调整Annual Budget Adjustment业务描述Business Description
The adjustment of annual budget is divided into two situations: Addition of annual budget and adjustment between items of the annual budget. Budget addition refers to the addition of annual budget, namely to increase the budget on the basis of the current budget. Adjustment between items of the annual budget refers to the adjustment of budget between different items on the precondition that the annual budget is not increased. for example, transferring 100 thousand yuan to the travelling expense from the daily entertainment expense of the Finance Department. The addition of annual budget can be dealt with in the adjustment template of the budget of expenses (see details in Both the addition of budget and adjustment between items under budget need to conduct the approval process, and see the specific process in业务流程Business Process
1. Budget adjustment process of the functional departments, factories and the technology center
2. Budget adjustment process of the marketing company:业务单据Business Documents
The reviewing document of annual budget adjustment
Description: When adding or adjusting budget, the amount of the previous month showed in this document is the actual amount, and the amount of the current month and months to come is the amount stated in the monthly plan of the latest edition.业务规则Business Rules
1. 各业务部门调整本部门的年度预算
1. Each business department adjusts the annual budget of its own. 
2. 公司层面可根据业务情况进行日常预算的追加,当报销超预算或编制月度滚动计划时也可发起预算的调整。
2. The company can add the daily budget according to the business situations, when the reimbursement exceeds budget or when preparing the monthly rolling plan, the adjustment of budget can also be conducted.
3. 年度预算内科目间调整
3. Adjustment between items in the annual budget
1). The total amount of annual budget adopts the budget data of the latest edition, and input the adjustment amount by hand; the adjusted budget= the total annual budget + the adjustment amount. 
2). System check, the adjusted budget= the sum of budget of the 12 months. The sum of the adjusted amount must be less than or equal to zero. 
4. 年度预算追加
4. Addition of annual budget
1). The total amount of annual budget adopts the budget data of the latest edition, and input the added amount by hand; and then make apportionment in the following months.
2). System check, the adjusted budget= the sum of budget of the 12 months.
5. 此单审批完成后会更新“年度预算/月度计划导入”单据(详见4.中的数据,生成一个新的预算版本。“预算追加金额”字段去更新“年度预算/月度计划导入”单据的“预算追加”字段。“追加后金额”字段更新“年度预算/月度计划导入”单据的“追加后金额”字段。每个月份的“调整后金额”字段更新“年度预算/月度计划导入”单据相关月度计划拆分。
5. When it is examined and approved, this document will update the data in “Leading-in of Annual Budget/ Monthly Plan” (See the details in, and generate a new version of the budget. The fields of “Added Amount of Budget” will update that of the “Budget Addition” in “Leading-in of Annual Budget/ Monthly Plan”, the fields of “Added Amount” will update that of the “Budget Addition”, and the monthly fields of “Adjusted Amount” will update the related monthly plan in “Leading-in of Annual Budget/ Monthly Plan”.月度计划调整Monthly Plan Adjustment业务描述Business Description
Monthly plan adjustment refers to the adjustment of the same item between different months with the principle that the amount does not exceed the total annual budget. for example, transferring 100,000 yuan of the 2014 business entertainment budget of the Finance Department in June to that in May. When adjusting monthly rolling plan, the amount of the previous month showed in this document is the actual amount, and the amount of the current month and months to come is the amount stated in the monthly plan of the latest edition.业务流程Business Process
1. Adjustment of the monthly plan of budget of functional departments, factories and the technology center
2. Adjustment of the monthly plan of the marketing company业务单据Business Documents
Adjustment document of the monthly plan of current expenses业务规则Business Rules
1. 在月底时,可根据业务实施情况对下月和后续月份的计划进行调整;
1. At the end of a month, the plan of the next month and the following months can be adjusted according to the implementation situation of the business;
2. 当报销超月度计划时,可申请调整;
2. When reimbursement exceeds the monthly plan, the adjustment can be applied;
3. 如果想把5月份的预算金额调增5万元,则可在1月份的调整金额字段对应的费用科目栏里录入6,调减则录入-4。
3. If the budget amount of May is intended to be added by 50,000 yuan, 6 can be input in to the item corresponding to the fields of adjustment amount of January, and -4 can be input if decreasing.  
4. 调整后12个月的月度计划总额应不大于年度预算总额字段中的数据,如果不相等系统拒绝保存和提交。
4. The total amount of adjusted monthly plans of 12 months shall not exceed the data in the fields of total of the annual budget; If they are not equivalent, the saving and submission will not be allowed.
4.1.2 专项费用预算Special Expense Budget
Special expense refers to the expense appeared for conducting a specific work. The work lasts for a short time with less cost and concerns a single department. The involved items mainly include entertainment expenses, repair expenses, conference expenses, consulting expenses, legal cost, recruitment fee, and publicity expenses. From the point of view of budget preparation, the difference from the current expenses budget is that special expenses budget shall be subdivided in specific matters, namely the items of the so-called special expenses, such as the conference expenses.
When preparing annual budget for items of the special expenses, the budget shall be divided into 12 months. When in project approval, it shall be controlled according to the monthly plan of Item Category 3; and when in reimbursement, it shall be controlled according to the total amount of all items for approval (not by month). That is to say, the control mode of special expenses budget is that the monthly plan controls project approval, and the total amount of all items controls reimbursement.
In order to make accounts according to accrual basis, the GL accountant can make withholding in SAP according to the Special Expenses Withholding Table (See details in in statistic analysis of data.
Accounting items related to the special expenses are listed as follows (draft):
No. 一级科目
First Level Accounting Item 二级科目
Second Level Accounting Item 科目代码
Accounting Item Code 核算内容
Accounting Content
1 招待费
Entertainment Expenses 业务招待费-专项招待费 
Business Entertainment Expenses – Special Entertainment Expenses 6601020002 专项工作发生招待费
Entertainment expenses raised in special work
2 会议费
Conference Expenses 会议费-会务费 
Conference Expenses - General Affairs Expenses 6601008001  
3 会议费-住宿费 
Conference Expenses - Hotel Expense 6601008003  
4 会议费-场地租赁费 
Conference Expenses - Venue Leasing Expense 6601008004  
5 会议费-交通费
Conference Expenses – Transportation Expense 6601008005  
6 会议费-宣传纪念品 
Conference Expenses - Promotional Souvenirs 6601008007  
7 会议费-资料费 
Conference Expenses – Materials Costs 6601008008  
8 会议费-其他
Conference Expenses - Others 6601008009  
9 会议费-餐饮费 
Conference Expenses – Catering Fee 6601008011  
10 会议费-经销商培训费
Conference Expenses – Dealers’ Training Expenses 6601008010  
11 会议费-经销商辅导费
Conference Expenses - Dealers’ Counseling Fee 6601008012  
12 会议费-文艺晚会
Conference Expenses - Variety Show 6601008006 营销公司市场一线人员例会议发生的文艺晚会费用
Expenses appeared in the variety show during the meeting of frontline staff of the marketing company
13 咨询费
Consulting Expenses 咨询费 
Consulting Expenses 6601050001 咨询项目发生的费用
Expenses appeared in consulting the project
14 调研费
Survey Expenses 市场调研费-差旅费 
Market Survey Expenses - Travelling Expenses 6601015001  
15 市场调研费-办公费 
Market Survey Expenses - Office Allowance 6601015002  
16 市场调研费-通讯费 
Market Survey Expenses - Communication Expenses 6601015003  
17 市场调研费-信息咨询费 
Market Survey Expenses – Information Consulting Expenses 6601015004  
18 市场调研费-委托社会机构调研费 
Market Survey Expenses - Expenses for Entrusting Social Institution to Make Surveys 6601015006  
19 市场调研费-其他
Market Survey Expenses - Others 6601015007  
20 市场调研费-餐饮费 
Market Survey Expenses - Catering Expense 6601015008  
21 业务经费
Business Fund 业务经费
Business Fund 6601016001 对优秀经销商、改装厂的奖励或对福田戴姆勒业务的销售起到促进作用单位的奖励
The award to excellent dealers and refitting factories, or the award to the units of promoting the sales performance of Foton Daimler
22 广告费
Advertising Expenses 广告费-电视广告
Advertising Expenses - Advertising on TV 6601018001  
23 广告费-报纸杂志广告
Advertising Expenses - Advertising on Newspaper and Magazine 6601018002  
24 广告费-户外广告
Advertising Expenses - Outdoor Advertising 6601018004  
25 广告费-汽车展览
Advertising Expenses - Auto Show 6601018007  
26 广告费-策划及创意费
Advertising Expenses - Planning and Creative Fee 6601018008  
27 广告费-网络广告
Advertising Expenses - Online Advertising 6601018010  
28 广告费-经销商广告支持
Advertising Expenses - Advertisement Support to Dealers 6601018012  
29 广告费-平面设计制作
Advertising Expenses - Graphic Design 6601018013  
30 广告费-创意设计
Advertising Expenses - Creative Design 6601018014  
31 广告费-定制媒体
Advertising Expenses - Custom Media 6601018015  
32 广告费-事件活动
Advertising Expenses - Activities 6601018016  
33 广告费-新闻传播
Advertising Expenses - News Communication 6601018017  
34 广告费-宣传物料制作
Advertising Expenses – Making of Publicity Materials 6601018018  
35 服务费
Service Fees 服务费—保修支出-保修材料费
Service Fees—Warranty Expenditure - Cost of Warranty Materials 6601019001 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
36 服务费—保修支出-保修工时费
Service Fees—Warranty Expenditure - Man-Hour Fee 6601019002 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
37 服务费—保修支出-差旅费用
Service Fees—Warranty Expenditure - Travelling Expenses 6601019005 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
38 服务费—保修支出-其他费用
Service Fees—Warranty Expenditure - Others 6601019006 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
39 服务费-保修收入-保修材料费
Service Fees - Income of Warranty - Cost of Warranty Materials 6601019010 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
40 服务费-保修收入-保修工时费
Service Fees - Income of Warranty - Man-Hour Fee 6601019011 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
41 服务费-保修收入-配件管理费
Service Fees - Income of Warranty - Spare Parts Management Fee 6601019012 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
42 服务费-保修收入-差旅费用
Service Fees - Income of Warranty - Travelling Expenses 6601019014 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
43 服务费-保修收入-其他费用
Service Fees - Income of Warranty - Others 6601019015 保修费用
Warranty Expenses
44 服务费-强保支出-强保材料费
Service Fees - Compulsory Insurance Expenditure - Materials Expenses of Compulsory Insurance 6601019020 三包费用
“Three Guarantees” Expenses
45 服务费-强保支出-强保工时费
Service Fees - Compulsory Insurance Expenditure - Compulsory Insurance Man-Hour Fee 6601019021 三包费用
“Three Guarantees” Expenses
46 服务费-强保收入-强保材料费
Service Fees - Compulsory Insurance Income - Materials Expenses of Compulsory Insurance 6601019030 三包费用
“Three Guarantees” Expenses
47 服务费-旧件托管费
Service Fees - Used Parts Trustee Fee 6601019040 旧件管理费
Used parts management fee
48 服务费-旧件运输费
Service Fees - Used Parts Transport Expenses 6601019041 旧件运输费
Used parts transport expenses
49 服务费-旧件收入
Service Fees - Used Parts Income 6601019043 旧件回收收入-支出净额
Income for recycling used parts - net payment
50 服务费-服务网络开发费
Service Fees - Service Network Development Fee 6601019044 新开发服务站费用
Cost of newly developed service stations
51 服务费-服务保障费
Service Fees – Service Guarantee Fee 6601019045 回访坐席费用
Expenses for making return visits
52 服务费-服务活动费
Service Fees - Service Activities Fee 6601019046 国家质检总局要求报纸杂志费用、市场服务活动
Cost of newspapers and magazines, and market service activities required by AQSIQ
53 服务费-服务培训费
Service Fees - Service Training Fees 6601019048 对服务商的培训费用
Fees for training service providers
54 服务费-服务标准店及硬件建设补
Service Fees – Fees for Service Standard Stores and Hardware Construction 6601019051 服务站形象建设费用
Image construction costs of service stations
55 服务费-其他费用
Service Fees - Others 6601019052  
56 服务费-技术支援费
Service Fees - Technical Support Fees 6601019055 服务技术人员差旅费等
Travelling expenses of service technicians, etc.
57 服务费-服务调研费
Service Fees – Service Survey Expenses 6601019057 竞品、标杆服务调研费用
Expenses for surveying competing goods and benchmarking service
58 服务费-服务商奖励
Service Fees – Rewards to Service Providers 6601019058 商务年会优秀服务商奖励
Rewards to excellent service providers during the business conference
59 服务费-技术开发费
Service Fees - Technological Development Expenses 6601019059 资料开发、印刷费用
Expenses for developing and printing materials
60 服务费-呼叫中心费用
Service Fees – Fees in Contact Center 6601019060 呼叫中心话费
Telephone charge of the contact center
61 客户营销费
Customer Marketing Expense 客户营销费-餐饮费
Customer Marketing Expense - Catering Expense 6601022001 营销公司经销商、改装厂来访招待、中秋节、春节走访相关餐饮费用
Expenses for entertaining dealers of the marketing company and the refitting factory, and catering expenses related to the visits in Mid-autumn Festival and Spring Festival
62 客户营销费-其他
Customer Marketing Expense - Others 6601022002 营销公司经销商、改装厂来访招待、中秋节、春节走访除餐饮外相关费用
Expenses for entertaining dealers of the marketing company and the refitting factory, and the expenses (exclude catering expenses) related to the visits in Mid-autumn Festival and Spring Festival
63 办事处经费
Office Funds 办事处经费
Office Funds 6601025001 营销公司大区办事处产生的房屋租赁、水电费、交通费及办公相关费用及各大区租车费用
Building rental fee, water and electricity fee, transportation fee, office expense and car rental fee of the region offices of the marketing company
64 促销费
Promotion Expenses 促销活动费
Sales Promotion Expenses 6601037001 促销费用
Promotion expenses
65 促销活动费-餐饮费
Sales Promotion Expenses - Catering Expense 6601037002 促销费用
Promotion expenses
66 网络开发费
Network Development Fee 销售网络开发费
Sales Network Development Fee 6601048001 新开发经销商费用
Expenses for newly developed dealers
67 审计费
Audit Fee 审计费 
Audit Fee 6601042001 财务部因审计业务发生的各项费用
Expenses of the Finance Department because of the auditing service
68 诉讼费
Legal Cost 诉讼费 
Legal Cost 6601036001 法律合规部因诉讼业务发生的各项费用
Expenses of the Legal Compliance Department because of the litigation practice 
69 知识产权费
Intellectual Property Fee 知识产权费 
Intellectual Property Fee 6601065001 知识产权委外代理费用及申报相关费用
The agency fee and fee related to application of intellectual property
70 试验检验费
Experimenting and Testing Expense 试验检验费-样车费 
Experimenting and Testing Expense - Sample Car Fee 6601055002 质量管理部试验过程中发生的购买、租用试制样车及样车相关费用
Expenses of the Quality Control Department appeared during the testing process related to purchasing and renting trial-produced sample cars and sample cars
71 试验检验费 - 试验费
Experimenting and Testing Expense - Experimenting Expense 6601055003 质量管理部试验费用
Experimenting expense of the Quality Control Department 
72 检测费
Detection Fee 检测费
Detection Fee 6601055001 质量管理部计量设备及零部件检测费用
Fee for detecting the metering equipments and accessories by the Quality Control Department
73 招聘费
Recruitment Fee 人才招聘费-差旅费
Recruitment Fee - Travelling Expenses  6601038001 人力资源部招聘猎头费以及与招聘网站合作费用
Fees for the Human Resources Department to recruit headhunters and the fees for cooperating the recruiting website
74 人才招聘费-招聘会费
Recruitment Fee - Recruitment Fair Fee 6601038002 外出招聘差旅费、住宿费等以及招聘人员报道差旅费等
Travelling expense, and hotel expense, etc. for outside recruitment, and travelling expenses for recruited personnel to register
75 人才招聘费-其他
Recruitment Fee - Others 6601038003 招聘人员体检等费用
Physical examination fee, etc. for the recruited personnel
76 属地党委费
Party Committee Fee
Party Committee Fee – Fee for Party Committee Activities 6601060002 党群工作部因党委相关活动发生的费用
Expenses of the Party Work Department because of the related activities of the party committee
77 属地党委费-节日活动费 
Party Committee Fee - Fee for Holiday Celebrations  6601060003 党群工作部因节日活动发生的费用
Expenses of the Party Work Department because of holiday celebrations
78 宣传费
Publicity Expenses 宣传费-宣传费 
Publicity Expenses - Publicity Expenses 6601017001 公关传播部日常VI标识更换及维修费用、公司内部报刊印刷费用、稿费发放等项目
Expenses for replacing and repairing the daily VI marking by the Public Relations Department, expenses for printing internal newspapers, and the contribution fee, etc.
79 宣传费-宣传品制作 
Publicity Expenses - Propaganda Materials Production 6601017002 TPS宣传品制作费用
Expenses for making TPS propaganda materials 
80 安技环保费
Security Technic Environment Fee 安技环保费-环境保护费 
Security Technic Environment Fee - Environment Protecton Fee 6601054003 企业交纳的排污费及环境检测费用
Pollution discharge and environment detect fees paid by the company
81 安技环保费-安全防护费 
Security Technic Environment Fee - Safety Protection Fee 6601054004 环境体系审核、安全生产标准化自评、安全活动等发生的费用
Fees appeared in environment system audit, self-evaluation of safety production standardization, and safety activities
82 系统运营维护费
System Operation Maintenance Fee 系统运营维护费 
System Operation Maintenance Fee 6601063001 信息技术部发生的公司各系统运营、维护费用
Operation and maintenance fees of all systems of the company appeared in the IT Department 
83 修理费
Repair Expenses 修理费-汽车修理费 
Repair Expenses – Vehicle Repair Expenses 6601006001 全厂转运车修理及更换零部件费用
Expenses for repairing the transport trucks and replacing the accessories
84 修理费-设备修理费 
Repair Expenses – Equipment Repair Expenses 6601006002 生产作业部门设备的修理、改造费用
Expenses for repairing and remoulding equipments of the Production and Operation Department
85 修理费-房屋修理费 
Repair Expenses – Building Repair Expenses 6601006005 生产作业部门建筑物、构筑物的修理、改造费用
Expenses for repairing and remoulding buildings and structures of the Production and Operation Department 
86 修理费-模具修理费 
Repair Expenses – Mold Repair Expenses 6601006006 冲压、车架模具设变、大修项目
Expenses for erecting and repairing stamping and carframe molds
87 修理费-工装修理费 
Repair Expenses - Work Clothes Repair Expenses 6601006014 生产作业部门工装修理、改造费用
Expenses for repairing and remoulding work clothes of the Production and Operation Department
88 修理费-转运器具修理费 
Repair Expenses - Transport Equipment Repair Expenses 6601006015 生产作业部门器具修理、改造、喷漆补号等费用
Expenses for repairing  remoulding, and paint spraying of equipments of the Production and Operation Department
89 低值易耗品摊销
Low Value Consumables Amortization 低值易耗品摊销-工装
Low Value Consumables Amortization - Work Clothes 6601010005 生产作业部门新制工装费用
Expenses for making new work clothes of the Production and Operation Department
90 低值易耗品摊销-转运器具
Low Value Consumables Amortization - Transport Equipments 6601010009 新制转运器具费用
Expenses for making new transport equipments
91 专家费
Experts Expenses 专家费-劳务费 
Experts Expenses - Service Fees 6601058001 TPS聘请日本专家发生的劳务费用
Service fees for TPS to hire Japanese experts 
92 专家费-差旅费 
Experts Expenses - Travelling Expenses   6601058002  
93 专家费-住宿费 
Experts Expenses - Hotel Expense 6601058004 TPS聘请日本专家发生的住宿费用
Hotel expense for TPS to hire Japanese experts
94 专家费-其他
Experts Expenses - Others 6601058005  
95 专家费-餐饮费 
Experts Expenses - Catering Expense 6601058006 TPS聘请日本专家发生的餐费
Catering expense for TPS to hire Japanese experts
96 保险费
Insurance Expenses 保险费-房屋建筑物 
Insurance Expenses - Buildings 6601023001  
97 保险费-机械设备
Insurance Expenses - Machinery and Equipments 6601023002  
98 保险费-车辆保险费 
Insurance Expenses - Vehicle Insurance Expenses 6601023003  
99 保险费-财产保险费 
Insurance Expenses - Property Insurance Expenses 6601023004  
100 保险费-人身保险费 
Insurance Expenses - Personal Insurance Expenses 6601023005  
101 保险费-其他保险费
Insurance Expenses – Other Insurance Expenses  6601023006年度预算导入Leading-in of the Annual Budget业务描述Business Description
All business departments of the company shall finish the approving work of the annual budget of the next year before December 25, and submit the annual budget to the Finance Department; and then the budget management personnel of the Finance Department input the budget of those departments into the cost control system before December 28. See Business Documents for the specific leading-in interface.业务单据Business Documents
The leading-in interface of the special expenses annual budget is shown below:业务规则Business Rules
When in project approval, the special expenses budget shall be controlled according to the monthly budget of Item Category 3.年度预算调整Annual Budget Adjustment业务描述Business Description
The adjustment of annual budget of the special expenses is divided into two kinds: Addition of annual budget (the annual total amount will be added) and adjustment between items of the annual budget (the annual total amount remains unchanged). The approval nodes related to the two adjustment methods are different, and the specific process design is shown in Each department can only adjust the annual budget of its own. When adjusting the budget, the amount of the previous month is the actual amount, and the amount of the current month and months to come is the amount stated in the monthly plan of the latest edition.业务流程Business Process
1. Budget adjustment process of the functional departments, factories and the technology center:
2. Budget adjustment process of the marketing company:业务单据Business Documents
Page of the document of budget adjustment:业务规则Business Rules
1. Adjustment between items in the annual budget: 
1). The total amount of annual budget adopts the budget data of the latest edition, and input the adjustment amount by hand; the adjusted budget= the total annual budget + the adjustment amount. 
2). System check, the adjusted budget= the sum of budget of the 12 months. The sum of the adjusted amount must be less than or equal to zero.
2. Addition of annual budget:  
1). The total amount of annual budget adopts the budget data of the latest edition, and input the added amount by hand; and then make apportionment in the following months.
2). System check, the adjusted budget= the sum of budget of the 12 months.年度预算月度计划调整Annual Budget’s Monthly Plan Adjustment业务描述Business Description
In order to increase the accuracy of the plan and ensure the rationality of the budget, each business department of the company shall prepare a monthly rolling plan at the end of each month, and submit it to the Finance Department for filing. Monthly rolling plan will not increase the budget, it is just the adjustment of budget of the same item between different months. In this system, each business department can adjust the monthly rolling plan of the current month and the coming months on the second day of each month, and show the actual budget and the planned amount of the current month and the coming months on the adjusted page (See details in; each business department can adjust the planned amount of the current month and the coming months according to the actual situation. The adjustment of the monthly plan of budget shall be controlled by the approval process, see the specific process nodes in业务流程Business Process
1. Monthly plan adjustment of the budget of the functional departments, factories and the technology center
2. Adjustment of monthly plan of the marketing company:业务单据Business Documents
The adjustment document of monthly plan of the special expenses is shown below:业务规则Business Rules
4.1.3 项目型费用预算Project Expense Budget
The investment cycle of major projects is long, and the amount of cost is large (such as plant construction, etc.). In order to reasonably control the major projects and timely trace and understand the executive situation of projects, prepare the ten-year budget according to the integrated planning for some major projects, and set up the project according to the sub-item of the project (control the cost according to the annual cost of the sub-item in the budget when setting up the project); when in reimbursement, control the cost according to the total amount of the items for project approval. Namely the control mode of project expense budget is that the integrated planning controls the project approval, and the total amount of the items for project approval controls the reimbursement. 
In order to make accounts according to accrual basis, the GL accountant can make withholding in SAP according to the Project Expense Withholding Table (See details in in statistic analysis of data.
The items of current expenses, special expenses and variable expenses involved in the project expense budget will not be listed here. See details in current expenses, special expenses, and variable expenses.项目预算导入Leading-in of the Project Budget
The Finance Department budget administrator will lead the project budget in the cost control system according to the approved project plan and project budget submitted by the leading sectors. The specific document is shown below:
When in approval of the project expense budget, the budget shall be controlled according to the annual budget of the year of the project properties input in the budget. For example, if the project budget is prepared to the project property 4, and then the budget shall be controlled according to the annual budget of the year of project property 4.项目预算调整Project Budget Adjustment业务描述Business Description
项目主导部门根据实际业务情况,可以对项目预算进行调整,项目预算的调整分为两种:项目总预算追加和总预算内子项间调整,两种方式的流程不一样(详见4.1.3.2 Business Process)。
The project leading department can adjust the project budget according to the actual business situation, and the adjustment can be divided into two kinds: The addition of total project budget and adjustment between items in the total budget; the process of two kinds is different (See details in Business Process). 
When the business departments set up the project for the project expense budget, there may be items out of the budget; as for these items, the Finance Department budget administrator can add the budget according to the approved document (do not need to be approved). That is to say, both the project leading department cost administrator and the Finance Department budget administrator can add the project budget, but the addition of budget made by the project leading department cost administrator shall be approved, and the addition of budget made by the Finance Department budget administrator needs no process control.业务流程Business Process
1. Budget adjustment process of the functional departments, factories and the technology center:
2. Budget adjustment process of the marketing company:业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 总预算内子项间调整
1. Adjustment between items in the total budget
1). The total amount of annual budget adopts the budget data of the latest edition, and input the adjustment amount by hand; the adjusted budget= the total annual budget + the adjustment amount. 
2). System check, the adjusted budget= the sum of budget of the 12 months. The sum of the adjusted amount must be less than or equal to zero.
2. 总预算追加追加
2. Addition of total budget
1). The total amount of annual budget adopts the budget data of the latest edition, and input the added amount by hand; and then make apportionment in the following months.
2). System check, the adjusted budget= the sum of budget of the 12 months.项目预算年度计划调整Adjustment of the Project Budget Annual Plan业务描述Business Description
Adjustment of the project budget annual plan refers to the adjustment of planned amount of the project between different years on the condition of remaining the same total amount. For example, decreasing 200 thousand yuan of the planned amount of the third year, and increasing 200 thousand yuan of the planned amount of the second year.业务流程Business Process
1. Monthly plan adjustment of the budget of functional departments, factories and the technology center
2. Adjustment of the monthly plan of the marketing company:业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
When adjusting the annual plan of the project budget, the total budget shall not be influenced.
4.1.4 变动型费用预算Variable Expense Budget
Variable expense refers to the expense that the total amount will change along with the change of the sales volume, production volume or the business volume. If this part of expanse is strictly controlled by the budget, the production may be influenced. In order not to influence the actual production, this system only leads in the budget, and the variable expense adopts the planning mode without being controlled. At the end of each month, SAP will input the actual amount (the amount of the current month and the accumulated amount; for example, the amount of April and the accumulated amount of January to April) of all expense items of each department into the cost control system.
Accounting items related to the variable expenses are listed as follows (draft):
No. 一级科目
First level Accounting Item 二级科目
Second Level Accounting Item 科目代码
Accounting Item Code 核算内容
Accounting Content
1 水费
Water Fee 水费
Water Fee 6601013001
2 电费
Electric Charge 电费
Electric Charge 6601013002
4 四小税
Four Minor Taxes 四小税-房产税
Four Minor Taxes- Housing property tax 6601041001
5 四小税-土地使用税
Four Minor Taxes- Land use tax 6601041002
6 四小税-印花税
Four Minor Taxes- Stamp tax 6601041003
7 四小税-车船税
Four Minor Taxes- Vehicle and vessel tax  6601041004
8 保险费
Insurance Expenses 保险费-房屋建筑物
Insurance Expenses - Buildings 6601023001
9 保险费-机械设备
Insurance Expenses - Machinery and equipments 6601023002
10 保险费-车辆保险费
Insurance Expenses – Vehicle Insurance Expenses 6601023003
11 保险费-财产保险费
Insurance Expenses – Property Insurance Expenses 6601023004
12 保险费-人身保险费
Insurance Expenses – Personal Insurance Expenses 6601023005
13 保险费-其他保险费
Insurance Expenses - Others 6601023006
14 劳保费用
Labor Protection Expenses 劳动保护费-劳保服装
Labor Protection Expenses – Safety Clothing 6601011001 工作服费用
Expenses for work clothes
15 劳动保护费-定额劳保用品
Labor Protection Expenses – Fixed labor protection articles 6601011002 车间月固定发放洗衣粉
Expenses for the washing powder handed out by workshops in each month and other fixed labor protection articles
16 劳动保护费-保健费
Labor Protection Expenses - Health care expense 6601011003 部门保健费用,10元/
Health care expense, 10 yuan/person, paid with salary 
17 劳动保护费-劳保(自动记账)
Labor Protection Expenses - Labor protection articles (Auto-billing) 6601011004 作业部门领用的手套、
Gloves, shoes and other labor protection articles reveived by the operation department
18 租赁费
Lease Expense 租赁费-仓储租赁费
Lease Expense - Storage Lease Expense 6601012001 库房、场地租赁发生的
Expense appeared when leasing warehouse other places
19 物料消耗
Material Consumption 物料消耗-油料消耗
Material Consumption - Fuel consumption 6601009005
20 物料消耗-印刷品
Material Consumption – Printed materials 6601009006 作业部门领用的领料单、送检单,印刷的记录单、合格证等费用
Expenses of material requisition, inspection sheet, the printed record list and certificate of inspection reveived by the operation department
21 物料消耗-化工
Material Consumption – Chemical materials 6601009007 作业部门从库房领用的清洗剂、稀料等化工用品
Cleaning agent, thinner and other chemical materials reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
22 物料消耗-水暖
Material Consumption - Water heating articles 6601009008 作业部门从库房领用的水暖用品
Water heating articles reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
23 物料消耗-五金
Material Consumption - Hardware 6601009009 作业部门从库房领用的五金用品
Hardwares reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
24 物料消耗-电器
Material Consumption - Electrical appliance 6601009010 作业部门从库房领用的电器
Electrical appliance reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
25 物料消耗-电料
Material Consumption - Electrical materials 6601009011 作业部门从库房领用的电料
Electrical materials reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
26 物料消耗-辅料钢材
Material Consumption – Accessory steel 6601009012 作业部门从库房领用的辅料钢材
Accessory steel reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
27 物料消耗-机物料
Material Consumption - Machine materials 6601009013 作业部门从库房领用的机物料
Machine materials reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
28 物料消耗-胶
Material Consumption - Glue 6601009014 作业部门从库房领用的胶
Glue reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
29 物料消耗-燃料(自动记账)
Material Consumption - Fuel (Auto-billing) 6601009017 从库房直接领用的油料费用、叉车用柴油、设备用油
Fuel, diesel oil for forklift, and oil for equipments directly received from the storehouse
30 物料消耗-办公消耗
Material Consumption - Office consumables 6601009020 手工记账,从外部够买的桶装水、茶叶等消耗
Manual biling, barrelled water, tea and other consumables bought from outside
31 修理费
Repair Expenses 修理费-设备备件(自动记账)
Repair Expenses - Spare parts of equipments (Auto-billing) 6601006010 从库房领用的用于设备上的备件材料
Spare parts of equipments received from the storehouse
32 修理费-模具备件(自动记账)
Repair Expenses - Spare parts of molds (Auto-billing) 6601006011 从库房领用的模具用备件
Spare parts of molds received from the storehouse
33 低值易耗品摊销
Low value consumables Amortization 低值易耗品摊销-工具、量具低值
Low value consumables Amortization - Low value tools and measuring tools 6601010003 作业部门从库房领用的工具
Tools reveived by the operation department from the storehouse
Low value consumables Amortization – Tools (Auto-billing) 6601010007 为什么没用?
Why did not use?年度预算导入Leading-in of the Annual Budget业务描述Business Description
The leading-in process of the annual budget of variable expense is similar to that of the current expense budget, and the Finance Department budget administrator successively leads in the annual budget approved by each department. See the specific leading-in document of the annual budget of variable expense in业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 仅导入预算,不做控制,与SAP推送过来的实际数进行对比
1. Only lead in the budget without controlling, and compare with the actual amount submitted by SAP.
4.2业务申请与立项管理Management of Business Application and Project Approval
Business application mainly includes the activities that can only be conducted after approval, for example, one employee shall first fill in the business trip approval form before the business trip, and then he can do it after getting approval according to the approval regulations of the company. This is mainly the cost control system, which will control the business trip application related to the expense reimbursement and part of the current expense application through the system process. When making the reimbursement, the application form shall be related; the filling of other application forms and the process are not controlled in the system, and the related attachments shall be uploaded when making the reimbursement. The business trip approval forms do not divided into the domestic kind and the foreign kind, but they will be distinguished when making the reimbursement.
As for the special expense and project expense, the reimbursement shall be made after project approval, and the approval number must be chosen when making reimbursement. 
4.2.1出差申请Business Trip Application业务描述Business Description
If there is a loan when making the business trip application, one shall fill in the information of the loan while making the business trip application to facilitate the business personnel to operate and simplify the process; determine the process node according to the condition whether there is a loan. If there is a loan, the relevant information of the certificate shall be audited and modified at the expense auditing (document preparing) post of the process. When finishing the business trip application process, the certificate information shall be put into the SAP system.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 凭证信息在流程的最后一个节点费用稽核岗(制单)出现,费用稽核岗(制单)人员根据实际情况审核凭证信息。
1. The certificate information appears at the last node of the process – the expense auditing (document preparing) post, and the personnel of the post audit the certificate information according to the actual situation.
4.2.2日常费用申请Current Expense Application业务描述Business Description
As for current expenses, in addition to the business trip, there are also another part of practices that need to be applied, and they shall be applied with the current expense application form. The related items include:
No. 一级科目
First level Accounting Item 二级科目
Second Level Accounting Item 科目代码
Accounting Item Code
1 办公费
Office Allowance 办公费-办公用品
Office Allowance - Office Supplies 6601005001
2 办公费-办公资料
Office Allowance – Office Materials 6601005002
3 办公费-办公耗材
Office Allowance - Office Consumables 新增
Newly Added
4 办公费-办公日杂
Office Allowance - Office Articles 新增
Newly Added
5 办公费-印刷品
Office Allowance – Printed Materials 新增
Newly Added
6 通讯费
Communication Expenses 通讯费-站点费 
Communication Expenses – Station Expense 6601004004
7 修理费
Repair Expenses 修理费-汽车修理费 
Repair Expenses - Repair Expenses of Cars 6601006001
8 修理费-电脑修理费 
Repair Expenses - Repair Expenses of Computers 6601006003
9 修理费-房屋修理费 
Repair Expenses - Repair Expenses of Houses 6601006005
10 劳保费用
Labor Protection Expenses 劳动保护费-劳保服装
Labor Protection Expenses - Safety Clothing 新增
Newly Added
11 警卫消防费
Guard and Firefighting Expenses 警卫消防费-器材
Guard and Firefighting Expenses  - Equipments 6601027001
12 绿化卫生费
Greening and Hygiene Expenses 绿化卫生费-绿化费 
Greening and Hygiene Expenses - Greening fees 6601028001
13 绿化卫生费-保洁费 
Greening and Hygiene Expenses – Cleaning fees 6601028002
14 劳务费
Service Fees 劳务费 
Service Fees 6601056001
15 残疾人保障金
Security Payments for the Disabled 残疾人保障金
Security Payments for the Disabled 6601062001
16 翻译费 
Translation Expenses 翻译费 
Translation Expenses 6601073001
17 租赁费
Lease Expense 租赁费-仓储租赁费 
Lease Expense – Storage Leasing Expense 6601012001
18 租赁费-搬迁、装卸费用
Lease Expense - Moving, loading and unloading expense  6601012002
19 租赁费-其他
Lease Expense - Others 6601012003
20 职工福利 
Employee Benefit 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-丧葬抚恤金 
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Funeral pension 2211002023
21 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-集体福利设施费用-务室支出
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense - Clinic Expense 2211002040
22 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-集体福利设施费用-职工宿舍支出
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense - Staff Dormitory Expense 2211002042
23 应付职工薪酬-职工福利-集体福利设施费用-其他
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense - Others 2211002043
24 应付职工薪酬-职工教育经费
Payroll Payable - Employee Education Fund 2211005002业务流程Business Process
1. Process of the functional departments, technology center and factories (Less than 300,000 yuan):
2. Process of the marketing company:业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
4.2.3专项费用立项Project Approval of Special Expense业务描述Business Description
In order to ensure the normalization of special expenses in the process of using, all special expenses must get the project approval when using, and the amount for project approval shall be in the scope of the budget of each month. The special expenses may be the items in or out of the budget, different kinds of items concern different process nodes; see the specific process nodes in Part of the special expenses may be the cross-year expenses (such as the expenses for party-mass greening and system operation, etc.), but special expenses only lead in the budget of the current year; when making the project approval for the cross-year items, the project approval of all month of the next year cannot be controlled by budget, so only the total project approval amount of the next year is filled. When the budget of the next year is leaded in, the financial personnel will make the cross-year transfer of the relevant item (See details in
After the project approval of the special expenses, the financial staff can view the Withholding Suggestion Table in this system. See details in业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Documents
The special expense project approval document is shown below:业务规则Business Rules
1. 立项审批结束后,占用预算。
1. After the project approval, occupy the budget.
2. 系统默认存储立项年份
2. The system saves the approval year under default state
3. 预算外项目,在立项的同时,需要填写预算调整说明,流程的最后一个节点财务预算管理员,将根据调整说明对预算进行追加。
3. As for the projects out of the budget, the budget adjustment description shall be filled while making the approval, the last node of the process - the financial budget administrator will add the budget according to the adjustment description.
4. 立项时,确定是本年度能完成的项目,但由于业务情况比较复杂,出现了项目延期的下一年的情况,则需要重新立项。
4. When making the project approval, it shall be determined that it is the project that can be finished during the current year. But owing to the complexity of the service conditions, if the project is postponed to the next year, a new approval shall be made.
4.2.4专项费用跨年续转Cross-year Transfer of the Special Expenses业务描述Business Description
When making the project approval of the special expense, if it concerns the crossing of years, the budget of the next year may not be leaded in the system, and the project budget control of the next year cannot be made. Therefore, the cross-year transfer of the relevant project shall be made when the budget of the next year is leaded in the system. In order to ensure the integrity of the project approval, the total budget of the next year has been filled and approved when making the original approval, so the cross-year transfer of such kind of projects shall be audited by the financial cost administrator and the head of the Finance Department. The cross-year transfer projects can be inquired in业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Documents
The business document of the special expense cross-year transfer is shown below. The information of the main table can be automatically input through choosing the project name, and it cannot be modified. In the sub-table, the amount of the current year will be disintegrated by month.业务规则Business Rules
1. 本年度最后一个月预提结束后,才能进行专项费用跨年续转。
1. When finishing the withholding of the last month of the year, the cross-year transfer of special expenses can be made. 
4.2.5项目型费用立项Project Approval of the Project Expense业务描述Business Description
项目型费用的立项分为两种类型:预算内、预算外,不同类型的项目所涉及的流程不一样(详见4. Business Process)。对于预算外项目,CEO审核完后,财务部预算管理员追加预算;采用这种方式将预算外项目通过一个流程完成了立项和预算的追加,便于业务人员和审核人员的操作。
Project approval of the project expense is divided into two kinds: In the budget and out of the budget; different kinds of projects have different processes (See details in Business Process). As for the projects out of the budget, the Finance Department budget administrator will add the budget after the approval of CEO; this method of finishing the project approval and the addition of budget for projects out of the budget through one process will facilitate the operation of the business personnel and the auditing personnel.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 立项审批结束后,占用预算。
1. After the project approval, occupy the budget.
2. 系统默认存储立项年份
2. The system saves the approval year under default state
3. 如果选择了预算外项目,则显示预算调整说明的内容,在立项的同时,需要填写预算调整说明,流程的最后一个节点财务预算管理员,将根据调整说明对预算进行追加。
3. If the project out of the budget is selected, the content of budget adjustment description will be showed. The budget adjustment description shall be filled while making the approval, the last node of the process - the financial budget administrator will add the budget according to the adjustment description.  
4. 立项时,确定是本年度能完成的项目,但由于业务情况比较复杂,出现了项目延期的下一年的情况,则需要重新立项。
4. When making the project approval, it shall be determined that it is the project that can be finished during the current year. But owing to the complexity of the service conditions, if the project is postponed to the next year, a new approval shall be made.
4.2.6项目型费用跨年续转Cross-year Transfer of the Project Expense业务描述Business Description
Being the same as the special expenses, project expense may concern the crossing of years. In order to ensure the convenient operation of the business personnel and the detail and integrity of the data, the function of cross-year transfer is also attached to the project expense. When making the original approval, fill in and approve the total budget of the next year; when making the cross-year transfer, the approval process is not required; in the transfer, the budget of the next year will be disintegrated into each month. The cross-year transfer projects can be inquired in业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Documents
项目型费用跨年续转的业务单据如下图所示,主表的信息通过选择之前的立项名称自动带入,且不可修改,子表信息中将本年的立项金额按月度进行分解。The business document of the project expense cross-year transfer is shown below. The information of the main table can be automatically input through choosing the project name, and it cannot be modified. In the sub-table, the amount of the current year will be disintegrated by month.业务规则Business Rules
4.2.7数据统计分析Statistic Analysis of Data项目状态维护Project State Maintenance
In order to ensure that the redundant budget of the project can be timely released, so as not to influence the following project approval, the business department and the finance department shall determine whether to close the project status and release the budget when checking the withholding at the end of each month; the cost administrator shall check the status of all special expenses and project expenses; and the business department cost administrator will determine whether to close the project status according to the condition of check. The project status can be closed by the close button in the project ledger table (See details in项目预提表Project Withholding Table
According to the accrual basis of accounting, the expenses that have been approved before reimbursement shall be conducted with the withholding every month, this system will count the project and reimbursement amount, and then generate the withholding table; the general ledger accountant will make the withholding in SAP according to the amount of the withholding table. The withholding table is shown below, the combination query can be made according to the cost center, item name, project name, and project type, and screened results will be leaded out.立项台账表Project Ledger Table
In order to facilitate the understanding of the project implementation situation, this system provides the project ledger table, which can be used to retrieve the project information according to different conditions. The specific interface is shown below:
The actual amount of reimbursement in the above table is the actual amount of reimbursement as of present. Each business department can close the expense reimbursement of the project through closing the button according to the practical implementation situation of the project. Click the project name in the above table, one can view the overall situation of the project, and the specific overall situation is shown below:预算科目、费用科目与会计科目对应关系表Budget, Expense and Accounting Items’ Corresponding Relation Table
Both the special expenses and project expenses occupy budget through the project approval. The reimbursement amount is controlled by the amount of project approval, but in the items used in the company, there is the condition that some budget items, expense items and accounting items are not exactly the same, so it is suggested to unify the budget items, expense items and accounting items; if the existing items cannot be unified in management, this system will formulate the Budget, Expense and Accounting Items’ Corresponding Relation Table, and formulate the corresponding relation table for different items to ensure the expense items can be corresponded to the budget items when in project approval, and the accounting items in reimbursement can be corresponded to the expense items. 
Budget Items 立项科目
Project Items 会计科目
Accounting Items 说明
4.3费用报销管理Management of Expense Reimbursement
4.3.1差旅费报销Travelling Expenses Reimbursement业务描述Business Description
Travelling expenses reimbursement is divided into the domestic travelling expenses reimbursement and the foreign travelling expenses reimbursement,
Travelling expenses reimbursement shall be related to the business trip application form; Travelling expenses’ reimbursement relevant standard can be managed through the system maintenance travelling expenses’ reimbursement standard; travelling expenses’ reimbursement shall be controlled in the scope of budget, if the standard range is exceeded, the process needs special approval. The information for reimbursement that is needed to be filled includes the expenditure details, travelling expenses details, loan cancel after verification, personal reimbursement payment information table, external units payment information table, and the voucher (visible by the cost audit personnel).业务流程Business Process
The reimbursement processes of the domestic and foreign travelling expenses are the same. 
业务部门经办人--业务费用管理员--费用稽核(审票)--业务部长审核--业务中心主任(或业务副总)审批--财务审批--主管VP --费用制单岗--出纳岗打款(根据个人付款信息)
Business department responsible person - cost administrator - cost audit (invoice audit) - Business manager approval – Business center director (or Business VP) approval – Financial approval - VP in Charge – Expense document preparing post - Cashier payment (according to the personal payment information)业务单据Business Documents
Travelling Expenses Reimbursement Standard
Domestic Travelling Expenses - Expenditure Details
Domestic Travelling Expenses - Travelling Expenses Details
Domestic Travelling Expenses - Loan Cancel after Verification
Domestic Travelling Expenses - Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table
Domestic Travelling Expenses - External Units Payment Information Table
Domestic Travelling Expenses - Voucher (visible by the cost audit personnel)
The sub-tabs of foreign travelling expenses reimbursement are the same as those of the domestic travelling expenses reimbursement, but there is a slight difference in the information of the expenditure details, and the difference is shown below: 
Foreign Travelling Expenses - Expenditure Details业务规则Business Rules
1. 报销原则。一张报销单可为多人进行报销,但只能涉及同一个成本中心。
1. Reimbursement principle. One reimbursement form can be used to offer reimbursement to several people, but the same cost center shall be involved.  
2. 个人报销付款信息表中,只能填写一个人的账号,由个人报销付款信息表的人进行再分配,个人报销付款信息表的数据第一次填写后,在费控中存储,之后可以根据输入的证件号带入。
2. In the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, the account number of only one person can be filled, and then the redistribution will be made. When the information of the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table is filled for the first time, it will be saved in the cost control system, and then it can be searched by inputting the identification number.
3. 凭证在费用稽核岗及以后节点可见,凭证里的部分数据来自前面四个页签信息,允许费用稽核岗和费用制单岗人员审核和修改科目,其他节点不允许修改凭证信息。
3. The voucher can be seen by the cost audit personnel and personnel at the following nodes, part of the data in the voucher comes from the information of the previous four tabs. The cost auditing and expense voucher making personnel are allowed to review and modify the items, and the voucher information is not allowed to be modified at other nodes.
4. 报销人涉及到多个职级的,就高进行审批。如财务运营总监出差的审批。
4. If the reimbursement personnel concern people of various level, the reimbursement shall be approved by the one with the highest level. Such as the business trip approval by CFO and Director of Operations. 
5. 国外出差涉及到多币种的要分多行填写。
5. If multiple currencies are involved in the foreign business trips, the information shall be filled in different lines.
6. 系统只校验住宿,伙食费、公杂费,不校验往来交通金额。
6. The system only check the hotel expense, board expense, and miscellaneous expense, other than the transportation expense. 
7. 如果关联了借款单,则报销结束后,需要改变借款单的状态,不允许其他报销再关联此借款单。
7. If the borrowing form is related, the state of the borrowing form shall be changed after the reimbursement; other reimbursement activities are not allowed to relate this form.
8. 营销公司是统一报机票,然后分到各成本中心,走日常费用报销流程。其他交通和补助等在差旅费报销单中报销,需扫描登机牌上传(便于审核起止时间)。
8. The marketing company makes reimbursement of air tickets uniformly, and the allots to each cost center through the current expense reimbursement process. Other transportation expenses and subsidies will be reimbursed in the Travelling Expenses Reimbursement Form; the boarding pass shall be scanned and uploaded (for checking the starting and ending time). 
9. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额小于报销金额,则个人报销付款信息表中的金额为报销金额-借款金额,费用稽核岗可以修改该金额,审批流程结束后的费用凭证:借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)   贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款额) 银行存款-快捷代发(个人报销付款信息中的支付总金额);
9. If there is the loan information and the amount of loan is less than that of the reimbursement, and then the amount in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table is: reimbursement amount minus the loan amount, and the cost auditing personnel can change this amount; the expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Loan: Other Account Payable - Personal Loan - Personal Name (borrowing amount in the cancel after verification). Bank Deposit-Quick Payroll Agency (The total amount paid in the personal reimbursement payment information); 
10. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额大于报销金额,则个人报销付款信息表中无需填写数据,且在财务费用稽核岗(审票)触发还款流程,现金出纳确认收到款项后,资金科记账(资金科记账:借:现金--人民币/银行存款基本户(借款-报销额)   贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款-报销额)),还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,审批流程结束后的费用凭证: 借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额) 银行存款--基本户/现金--人民币(借款金额-报销金额) 贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款金额)。
10. If there is the loan information and the amount of loan is more than that of the reimbursement, and then no information is needed to be filled in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, and the cost audit (invoice audit) personnel starts the repayment process; when the cashier confirms that the money is received, the personnel of the money section will charge to an account (Borrow: Cash - RMB/Bank deposit basic account (Borrowing money-reimbursement amount). Loan: Other Account Payable - Personal Loan - Personal Name (Borrowing money-reimbursement amount), continue to conduct the reimbursement approval process after the repayment process. The expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Bank Deposit - Basic Account/Cash – RMB (Borrowing money-reimbursement amount). Loan: Other Account Payable - Personal Loan - Personal Name (Borrowing amount in the cancel after verification). 
11. 业务人员报销时,需要填写费用列支明细、差旅费明细、借款核销(可由借款单或者出差单带出借款人、借款时间、借款金额)、个人报销付款信息表(取决于借款金额与报销金额)、外部单位付款信息表(有则填写)。
11. When making the reimbursement, the business personnel shall fill in the expense expenditure details, travelling expenses details, loan cancel after verification (the borrower, borrowing time, and borrowing amount can be drawn from the borrowing form or the business trip form), Personal reimbursement Payment Information Table (it depends on the borrowing amount and reimbursement amount), and External Units Payment Information Table (Fill if there is one).
12. 费用管理员、财务费用稽核岗(审票)可以修改业务人员提交的各个页签的数据。如果需要走还款流程,现金出纳不允许修改数据,可以根据借款核销数据,确认是否已经收到款项。费用制单岗,不允许修改各个页签的数据(无原始凭证),需要核对凭证中的相关数据,可以修改科目。
12. The cost administrator, financial cost audit (invoice audit) personnel can modify the data of each page submitted by the business personnel. If the repayment process is required, the cashier is not allowed to make any modification, but can confirm whether the repayment is received according to the loan cancel after verification data. The expense voucher making personnel are not allowed to modify the data of the tabs (with no original voucher); they need to check the relevant data in the voucher, and they can modify the items.
13. 报销单据中的个人报销付款在审批流程结束后,通过银企直连支付,报销单据中的外部单位付款在报销审批流程结束后,触发外部单位往来报销资金付款流程(有几个单位就启动几个资金支付流程),在该流程中通过银企直连支付。
13. After the approval process, the personal reimbursement in the reimbursement form will be paid through the bank-corporate direct linkage way; payment of external units in the reimbursement form will trigger the external units reimbursement payment process after the approval process (One money payment process for each unit), the bank-corporate direct linkage way for payment will be adopted in this process.
14. 原始单据上只有流水号,费用制单岗将凭证号和流水号推送到SAP中,可以在SAP中根据凭证号查流水号,找到原始单据。
14. There is only the serial number on the original document, expense voucher making personnel will put the voucher number and serial number into SAP, and the original document can be found through searching the serial number according to the voucher number in SAP.
15. 差旅费凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:
15. The debtor-creditor relationships involved in the travelling expenses voucher include:
Debtor 贷方
Creditor 说明
Travelling Expenses - Intra-urban Travelling Expenses 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency 个人报销网上支付
Personal reimbursement online payment
O Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Other contacts - Unit name and code 有外部单位付款
With payment of external units
Cash - RMB 个人报销现金支付
Personal reimbursement cash payment
Market Survey - Travelling Expenses /Recruitment - Travelling Expenses /Experts Expenses - Travelling Expenses /Travelling Expenses – Foreign Travelling Expenses /Travelling Expenses - Expenses of Personnel at Front Line 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency 个人报销网上支付
Personal reimbursement online payment
Other Account Payable - Personal loan - Personal name 有借款
With loan
O Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Other contacts - Unit name and code 有外部单位付款
With payment of external units
Cash - RMB 个人报销现金支付
Personal reimbursement cash payment
4.3.2日常费用报销Current Expense Reimbursement业务描述Business Description
Current expense reimbursement refers to the reimbursement for expenses other than the project expenses of the company. This kind of reimbursement adopts the expense reimbursement form to conduct the process approval. The information for current expense reimbursement that is needed to be filled includes the expenditure details, loan cancel after verification, personal reimbursement payment information table, external units payment information table, and the voucher (visible by the cost audit personnel).业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 个人报销付款信息表中,只能填写一个人的账号,由个人报销付款信息表的人进行再分配。
1. In the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, the account number of only one person can be filled, and then the redistribution will be made.
2. 如果该报销业务是先申请后报销的,需要选择申请单号。
2. If the reimbursement matter will be conducted after approval, and then the number of the Application Form is required. 
3. 预算在哪个部门,则由哪个部门提报。
3. It shall be raised by the department where the budget is. 
4. 凭证在费用稽核岗及以后节点可见,凭证里的部分数据来自前面四个页签信息,允许费用稽核岗和费用制单岗人员审核和修改科目,其他节点不允许修改凭证信息。
4. The voucher can be seen by the cost audit personnel and personnel at the following nodes, part of the data in the voucher comes from the information of the previous four tabs. The cost auditing and expense voucher making personnel are allowed to review and modify the items, and the voucher information is not allowed to be modified at other nodes.
5. 流程结束后,本系统将流水单号和凭证都推送到SAP中,SAP需要明确存放流水单号的方式。SAP生成凭证后推送到本系统。
5. When the process is finished, this system will put the serial number and the voucher into SAP, which shall clear the way for saving the serial number. The voucher, after being formed by SAP, will be put into this system. 
6. 如果和合同关联,则需要输入合同编号,带入合同名称和合同支付方式
6. If it is related to the contract, the contract number shall be input, which will lead to the contract title and payment method.   
7. 业务审批和财务审批为同一个人,则后一个节点跳过。
7. If the business approval person and the financial approval person is the same one, and then the next node can be skipped. 
8. 报销单中如果关联了预付款和借款,则流程结束后要改变预付款和借款的状态,保证其他报销单不能再选择。
8. If the advance payment and loan are related to the reimbursement form, the state of advance payment and loan shall be changed after the process to ensure that other reimbursement forms cannot be selected. 
9. 如果外部单位付款信息表中有数据,则此流程结束后,自动启动外部单位往来报销资金付款流程(有几个单位就启动几个资金支付流程),将外部单位付款信息表中分别带入新流程中。
9. If there is data in the External Units Payment Information Table, automatically start the external units reimbursement payment process after the process (One money payment process for each unit), and lead the External Units Payment Information Table into the new process. 
10. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额小于报销金额,则个人报销付款信息表中的金额为报销金额-借款金额,费用稽核岗可以修改该金额,审批流程结束后的费用凭证:借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)   贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款额) 银行存款-快捷代发(个人报销付款信息中的支付总金额);
10. If there is the loan information and the amount of loan is less than that of the reimbursement, and then the amount in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table is: reimbursement amount minus the loan amount, and the cost auditing personnel can change this amount; the expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Loan: Other Account Payable - Personal Loan - Personal Name (borrowing amount in the cancel after verification). Bank Deposit-Quick Payroll Agency (The total amount paid in the personal reimbursement payment information);
11. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额大于报销金额,则个人报销付款信息表中无需填写数据,且在财务费用稽核岗(审票)触发还款流程,现金出纳确认收到款项后,无需记账,还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,审批流程结束后的费用凭证: 借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额) 银行存款--基本户/现金--人民币(借款金额-报销金额) 贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款金额)。
11. If there is the loan information and the amount of loan is more than that of the reimbursement, and then no information is needed to be filled in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, and the cost audit (invoice audit) personnel starts the repayment process; when the cashier confirms that the money is received, the account does not need to be kept, and continue to conduct the reimbursement approval process after the repayment process. The expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Bank deposit - Basic account/Cash - RMB(Borrowing money-reimbursement amount) Loan: Other Account Payable - Personal loan - Personal name (Borrowing amount in the cancel after verification). 
12. 如果有预付款,且预付款金额小于报销金额,则外部单位付款信息表中的金额为报销金额-预付款金额,费用稽核岗可以修改该金额,审批流程结束后的费用凭证:借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)   贷:预付账款--单位名称编号(预付款中的金额)其他应付款--单位往来--单位名称(外部单位付款信息表中的支付总金额);为了规范管理,建议都挂往来,不允许出现银行存款--基本户。
12. If there is the advance payment, and he amount of advance payment is less than that of the reimbursement, and then the amount in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table is: reimbursement amount minus the advance payment amount, and the cost auditing personnel can change this amount; The expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Loan: Advance payment - Unit name code (the amount in the advance payment). Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Unit name (Total amount of payment in the External Units Payment Information Table); in order to standardize the management, it is suggested to be included in contacts, and the bank deposit - basic account is not allowed. 
13. 如果有预付款,且预付款金额大于报销金额,则外部单位付款信息表中无需填写数据,且在财务费用稽核岗(审票)触发还款流程,现金出纳确认收到款项后,银行会计记账(借:银行存款--基本户  贷:预付款--单位名称编号),还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,审批流程结束后的费用凭证: 借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)  贷:预付款--单位名称编号(预付款中的预付余额=预付款中的金额-出纳确认收到的退回金额)。
13. If there is the advance payment, and he amount of advance payment is more than that of the reimbursement, and then no information is needed to be filled in the External Units Payment Information Table, and the cost audit (invoice audit) personnel starts the repayment process; when the cashier confirms that the money is received, the bank accountant will charge to an account (Borrow: Bank deposit - Basic account. Loan: advance payment - unit name code). continue to conduct the reimbursement approval process after the repayment process. The expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Loan: advance payment - unit name code (The balance of advance payment = Amount of advance payment –The returned amount confirmed by the cashier).
14. 日常费用报销中不允许存在既有预付金额,又有借款的情况。
14. In the current expense reimbursement, the condition that the advance payment and loan exist simultaneously is not allowed.
15. 业务人员报销时,需要填写费用列支明细、预付款(可由预付款单号带出客户代码、收款单位、付款事由、付款金额)、借款核销(可由借款单或者出差单带出借款人、借款时间、借款金额)、个人报销付款信息表(借款金额<报销金额填写此表)、外部单位付款信息表(预付款金额<报销金额填写此表)。
15. When making the reimbursement, the business personnel shall fill in the expense expenditure details, advance payment (the customer code, payee unit, payment reason, and amount can be drawn from the number of the advance payment form), loan cancel after verification (the borrower, borrowing time, and borrowing amount can be drawn from the borrowing form or the business trip form), Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table (fill in this table when borrowing amount<reimbursement amount), External Units Payment Information Table (fill in this table when advance payment amount <reimbursement amount). 
16. 费用管理员、财务费用稽核岗(审票)可以修改业务人员提交的各个页签的数据。如果因为借款核销需要走还款流程,现金出纳不允许修改数据,可以根据借款核销数据,确认是否已经收到款项。如果因为预付款核销需要走还款流程,现金出纳也不允许修改数据,可以根据预付款核销数据,确认是否已经收到款项,收到款项后,由银行会计记账,还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,财务费用稽核岗(制单),不允许修改各个页签的数据(无原始凭证),需要核对凭证中的相关数据。
16. The cost administrator, financial cost audit (invoice audit) personnel can modify the data of each page submitted by the business personnel. If the repayment process is required because of the loan cancel after verification, the cashier is not allowed to make any modification, but can confirm whether the repayment is received according to the loan cancel after verification data. If the repayment process is required because of the advance payment cancel after verification, the cashier is not allowed to make any modification either, but can cancel the data according to advance payment, and confirm whether the repayment is received; when the money is received, the bank accountant will charge to an account, and the reimbursement approval process will continue to be adopted after the repayment process. The financial cost auditing (voucher making) personnel are not allowed to modify the data of the tabs (with no original voucher), and they need to check the relevant data in the voucher.
17. 日常费用报销凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:
17. The debtor-creditor relationships involved in the current expense reimbursement voucher include:
Debtor 贷方
Creditor 说明
Expense item O其他应付款--单位往来--其他往来--单位名称编码
O Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Other contacts - Unit name and code 外部单位付款
Payment of external units
Expense item 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency
应交税费--应交增值税--进项税7% 或 11% 或 13% 或17%
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 7% or 11% or 13% or 17% O其他应付款--单位往来--其他往来--单位名称编码
O Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Other contacts - Unit name and code
应交税费--应交增值税--进项税7% 或 11% 或 13% 或17%
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 7% or 11% or 13% or 17% 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency
Entertainment expenses – Daily entertainment expenses 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency
Entertainment expenses – Daily entertainment expenses 应付职工薪酬--职工福利--集体福利设施费用--食堂支出
Payroll Payable - Employee Benefit - Collective Welfare Facilities’ Expense - Canteen expenditure 公司食堂招待客人
Entertaining guests in the company canteen
4.3.3福利费用报销Welfare Expense Reimbursement
Using the current expense reimbursement process and voucher; see details in 4.3.3
The debtor-creditor relationships involved in the welfare expense reimbursement voucher include:
Debtor 贷方
Creditor 说明
Welfare Expenses Item 应交税费--应交个人所得税20%
Tax payable - Individual income tax payable 20%
Welfare Expenses Item 其他应付款--单位往来--单位名称编码
Other account payable - Contacts between units - Unit name and code 给单位付款
Payment to units
Welfare Expenses Item 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency
Welfare Expenses Item 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account 记账员选择
Accounting clerks select
Non-current liabilities due within one year 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account 记账员选择
Accounting clerks select
Non-current liabilities due within one year 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency
4.3.4教育经费报销Education Expense Reimbursement
Using the current expense reimbursement process and voucher; see details in 4.3.3
The table of debtor-creditor relationships involved in the education expense reimbursement voucher:
Debtor 贷方
Creditor 说明
I Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Withhold and remit (Employee education fund) 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit - Quick payroll agency
I Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Withhold and remit (Employee education fund) 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account 记账员选择
Accounting clerks select
I Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Withhold and remit (Employee education fund) 应交税费--应交个人所得税
Tax payable - Individual income tax payable
I Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Withhold and remit (Employee education fund) G其他应付款--单位往来--单位名称编码
G Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Unit name and code 给单位付款
Payment to units
4.3.5专项费用报销Special Expenses Reimbursement业务描述Business Description
When conducting reimbursement for special expenses, the item must be selected; the reimbursement shall be controlled according to the total annual budget of the item, and it will not be controlled by the monthly plan. The same item may be reimbursed in several times. The detailed information that shall be filled for special expenses reimbursement includes expense expenditure details, advance payment, loan cancel after verification, Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, External Units Payment Information Table, and the voucher (visible by the cost auditing personnel). 
The business department and the finance department shall determine whether to close the project status and release the budget when checking the withholding at the end of each month; the cost administrator shall check the status of all special expenses; and the business department cost administrator will conduct the closing operation.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 若是资产类的项目,需要手工输入资产编号,资产名称,若为费用类项目,这两项不用填写。
1. If it is the item of the asset class, the asset number and name shall be manually entered, and if it is the item of the expense class, these two parts need not to be entered.
2. 如果专项费用报销涉及到合同,则需要选择合同编号、合同名称
2. If the special expenses reimbursement is related to the contract, the contract number and name shall be chosen.
3. 个人报销付款信息表中,只能填写一个人的账号,由个人报销付款信息表的人进行再分配。
3. In the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, the account number of only one person can be filled, and then the redistribution will be made.
4. 凭证在费用稽核岗及以后节点可见,凭证里的部分数据来自前面四个页签信息,允许费用稽核岗和费用制单岗人员审核和修改科目,其他节点不允许修改凭证信息。
4. The voucher can be seen by the cost audit personnel and personnel at the following nodes, part of the data in the voucher comes from the information of the previous four tabs. The cost auditing and expense voucher making personnel are allowed to review and modify the items, and the voucher information is not allowed to be modified at other nodes.
5. 业务审批和财务审批为同一个人,则后一个节点跳过。
5. If the business approval person and the financial approval person is the same one, and then the next node can be skipped.
6. 报销单中如果关联了预付款和借款,则流程结束后要改变预付款和借款的状态,保证其他报销单不能再选择。
6. If the advance payment and loan are related to the reimbursement form, the state of advance payment and loan shall be changed after the process to ensure that other reimbursement forms cannot be selected. 
7. 如果外部单位付款信息表中有数据,则此流程结束后,自动启动外部单位往来报销资金付款流程(有几个单位就启动几个资金支付流程),将外部单位付款信息表中分别带入新流程中。
7. If there is data in the External Units Payment Information Table, automatically start the external units reimbursement payment process after the process (One money payment process for each unit), and lead the External Units Payment Information Table into the new process.
8. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额小于报销金额,则个人报销付款信息表中的金额为报销金额-借款金额,费用稽核岗可以修改该金额,审批流程结束后的费用凭证:借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)   贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款额) 银行存款-快捷代发(个人报销付款信息中的支付总金额);
8. If there is the loan information and the amount of loan is less than that of the reimbursement, and then the amount in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table is: reimbursement amount minus the loan amount, and the cost auditing personnel can change this amount; the expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Loan: Other Account Payable - Personal Loan - Personal Name (borrowing amount in the cancel after verification). Bank Deposit-Quick Payroll Agency (The total amount paid in the personal reimbursement payment information);
9. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额大于报销金额,则个人报销付款信息表中无需填写数据,且在财务费用稽核岗(审票)触发还款流程,现金出纳确认收到款项后,无需记账,还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,审批流程结束后的费用凭证: 借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额) 银行存款--基本户/现金--人民币(借款金额-报销金额) 贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款金额)。
9. If there is the loan information and the amount of loan is more than that of the reimbursement, and then no information is needed to be filled in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, and the cost audit (invoice audit) personnel starts the repayment process; when the cashier confirms that the money is received, the account does not need to be kept, and continue to conduct the reimbursement approval process after the repayment process. The expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Bank deposit - Basic account/Cash - RMB(Borrowing money-reimbursement amount) Loan: Other Account Payable - Personal loan - Personal name (Borrowing amount in the cancel after verification).
10. 如果有预付款,且预付款金额小于报销金额,则外部单位付款信息表中的金额为报销金额-预付款金额,费用稽核岗可以修改该金额,审批流程结束后的费用凭证:借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)   贷:预付账款--单位名称编号(预付款中的金额)其他应付款--单位往来--单位名称(外部单位付款信息表中的支付总金额);为了规范管理,所有报销类的会计科目中,贷方科目不允许出现银行存款--基本户。
10. If there is the advance payment, and he amount of advance payment is less than that of the reimbursement, and then the amount in the Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table is: reimbursement amount minus the advance payment amount, and the cost auditing personnel can change this amount; The expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Loan: Advance payment - Unit name code (the amount in the advance payment). Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Unit name (Total amount of payment in the External Units Payment Information Table); in order to standardize the management, the bank deposit - basic account is not allowed in creditor’s items under the reimbursement items.
11. 如果有预付款,且预付款金额大于报销金额,则外部单位付款信息表中无需填写数据,且在财务费用稽核岗(审票)触发还款流程,现金出纳确认收到款项后,银行会计记账(借:银行存款--基本户  贷:预付款--单位名称编号),还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,审批流程结束后的费用凭证: 借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)  贷:预付款--单位名称编号(预付款中的预付余额=预付款中的金额-出纳确认收到的退回金额)。
11. If there is the advance payment, and he amount of advance payment is more than that of the reimbursement, and then no information is needed to be filled in the External Units Payment Information Table, and the cost audit (invoice audit) personnel starts the repayment process; when the cashier confirms that the money is received, the bank accountant will charge to an account (Borrow: Bank deposit - Basic account. Loan: advance payment - unit name code). continue to conduct the reimbursement approval process after the repayment process. The expense voucher after the approval process is: Borrow: Expense Items (amount of all items in the expense expenditure details). Loan: advance payment - unit name code (The balance of advance payment = Amount of advance payment –The returned amount confirmed by the cashier).
12. 日常费用报销中不允许存在既有预付金额,又有借款的情况。
12. In the current expense reimbursement, the condition that the advance payment and loan exist simultaneously is not allowed.
13. 业务人员报销时,需要填写费用列支明细、预付款(可由预付款单号带出客户代码、收款单位、付款事由、付款金额)、借款核销(可由借款单或者出差单带出借款人、借款时间、借款金额)、个人报销付款信息表(借款金额<报销金额填写此表)、外部单位付款信息表(预付款金额<报销金额填写此表)。
13. When making the reimbursement, the business personnel shall fill in the expense expenditure details, advance payment (the customer code, payee unit, payment reason, and amount can be drawn from the number of the advance payment form), loan cancel after verification (the borrower, borrowing time, and borrowing amount can be drawn from the borrowing form or the business trip form), Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table (fill in this table when borrowing amount<reimbursement amount), External Units Payment Information Table (fill in this table when advance payment amount <reimbursement amount).
14. 费用管理员、财务费用稽核岗(审票)可以修改业务人员提交的各个页签的数据。如果因为借款核销需要走还款流程,现金出纳不允许修改数据,可以根据借款核销数据,确认是否已经收到款项。如果因为预付款核销需要走还款流程,现金出纳也不允许修改数据,可以根据预付款核销数据,确认是否已经收到款项,收到款项后,由银行会计记账,还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,财务费用稽核岗(制单),不允许修改各个页签的数据(无原始凭证),需要核对凭证中的相关数据。
14. The cost administrator, financial cost audit (invoice audit) personnel can modify the data of each page submitted by the business personnel. If the repayment process is required because of the loan cancel after verification, the cashier is not allowed to make any modification, but can confirm whether the repayment is received according to the loan cancel after verification data. If the repayment process is required because of the advance payment cancel after verification, the cashier is not allowed to make any modification either, but can cancel the data according to advance payment, and confirm whether the repayment is received; when the money is received, the bank accountant will charge to an account, and the reimbursement approval process will continue to be adopted after the repayment process. The financial cost auditing (voucher making) personnel are not allowed to modify the data of the tabs (with no original voucher), and they need to check the relevant data in the voucher.
15. 报销单据中的个人报销付款在审批流程结束后,通过银企直连支付,报销单据中的外部单位付款在报销审批流程结束后,触发外部单位往来报销资金付款流程(有几个单位就启动几个资金支付流程),在该流程中通过银企直连支付。
15. After the approval process, the personal reimbursement in the reimbursement form will be paid through the bank-corporate direct linkage way; payment of external units in the reimbursement form will trigger the external units reimbursement payment process after the approval process (One money payment process for each unit), the bank-corporate direct linkage way for payment will be adopted in this process.
16. 如果专项费用报销金额大于立项金额,则需要新立项报销多余金额。
16. If the amount of special expenses reimbursement is more than the amount of project approval, another project approval shall be made to reimburse the excess amount.
17. 专项费用报销可能会涉及到承兑,需要将凭证信息推送到SAP
17. special expenses reimbursement may be related to the acceptance, so the information of the voucher shall be put in the SAP
18. 专项费用报销涉及的借贷关系表
18. The table of debtor-creditor relationships related to the special expenses reimbursement:
Debtor 贷方
Creditor 说明
Expense item O其他应付款--单位往来--其他往来--单位名称编码
O Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Other contacts - Unit name and code
Expense item J预付账款--单位名称编码
J Advance payment - Unit name and code
Expense item 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account
Expense item 其他应付款--单位往来--单位名称编码
Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Unit name and code
应交税费--应交增值税--进项税7% 或 11% 或 13% 或17%
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 7% or 11% or 13% or 17% O其他应付款--单位往来--其他往来--单位名称编码
O Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Other contacts - Unit name and code
应交税费--应交增值税--进项税7% 或 11% 或 13% 或17%
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 7% or 11% or 13% or 17% J预付账款--单位名称编码
J Advance payment - Unit name and code
应交税费--应交增值税--进项税7% 或 11% 或 13% 或17%
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 7% or 11% or 13% or 17% 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account
应交税费--应交增值税--进项税7% 或 11% 或 13% 或17%
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 7% or 11% or 13% or 17% 其他应付款--单位往来--单位名称编码
Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Unit name and code
G Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Contacts of projects - Unit name 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account 质保金到期
Quality assurance deposit is due
H Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Repairing spare parts - Unit name 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account 质保金到期
Quality assurance deposit is due
Fixed assets – Office equipments and other items G其他应付款--工程往来--单位名称
G Other Account Payable - Contacts of projects - Unit name 资产类报销
Assets reimbursement
Fixed assets – Office equipments and other items 资产类报销
Assets reimbursement
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 17% or 18% 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit - Basic account 资产类报销
Assets reimbursement
Tax payable - Value added tax payable  - Input tax 17% or 18% G其他应付款--单位往来--单位名称
G Other Account Payable - Contacts between units - Unit name 资产类报销
Assets reimbursement
4.3.6项目型费用报销Project Expense Reimbursement业务描述Business Description
Being similar to special expenses reimbursement, the project expense reimbursement will be controlled according to the total annual budget of the item, and it will not be controlled by the monthly plan. The same item may be reimbursed in several times. The detailed information that shall be filled is the same as that of the special expenses reimbursement, including expense expenditure details, advance payment, loan cancel after verification, Personal Reimbursement Payment Information Table, External Units Payment Information Table, and the voucher (visible by the cost auditing personnel). 
The business department and the finance department shall determine whether to close the project status and release the budget when checking the withholding at the end of each month; the cost administrator shall check the status of all special expenses; and the business department cost administrator will conduct the closing operation.业务流程 Business Process业务单据Business Documents业务规则Business Rules
1. 选择立项编号时,只列出项目型费用的立项列表供选择。
1. When choosing the project approval number, only the project approval list of project expenses is shown for selection. 
2. 其余内容与4.3.7.4相同。
2. The other contents are the same as
4.3.7冲销流程Write-off Process
There may be mistakes in several ways in the accounting operations. This system will only open the write-off function to accountants; the write-off documents are similar to the reimbursement documents of all expenses. When making the write-off operation, choose the document to draw out the contents for writing off the contents of the document.  
4.3.8数据统计分析Data Statistic Analysis预实分析表Pre-implementation Analytical Table
At the end of each month, SAP will input the actual amount (the amount of the current month and the accumulated amount; for example, the amount of April and the accumulated amount of January to April) of all expense items of each department into the cost control system.
Variable expenses adopt the planning mode and are not controlled, so the control button is not required, and the budget is only made in the cost control system. Before the end of each month, input the actual amount (the amount of the current month and the accumulated amount; for example, the amount of April and the accumulated amount of January to April) of all expense items into the cost control system.
At ordinary times, one can view the details in the cost control system, and view the pre-implementation analysis of each item of each expense at the end of a month. 
The Pre-implementation Analytical Table of each department is shown below:
4.4研发费用管理Research and development cost management
4.4.1研发费用预算管理Research and development cost budget management
Research and development costs refer to those costs relating to the research and development project, namely, the general expenses supporting the research and development activities, including running expense, variable expense and special expense, and R&D project cost. Import the budget for running expense, variable expense and special expense, and R&D project cost according to the cost center. During project approval, you can select accounts for some parts of running, special, variable and R&D project expenses, and during reimbursement, all expenses can be divided into the current expense reimbursement for R&D project and expense reimbursement for R&D project.
R&D project cost is divided into 7 stages: product planning stage, concept development stage, design engineering stage, testing phase, certification testing phase, production preparation stage and trial sale stage.
The organization and management of the technology center shall be conducted by department, the technology center shall take charge of budgeting, and each department shall take charge of reimbursement.
The items involving in research and development cost include (first draft):
Item name 核算内容
Accounting content 分类
Employee compensation-salary 进行费用化研发项目的研发人员及技术中心管理部门人员的工资、奖金、补贴、五险一金、教育经费、公会经费及福利费
Salary, bonus, subsidies, five social insurances and one housing fund, educational fund, labor union expenditure and welfare expenses for research personnel engaging in expenditure research and development, and personnel from technology center management departments  
Employee compensation-bonus  
Employee compensation- wage subsidies  
Employee compensation- labor union expenditure  
Employee compensation- welfare expenses  
Employee compensation- endowment insurance  
Employee compensation- housing fund  
Employee compensation- educational fund  
Employee compensation- medical insurance  
Employee compensation- unemployment insurance  
Employee compensation- maternity insurance  
Employee compensation- accident insurance  
Travel expense- car fare in the city 技术中心人员北京地区出差发生的北京市内交通费等
Car fare in Beijing during technology center staff’s business travel in Beijing 日常
Travel expense- travel expense in China 技术中心人员国内出差发生的交通费、订票费、住宿费等
Transportation fee, ticket booking fee, accommodation expense, etc. for technology center staff’s business travel in China 日常
Travel expense- travel expense abroad 技术中心人员国内出差发生的交通费、订票费、签证费、住宿费等
Transportation fee, ticket booking fee, visa fee, accommodation expense, etc. for technology center staff’s business travel abroad 日常
Business entertainment 技术中心部门、领导的招待费及接待外部人员发生的招待餐费及住宿费
Entertainment expense of technology center department and leader, entertainment meal fee and accommodation expense resulting from receiving the external personnel 日常
Conference expense 技术中心举办会议发生的相关支出及研发人员参加会议的发生的会议费
Related expenditure resulting from conferences held by the technology center and research personnel’s participation in meetings 专项
Propaganda material production 技术中心举办会议宣传条幅制作,室内宣传展板制作等宣传品制作费用
The expenditure resulting from making propaganda banners and indoor display boards used in meetings held by the technology center 专项
Communication expense 技术中心部门固定话费及副科级以上领导通讯费
Fixed telephone expenses of the technology center and the communication expense of leaders at division level 日常
Repair charge - Equipment repair 试制车间起重设备、地板链等机器设备修理
Repair of hoisting equipment, floor chain and other machines and equipment in the trial-produce workshop 专项
Repair charge - housing repairs 技术中心房屋修理
Housing repairs of the technology center 专项
Repair charge - others 试制车间工装、转运器具及汽车修理,技术中心电脑、工作站等修理Trial-produce workshop frock, transport equipment, vehicle repair and repair of technology center computer and workstation, etc. 专项
Low value articles amortization 技术中心办公用桌椅柜、电脑外设低值等、试制车间工具量具、工装、转运器具
Office desk, chair, cabinet, peripheral to computer in the technology center, trial-produce workshop tool, measuring tools, frock and transport equipment 日常
Office expense 技术中心所发生的办公用品、办公日杂、办公耗材等日常办公费用
Running office expenses relating to office supplies, office articles, office consumables, etc. in the technology center 日常
Service fee 技术中心高管和德方外派人员的工资性费用
Fringe benefit for senior executive in the technology center and German expatriates 日常
Environmental expenditure 技术中心职业健康作业场所检测、废弃物处置、职业危害告知牌等环境保护费用支出
Environmental expenditure resulting from detection, waste treatment, occupational hazard notification board, etc. in the technology center  专项
Safety protection expenditure 技术中心安全禁止、安全警告、安全指令、警示标牌、活动隔离柱等安全保护费用支出
Safety protection expenses used in security is prohibited, safety instructions, warning signs, safety warning, active isolation column, etc. in the technology center 专项
Insurance expenses 研发项目试制试验阶段办理人员保险的费用
Expenses relating to personnel insurance in the trial-produce and testing stage of the research and development project 专项
Current expense- labor protection fees 技术中心定额劳保费、保健费、劳保服装费和其他劳动保护费支出
Quota labor protection fees, health subsidies, labor protection clothing fees and other labor protection expenses 日常
Current expense- machine consumables 技术中心试制车间油料、化工、水暖、五金、电器、电料、辅料钢材、印刷品等费用支出
Expenses relating to oil, chemicals, plumbing, hardware, electrical materials and appliances, accessories steel, printing materials in the trial-produce workshop of the technology center. 变动
Current expense- clean-keeping fees 技术中心试制车间等保洁费用
Clean-keeping fees in the trial-produce workshop of the technology center 日常
Current expense- rental fee 非项目性租赁费
Non-project lease fee 日常
Other 取暖费、试制车间保洁费、非项目租赁费用及认证检测阶段发生的平台使用费、服务费和密钥费用等
Heating fee, clean-keeping fees in the trial-produce workshop, non-project lease fee, and platform licensing, service charge, key charge, etc. occurring in certification testing stage. 日常
Product planning stage- travel expense 研发项目产品规划阶段出差住宿费、交通费及补贴
Travel accommodation, transportation and subsidies occurring in product planning stage of the research and development project
Product planning stage- technical materials expense 研发项目产品规划阶段购买资料、信息费用
Cost for purchasing materials and information in product planning stage of the research and development project
Product planning stage- consulting fee 研发项目产品规划阶段咨询专业机构等产生的费用
Cost relating to consulting professional organizations in product planning stage of the research and development project
Product planning stage-research and survey fee 研发项目产品规划阶段进行调研发生的设计调查问卷、召开调研会议租用场地等费用
Cost relating to designing questionnaires, holding research conference, renting a site, etc. for research and survey in the 
product planning stage of the research and development project
Product planning stage-others  
Concept development stage- travel expense 研发项目概念开发阶段出差住宿费、交通费及补贴
Travel accommodation, transportation and subsidies occurring in concept development stage of the research and development project 
Concept development stage- technical literature fees 研发项目概念开发阶段购买资料、信息费用
Cost for purchasing materials and information in concept development stage of the research and development project
Concept development stage- modeling development fee 研发项目概念开发阶段请专业机构或供应商造型开发发生的费用
Cost resulting from inviting professional institute or suppliers for modeling development in concept development stage of the research and development project
Concept development stage- benchmarking sample car 研发项目概念开发阶段购买标杆样车发生的费用
Cost resulting from purchasing benchmarking sample car in concept development stage of the research and development project
Concept development stage-research and test fee 研发项目概念开发阶段进行标杆研究发生的对比试验费、分析研究费等
Contrast test fee, contrast test fee occurring in concept development stage of the research and development project
Concept development stage-others  
Design engineering stage- travel expense 研发项目设计工程阶段出差住宿费、交通费及补贴
Travel accommodation, transportation and subsidies occurring in the design engineering stage of the research and development project
Design engineering stage- technical literature fees 研发项目设计工程阶段购买资料、信息费用
Cost for purchasing materials and information in the design engineering stage of the research and development project
Design engineering stage-subcontract design development fee 研发项目设计工程阶段委托专业机构或供应商进行设计开发而产生的费用
Cost resulting from entrusting professional institute or suppliers for design and development in the design engineering stage of the research and development project
Design engineering stage-model development fee 研发项目设计工程阶段请专业机构或供应商造型开发发生的费用
Cost resulting from inviting professional institute or suppliers for modeling development in design engineering stage of the research and development project
Design engineering stage-other  
Trial-produce and testing stage- travel expense 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的试验人员交通费、通讯费及人员补助等
Test personnel transportation, communications and personnel subsidies occurring in trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage-test sample car fee 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的试制车及试制件费用
Trial produce car and test pieces fee in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage-driving sending fee 研发项目试制试验阶段试验车运送到试验场地所发生的驾送费
Fee for sending the test car to the test site in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage- temporary license and insurance fee  研发项目试制试验阶段办理车辆临时牌照及车辆保险的费用
Temporary license and insurance fee in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage- road toll 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的过路过桥费
Road toll occurring in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage- field test fee 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的试验场场地费
Field test fee occurring in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage-fuel cost 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的油料费
Fuel cost occurring in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage-maintenance and modification fee 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的修理费
Repair charge occurring in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage- stowage fee 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的装载费用
Loading fee occurring in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage- rental fee 研发项目试制试验阶段租用库房、服务车,专用试验设备等发生的费用
Fees resulting from leasing storeroom, service car, specialized test equipment, etc. in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage- fee for technical service 研发项目试制试验阶段外聘司机进行试验发生的劳务费
Fee for inviting external driver to perform test in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage-subcontract test fee 研发项目试制试验阶段委托专业机构进行试验发生的费用
Cost resulting from entrusting professional institute to perform test in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage- component testing fee 研发项目试制试验阶段委托专业机构进行零部件台架试验或搭载试验发生的零部件试验费用
Component testing fee resulting from entrusting professional institute to perform component bench test or carrying test in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project
Trial produce and testing stage-others 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的其他试验费用,如邮寄费、三高试验装备费、停车费、用户试验信息费等
Other test fees occurring in the trial produce and testing stage of the research and development project, such as postage, equipment fee for high-temperature test, highland test and high and cold test, parking fee, user test information charge, etc.
Certification stage-travel expense 认证检测阶段进行的差旅费、人员补助、通讯等相关费用
Travel expense, personnel subsidies, communication fees, etc. occurring in certification testing stage
Certification stage-fees for announcing sample car 认证检测阶段发生的公告样车费用
Fees for announcing sample car in certification testing stage
Certification stage-3C certification fee 认证检测阶段委托检测机构进行3C认证发生的费用
Fees for entrusting a testing organization to perform 3C certification in certification testing stage 
Certification stage- Fees for environmental detection  认证检测阶段委托检测机构进行环保检测发生的费用
Fees for entrusting a testing organization to perform environmental detection in certification testing stage 
Certification stage- Fees for announcement detection 认证检测阶段委托检测机构进行公告检测发生的费用
Fees for entrusting a testing organization to perform announcement detection in certification testing stage 
Certification stage- Fees for fuel consumption detection 认证检测阶段委托检测机构进行油耗检测发生的费用
Fees for entrusting a testing organization to perform fuel consumption detection in certification testing stage 
Certification stage- Site use fee for performing announcement test 认证检测阶段进行公告试验发生的场地费
Site use fee for performing announcement test in the certification testing stage
Certification stage-testing and driving sending fee 认证检测阶段进行公告试验发生的驾送费
Testing and driving sending fee resulting from announcement test in the certification testing stage
Certification stage-detection fuel cost 认证检测阶段进行公告试验发生的油料费
Fuel cost resulting from announcement test in the certification testing stage
Certification stage-testing, maintenance and modification fee 认证检测阶段进行公告试验发生的车辆维修费用
Vehicle maintenance costs resulting from announcement test in the certification testing stage 
Certification stage-subcontract testing fee  认证检测阶段委托外部专业机构进行公告试验发生的费用
Fees for entrusting an external professional organization to perform announcement test in certification testing stage
Certification stage-stowage fee 研发项目试制试验阶段发生的装载费用
Loading fees in certification testing stage
Certification stage-other  
Production preparation stage-travel expense 生产准备阶段发生的住宿费、交通费及补助
Accommodation, transportation and allowance in production preparation stage
Production preparation stage- components and parts photo album fee  生产准备阶段因零部件图册编制发生的费用
Components and parts photo album fee in production preparation stage
Production preparation stage-sample car fee 研发项目生产准备阶段因样车发生的费用
Sample car fee in production preparation stage
Production preparation stage-other  
Trial sale stage-travel expenses 研发项目试销阶段发生的住宿费、交通费及补助
Accommodation, transportation and allowance in the trial sale stage of the research and development project
Trial sale stage- sample car fee 研发项目试销阶段发生的样车费用
Sample car fee in the trial sale stage of the research and development project 
Trial sale stage-trial sale fee 研发项目试销阶段发生的促销费用
Sales promotion fee in the trial sale stage of the research and development project
Trial sale stage- sample car disposal 研发项目试销阶段发生的处置样车费用
Sample car disposal fee in the trial sale stage of the research and development project
Trial sale stage-quality cost- external losses 研发项目试销阶段发生质量成本外部损失
External losses of quality cost in the trial sale stage of the research and development project
Trial sale stage-other  
Research equipment depreciation 技术中心研发设备等折旧
Research equipment depreciation of the technology center  
Amortization of intangible assets 技术中心无形资料摊销
Amortization of intangible assets of the technology center  
Research and development expenditure- capitalization transfer out 研发项目资本化支出结转
Capitalization transfer out of the research and development project  
Research and development expenditure- expensing transfer out 研发项目费用化支出结转
Expensing transfer out of the research and development project研发费用预算导入Research and development cost budget import业务描述 Business description
The budget import of the research and development cost shall have the cost center as the unit, namely, import the running expense, variable expense, special expenses and project cost. See for the details of the imported documents.业务单据Business documents业务规则Business rule
The imported formats of running expense and variable expense are the same with other cost centers, and see details in 4.1.1. and
See the item table involving in research and development cost for the items involving in running expense, variable expense and special expense.研发费用预算调整Research and development cost budget adjustment业务描述Business description
Research and development cost budget adjustment is divided into running expenses adjustment, special expenses adjustment, and research and development project cost adjustment, and the adjusting way and documents of running expenses, special expenses and variable expenses are the same with 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.4. Research and development project cost adjustment are divided into two conditions: budget addition to single item and budget adjustment between different items.业务流程Business process业务单据Business document业务规则Business rule
The budget adjustments of running expenses adjustment, variable adjustment and special expenses in research and development costs are the same with other const centers, and see details in, and
Adjustment between items of research and development project
   1. Ensure the total project budget through increasing and decreasing the amounts of some items in certain stages.
2. After system verification, the post-adjustment budget =budget aggregates in seven stages. The total adjusting amounts must be less than or equal to zero.
Budget addition of research and development project
1. The total annual budget shall be the latest version of budget data, and additional amount shall be entered into the adjustment amount field, and then be shared in items of the subsequent stages.
2. After system verification, the post-adjustment budget =total budget in seven stages.研发费用月度计划调整Monthly plan adjustment of research and development cost业务描述Business description
Monthly plan adjustment of research and development cost mainly involves the adjustment of running expenses, variable expenses and special expenses, and see, and for the specific adjustment mode, business process, documents and rules.
4.4.2研发费用立项管理Project initialization management in research and development cost业务描述Business description
Research and development cost includes running expenses, variable expenses, special expenses and research and development project cost. Therefore, the project approval of the research and development cost are divided into two conditions: approval of research and development project, and approval of special expenses. See the details about the approval of special expenses in 4.2.2 and 4.2.3, and the process, documents and rules of approval of research and development project are as follow:业务流程Business process业务单据Business document业务规则Business rule
1. 立项成功后,需要将项目编号和项目名称推送到SAP中,具体的接口需要与SAP开发详细讨论。
After successful project approval, send the project number and project name to SAP, and the specific interface shall be discussed with SAP development in detail.
2. 立项审批结束后,占用预算。
       After project review and approval, occupy the budget.
3. 立项时按照项目的总额控制,不按各个阶段的科目进行控制。
During project approval, conduct control according to the total amount of the project rather than the items in different stages.
4.4.3研发费用报销管理Reimbursement management of research and development cost业务描述Business description
Research and development cost reimbursements include reimbursements of running expenses, variable expenses, special expenses and research and development project cost. The reimbursements of running expenses, variable expenses, and special expenses are the same with the documents, procedures, and rules of other cost centers, and see details in 4.3.3, 4.3.4 and 4.3.7. The reimbursement of research and development project cost is the same with the document of special expense reimbursement 4.3.7. However, the specific items involved are different, we will not give detailed introduction.
During research and development cost reimbursement, send the project number and voucher information to SAP.整车试验人员差旅费报销Travel expense reimbursement for complete vehicle test personnel业务描述Business description
Travel expense reimbursement standard for complete vehicle test personnel is different from travel expense reimbursement standard, and that the allowance for complete vehicle test personnel are listed and combined in their salaries for tax assessment, therefore, travel expense reimbursement for complete vehicle test personnel is separately added in this system. This system is just responsible for the approval process for test personnel travel expenses and car fare reimbursement to/from test field, and subsides entering in an account shall be completed by other persons in SAP.业务流程Business process
Business department operator-- operating outlay manager -- financial expense audit (voucher review) -- business manager audit —business center director (deputy business manager) examination and approval -- financial examination and approval—director VP-- financial expense audit post (document preparation) -- cashier makes remittance (according to the data in personal payment information and external unit payment information).业务单据Business document
The document of travel expense reimbursement for complete vehicle test personnel includes: expense column details, travel expenses details, borrowing cancel after verification, personal reimbursement payment information table, external unit payment information table and voucher (visible to cost audit post). Since allowance entry in an account is finished in SAP, car fare to/from test field is paid in const control system, and the voucher is sent to SAP, therefore, expense column details just list allowance amount and car fare amount (other) as shown in the following figure. This system just sends the car fare vouchers to SAP system. 
Travel expense reimbursement standards for complete vehicle test personnel are as follow:
S/n 试验项目
Test item 补助标准
Allowance standard 
1 厂区外
Outside the factory 性能、公告认证及强检试验、用户实验
Performance, announcement certification, and mandatory certification, user’s test 280元/天
280 yuan/day
Reliability  中重型280元/天+0.25/km
Middle-sized and heavy types 280 yuan/day+0.25/km
2 高温、高原、高寒
High temperature, highland and high cold 中重型340元/天+0.25/km
Middle-sized and heavy types 340 yuan/day+0.25/km
Subjective evaluation 试验场
280 yuan/day
High temperature, highland and high cold 350元/天
350 yuan/day
3 厂区附近
Around the factory 人机工程
ergonomic 120元/天
120 yuan/day
4 常规性能试验
regular performance testing 
5 评审
6 磨合
According to the travel expense standard for complete vehicle test personnel, the details of travel expense document are shown in the following figure, and the travel expense details of many reimbursement persons can be imported at one time.
Other tabs: borrowing cancel after verification, personal reimbursement payment information table, external unit payment information table and voucher (visible to cost audit post) have the same format with travel expense reimbursement document.业务规则Business rule
1. 试验人员借款不在差旅审批中,单独走借还款流程,报销时不关联借款。
The borrowing money of the testing personnel is not included in travel expense examination and approval, and shall go through borrowing and repayment procedure, and borrowing will not relate to reimbursement. 
2. 报销原则。一张报销单可为多人进行报销,但只能涉及同一个成本中心。
Reimbursement principle. One expense account for reimbursement can be used for reimbursements of many persons, but shall be involved with one cost center.
3. 个人报销付款信息表中,只能填写一个人的账号,由个人报销付款信息表的人进行再分配。
In a personal reimbursement payment information table, only one account can be filled, and the person holding the table can give redistribution.
4. 凭证只是在费用稽核岗(制单)可见,凭证里的部分数据来自前面四个页签信息,允许费用稽查人员审核和修改。
Voucher is only visible in cost audit post (document preparation), and some data of the voucher comes from the previous four tabs information, and can be audited and modified by the cost auditor.
5. 报销人涉及到多个职级的,就高进行审批。如财务运营总监出差的审批。
In case that the reimbursement involves different levels, give reimbursement for the higher level. For example, the examination and approval for the reimbursement of travel expense of financial director of operation.
6. 将往返交通费金额打款到“个人报销付款信息表”,由个人报销付款信息表的人进行再分配。补助金额由费用凭证岗手工记账,计入工资。
Remit the money of round-trip transportation to “personal reimbursement payment information table”, and the one holding the table gives redistribution. The allowance amount shall be charged to an account manually by the cost voucher, and included in the salary.
7. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额小于往返交通费金额,则个人报销付款信息表中的金额为往返交通费金额-借款金额,费用稽核岗可以修改该金额,审批流程结束后的费用凭证:借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额)   贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款额) 银行存款-快捷代发(个人报销付款信息中的支付总金额);
In case of borrowing information and the borrowing amount being less than the round-trip transportation fee, the amount in personal reimbursement payment information table shall be round-trip transportation fee less borrowing amount, and the cost audit post can modify the amount. For the expense voucher after examination and approval process: Debit: cost account (each item account in the cost column details)  Credit: other account payable—personal loan—personal name (the borrowing amount in borrowing cancel after verification) cash in the bank—quick payment (the total payment account in personal reimbursement payment information);
8. 如果有借款信息,且借款金额大于往返交通费,则个人报销付款信息表中无需填写数据,且在财务费用稽核岗(审票)触发还款流程,现金出纳确认收到款项后,无需记账,还款流程结束,继续走报销审批流程,审批流程结束后的费用凭证: 借:费用科目(费用列支明细中的各科目金额) 银行存款--基本户/现金--人民币(借款金额-报销金额) 贷:其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(借款核销中的借款金额)。
In case of borrowing information and the borrowing amount being more than the round-trip transportation fee, then you do not need to fill data in personal reimbursement payment information table, and trigger the repayment process in the financial cost audit post (check voucher). After the cashier has confirmed the receipt of payment, he does not need to charge the payment to an account. After repayment process, continue to go through reimbursement examination and approval process. For the expense voucher after examination and approval process: Debit: cost account (each item account in the cost column details), cash in the bank— basic account/cash—RMB (borrowing amount-reimbursement amount) Credit: other account payable—personal loan—personal name (the borrowing amount in borrowing cancel after verification)
9. 业务人员报销时,需要填写费用列支明细、差旅费明细、借款核销(可由借款单或者出差单带出借款人、借款时间、借款金额)、个人报销付款信息表(取决于借款金额与报销金额)、外部单位付款信息表(有则填写)。
When the business personnel handles reimbursement, he shall fill in cost column details, travel expense details, borrowing cancel after verification (Borrowers, borrowing time and the borrowing amount can be introduced from the borrowing form or the travel form), personal reimbursement payment information table (depending on borrowing amount and reimbursement amount), external unit payment information table (fill it if any).
10. 费用管理员、财务费用稽核岗(审票)可以修改业务人员提交的各个页签的数据。如果需要走还款流程,现金出纳不允许修改数据,可以根据借款核销数据,确认是否已经收到款项。财务费用稽核岗(制单),不允许修改各个页签的数据(无原始凭证),需要核对凭证中的相关数据。
Cost administrator and financial cost audit post (check voucher) can modify the data in the tabs submitted by business personnel. If the repayment process is required, the cashier is not allowed to modify the data, and he can confirm the receipt of the payment according to the borrowing cancel after verification data. Cost audit post (document preparation) is not allowed to modify the data in the tabs (without original voucher), and need to check the relevant data in vouchers.
11. 报销单据中的个人报销付款在审批流程结束后,通过银企直连支付,报销单据中的外部单位付款在报销审批流程结束后,触发外部单位往来报销资金付款流程(有几个单位就启动几个资金支付流程),在该流程中通过银企直连支付。
After examination and approval process, personal reimbursement payment in the reimbursement document can be paid through bank-corporate direct linkage. After reimbursement examination and approval process, external unit payment in the reimbursement document will trigger the flow reimbursement fund payment process of external unit (the number of external unit equal to that of fund payment processes), and will be paid through bank-corporate direct linkage.
12. 差旅费报销审批完后,出纳岗负责支付,然后费用稽查岗负责制凭证。
After the examination and approval of travel expense reimbursement, the cashier shall be responsible for payment and the cost audit post shall be responsible for prepare the voucher. 
13. 凭证中涉及的借贷科目关系详见4.3.1.4
See for the details of debit and credit items in the voucher.
4.5促销费用管理Sales promotion cost management
Sales promotion costs account for about 80% of the expenses of the marketing company which attaches great importance to the management of the promotion costs. In order to make promotion cost standard and transparent, a promotion cost management module is established in the system to conduct unified management and control of the business and data involving promotion cost, and data analysis of the use conditions of the promotion cost. In order to ensure the reasonableness and accuracy of cost control, the system adopts the current control method of the marketing company, namely, bidirectional control of the total amount and single standard.
Business activities in the marketing company divide the promotion costs into five categories: product promotion, regional promotion, inventory promotion, customer marketing, and finance and meetings. Product promotion is subdivided into strategic products, new products, key products, conventional products; regional promotion is subdivided into benchmark construction, new development channels enhancement and regional enhancement; inventory promotion is subdivided into inventory structural adjustment, extended car, regulatory changes, business flow maintenance costs; customer marketing is subdivided into customer relationship maintenance, organizational customers, marketing capacity building, marketing campaigns and large area. The below is the control process of promotion costs:
图 4-1 促销费用的管理和控制过程
Figure 4-1. Management and control process of promotion costs
产品促销 product promotion 战略产品 strategic products
区域促销 regional promotion 新产品 new products
库存促销 inventory promotion 重点产品 key products
客户营销 customer marketing 预算类别 Budget category
金融和会议 finance and meeting 二级预算科目 Secondary budget account
促销立项 Promotion project approval 促销管理模块 Promotion management module
促销方案 Promotion plan 兑现表 Cash table
促销报告 Promotion report 检查兑现条件 Check the cash conditions
申请立项报告 Application report for project approval  业务/财务 Business/finance
立项审批流程 Project approval process 导入数据 Import data
经销商 Dealer  销售数据录入 Sales data entry
上传辅证文件 Uploading supplementary document 数据分析 Data analysis 
限期兑现 Deadline cash
4.5.1预算管理Budget management
According to the actual business conditions and requirements of cost control of the marketing company, control the company budget within first level or second level items, namely, the annual general budget is broken down into monthly budget by first level or second level items, and control monthly budget according to first level or second level items during project approval. At the same time, taking into account of flexibility and normalization in use and overall accuracy in analysis, after monthly breakdown of annual budget, the overall budget of annual budget is required to be break down into second level or third level items which will not be broken down. That is to say, the budget control of the marketing company involves first level or second level items, and evaluation involves second level or third level items.
Since different ways of promotion may have different goals, the budget templates used for subdividing first level items into second level items may be different. Through business arrangement, the existing 11 budget templates used by the marketing company have been collected and sorted, therefore, second level items of product promotion will adopt one standard template, second level items of regional promotion will adopt three templates (benchmarking building, new development channel and regional enhancement), inventory promotion will adopt one standard template, and finance and meeting will adopt one standard template. Below gives a detailed introduction on how to conduct budget management of the existing business of the marketing company.年度预算导入Annual budget import业务描述Business description
In order to guarantee the accuracy and consistency of the budget data, the cost administrators from all business departments (Oman sales department, VT sales department, special car department, LNG sales department, customer marketing department, and sale management department, etc.) of the marketing company shall finish the budget preparations of their respective departments for the next year before December 15 in each year, and submit them the financial department of the marketing company. The cost administrator of the financial department will arrange and summarize the budgets of all departments according to the templates (see details from figure 4-1—figure 4-6) exported by the system, and imported them in this system before December 26 in each year.业务单据和模板Business documents and templates
Marketing company financial department cost administrator exports the budget templates from the following documents, and prepare the budget in Excel according to the exported templates. After budget preparation, import these documents in the system respectively and the specific imported documents are shown as follow:
图4-1 促销费用的年度预算--导入单据
Figure 4-1. Annual budget of promotion cost—import the document
图4-2 产品促销的预算分解--导入单据
Figure 4-2. Budget breakdown of product promotion—import the document
图4-3 区域促销预算分解--导入单据
Figure 4-3. Budget breakdown of regional promotion—import the document
图4-4 库存促销预算分解--导入单据
Figure 4-4. Budget breakdown of inventory promotion—import the document
图4-5 客户营销的预算分解--导入单据
Figure 4-5. Budget breakdown of customer marketing—import the document
图4-6 金融会议预算分解--导入单据
Figure 4-6. Budget breakdown of financial meeting—import the document业务规则Business rule
Marketing company financial department cost administrator shall be responsible for import the budget of promotion cost.年度预算调整Annual budget adjustment业务描述Business description
According to the actual business conditions, the marketing company will conduct an annual budget adjustment in the middle of each year to increase or decrease annual budget. In order to ensure the standardization and safety of the annual budget adjustment, and that the amounts before and after annual budget adjustment can be inquired, annual budget adjustment shall go through report approval. After the official approval of the company, the marketing company will issue the annual budget adjustment after breakdown report and approval, marketing company financial department cost administrator directly imports the officially issued adjusted budget in the system. Histories can be inquired during adjustment, and see detailed documents in Only the budget amounts of previous month and next month can be adjusted, and months before the current month just show the actual project approval amounts.业务单据Business documents
Different ways of promotion may have different budgeting templates. Therefore, during budget adjustment, you may require fill in different documents. The adjustment of annual budget may involve product promotion budget adjustment, inventory promotion budget adjustment, etc. Therefore, the budgets that may be adjusted in this system may include: annual budget adjustment, product promotion budget adjustment, regional promotion budget adjustment, financial and meeting budget adjustment, and the specific documents are shown in the following figures:
图4-1 促销费用的年度预算调整单据
Figure 4-1. Annual budget adjustment document of promotion cost
图4-2 产品促销预算调整单据
Figure 4-2. Product promotion budget adjustment document
图4-3 区域促销预算调整单据
Figure 4-3. Regional promotion budget adjustment document
图4-4 库存促销预算调整单据
Figure 4-4. Inventory promotion budget adjustment document
图4-5 客户营销预算调整单据
Figure 4-5. Customer marketing budget adjustment document
图4-6 金融会议预算调整单据
Figure 4-6. Financial and meeting budget adjustment document业务规则Business rule
The cost manager shall be responsible for promotion cost adjustment in a unified way.
Annual budget adjustment will automatically update the original budget data, and the system will record the values before and after budget adjustment. See the adjustment conditions in the promotion cost data statistic analysis (see details in 4.6.4).月度计划调 整Monthly Plan Adjustment业务描述Business Description
Based on the business situations, each business department of the marketing company can adjust their plans for the next month and the subsequent months in the system at the end of the month (25th - 28th). Each business department can only check and adjust the budgeting of its own department, and the total annual budgets after adjustment shall not exceed the total annual budgets of the department. The monthly plan adjustment needs a process control, and see for the specific process.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
The monthly plan adjustment may be caused by different models of sales promotion, and different models of sales promotion have different budgeting templates, therefore, when adjusting the monthly plan, except for adjusting the first class or second class subjects of the monthly plan, the budgeting of the second class or third class subjects may also be adjusted. The budgeting to be adjusted in this system may include: the monthly disintegration of annual budget, product promotion, regional sales promotion, inventory sales promotion, the disintegration for the second class subjects of finance and meeting, and the disintegration for the third class subject of customer marketing. The monthly plan adjustment, the second class and the third class subjects’ disintegration documents are the same as those of the annual budget adjustment; however, the monthly plan adjustment needs a process control, and the monthly plan adjustment and the disintegration of the second class and the third class subjects shall adopt different processes, see details in Each department can only see and adjust the data of its own department, and see for the documents used in adjustment (Note: Each department can only adjust the budgeting of its own department, and the total amount after adjustment shall not exceed the total annual budgets of the department).业务规则Business Rules
The monthly plan adjustment shall be in the charge of the expense administrators in each business department.
The adjusted monthly plan shall not exceed the total annual budget.
The anannual budget adjustment is needed if the monthly plan adjustment of each business department will affect their annual budget (see details in
The contrastive analysis of the adjusted data and the original data can be examined in the statistical analysis of the sales promotion cost data (see details in 4.6.4).
4.5.2立项管理Project Approval Management立项申请Application for Project Approval业务描述Business Description
There are two lines to initiate the project approval of sales promotion cost: one is the reporting cost project initiated by dealers; the other one is the scheme cost project initiated by the operating department of the company. Details of the report or plan shall be uploaded in the form of attachment when applying for the project approval; and the detailed contents of the scheme countersign sheet, project approval registry form, project approval details and downward floating invoicing shall be filled. See details in for the project approval process of sales promotion cost and see details in for the concrete contents to be filled in the project approval scheme countersign sheet. The budget will be occupied if the project is approved and the data on the downward floating invoicing will be pushed into the SAP system.
The project approval shall be controlled according to budget monthly disintegration, that is to say, the planning amount for each month shall be within the budget range of the current month (less than the budget amount of the month – the projected amount of the month) when applying for project approval. If it exceeds the monthly budget but is no more than the annual budget, the monthly plan shall be adjusted (see details in If it exceeds the annual budget, the annual budget shall be adjusted (see details in
In the project approval scheme, many other costs excepting sales promotion cost may be involved, such as service charge and propagation cost. In this system, the project approval personnel or department of the scheme lists the costs excepting sales promotion cost and branch departments, and then the system will make judgements. If the sales promotion cost and other expenses are within the general budget range of the branch departments, the process will be submitted to the cost administrator of corresponding department for approval according to the actual listed costs and project approval sub-processes of service charge and propagation cost initiated by the department, and then the cost administrator of corresponding department will fill in or choose the related subjects for these costs and collect all the processes to countersign and submit to the final approver for approval. The project approval will fail if the approver disagrees; the budget of each branch department will be occupied if the approver totally agrees with the project approval; and if it is partly agreed, the approval opinion and countersign sheet shall be returned to the project approval personnel, who will distribute the project approval to the cost administrator of corresponding department for modification according to the approval opinion. The budget will be occupied when the modification is completed, and the project approval is finished successfully. 
立项时若选择了该方案是另一个方案的子方案,需要控制该方案立项金额在总方案的范围内(小于 总方案立项金额 减去 总方案下已经立项的子方案总额),且子方案科目分解的预算也在总方案科目分解的预算内,子方案立项成功后,就扣除总方案相应科目的立项金额。
If the scheme is the sub-scheme of another scheme, the amount of this scheme project approval shall be limited within the range of the general scheme(less than the project approval amount of the general scheme minus the total sub-scheme amount that has been set up under the general scheme), and the subjects disintegrating budget of the sub-scheme is included in the subjects disintegrating budget of the general scheme, after the sub-scheme being successfully approved, deduct the project approval amount of the corresponding subject in the general scheme.
The project approval outside the budget and not subject to the budget control shall be strictly executed according to the process, and the projects outside the budget shall be evaluated in the process of data statistic analysis.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
立项的申请,需要按下图所示的单据填写,并提交审核,此单据包含四部分内容:方案的主要数据信息、立项会签单、立项登记表、立项明细、开票下浮。When applying for the project approval, fill in the documents as shown in the figure below and submit them for examination and approval. These documents include four parts: primary data information of the scheme, countersigning document, project approval registration sheet, project approval details, and the downward floating invoicing.
立项方案会签单Countersigning Document of Project Approval Scheme
方案的主要数据信息Primary Data Information of Scheme
立项会签单Project Approval Countersigning Document
立项登记表Project Approval Registration Sheet
立项明细Project Approval Details
开票下浮Downward Floating Invoicing业务规则Business Rules
1. 开票下浮的数据中,大区和市场部必填,经销商若不填,代表该市场部的所有经销商均享受此政策,经销商若填写,则代表该政策只针对此经销商。开票下浮的数据推送到SAP后,SAP需要开发相应功能存储开票下浮的数据,并在发车时能够获取到该车开票下浮的数据。
For the data in the downward floating invoicing, the Region and Marketing Department must be filled in. If the Dealer is not filled in, it means that all dealers of this marketing department will enjoy this policy, otherwise, only the dealer can enjoy this policy. When the data in the downward floating invoicing is pushed into ASP, the SAP needs to develop a corresponding function to store the data and obtains the the data in the downward floating invoicing of this vehicle before departing.
2. 审批结束后,占用预算。
The budget will be occupied after examination and approval.立项释放Project Approval Release业务描述Business Description
When approving and initiating the project of sales promotion cost, the cost may be divided into several months, and after each month, the marketing company will release part of the project approval cost according to actual sales status (namely adjusting project approval cost and releasing part budget), and provides more budget amount for subsequent project approval. In order to guarantee the flexibility of business and the standardization of the project approval, only the project approval personnel has the right to release the project approval cost. When releasing the project approval cost, the project approval personnel shall choose the scheme firstly and obtain the original countersigning sheet and project approval registration sheet of this scheme, and then modify the total project approval amount of the sales promotion cost and the data on the project approval registration sheet on this basis. Finally, release the occupied budget after submitting for examination and approval.业务流程Business Process
Passage Operation Department->Budget Administrator of the Operation Department->Budget Administrator of the Sales Center->Financial Budget Administrator->Section Chief-> Department Head-> Deputy General Manager of Passage ->Sales Center Director->Financial Department Director业务单据Business Document
The same as the application documents of the project approval业务规则Business Rules
Only the project approval personnel have the right to release the project approval cost.经销商报告申请Report Application of Dealer业务描述Business Description
For the convenience of the dealer to know about examination and approval conditions of the report, this system adds one approval process for the report application of the dealer. The dealer shall fill in the dealer application report in the DMS system and submit to the cost control system; then the Marketing Department Manager and the Regional General Manager will examine and verify in this system in turn, and the Cost Administrator of the Sales Center will verify the branch department and branch subject. The dealer report application process is finished after the verification, and the Cost Administrator starts to execute the project approval process.
When the dealer report is submitted to the cost control system, the cost control system will push the approval opinions into DMS system in fixed nodes according to regulations of the marketing center.业务流程Business Process
The dealer submitting application report (DMS system) --- Marketing Department Manager (pushing the approval opinions into DMS system) --- Regional General Manager (pushing the approval opinions into DMS system) --- Cost Administrator of the Sales Center业务单据Business Document
This document shall be filled in the DMS system and examined and verified in this system, and the data filled in the DMS system shall not be modified when being examined and verified.
4.5.3兑现管理Cashing Management业务描述Business Description
The cashing of the sales promotion cost is divided into scheme cashing and report cashing. The scheme cashing means choosing a scheme to cash, while several schemes may be cashed for once in report cashing. The cashing of the sales promotion cost can also be divided into two forms according to cashing subjects: internal reimbursement of the company and cashing of the dealer.
The scheme cashing of the dealer is submitted by the Operation Department according to the single control of project approval. The Cost Administrator of the Operation Department chooses one scheme on the query page (see details in of the actual sales data for the statistic analysis of the sales promotion cost data, then this system inputs the actual sales data of the dealer involved in this scheme into this system from the DSM system. The Cost Administrator of the Operation Department outputs the actual sales data from this system and makes calculation and collection of the actual sales data, which will be input into the dealer’s scheme cashing list (see details in scheme cashing of the sales promotion cost - detailed statement), and fills in the summary sheet of cashing (see details in scheme cashing of the sales promotion cost - summary sheet). After the examination and approval of the cashing, this system will push the uploading sheet data related to this system into the DMS system.
The report cashing of the dealer is submitted by the Operation Department according to the single control of project approval, and each department makes cashing of their own. The Cost Administrator of the Operation Department shall output the actual sales date related to each project approval from the DMS system and makes calculation, and arrange such data according to the fixed format (see details in report cashing of the sales promotion cost – uploading sheet) provided in this system. After the arrangement, the Cost Administrator shall input the data into this system and fill in the cashing summary sheet (see report cashing of the sales promotion cost - summary sheet), which will be examined and approved in this system. After the examination and approval of the cashing, this system will push the uploading revelant uploading sheet into the DMS system.
The company internal reimbursement is controlled according to the total amount, when the operation department of the company applyiny for reimbursement, it needs to choose Cost Listing Department, and the costs of many schemes can be reimbursed in one reimbursement document. See sales promotion expense reimbursement (single Listing Department) cashing sheet for specific business documents. After the examination and approval of the expense reimbursement, the voucher shall be pushed into the SAP, and the system will automatically cash such voucher.
If the scheme is still out of cashing when the scheme has been completed for half a month, please send mails to remind the project approval personnel of the scheme.业务流程Business Process
1)方案兑现的审批流程:Approval Process of the Scheme Cashing
作业部促销费用方案兑现流程 The cashing process for the sales promotion cost scheme of the Operation Department
经销商 Dealer
作业部管理科 Management Division of the Operation Department
作业部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Operation Department
作业部部长 Operation Department Director
作业部主管副总 Director and Vice President of the Operation Department
销售中心预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Sales Center
财务计划部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Financial Planning Department
财务计划部部长 Financial Planning Department Director
营销财务负责人 Marketing Financial Director
时间要求 Time requirements
整理报批 Arranging and submitting for approval
核实费用项目 Verifying the expense items
审核 Examining and verifying
批准 Approving 
核实费用项目 Verifying the expense items
审核、登记台账 Verifying and recording day-to-day accounts
审批 Examining and approving
审批 Examining and approving
编制政策上传表 Preparing the policy uploading table
电子版传达 Conveying in electronic edition
政策上传 Uploading policy
每月25日前 Before the 25th of each month
1日内 Within one day
1日内 Within one day
After the examination and approval by the Marketing Financial Director, the system will form the uploading sheet directly and upload it to the DMS system; there is no need to prepare the policy uploading sheet.
2)报告兑现的审批流程:Approval Process of the Report Cashing
经销商促销费用报告兑现流程 The cashing process for the sales promotion cost report of the Dealer
经销商 Dealer
作业部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Operation Department
作业部部长 Operation Department Director
作业部主管副总 Director and Vice President of the Operation Department
销售中心预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Sales Center
财务计划部预算管理员 Budget Administrator of the Financial Planning Department
财务计划部部长 Financial Planning Department Director
营销财务负责人 Marketing Financial Director
时间要求 Time requirements
整理报批 Arranging and submitting for approval
审核 Examining and verifying
批准 Approving 
核实费用项目 Verifying the expense items
审核、登记台账 Verifying and recording day-to-day accounts
审批 Examining and approving
审批 Examining and approving
编制政策上传表 Preparing the policy uploading table
电子版传达 Conveying in electronic edition
政策上传 Uploading polocy
每月25日前 Before the 25th of each month
1日内 Within one day
1日内 Within one day
    营销财务负责人审批完成后,系统直接形成上传表,上传到DMS中,不需要再编制政策上传表。After the examination and approval by the Marketing Financial Director, the system will form the uploading sheet directly and upload it to the DMS system; there is no need to prepare the policy uploading sheet.
3)报销兑现的审批流程:Approval Process of the Reimbursement Cashing业务单据Business Document
方案兑现审批单Scheme Cashing Approval Sheet
促销费用方案兑现-汇总表Scheme Cashing of Sales Promotion Cost - Summary Sheet
促销费用方案兑现-明细表Scheme Cashing of Sales Promotion Cost - Detailed Statement
促销费用报告兑现-汇总表Report Cashing of Sales Promotion Cost - Summary Sheet
促销费用报告兑现-上传表Report Cashing of the Sales Promotion Cost - Uploading Sheet
促销费用报销兑现(单个列支部门)Reimbursement Cashing of the Sales Promotion Cost (Single Listing Department)业务规则Business Rules
由于预算误差或者市场变化,或者经销商取得优异业绩,可能会出现销量超出预算的情况,也就是说按照单台兑现,总金额超出预算额度。考虑到操作的便利性而且促销费用按单台控制,对兑现不做控制,但在数据分析中进行评价。Due to budget error or market changes, or the excellent performance gained by the dealer, the sales volume may exceed the budget, that is to say, the total amount exceeds the budget amount according to single cashing. In consideration of the convenient operation and the single control adopted by the sales promotion cost, the cashing process will not controlled, but evaluated in the data analysis.
4.5.4促销费用数据维护统计分析Statistical Analysis of Data Maintenance for Sales Promotion Cost基础信息维护Basic Information Maintenance产品基础信息Basic Information of the Product
In order to analyze the project approval and cashing according to the finished automobile number, this system adds the function of the product basic information maintenance, makes the finished automobile number correspond to edition, function and series, etc. Before using this system, the user needs to input the product information into the system; he can also execute the new adding, editing, deleting and many other operations subsequently.
产品基础信息Basic Information of Product经销商基础信息Basic Information of the Dealer
The process of project approval and cashing involves the data information of the dealer. In order to make the data entry more convenient and easier, this system adds the function of the dealer’s basic information maintenance, including the dealer’s region, marketing department, name of the dealer and dealer number, etc. Before using this system, the user needs to input the dealer’s basic information into the system; he can also execute the new adding, editing, deleting and many other operations subsequently.
经销商基础信息Basic Information of Dealer DMS实销数据查询DMS Actual Sales Data Query
由于目前在 DMS中根据方案查询实销数据比较繁琐,考虑在费控系统中选择通过选择方案后,按照整车编号或车架号(超期车促销按车架号取)直接从DMS中取出实销数据,保存到费控系统中,便于后期直接在本系统中查询实销数据。具体的单据页面如下图所示:
At present, the actual sales data query in DMS according to the scheme is a little cumbersome, so we are considering to choose a scheme in the cost control system and draw out the actual sales data from the DMS ditectly according to the finished automobile number or vehicle frame number (take the vehicle frame number for the sales promotion of overdue vehicle), and keep them into the cost control system, thus making it easy to directly inquire the actual sales data in this system later. The specific documents page is as shown below:
DMS实销数据查询DMS Actual Sales Data Query预算使用情况汇总表Summary Sheet for the Budget Usage
In order to make the budget usage of each department query more convenient, this system provides the summary sheet for the budget usage, which can count the project approval amount and single control of different subjects for each department. Revelant data can be screened according to user’s demand; the specific format of the statement is as shown below:
二级科目预算使用情况汇总表Summary Sheet for the Budget Usage of the Second Class Subjects方案明细汇总表Scheme Details Summary Sheet
In order to count and collect scheme information and check the concrete implementation of the scheme (including the project approval amount of each month, cashing amount and the incurred but outstanding amount), this system provides the scheme details summary sheet, which can be used to inquire single scheme information or all scheme information of one department according to needs. The actual cashing of each month in the scheme details summary sheet is collected and counted monthly according to the actual sales date in the scheme details summary sheet; the specific summary sheet format is as shown below:
方案明细汇总表The Scheme Details Summary Sheet政策兑现底表Policy Cashing Sheet
In order to know about the depature and cashing conditions of each vehicle, a policy cashing sheet is designed in this system, which includes date of departure, sales date, invoicing date, cashing amount and dealer, etc. for each vehicle.
The date of departure and invoicing date are synchronized into the expense control system by the SAP (once a day can be taken into consideration); the sales date can be synchronized into the expense control system from DMS when cashing, and the cashing amount and dealer’s data are generated in the expense control system. The specific policy cashing sheet format is as following:
4.6资金管理Funds Management
At present, fund payment applications all adopt the manual approach, document preparing post of the funds department makes voucher in SAP after the examination and approval of the business application; the funds cashier receives and pays cash or transfers accounts through internet bank according to the voucher. When handling the funds payment business, most time is spent on the examining and approving process; the application information is recorded in the form of manual accounts, which is unconvenient for query. Therefore, in order to realize unified, normalized and standardized management of the funds receipt and payment process, funds management module is founded in this system.
The funds management module includes three business modules: loan/repayment management, payment management and collection management.
4.6.1借/还款管理Loan/Repayment Management个人借款申请Personal Loan Application业务描述Business Description
The loans irrelevant to business trip shall use the loan application sheet, and if the personal loan is used to pay for external unit, it shall take the advance payment application process.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
借款申请单Loan Application Sheet业务规则Business Rules
1. 凭证只是在费用稽核岗(制单)可见,凭证里的部分数据来自申请单中的内容,允许费用稽查人员审核和修改。
The voucher can only be checked by the expense audit post (document preparing), and partial data in the voucher come from the application sheet, which can be checked and modified by the expense inspector.
2. 借款申请单审批流程结束后,资金科出纳岗确认支付。
After the approval process of the loan application sheet, the cashier post of the funds department will confirm the payment.
3. 借款申请凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:
The debtor-creditor relationships involved in the loan application voucher include:
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
Other payables--- personal loan---personal name 银行存款--快捷代发
Bank deposit---quick payment还款申请Repayment Application业务描述Business Description
还款时需要和借款关联。The repayment shall be associated with the loan.业务流程Business Process
The business process of the repayment application: the cashier confirms the collection---the fund department prepares the documents业务单据Business Document
还款申请单Repayment Application Sheet业务规则Business Rules
1. 同一笔业务不允许有两笔借款
Two loans are not permitted for the same business.
2. 还款申请凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:
The debtor-creditor relationships involved in the repayment application voucher include: 
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
Bank deposit---basic account 其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(负数)
Other payables--- personal loan---personal name (negative number) 记账代码
贷方 31
Counting code: 
Debtor 40  
Creditor 31
Cash---RMB 其他应付款--个人借款--个人名字(负数)
Other payables--- personal loan---personal name (negative number)
4.6.2付款管理Payment Management预付款申请单Advance Payment Application Sheet业务描述Business Description
Expense and the dealer advance payment shall use the advance payment application sheet.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
预付款申请单Advance Payment Application Sheet业务规则Business Rules
1. 凭证只是在费用稽核岗(制单)可见,凭证里的部分数据来自申请单中的内容,允许费用稽查人员审核和修改。
The voucher can only be checked by the cost audit post (document preparing), and partial data in the voucher come from the application sheet, which can be checked and modified by the expense inspector.
2. 只有选择了承兑,才会出现填写承兑票号和承兑金额的表格
Only by choosing the acceptance can you find the forms for filling the acceptance bill number and acceptance amount.
3. 同一个领导,即使在报销审批节点已经申批,在资金审批节点还需要再次审批。资金节点审批时,需要相关领导插入秘钥,才能进行审批。
For the same leader, another examination and approval are needed at the node of funds approval even he has examined and approved at the node of reimbursement approval. When examining and approving the funds node, the relevant leaders need to insert the secret key to perform the approval.
4. 预付款申请单审批流程结束后,根据付款方式不一样,后续的操作不同。
After the process of advance payment application sheet approval, the sequent operations are different on the basis of different payment method.
There is no need to pay after the process if acceptance is the payment method. After pushing the voucher and acceptance bill number into SAP, the SAP will modify the status of the acceptance bill number according to the acceptance bill number (may be more than one).
2)如果付款方式方式为电汇,则在本系统中走完审批流程后,使用银企直连支付,支付成功后,填写凭证信息(借:预付账款--单位名称编号  贷:银行存款--基本户),将凭证信息推送到SAP中。
If telegraphic transfer is chose as the payment method, the payment will be made through bank-corporate direct linkage after the approval process of in this system. The voucher information (debtor: advance payment---unit name number   creditor: bank deposit---basic account) shall be filled in and pushed into the SAP after finishing the payment.
If one part of the payment is paid by telegraphic transfer and the other part is paid by acceptance, after finishing the approval process in this system, the financial department cashier will input the acceptance amount, acceptance bill number (gained through SAP query) and telegraphic transfer amount by hand according to audit opinions, and pays the telegraphic transfer amount through bank-corporate direct linkage. The expense auditing post (document preparing) shall record the acceptance and telegraphic transfer amount at one voucher.
If check is chosen as the payment method, the creditor account: bank deposit---basic account, the debtor account: other payables---other dealings ---unit name number. The check number is kept in the column of “distribution”.
5. 预付款凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:
The debtor-creditor relationships involved in the advance payment voucher include: 
Debtor 贷方
Creditor 说明
J advance payment---unit name number 银行存款--基本户bank deposit---basic account转账申请单(三方转账或单方转账)Transfer Application Sheet (Three-Party Transfer or Single-Party Transfer)业务描述Business Description
The transfer business in this system only includes transferring entrusted refit money into the automobile money, and transferring supplier’s goods payment into dealer’s automobile money, and the other transfer accounts do not reflect on this system; when transacting the transfer business, it is required to upload the scanning copy of the transfer certification or the third-party agreement, and fill in this document. original certificates conforming to the financial regulations must be present when auditing the documents, recording the account with copies, faxes or other original certificates is not allowed.
For the transfer between different units, the supplier or the entrusted refitting factory must issue the cash voucher stamped with special stamp for finance.
This transfer business can only be transacted with the transfer-out unit free of overall debts.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
转账申请单Transfer Application Sheet业务规则Business Rules
1. 采购部门提报的时候,需要确认转账性质是否在质保金基数内转账,如果不确定的话,需要向往来会计了解。
When submitting, the purchasing department shall confirm whether the transfer property is transferred within the quality assurance basis amount. If not, it shall consult the dealings accountant.
2. 营销公司销售部提报的时候,需要明确是否为同一单位转账。
When submitting, the sales department of the marketing company shall confirm whether it is a transfer for the same unit or not.
3. 凭证只是在费用稽核岗(制单)可见,凭证里的部分数据来自申请单中的内容,允许费用稽查人员审核和修改。
The voucher can only be checked by the audit post (document preparing), and partial data in the voucher come from the application sheet, which can be checked and modified by the expense inspector.
4. 转账申请只需要记账,无实际的支付操作。
The transfer application only needs accounting without actual payment operation.
5. 转账申请凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:
The debtor-creditor relationships involved in thetransfer application voucher include:
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
应付账款--关联方--单位名称编号Payables---related party--- unit name 应收账款--非关联方--单位名称编号
Receivables---non-related party---unit name number 记账代码:借方21  贷方是11 Counting code: debtor 21   creditor 11
应付账款--非关联方--单位名称编号Payables---non-related party---unit name number 应收账款--关联方--单位名称编号
Receivables---related party---unit name number外部单位往来报销资金付款Cash Payment for External Units’ Dealings Reimbursement业务描述Business Description
In the process of expense reimbursement, if the external units’ dealings reimbursement is involved, the payment process shall be started after finishing the expense reimbursement process, and partial data is brought in from this process.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
外部单位往来报销资金付款Cash Payment for External Units’ Dealings Reimbursement业务规则Business Rules
1. 资金科科长根据领导意见、合同规定、公司制度(规定多少以下承兑,对少以下电汇),填写电汇金额,如果同时存在承兑,则需要填写承兑金额、承兑票号,多个承兑编号用英文的逗号分隔,如果是支票则填写支票号。
According to leadership opinions, contract provisions and corporation system (it stipulates the acceptance and telegraphic transfer limits), the Funds Department Director fills in the telegraphic transfer amount. If acceptance coexists, he shall fill in the acceptance amount and acceptance bill number; a comma in English shall be used to separate multiple acceptance numbers. Fill in the check number if it is a check.
2. 只有选择了承兑,才会出现填写承兑票号和承兑金额的表格
Only by choosing the acceptance can you find the forms for filling the acceptance bill number and acceptance amount.
3. 如果有特殊情况,直接找领导,不按合同和规则支付,需要领导联系资金科科长,资金科科长根据领导意见填写电汇和承兑金额,通过加签步骤让领导审批。
In case of special circumstances, just head to the leadership for help. If the payment is not made in accordace with contract and rules, the leadership shall communicate with the Funds Department Director, who will fill in the telegraphic transfer and acceptance amount according to leadership’s opinion and ask for leadership’s approval through countersignature.
4. 凭证只是在资金(制单)可见,凭证里的部分数据来自申请单中的内容,允许费用稽查人员审核和修改。
The voucher can only be checked in the funds (document preparing), and partial data in the voucher come from the application sheet, which can be checked and modified by the expense inspector.
5. 往来报销资金付款审批流程结束后,根据付款方式不一样,后续的操作不同。
After the process of dealings reimbursement cash payment approval, the subsequent operations are different on the basis of different payment methods.
1) 如果付款方式方式为承兑,流程结束,不需要支付,将凭证推送到SAP。
There is no need to pay after the process if acceptance is the payment method, push the voucher into SAP.
2)如果付款方式方式为电汇,则在本系统中走完审批流程后,使用银企 直连支付,支付成功后,填写凭证信息(借:其他应付款--其他往来--
        单位名称编号  贷:银行存款--基本户),将凭证信息推送到SAP中。
If telegraphic transfer is chose as the payment method, the payment will be made through bank-corporate direct linkage after the approval process in this system. The voucher information (debtor: other payables---other dealings ---unit name number   creditor: bank deposit---basic account) shall be filled in and pushed into the SAP after finishing the payment.
3)如果付款方式一部分电汇,一部分承兑,在本系统中走完审批流程后, 财务出纳岗根据审核意见,手工输入承兑金额、承兑票号(从SAP查询)
   和电汇金额,将电汇的金额通过银企直连支付,费用稽核岗 (制单)在
If one part of the payment is paid by telegraphic transfer and the other part is paid by acceptance, after finishing the approval process in this system, the financial department cashier shall input the acceptance amount, acceptance bill number (gained through SAP query) and telegraphic transfer amount by hand according to audit opinions, and pay the telegraphic transfer amount through bank-corporate direct linkage. The expense auditing post (document preparing) shall record the acceptance and telegraphic transfer amount at one voucher.
If check is chosen as the payment method, the creditor account: bank deposit---basic account, the debtor account: other payables---other dealings ---unit name number. The check number is kept in the column of “distribution”.
6. 费用付款凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:The debtor-creditor relationships involved in expense payment voucher include:
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
Other payables---other dealings ---unit name number 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit---basic account 记账代码:借方29  贷方50 Counting code: debtor 29   creditor 50
Bill receivable--- bankers' acceptance bill 多个承兑票号,需要有多个贷方,在SAP的其他中,需要输入现金流量和承兑票号。Multiple acceptance bill numbers needs multiple creditors. Cash flow and acceptance bill number are needed to be input in others of the SAP.临时付款申请Provisional Payment Application业务描述Business Description
供应商、委改厂临时付款Provisional payment of the supplier and entrusted refit plant.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
临时付款审批单Provisional Payment Approval Sheet业务规则Business Rules
1. 往来会计触发此流程,营销公司是负责委改的往来会计触发
The dealings accountant triggers this process, and the marketing company will be responsible for the dealings accountant retriggers of the entrusted refitting.
2. 只有选择了承兑,才会出现填写承兑票号和承兑金额的表格
Only by choosing the acceptance can you find the forms for filling the acceptance bill number and acceptance amount.
3. 凭证只是在费用稽核岗(制单)可见,凭证里的部分数据来自申请单中的内容,允许费用稽查人员审核和修改。
The voucher can only be checked in the expense auditing post (document preparing), and partial data in the voucher is from the application sheet, which can be checked and modified by the expense inspector.
4. 同一个领导,即使在报销审批节点已经申批,在资金审批节点还需要再次审批。资金节点审批时,需要相关领导插入秘钥,才能进行审批。
For the same leader, it needs another examination and approval at the node of funds approval even he has examined and approved at the node of reimbursement approval. When examining and approving the funds node, the relevant leaders shall insert the secret key, and then perform the approval.
5. 往来报销资金付款审批流程结束后,根据付款方式不一样,后续的操作不同。
After the process of dealings reimbursement cash payment approval, the subsequent operations are different on the basis of different payment methods.
There is no need to pay after the process if acceptance is the payment method, push the voucher into SAP.
2)如果付款方式方式为电汇,则在本系统中走完审批流程后,使用银企直连支付,支付成功后,填写凭证信息(借:其他应付款--其他往来--单位名称编号  贷:银行存款--基本户),将凭证信息推送到SAP中。If telegraphic transfer is chose as the payment method, the payment will be made through bank-corporate direct linkage after the approval process of in this system. The voucher information (debtor: other payables---other dealings ---unit name number   creditor: bank deposit---basic account) shall be filled in and pushed into the SAP after finishing the payment.
3)如果付款方式一部分电汇,一部分承兑,在本系统中走完审批流程后, 财务出纳岗根据审核意见,手工输入承兑金额、承兑票号(从SAP查询)和电汇金额,将电汇的金额通过银企直连支付,费用稽核岗(制单)在一笔凭证中记录承兑和电汇的金额。
If one part of the payment is paid by telegraphic transfer and the other part is paid by acceptance, after finishing the approval process in this system, the financial department cashier inputs the acceptance amount, acceptance bill number (gained through SAP query) and telegraphic transfer amount by hand according to audit opinions, and pays the telegraphic transfer amount through bank-corporate direct linkage. The expense auditing post (document preparing) records the acceptance and telegraphic transfer amount at one voucher.
4)如果支付方式是支票,贷方科目银行存款--基本户,借方其他应付款 --其他往来--单位名称编号。支票的票号存放在“分配”栏中。
If check is chosen as the payment method, the creditor account: bank deposit---basic account, the debtor account: other payables---other dealings ---unit name number. The check number is kept in the column of “distribution”.
6. 临时付款凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有(待确认):The debtor-creditor relationships involved in provisional payment voucher include:
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
应付账款--非关联方--单位名称编号Accounts payable---non-related party---unit name number 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit---basic account 记账代码:借方21 贷方50
Counting code: debtor 21   creditor 50
应付账款--关联方--单位名称编号Accounts payable---related party---unit name number 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit---basic account
Bill receivable (incolving acceptance)供应商付款计划审批单Supplier’s Payment Schedule Approval Sheet业务描述Business Description
Dealings Accountant uploads the original table to this system for approval, and this process only examines and approves the schedule of payments and without the function of payment. If spot exchange exists after the approval process, put the actual telegraphic transfer list into the batch payment process at the expense control system, and pay for it through the bank-corporate direct linkage, and then prepares the funds documents. The acceptance amount shall be paid by the Funds Department offline and be not reflected in the expense control system.业务流程Business Process
往来会计--采购部部长--主管副总裁--财务部长--财务运营总监(通知到资金科科长和出纳)Dealings Accountant--- Purchase Department Director---Chief Vice President---Head of the Financial Department---Director of Financial Operations (inform the Funds Department Director and Cashier)业务单据Business Document
供应商付款计划审批单Supplier’s Payment Schedule Approval Sheet业务规则Business Rules
1. 供应商付款采取批量导入方式,该流程只是审核付款付款计划表,不做实际支付,不做凭证。
The supplier’s payment is paid by batch import, and this process only verifies the schedule of payments and without the functions of actual payment and voucher.
2. 总共四个付款计划表:供应商付款计划表(保内配件、零部件、辅料)、配件的付款计划表(配件财务科制作)、委改付款计划表(营销财务科)。
There are four schedules of payment in total: payment schedule of the supplier (accessories, parts and auxiliary material within the warranty period), payment schedule of the accessories (prepared by the accessories’ Finance Department), payment schedule of the entrusted refit (Marketing Finance Department).其他付款申请单Other Payment Application Sheet业务描述Business Description
Loan payment (spot exchange), loan interest payment (spot exchange), quality assurance payment (the Cost Administrator determines the mode of payment: quick payment and spot exchange), deposit refund (quick payment), tender deposit return (the Cost Administrator determines the mode of payment: quick payment and spot exchange) and closing account all take the process of other payment application form; the Cost Administrator shall determine the payment modes and amounts of the quality assurance payment and closing account, and the payment of taxes shall be paid in the bank counter, which shall not be reflected in this system.业务流程Business Process业务单据Business Document
其它付款申请单Other Payment Application Sheet业务规则Business Rules
1. 退换个人押金,需要收款人账号信息,在收款单位处填写个人姓名,开户银行和账号,填写个人的账号。
The account information of the payee is required when returning the personal guarantee deposit, including filling in the individual name, deposit bank and account number at the blank of payee, as well as the individual account number.
2. 质保金付款凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:The debtor-creditor relationships involved in quality assurance payment voucher include:
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
Financial expense---loan interest 银行存款--基本户
Bank deposit---basic account 记账代码:借方40 贷方50
Counting code: debtor 40   creditor 50批量付款申请Batch Payment Application业务描述Business Description
According to the management of the Funds Department, the last four days of one month are used to pay for the supplier’s payment. The cashier maintains the inventory needing telegraphic transfer payment and input them into this system for payment.业务流程Business Process
Cashier inputing the inventory needing telegraphic transfer payment---Funds Department Director---Funds Department preparing the document--- cashier confirming the payment业务单据Business Document
供应商批量付款申请单(电汇)Batch Payment Application Sheet of the Supplier (Telegraphic Transfer)业务规则Business Rules
4.6.3收款管理Payment Collection Management收款通知单(现金)Credit Note (Cash)业务描述Business Description
It contains collecting the guarantee deposit and tender deposit. If the quality assurance payment is paid through bank transfer, this note will not be used and the voucher shall be made via bank credit note.业务流程Business Process
Business Department submitting--- Operating Department Chief---Business Department Director---Head of the Finance Department业务单据Business Document
收款通知单(现金)Credit Note (Cash)业务规则Business Rules
收款通知(现金)凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有:The debtor-creditor relationships involved in Credit Note (Cash) voucher include:
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
Other payables---personal loan---personal name (negative number)
Nonbusiness income---insurance rebating money
Nonbusiness income---intangible assets sales income
Nonbusiness income---handling fixed asset net income
Nonbusiness income---net amercement income
Nonbusiness income---fixed assets inventory surplus
Nonbusiness income---donation income
Nonbusiness income---compensation income
Nonbusiness income---other income
Nonbusiness income---unpayable payment
Nonbusiness income---government subsidies profits
Tax payable---value added tax payable---output tax
Other payables---units dealings---unit name银行收款单(电汇)Bank Credit Note (Telegraphic Transfer)业务描述Business Description
The expense control system queries the bank collection information through the bank-corporate direct linkage at regular intervals each day, which includes dealer’s vehicle payment information, cash deposit, tender deposit, penalty and certification reissuing funds. The Company has a special bank account for vehicle funds and cash deposit (for example: bank deposit---Bank of China Huairou Branch 0568-VT Marketing Department, etc.) and will create the voucher according to collection information.业务流程Business Process
Query the collection information through the bank-corporate direct linkage rather than taking the approval process separately, and choose part of the collection recording information directly to generate the voucher.业务单据Business Document
银行收款单Bank Credit Note业务规则Business Rules
1. 存在特殊情况,凭证无法统一化,为每个账号统一一个凭证规则,其他的特殊情况,需要手工编辑凭证
In the special circumstances that the voucher cannot be unitized, make a voucher rule for each account, and manual edited voucher is needed in other special circumstances.
2. 可能存在SAP中同步的单位名称与银行汇款的单位名称不一致,需要规范SAP中的主数据信息。
The unit name synchronized in the SAP may be different with the unit name in bank transfer, so it is needed to standardize the master data information in SAP.
3. 银行收款凭证中涉及到的借贷关系有
The debtor-creditor relationships involved in bank receipt voucher include:
借方Debtor 贷方Creditor 说明Description
Bank deposit--- screen shot (20 kinds) 促销活动费
Promotional activities fee
Bank deposit---screen shot (20 kinds) 其他业务收入--截屏(15种)
Other business income---screen shot (15 kinds)
Bank deposit--- screen shot (20 kinds) 应交税费--应交增值税--销项税
Tax payable---value added tax payable--- output tax
Bank deposit--- screen shot (20 kinds) 营业外收入--保险返利款、营业外收入--出售无形资产收益、营业外收入--处理固定资产净收益、营业外收入--罚款净收入、营业外收入--固定资产盘盈、营业外收入--捐赠收入、营业外收入--赔偿金收入、营业外收入--其他收入、营业外收入--无法支付款项、营业外收入--政府补助利得
Nonbusiness income---insurance rebating money, nonbusiness income---intangible assets sales income, nonbusiness income---handling fixed asset net income, nonbusiness income---net amercement income, nonbusiness income---fixed assets inventory surplus, nonbusiness income---donation income, nonbusiness income---compensation income, nonbusiness income---other income, nonbusiness income---unpayable payment, nonbusiness income---government subsidies profits
4.7合同台账管理Contract Accounts Management
4.7.1业务描述Business Description
In order to know about the payment conditions of the contract and query relevant commercial terms of the contract in the process of expense audt, this system adds the module of contract accounts management, which only manages the contract accounts on which the reimbursement accounts are based..
Each business reimbursement department inputs the contract information, which includes the department, name of the contract, relevant parties of the contract, contract category, contract number, target amount (ten thousand yuan), termination of contract deadline, contract payment number, invoice type agreeded by the contract, mode of payment agreeded by the contract, and the attachment uploading way of the contract contents.
Associate the relevant contract in the process of reimbursement approval and payment application. Write the payment information back to the contract information after the approval, and trace and query the payment condition in the contract accounts.
4.7.2业务单据Business Document
一、合同台账录入Input of Contract Accounts 
二、合同台帐查询Contract Accounts Query
合同台账表Contract Accounts Sheet
XXX合同的信息XXX Contract Information
4.7.3业务规则Business Rules
1. 只录入和费用报销强相关的合同作为费用报销的依据使用。
Only input the contract related to expense reimbursement as the basis for expense reimbursement.
2. 附件上传中需提供合同首页、商务条款、盖章页的扫描件,标准版合同需要上传单价信息表。
In the process of attachment uploading, provide the first page of the contract, commerce clauses and the scanning copy of the stamped page. Upload unit price information table for the standard contract.
3. 回款信息在合同录入时不需要填写,是报销后系统回写的数据。可以在台账中查询。
There is no needs to fill in the the payback information, which is written back by the system after the reimbursement and can be checked in the accounts.
4. 合同台账可以按不同维度查询所有的合同,通过点击合同名称的链接查看合同详情以及回款信息。
For the contract accounts, all contracts can be checked according to different dimensions, and the contract details and payback information can be checked by clicking the linkage of the contract name.
4.8其他需求Other Requirements
The interface rules and interface function in this document are only used for the business level, and the description of specific development levelwill be defined in the detailed design document after communicating with each interface personnel.
4.8.1影像、条形码Image and Bar Code业务描述Business Description接口规则Interface Rules
4.8.2电子签名Electronic Signature业务描述Business Description接口规则Interface Rules
4.8.3银企直连Bank-Corporate Direct Linkage业务描述Business Description
Bank-corporate direct linkage adopts the modes of internet or private line, and connects the financial system of the company with the bank’s intergrated business system. By making use of its financial system, the company can autonomously realize the functions of query, transfer accounts, cash sweep and information downloading, etc. for its bank account (including the bank account of its subsidiary corporation) without logging in Internet banking specially.
In this system, you can execute the funds transfer and business query through the bank-corporate direct linkage.接口规则Interface Rules
1. 交易状态查询Transaction Status Inquiry
Field 说明
termid 代表一台企业前置机:E开头+前置机IP地址(各段补零,无小数点12位)
Represent one set of enterprise front end processor: E front + IP address of front end processor (zero fill for each segment, without decimal point, 12 digits)
trnid 客户端产生的报文编号
Message numbering generated at client side
custid 企业在中行网银系统的客户编码:数码1-10位
Customer code of enterprise in online bank system of Bank of China: numerical code, 1-10 digit(s) 
cusopr 企业操作员代码:字母数字标点串 1-20位
Operator code of enterprise: string of letter, number and punctuation, 1-20 digit(s)
trncod 交易代码:b2e开头加4位数字
Transaction code: start with b2e, plus 4 digits of numbers
token 交易验证标识,签到时生成、签退时注销
Transaction verification identification, generate when signing in, and cancel when signing out
transtype 交易类型
Transaction Type
insid 指令ID
Instruction ID
obssid 网银交易流水号 10位最大2147483647
Online bank transaction serial number, 10 digits, maximum: 2147483647
2. 对账单查询Account Statement Inquiry
Field 说明
termid 代表一台企业前置机:E开头+前置机IP地址(各段补零,无小数点13位)
Represent one set of enterprise front end processor: E front + IP address of front end processor (zero fill for each segment, without decimal point, 13 digits)
trnid 客户端产生的报文编号
Message numbering generated at client side
custid 企业在中行网银系统的客户编码:数码1-11位
Customer code of enterprise in online bank system of Bank of China: numerical code, 1-11 digit(s)
cusopr 企业操作员代码:字母数字标点串 1-21位
Operator code of enterprise: string of letter, number and punctuation, 1-21 digit(s)
trncod 交易代码:b2e开头加5位数字
Transaction code: start with b2e, plus 5 digits of numbers
token 交易验证标识,签到时生成、签退时注销
Transaction verification identification, generate when signing in, and cancel when signing out
custdt 客户端日期时间
Date and time of client side
oprpwd 登录密码
Login password
ibknum 查询账户的联行号
Inquire the affiliated bank number of account
actacn 查询账户的账号
Inquire the account number
billdate 对账单日期
Date of statement of account
begnum 本次查询的交易起始位置
Initial position of inquired transaction at this time
recnum 查询记录数
Inqury record number
3. 公对公转账汇款 Corporate-To-Corporate Transfer and Remittance
Field 说明
termid 代表一台企业前置机:E开头+前置机IP地址(各段补零,无小数点12位)
Represent one set of enterprise front end processor: E front + IP address of front end processor (zero fill for each segment, without decimal point, 12 digits)
trnid 客户端产生的报文编号
Message numbering generated at client side
custid 企业在中行网银系统的客户编码:数码1-10位
Customer code of enterprise in online bank system of Bank of China: numerical code, 1-10 digit(s)
cusopr 企业操作员代码:字母数字标点串 1-20位
Operator code of enterprise: string of letter, number and punctuation, 1-20 digit(s)
trncod 交易代码:b2e开头加4位数字
Transaction code: start with b2e, plus 4 digits of numbers
token 交易验证标识,签到时生成、签退时注销
Transaction verification identification, generate when signing in, and cancel when signing out
transtype 交易类型
Transaction Type
insid 指令ID
Instruction ID
obssid 网银交易流水号 10位最大2147483647
Online bank transaction serial number, 10 digits, maximum: 2147483647
fribkn 1、可空数码5位 2、联行号有对应的省行联行号
1. 5 digits of numbers nullable;   2. The interbank number includes the corresponding provincial interbank number.
actacn 付款账号
Payment account number
actnam 付款人名称
Name of Payer
toibkn 收款行联行号
Interbank number of receiving bank
tonacn 收款账号
Beneficiary Account Number
toname 收款人名称
Name of Payee
toaddr 收款人地址
Address of Payee
tobknm 收款人开户行名称
Name of Beneficiary Opening Bank
trnamt 转账金额
Transfer Amount
trncur 转账货币
Transfer Currency
priolv 报文发送优先级(0-普通;1-加急)
Messaging priority (0- Common; 1- Urgent)
furinfo 用途
trfdate 要求的转账日期 YYYYMMDD
Required Transfer Date YYYYMMDD
trftime 要求的转账时间HHMMSS
Required Transfer Time HHMMSS
comacn 手续费账号
Account Number for Handling Charge
4. 公对公定向状态支付Corporate-To-Corporate Oriented Status Payment
Field 说明
termid 代表一台企业前置机:E开头+前置机IP地址(各段补零,无小数点13位)
Represent one set of enterprise front end processor: E front + IP address of front end processor (zero fill for each segment, without decimal point, 13 digits)
trnid 客户端产生的报文编号
Message numbering generated at client side
custid 企业在中行网银系统的客户编码:数码1-11位
Customer code of enterprise in online bank system of Bank of China: numerical code, 1-11 digit(s)
cusopr 企业操作员代码:字母数字标点串 1-21位
Operator code of enterprise: string of letter, number and punctuation, 1-21 digit(s)
trncod 交易代码:b2e开头加5位数字
Transaction code: start with b2e, plus 5 digits of numbers
token 交易验证标识,签到时生成、签退时注销
Transaction verification identification, generate when signing in, and cancel when signing out
transtype 交易类型
Transaction Type
insid 指令ID
Instruction ID
obssid 网银交易流水号 10位最大2147483648
Online bank transaction serial number, 10 digits, maximum: 2147483648
fribkn 1、可空数码5位 3、联行号有对应的省行联行号
1. 5 digits of numbers nullable;   3. The interbank number includes the corresponding provincial interbank number.
actacn 付款账号
Payment account number
actnam 付款人名称
Name of Payer
toibkn 收款行联行号
Interbank number of receiving bank
tonacn 收款账号
Beneficiary Account Number
tobknm 收款人开户行名称
Name of Beneficiary Opening Bank
trnamt 转账金额
Transfer Amount
trncur 转账货币
Transfer Currency
priolv 报文发送优先级(0-普通;1-加急)
Messaging priority (0- Common; 1- Urgent)
furinfo 用途
trfdate 要求的转账日期 YYYYMMDD
Required Transfer Date YYYYMMDD
trftime 要求的转账时间HHMMSS
Required Transfer Time HHMMSS
comacn 手续费账号
Account Number for Handling Charge
5. 公对私转账汇款Corporate-To-Individual Transfer and Remittance
Field 说明
termid 代表一台企业前置机:E开头+前置机IP地址(各段补零,无小数点14位)
Represent one set of enterprise front end processor: E front + IP address of front end processor (zero fill for each segment, without decimal point, 14 digits)
trnid 客户端产生的报文编号
Message numbering generated at client side
custid 企业在中行网银系统的客户编码:数码1-12位
Customer code of enterprise in online bank system of Bank of China: numerical code, 1-12 digit(s)
cusopr 企业操作员代码:字母数字标点串 1-22位
Operator code of enterprise: string of letter, number and punctuation, 1-22 digit(s)
trncod 交易代码:b2e开头加6位数字
Transaction code: start with b2e, plus 6 digits of numbers
token 交易验证标识,签到时生成、签退时注销
Transaction verification identification, generate when signing in, and cancel when signing out
transtype 交易类型
Transaction Type
insid 指令ID
Instruction ID
obssid 网银交易流水号 10位最大2147483649
Online bank transaction serial number, 10 digits, maximum: 2147483649
fribkn 1、可空数码5位 4、联行号有对应的省行联行号
1. 5 digits of numbers nullable;   4. The interbank number includes the corresponding provincial interbank number.
actacn 付款账号
Payment account number
actnam 付款人名称
Name of Payer
toibkn 收款行联行号
Interbank number of receiving bank
acttyp 收款账户类型 1、可空119:借记卡101:普活活期188:活一本103:信用卡
Receiving account type: 1. Nullable  119: debit card  101: common current  188: Current All-In-One Passbook  103: credit card
tonacn 收款账号
Beneficiary Account Number
toname 收款人名称
Name of Payee
toaddr 收款人地址
Address of Payee
tobknm 收款人开户行名称
Name of Beneficiary Opening Bank
trnamt 转账金额
Transfer Amount
trncur 转账货币
Transfer Currency
priolv 报文发送优先级(0-普通;1-加急)
Messaging priority (0- Common; 1- Urgent)
cuspriolv 客户处理优先级
Customer processing priority
furinfo 用途
trfdate 要求的转账日期 YYYYMMDD
Required Transfer Date YYYYMMDD
trftime 要求的转账时间HHMMSS
Required Transfer Time HHMMSS
comacn 手续费账号
Account Number for Handling Charge
bocflag 收款人是否中行账号
Whether the payee possesses account number of Bank of China
6. 公对信用卡转账 Corporate-To-Credit Card Transfer
Field 说明
termid 代表一台企业前置机:E开头+前置机IP地址(各段补零,无小数点15位)
Represent one set of enterprise front end processor: E front + IP address of front end processor (zero fill for each segment, without decimal point, 15 digits)
trnid 客户端产生的报文编号
Message numbering generated at client side
custid 企业在中行网银系统的客户编码:数码1-13位
Customer code of enterprise in online bank system of Bank of China: numerical code, 1-13 digit(s)
cusopr 企业操作员代码:字母数字标点串 1-23位
Operator code of enterprise: string of letter, number and punctuation, 1-23 digit(s)
trncod 交易代码:b2e开头加7位数字
Transaction code: start with b2e, plus 7 digits of numbers
token 交易验证标识,签到时生成、签退时注销
Transaction verification identification, generate when signing in, and cancel when signing out
transtype 交易类型
Transaction Type
insid 指令ID
Instruction ID
obssid 网银交易流水号 10位最大2147483650
Online bank transaction serial number, 10 digits, maximum: 2147483650
fribkn 1、可空数码5位 5、联行号有对应的省行联行号
1. 5 digits of numbers nullable;   5. The interbank number includes the corresponding provincial interbank number.
actacn 付款账号
Payment account number
actnam 付款人名称
Name of Payer
toibkn 收款行联行号
Interbank number of receiving bank
tonacn 收款账号
Beneficiary Account Number
toname 收款人名称
Name of Payee
toaddr 收款人地址
Address of Payee
tobknm 收款人开户行名称
Name of Beneficiary Opening Bank
trnamt 转账金额
Transfer Amount
trncur 转账货币
Transfer Currency
furinfo 用途
trfdate 要求的转账日期 YYYYMMDD
Required Transfer Date YYYYMMDD
7. 跨行实时付款Inter-Bank Real Time Payment
Field 说明
termid 代表一台企业前置机:E开头+前置机IP地址(各段补零,无小数点16位)
Represent one set of enterprise front end processor: E front + IP address of front end processor (zero fill for each segment, without decimal point, 16 digits)
trnid 客户端产生的报文编号
Message numbering generated at client side
custid 企业在中行网银系统的客户编码:数码1-14位
Customer code of enterprise in online bank system of Bank of China: numerical code, 1-14 digit(s)
cusopr 企业操作员代码:字母数字标点串 1-24位
Operator code of enterprise: string of letter, number and punctuation, 1-24 digit(s)
trncod 交易代码:b2e开头加8位数字
Transaction code: start with b2e, plus 4 digits of numbers
token 交易验证标识,签到时生成、签退时注销
Transaction verification identification, generate when signing in, and cancel when signing out
transtype 交易类型
Transaction Type
insid 指令ID
Instruction ID
obssid 网银交易流水号 10位最大2147483651
Online bank transaction serial number, 10 digits, maximum: 2147483651
fribkn 1、可空数码5位 6、联行号有对应的省行联行号
1. 5 digits of numbers nullable;   6. The interbank number includes the corresponding provincial interbank number.
actacn 付款账号
Payment account number
actnam 付款人名称
Name of Payer
toibkn 收款行联行号
Interbank number of receiving bank
tonacn 收款账号
Beneficiary Account Number
toname 收款人名称
Name of Payee
type 收款人类型
Type of Payee
ibknum 付费人联行号
Inter-bank number of payer
ffacn 付费人账号
Account number of payer
trnamt 转账金额
Transfer Amount
trncur 转账货币
Transfer Currency
priolv 客户处理优先级
Customer Processing Priority
furinfo 附言
4.8.4移动办公Mobile Working业务描述Business Description
In addition to visiting the expense control system through PC, you can also visit the client side through the mobile phone terminal.接口规则Interface Rules
Logging in the expense control system through mobile phone terminal to check the backlog and handle the relevant matters.
4.8.5接口管理Interface Management短信接口SMS Interface
The examination and approval of the company process also need to be timely and efficient, such as the business trip and purchasing, which all requires timeliness. The process originator can urge the payment to be made in this system, however, but if some key steps are desired to be handled within the time limit, SMS reminder will be needed when the time limit is exceeded.
In addition, in the link of fund payment, the payee can be informed by SMS after completing the payment in the expense control system. DMS接口DMS Interface
1.从DMS中获取实销数据Obtaining Actual Sales Data from DMS
Field 说明
Actual sales period (beginning) 请求参数
Required parameter
Actual sales period (ending)
First class subject  
Second class subject  
Third class subject  
Prefecture-level city  
Vehicle frame No.  
Wheel base  
Finished automobile No.  
Invoicing date  
Actual sales date  
Single control of step policies  
Car selling through two sales networks  
Staff incentives  
Marketing programs  
Numbers of policies enjoyed early  
    2.经销商将DMS中的经销商报告推送的本系统中。The dealer pushes the dealer report fron the DMS into this system.
Field 说明
Marketing Department  
Person in charge of report  
Vehicle chassis No.  
Actual sales date  
Applied policy and amount this time  
Detailed and brief contents  
Dealer’s unit name  
Submitting date
2.费控系统将上传表推送到DMS系统中。The expense control system will push the uploading sheet into DMS system.
Field 说明
Marketing Department  
Dealer code  
Credit and loan range  
VIN No.  
Rebating type code  
Rebating amount  
Policy maintenance date  
File encoding SAP接口SAP Interface
1. 从SAP获取费用科目基础数据 Obtain the basic data of the expense subject from SAP
Field 说明
科目编码Subject No.  
科目名称Subject name  
科目类别Subject category 日常|变动|专项|项目
Daily|Change|Special item|Item
2. 从SAP获取经销商基础数据 Obtain the dealer’s basic data from SAP
经销商编号Dealer No.  
经销商大区Dealer region  
市场部Marketing Department  
3. 从SAP获取供应商基础数据Obtain the supplier’s basic data from SAP
Field 说明
供应商编号Supplier No.  
供应商名称Name of the supplier  
供应商地址Supplier address  
Opening bank  
Bank account  
4. 从SAP获取产品基础数据 Obtain the product basic data from SAP
Field 说明Description
整车编号Finished automobile No.  
Wheel base  
5. 将凭证信息推送到SAP    Push the voucher information into SAP
字段Field 说明Description
Company code 默认2450 
Default 2450
Line item  
Bookkeeping code  
特别总账标记Specific general account mark  
Identification of debit and credit   
文本Text 报销事由
Cause of reimbursement
科目Subject 科目代码
Subject code
Cost center code  
Description 科目名称
Subject name
Tax code  
Scope of credit  
Credit control area  
Scope of business  
Profit center  
6. 将开票下浮数据推送到SAP   Push the data in the downward floating invoicing into ASP
字段 说明Description
经销商编号Dealer No.  
整车编号Finished automobile No.  
政策额度Policy limit  
开始时间Start time  
结束时间End time  
5. 其他非功能需求Other non-functional requirements
5.1数据输入Data input
5.2数据输出Data output
5.3数据安全Data security
5.4软件接口Software interface
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