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据这项研究的主要作者,贝尔法斯特女王大学心理学助理教授科斯塔斯·帕帕乔吉欧(Kostas Papageorgiou)介绍,自恋具有两种表现形式:浮夸和脆弱。

"Narcissism is part of the 'Dark Tetrad' of personality that also includes Machiavellianism, Psychopathy and Sadism. There are two main dimensions to narcissism - grandiose and vulnerable," said study researcher Kostas Papageorgiou.


"Vulnerable narcissists are likely to be more defensive and view the behaviour of others as hostile whereas grandiose narcissists usually have an over inflated sense of importance and a preoccupation with status and power."


▲Be proud of yourself: Narcissistic people less likely to deal with depression (via The Economic Times)


People with "grandiose" narcissism -- defined in the dictionary as "pompous superiority or pretentiousness" may achieve mental toughness, a form of resilience that could be protective, said lead author Kostas Papageorgiou, an assistant professor of psychology at Queen's University in Belfast.


They gain this mental toughness by overcoming the challenges they face as they attempt to "gain access to the resources that they think they deserve," he said.


"Our work suggests that, at least some aspects of narcissism, may help individuals to show resilience against certain types of psychopathology, namely, symptoms of depression and perceived stress," Papageorgiou said.


▲Narcissists may be protected against depression and stress, says study. But at what cost? (via CNN)

It also found that people who score high on grandiose narcissism have lower levels of perceived stress and are therefore less likely to view their life as stressful.


▲Be proud of yourself: Narcissistic people less likely to deal with depression (via The Economic Times)

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True narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD, affects about 1% of the population. It's a mental condition characterized by an insatiable hunger to be the center of attention.


Diagnosed narcissists often feel entitled, expect to be recognized as superior even if they're not, need constant, excessive admiration, and have an inflated sense of self importance. They can also become stressed or depressed if they are not treated in the manner they believe they deserve.


Narcissists exaggerate their own achievements and talents and can become impatient or angry and lash out at others due to difficulty controlling their emotions and behavior.


A key element of narcissism, say experts, is a lack of empathy -- an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.


▲Narcissists may be protected against depression and stress, says study. But at what cost? (via CNN)

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Studies seem to show narcissism is on the rise in younger people. A 2008 study found college students in 2006 were 30% more narcissistic than those in 1982.


Millennials themselves agree they are more narcissistic than previous generations, according to research. They see the behavior as a sign of "individualism," a trait they highly value.


▲Narcissists may be protected against depression and stress, says study. But at what cost? (via CNN)


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