时间:2020-03-24 08:06 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
With the world fighting the spread of the novel coronavirus, Hollywood has also been seriously affected. A string of films and television productions are shutting down, while several of this year's most anticipated blockbusters have commuted their long-held release dates. 全球抗疫正酣,好莱坞亦受严重影响。一批本在拍摄或筹备进程中的影视剧纷纷停工,而今年一些最受期待的大片也纷纷撤档,尽管这些档期都是许久前定好的。
Some industry insiders describe it as the "darkest time" for the global film industry, but there are also optimistic voices amid this unprecedented crisis. 有些业内人士称,当下是全球电影业的“至暗时刻”,但在这场史无前例的危机中,依然能听到一些乐观的声音。 Let's take a retrospective look at the headline news from the past week and see what insiders are predicting for the future of the film industry, which has probably become an integral part of all cinephiles' lives. 电影之于影迷们,或许已是生活中不可或缺的一部分。让我们回顾下发生的大事儿,以及看看业界是如何预测全球电影业的未来。 汤姆·汉克斯夫妇感染新冠肺炎 As one of the most familiar Hollywood stars to the Chinese audience, Tom Hanks, the two-time Academy Award winner, announced that he and his wife Rita Wilson had tested positive for the coronavirus on March 11. 作为中国观众最熟悉的好莱坞影星之一,两届奥斯卡影帝汤姆·汉克斯在3月11日宣布,他和妻子丽塔·威尔逊的新冠病毒检测呈阳性。
The couple were in Australia doing production on Baz Luhrmann's Elvis Presley biopic, in which Hanks was to play Presley's manager Dutch-born Colonel Tom Parker. 这对夫妻在澳大利亚,汉克斯在拍摄巴兹·鲁赫曼(《红磨坊》的导演)关于“猫王” 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的一部传记片。汉克斯饰演“猫王”的经理人、出生于荷兰的科洛内尔·汤姆·帕克。
Hanks wrote on his Twitter that he and Wilson "want to thank everyone here Down Under who are taking such good care of us. We have COVID-19 and are in isolation so we do not spread it to anyone else," reported Yahoo. 据雅虎报道,汉克斯在他的推特上写道,他和妻子威尔逊“想感谢这里的每一个人,是他们把我们照顾得这么好。我们已确诊COVID-19,且处于隔离状态,以防止我们再传染给其他人。” Hanks ended the post with a line borrowed from his 1992 comedy sports film A League of Their Own, writing, "Remember, despite all the current events, there is no crying in baseball." 在那条推文末尾,汉克斯引用了他主演的1992年喜剧体育影片《红粉联盟》中的一句名言以自励。这句话就是:“记住,尽管发生这么多事情,在棒球场上不要哭泣。”
It might be a bit difficult to understand this quote. The film follows an all-female baseball team in America during World War II. Hanks, who takes on the role of coach Jimmy Dugan, says it to a female player who started to weep when she couldn't handle the criticism he had on her. 这句话初听,或许有些费解。《红粉联盟》是关于二战时的一支美国女子棒球队。汉克斯扮演球队的教练吉姆·杜根。在一场戏里,他把一个女队员给训哭了,当时他说了这句台词激励她。
As this phrase has become famous, people replace the last word "baseball" with their concerned subjects, such as "there's no crying in wrestling" and "there's no crying in exams". 因为这句台词颇为有影响力,影迷们曾纷纷用它玩梗,通常是把最后的那个词baseball给替换掉,比如说“摔跤场上不要哭泣”,或是“考场上不要哭泣”。 When someone says that to you, they actually want to say something like "be a man". 如果你遇到有人对你这么说,他们那话里的意思,其实是“振作,拿出勇气来”。
Wilson also kept it light, saying on Twitter that the only Corona she wants from now on is the beer from Mexico. Besides, she asked fans to send her "song ideas" for her quarantine playlist, and named it as "quarantunes". 他妻子威尔逊也积极面对。在她的推特上,她戏言,自己现在唯一想要的Corona(新冠病毒coronavirus的前缀)是来自墨西哥的科罗娜啤酒。她还让粉丝们帮她出点子,帮想想隔离期间自己听的歌单上选什么歌好,这场“云集思”的最新成果,就是这个歌单被命名为“隔离调”, 是从“隔离期(quarantine)”新造出来的。 停拍、撤档,多部大片受疫情牵连 The novel coronavirus pneumonia spread overseas has also made some of the year's biggest blockbusters to postpone the scheduled releases, or suspend production. 随着新冠肺炎疫情在海外蔓延,本年度最重磅的一些大片也纷纷撤档,或是暂停拍摄。
No Time to Die, Daniel Craig's final outing as 007, was the first major Hollywood movie to delay the release. The delay was announced March 4, and a week later, after the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, other blockbusters began to follow suit. 作为丹尼尔·克雷格的最后一部“007”作品,《无暇赴死》是第一部撤档的好莱坞大片。撤档消息是3月4日宣布的。一周之后,当世卫将新冠肺炎疫情宣布为“大流行”后,其他大片也纷纷跟进撤档潮。
Disney's live-action Mulan reboot was slated for March 27, but Disney pulled the film on March 12, just a few hours after similar announcements for A Quiet Place 2and F9. 迪士尼的真人版《花木兰》本是3月27日上映,但这部影片3月12日也宣布延期。同日早些时候,《寂静之地2》和《速度与激情9》宣布推迟上映。
The Marvel movie Shang-Chi, which is being shot in Australia, suspended the first-unit production because director Destin Daniel Cretton wasn't feeling well, and was told by a doctor to self-isolate while he waited for the result of a COVID-19 test. 在澳大利亚拍摄的漫威新片《尚气》,因导演德斯汀·丹尼尔·克莱顿身体不适而暂停拍摄第一组拍摄。他被医生要求在等待新冠病毒的检测结果期间自我隔离。
Mission Impossible: 7, the seventh edition in the iconic Tom Cruise film franchise, was scheduled to shoot for three weeks in Venice, Italy. However, given that the entire country is currently on lockdown, Paramount Pictures has delayed the Italian leg of its production plans for the highly-anticipated action pic. 汤姆·克鲁斯的《碟中谍7》,原计划在意大利威尼斯拍摄三周。但因意大利在全国范围内实行封城禁令,派拉蒙已经推迟了这部备受期待的动作大片在意大利的拍摄计划。 Films that have postponed releases also include The New Mutants and Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway. 其他卷入撤档潮的大片还有《新变种人》和《比得兔2:逃跑计划》等等。
Some insiders predict the shutdowns and delays will have an untold financial and cultural impact, and may reshape popular culture and its economic model for years to come. 某些业内人士预计,好莱坞大片的纷纷停拍和撤档将带来难以估算的经济和文化影响,也有可能在未来几年内改写全球流行文化及其盈利模式。 北京已春意盎然,希望这次疫情能早日过去,愿热爱电影的你我能重回影院。 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |