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I. Function Overview
Controlled with one set of P4 industrial personal computer and allocated with 17cun liquid crystal display, the type of test bed can program and test each test item of the vacuum cleaner, including rated input power test, input current, cosΦ value test, rated point vacuum degree test, rated point air volume measurement, maximum inhalation power Psmax, maximum efficiency ηmax, maximum vacuum degree and curve test of all kinds of characteristics, and the characteristics curve test shall be conducted on the surge tank of test bench. The test program of all items shall be controlled and measured by the computer with test result displayed. The system is compatible with manual operation and computer automatic collection and reading.
The computer system can collect, record, store and display the test data and result of each item, link with printer to print all measured data and characteristic curve and provide the computer software of convenient operation, flexible adjustment and visual and clear human-computer interface.
II. Test Standard
The test system is designed in accordance with Category B standard of IEC60312-2010、 and shall participate data comparison among laboratories to keep the correctness and repeatability.
III. System Requirement
1. The manual and automatic modes can be shifted randomly;
2. The surge box can be reversed with size of 510*510*510 and will be manufactured in accordance with the standard requirement;
3. Scope of application: both of horizontal type cleaner (horizontal air intake) and motor (vertical air intake) can be tested;
4. Pore plate: pore plate diameter ±0.01mm and pore plate thickness 2mm±0.1mm; internal aperture roughness Ra 0.8um and pore plate size (automatic): ¢50, ¢40, ¢30, ¢23, ¢19, ¢16, ¢13, ¢10, ¢6.5 and ¢0 of 10 groups in total (to adopt rotating type automatic control);
Note: the surrounding end shall be sharp edge and aperture shall be correct to ±0.01mm; no hamper influencing air in 200mm of air intake.
5. Instrument adoption: the power meter shall adopt Qingzhi 0.5 grade electrical parameter instrument; the suction gauge shall adopt the gauge that can meet 0.02Kpa accuracy requirement; the instrument shall be of good brand to meet the test requirement; the tachometer shall adopt the test method of dotting with cursor orientation, which is collected by the computer, and the speed range is 0~60000r/min. Other instruments shall be of good brand and the accuracy shall meet the test requirement.
6. By adopting the computer control system, the power meter, suction gauge and computer can be collected quickly. The collection time shall not exceed 0.1 second / per time and shall be with the function (refer to Attachment 3) of rejecting abnormal value.
7. Requirement on power test: external 5KVA auto voltage regulator. Pay attention to the adjustment fineness below 0.5V.
IV. Technical Index on Test Item
1. Characteristic curve test and each parameter test of rated point
Test method: install the series motor or cleaner on the surge box and apply rated voltage for the motor to induce air. Change the air intake pore plate size of surge box from maximum value to stalling for 10 times (random in manual mode) evenly. Measure the vacuum degree H of each point and correct it to the standard status, and then make it vertical to the abscissa Q marking line to obtain Q value; input power P1, input current Iand power coefficient cosΦ value, obtain through 10 points measurement and form a continuous curve; the point from Q value point upward and intersecting with input power, input current and power coefficient cosΦ value is suction power Ps and efficiency η respectively. The computer shall display the corresponding data of each point and draw the following characteristic curves:
I1=f (Q)     Measured value
cosΦ=f (Q)  Measured value
P1=f (Q)     Measured value
Ps=f (Q)    unit  (after corrected)
Hs=f (Q)    Measured value and corrected value
η=f (Q)
Notice that the instrument must be with accuracy of ±0.02kPa. If the accuracy cannot meet it, the correction shall be meaningless.
Extend Hs curve on the characteristic curve to intersect with Q axis. The intersection point Qm is the air volume at 0 degree of vacuum. Find (treat smooth curve) the following from the curve:
Maximum vacuum degree     Hm——H value as Q=0
Maximum air volume         Qm——Q value as H=0
Maximum suction power      Psm——peak value of Ps
Maximum efficiency point     Highest point of ηm——η
Range    Vacuum degree 0~ -40kpa
         Air flow: obtained from standard calculation
         Input power 0~3KW
         Current 0~20A
         Rotating speed 0~60000 r/min
Accuracy  H value of vacuum degree  ±0.02kPa (it must meet technical requirement and accepted on site)
          Input power               ±0.5%
          Input current              ±0.5%
          Rotating speed S           ±0.5%
2. Calculation formula:
(1) Air volume Q, unit: dm3/m, obtained from standard calculation.
(2) Vacuum degree H, read from unit kPa vacuum degree transmitter (reach standard status through correction).
(3) Suction power: (formula   unit dm^3/m (after corrected));
(4) Input power P1, unit W, read from electric meter.
(5) Suction power                η=   P2  (%) 
η suction efficiency     %
P1 input power         W
P2 suction power       W
V. Equipment Configuration Type
1. Electric cabinet: standard network electric cabinet
  Dimensions of electric cabinet: 600×600×1800mm (width*depth*height)
  Shifting system of project control (in good brand and module)
  Project test system
  Computer control system
2. Work bench
  Dimensions of work bench: 1000×1000×500mm (area can be reversed)
  Dimensions of surge box: manufactured in accordance with the above standard
  Air intake type of surge box is pore plate type, available in electric automatic control or manual control.
3. Computer configuration
  Host      P4 industrial personal computer
  Display   17cun liquid crystal display
  Memory   ≥1G
  Hard disk  ≥500G
CD-Rom   ≥40 speed
Keyboard  101 standard keyboard
4. Printer: HP black-and-white laser printer
5. Variable frequency power source   AC 50Hz/60Hz 220V (configured by the Demander)
VI. Attached Software Configuration
1. Test program of each item
2. Threshold value set and modifying program;
3. Item set and shielding program;
4. Data statistics and analysis display program;
5. Statement graphic print program;
6. Test data and retrieve program;
7. Type input and storage program
8. Two types of automatic collection and manual input collection;
9. Time control interval can be set respectively;
10. The data can be obtained average value and momentary value;
11. Test report (data category)
  (1) Vacuum cleaner air performance data test report;
  (2) Vacuum cleaner adopting series motor air performance data test report;
12. Preheating time, obturator time, test time and trepanning time can be set randomly (to each hole);
VII. Acceptance Method and After-Sales Service
1. After the Supplier completed adjusting in the site of the Demander, both parties shall complete the acceptance and delivery in accordance with the technical agreement;
2. At the same time when the Supplier delivers the equipment, he also shall provide Electrical Schematic Diagram, Operation and Maintenance Manual, Product Certificate, spare parts list and computer software backup. (in two types of automatic and manual inputting data)
3. The Supplier shall conduct the operation and maintenance training to the operation and maintenance personnel of the Demander in the site of the Demander;
4. The equipment shall be of one-year warranty (except damaged for human factor) since the delivery date and life-time paid maintenance.
The Demander:
The Supplier: Guangzhou Xiandao Automatic Control Special Equipment Co., Ltd.
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