时间:2019-10-28 08:49 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
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Basic introduction Connext
The Priva Connext is an advanced process computer that controls many aspects of the modern horticultural company. An important element, of course, is controlling the climate, such as controlling the heating, ventilation, CO2 and curtains. In addition, irrigation is controlled with the associated water management and water disinfection, if required. The Connext is also of great value in energy management. It takes care of gas distribution, heat management, CO2 management and electricity management, with interfaces to external parties being possible in various ways.
This manual will guide you through all these controls and possibilities. The controls are described individually, so that you can always learn about the particular control that requires attention at that moment. The details of the controls can be found in the Reference manual.
In order to use the controls correctly, setting the controls, checking the settings and looking back on what has happened are indispensable. A good operating program makes sure that you can use the controls effectively. Priva Office Direct is such an operating program.
This manual is limited to a description of the operation and the controls, and assumes that the purpose of the controls is known.
What can you find in the manual?
The content of the manual is divided into:
1. Introduction (page 6); for a description of the structure of the manual and a brief introduction to the Priva Connext. The operation of the program is then described in detail. This operation is divided into the use of Windows functions and the use of Priva Office Direct applications.
2. Operation (page 7) with Priva Office Direct; contains a description of the general Priva Office Direct functions that can be started from the Navigation menu.
3. Controls (page 20); contains the answers to the most frequently asked questions and procedures.
Explanation of symbols in this document
Safety warning: danger of physical injury or damage to the product, the installation or the environment.
The process computer is to be operated with Priva Office Direct. The operating system is
made up of a number of components shown in the screenshot below.
1. Menu bar
2. Toolbar (page 7); for quickly starting specific functions of Priva Office Direct.
3. Alarm button (page 9)
4. Tabs; the most important screens in a chosen group can be quickly accessed using these tabs.
5. Graph tab (see Content of screen (page 10)); for each screen, a specific graph can be
configured that can be quickly accessed via this tab.
6. Number; if there are several screens of the same type (computers, compartments, valve groups or programs), the number of the screen is displayed here. With the operation around this number, you can easily and quickly reach a different number of this screen.
The button can be used to select a different index. In addition, the and buttons can be used to decrease and increase the number.
7. Navigation menu; this menu can be used to navigate the various sections and controls and to start the functions in Priva Office Direct and the control software. The different colours indicate the main section of Priva Office Direct.
8. Browser (see Content of screen (page 10)); the settings, measurements and/or calculations of the system or a graph screen.
9. Process computer time; you can adjust the time via Time synchronisation settings (page 12)
The most important toolbars are described here.
On the Shortcut toolbar you can place shortcuts to the screens you use frequently. By clicking on the button the selected screen is opened in the Browser. This makes it much quicker to access these screens.
The quickest way to work with this toolbar is if all the shortcuts are directly on your screen. You can adjust the description of the shortcuts. The shorter the description the more shortcuts will fit directly on the screen.
If the screen is visible, you can add it to the Shortcuts toolbar by selecting Add shortcut ( ) from the Screen functions toolbar.
The Navigation toolbar consists of two buttons that allow you to navigate the screens that are displayed in the browser:
Button Description Function
Back Go to the previous screen.
Forward Go to the next screen.
These functions can also be activated from the \Browser menu option.
Screen functions
The Screen functions toolbar consists of:
Button Description Function
Print Print the active screen
Copy Launches Copy to copy the settings to another number of the same control.
Toggle between setting table and matrix view Switches between displaying a setting table and matrix as a button or displaying the full information on screen.
New automatic action Adds an Automatic action to print the screen, export graph data or e-mail a report.
Add a shortcut Adds a screen to the Shortcuts toolbar.
New window Opens a new window in Priva Office Direct. You can open a maximum of four windows simultaneously.
Settings graphs Launches the Settings graphs.
Priva Office Direct offers the possibility of copying settings, for example to another compartment. You can start copying settings using the Copy ( ) button on the Screen
functions toolbar.
After activating the Copy function the screen is launched in which you can specify which settings you want to copy. By default all settings are selected. You can use the [Select all] button to select all settings. You can deselect all settings with the [Select nothing] button. Then you can always still enable or disable each setting manually.
Finally, you indicate where the settings are to be copied to.
• Selection; allows you to copy the settings to selected numbers of the same control. Here you can select one or more numbers using the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key.
• All compartments; you can use this to copy the settings to all compartments.
• All indices; allows you to copy the screen settings to all indices (compartments, valve groups or programs).
You can use the [Next] button to continue, and the Copy confirmation screen will be displayed.
Adjust screen
The Adjust screen toolbar comprises two buttons which you can use to modify the section screens to suit your own requirements.
Button Description Function
Adjust screen Modify section screens or composite screens by hiding section lines.
Create a composite screen Create and modify composite screens. A composite screen is a user screen in which a number of section screens have been combined.
Hiding section lines
1.Click on the (Adjust screen) button.
2. Uncheck the section line(s) that you want to hide.
3. Under Apply to other indices, check the line Selection or All indices. If you have checked Selection, then in the list alongside select the desired indices by also holding down the [CTRL] key.
4. Click the Save button.
5. The lines are now hidden in the normal display.
Despite the section lines being hidden they remain active in the background.
A '*' in front of a title in a screen indicates that section lines have been hidden in this screen.
Alarm button
XX is the number of new (unread) alarms
YY is the total number of alarms.
The alarm button is at the top left of the Priva Office Direct browser. The number of new (unread) alarms and the total number of alarms are shown below the alarm button. The alarm button can be displayed in three different ways:
1. Green: there are no new alarms.
2. Red: there are active alarms. These alarms have already been viewed.
3. Pulsing from red to white: there are new alarms. These alarms have not yet been viewed.
Clicking on the alarm button launches the All active alarms screen.
Content of screen
The system is supplied with default screens. You can compose screens yourself and modify them by hiding lines, see Adjust screen (page 9). Your dealer can help you to make screens with your desired content of settings, measurements and graphs and, if required, schematic drawings of your installation.
Example of screen with schematic drawing
Settings and measuring section
The settings and measuring sections are screens that allow you to operate the process computer. In these sections the settings, measurements and calculations from the control software can be found in table format. You can retrieve and change the settings from these sections.
The sections contain various fields:
• Settings fields: settings can be entered or changed here. These fields can be recognized by the black letters and the dark-blue frame.
• Measurement fields or calculated fields: the measured and calculated values are displayed in these sections for information. These fields can be recognized by the grey letters and the light-blue frame.
From Connext version 903.02 onwards, a yellow and grey background to the setting and measurement fields indicates that measurements and controls have been omitted, partially or in full. The process computer is (partially) not functioning. Please contact your installer.
The frame will be displayed if you use the mouse or keyboard to move the cursor over the screen. There are four different types of settings:
Field Description Explanation
Setting A new setting can be typed directly into these fields.
List box A setting from a List box. These fields can be recognised by the button.
Click on and then on the value required.
Setting table A setting from a setting table. You can specify a range in this table.
• Click on .
• Enter the value required. The graph is modified immediately after a value has been entered.
• Click OK to confirm and close.
Matrix A matrix is a comprehensive setting where you can, for example, specify which measurement boxes may influence a control. You can enable or disable boxes in this matrix.
• Click on .
• Use the mouse or arrow keys to move to the field required.
• Double click to turn the box on or off.
• In addition, you can use the mouse to select a number of boxes and then use the right mouse button with the shortcut menu to:
• Set: to enable one or more boxes.
• Clear: to disable one or more boxes.
• Invert selection: to switch the check mark in one or more boxes. This can be used to uncheck the boxes that are checked and check the boxes that are not checked.
• Click OK to confirm and close.
The graphs provide a graphical insight into the development of a setting, measurement and/or calculation. Graphs are an ideal tool to gain more insight into the controls and to analyse the data.
A maximum of 10 graph lines can be displayed in a graph screen.
The graph screen provides the following functionality:
Step back: the graph moves backwards one step in time. The step size can be set in the properties.
Step forward: the graph moves forwards one step in time.
Properties: this is where the period and step size can be changed.
Legend: displays information about the graph lines. The legend can also be used to modify the colour and the range (the minimum and maximum values on the Y-axis), amongst other things. In addition, the influences on the line can be displayed from the legend.
Zoom in/Zoom out: selecting an area on the graph with the mouse (to the right) zooms into that area. Selecting an area to the left zooms out to the original graph.
Scroll: to scroll the graph horizontally and vertically.
Guide: displays a vertical line. The time and date of the intersection are displayed at the bottom of the graph. The value of the graph line can be read-off from the legend.
Active graph: to select the active graph. The Y-axis of this graph is shown.
Export graph data: to export the values in the graph to a file.
Add graph: to add a graph line.
Change graph: to change the selected graph line and add graph lines if necessary.
Delete graph: used to delete the selected graph line.
Time synchronisation settings
Under \General \Configuration Priva Office \Time synchronisation settings there are settings for manually or automatically synchronising the time on the process computer with the time on the PC. The same time for both systems is important for being able to record graph data correctly. In addition, it prevents any confusion about the times at which controls perform actions.
When using automatic time synchronisation, it is important that the Priva Office server shows the correct time. Make sure that the time on the Office server is synchronised with an (Internet) time server.
When using automatic time synchronisation, the process computer doesn't automatically switch from summer to winter time, and vice versa. With manual time synchronisation, the process computer is, if necessary, switched from summer to winter time (and vice versa) when the time synchronisation is performed.
Procedure for manual time synchronisation to make the time of the process computer the same:
1. Selection; here you select one or more process computers.
2. Select the Synchronise once button.
Synchronise once Allows you to immediately synchronise the time once for the selected process computers.
Switch on synchronisation Allows you to switch on automatic synchronisation for the selected process computers.
Switch off synchronisation Allows you to switch off automatic synchronisation for the selected process computers.
Many controls use the same method for setting. The function of these settings is the same in all the controls, which is why these settings are described as generally applicable settings in this manual.
When desired value(s) is (are) mentioned in the following text, it means the desired value present (such as heating temperature, ventilation temperature, maximum and minimum water temperatures and vent positions, CO2 levels etc.).
Setting periods and times
The desired settings for the majority of the controls can vary during a 24-hour period. It is therefore possible to specify settings depending on the time. This can be done in two ways:
• You split a 24-hour period into one or more periods that start and stop successively.
• You specify a start and end time for each period. Periods do not have to succeed each other logically and a number of periods can be activated simultaneously.
24-hour periods
A number of controls are always active and cannot be switched off, such as heating and ventilation. There are, at best, possibilities for ensuring that the control does not do much, by setting the desired value in such a way that the control does not have to do much. An example of this is setting a low desired value for heating or using the Crop change strategy if the greenhouse is empty. The control, however, continues to work as a frost protection system.
These sorts of controls work with 24-hour periods, with the following options available in the relevant controls:
You see Explanation
Per1, Per 2 ... Per 6 These are the column titles corresponding with the periods that are available.
Activated YES This option cannot be changed. Here you can only see whether or not a period has been activated. This is the result of the settings that you specify in the lines below.
Period ON: period is allowed to start Specify whether or not the period is allowed to start here.
OFF: period is not allowed to start
Start time time at which the period starts Enter the time at which the period must start in this line. In addition, you can specify whether or not the time that has been set should move together with the sunrise and sunset times (see Astronomical and fixed times).
The following also applies:
• 24-hour periods proceed in steps from left (period 1) to right (period 6). The times must therefore follow-on logically. Therefore, only one period can be active and the settings for that period are then valid.
• A period only starts if this is allowed; ON must be selected in the Period line of the relevant period.
• A period ends at the start time of the next period that is allowed to start.
• If a number of periods are allowed to start at the same time the right-most period starts.
• If no period is allowed to start (OFF has been selected in the Period line of every period), period 1 will start.
Six periods are available. In the majority of cases three or four periods will be sufficient. In that case specify the settings for periods 1, 4 and 6; do not use consecutive periods to do this. This allows you to easily insert additional periods at a later time.
Example of a 24 hours cycle
Per 1 Per 2 Per 3 Per 4 Per 5 Per 6
Activated YES NO NO NO NO NO
Start time 08:00 - - - - 12:00 17:00 20:00 - - - -
The 24 hours cycle is run as follows:
• 08:00: period 5 ends and period 1 starts;
• period 2 is not activated, because period 2 is not allowed to start (OFF has been selected in the Period line);
• 12:00: period 1 ends and period 3 starts;
• 17:00: period 3 ends and period 4 starts;
• 20:00: period 4 ends and period 5 starts.
• period 6 is not activated, because period 6 is not allowed to start (OFF has been selected in the Period line);
Start and end time
Another technique for using time-related settings is setting a start time and end time for a period within which specific settings are valid. This is used in many controls that do not have to be active all the time, such as fans or curtains. This technique is also used to make (temporary) corrections. In the case of controls where this can be specified the relevant sections contain the following options:
You see Explanation
Clock ON: period is allowed to start Here you can specify whether or not the period in which the settings are valid is allowed to start between the set start and end time (see below).
OFF: period is not allowed to start
Activated YES This option cannot be changed. Here you can only see whether a period has been activated, because the current time falls within the set start and end time.
Start time time at which the period starts Enter the time at which the period must start in this line. In addition, you can specify whether or not the time that has been set should move together with the sunrise and sunset times (see Astronomical and fixed times).
End time time at which the period stops Enter the time at which the period must stop here. In addition, you can specify whether or not the time that has been set should move together with the sunrise and sunset times (see Astronomical and fixed times).
The following also applies:
• A period only starts if this is allowed; ON must be selected in the Clock line of the relevant period.
• This is not a cycle; each period exists independently.
• The settings per period are valid from the start time to the end time.
• A number of periods can be activated at the same time.
• If the settings (and any conditions) for multiple periods are valid, then the settings of
the right-most period are used.
Astronomic and fixed times
Start and end times in the program have a symbol indicating whether the time changes in
accordance with astronomic times or if it is a fixed time:
Icon Meaning
↑ (up arrow) The set time changes with the time that the sun rises. The difference between the time
that the sun rises and the set time is maintained.
- (dash) The set time is a fixed time.
↓ (down arrow) The set time changes with the time of sunset. The difference between the time of sunset and the set time is maintained.
After a change from summer time to winter time and from winter time to summer
time all the times are changed, both the astronomical times and the fixed times.
Ranges are the values for which the adjustment becomes valid. You configure ranges with an initial and end value. Below the initial value an adjustment of the set value is not necessary and above the end value the adjustment is completely calculated. Between the initial and end value the adjustment is calculated proportionally.
An example of an adjustment with a range
range start range end
Setting table
A setting table shows the adjustment and when the adjustment takes effect. Between the different levels the adjustments are implemented using modulation. The setting table consists of two columns; the left column shows the 'influence of' and the right column the 'influence on'.
Example of adjustments with a setting table
% RH setting = set minimum water temperature
°C = °C minimum water temperature
Outside the setting table, an influence may be active. Let the 'influence on' (right-hand column) touch or cross 0.
Time heat up
The heat up time is a delay on the set value in order to slowly go to the new value after an increase. The increase is caused by a period transition or a manual change in the active period.
In the heating and ventilation control, the radiation sum adjustment and the temperature integration also use the heat up time. The radiation adjustment uses its own delay for the radiation increase.
Time cool down
The cool down time is a delay on the set value in order to slowly go to the new value after a decrease. The decrease is caused by a period transition or a manual change in the active period.
In the heating and ventilation control, the radiation sum adjustment and the temperature integration also use the cool down time. The radiation adjustment uses its own delay for the radiation decrease.
Dead band
The dead band is a value above and/or below the set value that separates it from the on/off switching threshold and thus ensures steady switching. A small dead band leads to more frequent switching than a large dead band.
Example of working with a dead band
setting on / off
dead band
Deviation sum
A deviation sum is the sum of the difference between the measured value and the set value. This deviation is added up every minute if the measured value is outside the dead band. The switching occurs when the set deviation sum has been counted. The deviation sum ensures steady switching and complements the dead band.
Example of working with a deviation sum
setting on / off
dead band
A matrix is a way of assigning things to each other. Options are:
18 Basic introduction Connext - 00.008
• A control to another control, such as which valves belong to the same group.
• A measurement to a control, such as which measuring box uses the heating control.
Example of a matrix
Basic introduction Connext - 00.008 19
In addition to the knowledge that is required to operate the process computer, knowledge is also necessary to understand the controls. There follows a description of the most important components for each control, such as heating, ventilation and curtains. In the controls, there are influences for adjusting the desired values to the circumstances, such as a radiation influence. Many of the influences can be found in multiple controls. How such an influence is used is described once in the Configuration (page 14) chapter. What you can see everywhere is that the settings for a control are divided over a 24-hour period into more periods. You will also find a description of this in Setting periods and times (page 14).
The heating supplies heat to the greenhouse to achieve the desired greenhouse temperature by controlling pipes or hot air heating.
The calculated heating temperature is the desired greenhouse temperature for the heating and is a combination of the set heating temperature (in I110 Heating strategy) and the following influences:
• Time cool down for each °C;
• Time heat up for each °C;
• Radiation;
• Radiation sum;
• Extra influence, can be freely selected by the installer;
• Temperature integration.
Temperature integration aims for an average temperature over an adjustable number of days. It compensates for a previous deviation in the temperature. It is also possible to use the weather report with temperature integration, in order to achieve the average temperature with as little energy as possible.
The capacity that is required to achieve the calculated heating temperature is the calculated greenhouse capacity. The following is taken into account when determining this greenhouse capacity:
• The measured outside conditions, such as temperature, radiation and wind speed;
• The greenhouse properties, such as area, content and translucency;
• The difference between the measured greenhouse temperature and the calculated heating temperature;
• The energy saving and radiation limitation of a curtain.
Heating pipes
The heating pipes supply the calculated greenhouse capacity and a desired temperature to
the compartments in order to achieve the desired greenhouse temperature. The calculated
greenhouse capacity is divided among the available heating networks in those compartments.
The following is taken into account:
• The capacity supplied by other installations, such as growing light;
• Maximum hot water temperature, which limits the supply of capacity through the pipe;
• Minimum hot water temperature, which limits the minimum temperature of the pipe;
• Temperature of the boiler, in order to protect it from condensation;
• The pipe properties, such as material, shape and diameter.
The result and the influences on the pipe limitations can be found in M115 Overview pipes.
Maximum hot water temperature
You can limit the maximum temperature for the pipes (I115 Pipe strategy) in order, for instance, to prevent crop burning or an (excessively) high energy loss. The maximum hot water temperature is a combination of the set maximum hot water temperature and the following possible influences on it:
• Time cool down for every 10 °C;
• Time heat up for every 10 °C;
• Radiation;
• Extra influence, can be freely selected by the installer.
Minimum hot water temperature
You can limit the minimum temperature for the pipes (I115 Pipe strategy) in order, for instance, to activate the transpiration of the crop or to create movement of air in the greenhouse. The minimum hot water temperature is a combination of the set minimum hot water temperature and the following possible influences on it:
• Time cool down for every 10 °C;
• Time heat up for every 10 °C;
• Radiation;
• Extra influence, can be freely selected by the installer;
• Humidity.
The minimum hot water temperature can also be increased from the heat supply and production (the heat management) in order to eliminate heat.
Hot air heating
The hot air heating system is an on/off heating system and therefore cannot be adjusted up or down. You can use this heating (I118 On/off heat strategy) to control:
• Temperature;
• Air humidity;
• CO2.
The hot air system is switched off in the event of an excessively high temperature, excessively high CO2 concentration or during crop protection.
The ventilation cools the greenhouse in order to achieve the desired greenhouse temperature if the greenhouse heats up, as a result for instance of high radiation in the event of a large amount of sunshine. Above the desired greenhouse temperature, the calculated ventilation temperature, the vents are opened to dissipate heat. The calculated ventilation temperature is a combination of the set ventilation temperature (I120 Ventilation strategy) and the following influences:
• Time cool down for each °C;
• Time heat up for each °C;
• Radiation;
• Radiation sum;
• Humidity;
• Extra influence, can be freely selected by the installer.
The vents are opened if the measured greenhouse temperature rises above the desired greenhouse temperature, called the calculated ventilation temperature. Warm air can escape from the greenhouse through the open vents, and cool air can enter the greenhouse. How far the vents are opened depends on a number of issues.
P band
The P band is a temperature range from the calculated ventilation temperature, within which the vents move from closed (0%) to open (100%) (I125 Vent strategy). The smaller the P band, the faster the vents react to a change in the measured temperature. The lee side and the wind side have their own P band. The P band has a fixed value or is dependent on (I125.1 Vent influences):
• Outside temperature;
• Wind speed;
• Outside air humidity;
• Wind direction.
P band on the lee side
% = % vent position P-band = P band lee
°C = temperature
Vent temp lee = ventilation temperature lee
Example 1
Desired greenhouse temperature (calculated ventilation temperature) = 20 °C
(Calculated) P band = 12 °C, it is cold outside
With a measured greenhouse temperature of 23 °C, the vent position is 25%.
Example 2
Desired greenhouse temperature (calculated ventilation temperature) = 20 °C
(Calculated) P band = 3 °C, it is hot outside
With a measured greenhouse temperature of 23 °C, the vent position is 100 %.
Vent lagging
The lagging is the temperature difference between the calculated ventilation temperature for the lee side and for the wind side. The lagging ensures that, if the greenhouse temperature rises, the vents on the lee side open first, followed a little later by those on the wind side. The lagging is dependent on the wind speed and the wind direction. The windier it is, the higher the lagging (I125.1 Vent influences).
Lagging from the wind side to the lee side
% = % vent position lagging
°C = temperature
Vent temp lee = ventilation temperature lee
Desired greenhouse temperature (calculated ventilation temperature) = 20 °C
(Calculated) lagging = 4 °C
If the measured greenhouse temperature rises above 20 °C, the vents on the lee side will open.
If the temperature rises above 24 °C, the vents on the wind side will open.
Maximum vent
To prevent the vent opening further than is safe for the crop and the installation, the vent is limited to a maximum vent position (see M125 Overview vent). The maximum limits are:
• Maximum; by a set maximum vent position (I125 Vent strategy);
• Rain; by rain and dependent on the wind speed and rain intensity to prevent ingress of rain (I125.3 Vent maximum);
• Storm; by the (extra) storm limit. The vents move to a set position (I4 Weather settings and I125 Vent strategy);
• Frost; by the calculated (additional) frost limit. The vents on the lee side and on the wind side close or remain closed (I4 Weather settings);
• Wind; by the measured wind speed (I125 Vent strategy);
• Humidity; by the humidity inside (only the wind side) and/or the humidity outside (I125 Vent strategy and I125.4 Vent maximum extra);
• Curtain; by a curtain position exceeding an adjustable limit (I168.1 Curtain influences);
• Hot air; by an active hot air system (I125.4 Vent maximum extra);
• Crop protection; by the crop protection program (I140 Crop protection strategy). The vents are closed in the pre-ventilation, spraying and affect phases. During the purge,
the set maximum vent positions are retained;
• Wash robot; because the wash robot is active on the roof (I240 Wash robot strategy).
Minimum vent
If removal of moisture is desired (and the temperature is not high), the vents can still be opened with a minimum vent position (see M125 Overview vent)
The following functions are possible for the minimum vent position:
• Minimum; by a set minimum vent position and/or a set humidity influence (I125 Vent strategy);
• Storm; by the (extra) storm limit. The vents move to a set position (I4 Weather settings and I125 Vent strategy);
• Crop protection (I140 Crop protection strategy). During the purge, the set minimum vents are retained;
• F&P; by the F&P cooling to control an air inlet (I125 Vent strategy).
F&P cooling
The F&P cooling (fan & pad cooling) cools the greenhouse by evaporating water in a pad and blowing the cooled air through the greenhouse with fans. The quantity of air can be varied by using more or fewer fans. The fans are controlled in groups, the fan stages.
If the measured greenhouse temperature rises, the F&P cooling switches on to cool the greenhouse air. The possible temperature limits above which the F&P cooling starts (I130 F&P cooling strategy) are:
• A set temperature limit;
• A set temperature above the calculated ventilation temperature;
• A set temperature above the ventilation temperature and the P band of the vents;
The weather conditions determine how much air must be used to cool the greenhouse sufficiently.
Fan capacity
The desired fan capacity (I132.1 F&P cooling influences) determines the number of active fan stages, the switching of the pad pump (I134 Pad pump) and the air inlet position (I137 Air inlet strategy). The F&P control calculates a P band over which the calculated fan capacity goes from 0% to 100%. This P band depends on:
• Weather-dependent P band;
• Temperature difference between the calculated ventilation temperature and the outside temperature;
• Radiation;
• Wind speed.
Air inlet
The air inlet (I137 Air inlet strategy) ensures sufficient air enters the greenhouse when fans are running which blow the air out of the greenhouse. The air inlet position depends on the fan capacity. The air inlet can be arranged by the ventilation control with vents or air inlet valves.
Crop protection
In the greenhouse, the crop may be treated with chemical agents to combat diseases and/or pests. During and after the application of these agents, actions can be taken by controls to increase the effectiveness of the agents and, after application, to create a safe situation again. Examples include the curtain control to make the area to be treated smaller and the vents to let fresh (safe) air into the greenhouse after the treatment. The crop protection program (I140 Crop protection strategy) starts once with a manual start or with effect from the start time and goes through the possible phases:
• Pre-ventilation; the greenhouse airflows are created;
• Spraying; the agent is added to the greenhouse air;
• Affect; the greenhouse air is left alone, so that the agent can drop and be absorbed;
• Purge; the greenhouse air with the residual agent is purged.
The crop protection program can switch off controls per phase. A number of these controls are adjusted by the installer at installation level, while others can be set by you. The following controls are influenced by the crop protection program:
• Curtain control; the curtain can be sent to a fixed position.
• Humidification system
• Fan measuring box
• Air circulation fans
• Hot air system (to be set by the installer)
• Growing light system (to be set by the installer)
• CO2 dosing (to be set by the installer)
• CO2 measurement (to be set by the installer)
A curtain can be closed for various reasons, but always for one reason at a particular time.
A curtain can be closed at night to save energy, and during the day to protect the crop from too much sunshine.
The following reasons (functions) are possible:
• Black out curtain;
• Energy curtain;
• Shading curtain;
• Humidity curtain.
Black out curtain
The black out curtain (I161 Black out curtain strategy) is used to extend the night and thus, for instance, to stimulate or indeed prevent the formation of flower buds. The black out curtain is closed after the start time. The curtain opens at the end of the duration or after the end time. The duration determines the length of the period in which the crop is kept in the dark and is counted from the moment that the curtain is fully closed. The end time ensures that the curtain opens at a specific time.
The curtain can be opened during the black out period when it is dark, even without the use of the black out curtain.
Energy curtain
The energy curtain (I162 Energy curtain strategy) is used to save energy by closing the curtain in the event of cold and dark outside conditions. Between the start and end time of the period, the curtain may be closed if the set condition(s) is/are met. It must always be sufficiently dark (adjustable), because sunshine (radiation) heats up the greenhouse and possibly also justifies additional energy consumption on account of the extra growth and production.
In the event of extreme cold, the curtain also closes if there is too much radiation.
The possible conditions for closing the curtain are:
• Start and end time, in between which the curtain may be closed;
• Radiation, beneath which the curtain may be closed;
• Outside temperature, beneath which the curtain may be closed;
• Hot water temperature, beneath which the curtain may be closed.
The outside temperature limit is influenced by:
• Greenhouse temperature;
• Radiation;
• Wind speed;
• Rain.
The energy curtain closes according to the start and end time and the combination of radiation and outside temperature.
• Under 100 W/m2 radiation, the curtain must be closed.
• Below an outside temperature of 6 °C, the curtain must be closed.
1 = radiation = 100 W/m2
Switching with regard to the radiation and/or outside temperature limit is done using a dead band and a deviation sum counter to keep the control steady. The opening and closing of the curtain proceeds according to Step control (page 27).
Shading curtain
The shading curtain (I163 Shading curtain strategy) is used to prevent too much radiation on the crop or to prevent too high a temperature as a result of heating by sunshine. This is achieved by closing the curtain if there is too much radiation or if a high greenhouse temperature is measured.
The possible conditions for closing the curtain are:
• Radiation above which the curtain closes to the maximum curtain position (possibly via a range);
• Temperature above which the curtain closes to the maximum curtain position.
Switching with regard to the radiation and/or temperature limit is done using a dead band and a deviation sum to keep the control steady.
Humidity curtain
The humidity curtain (I164 Humidity curtain strategy) is used to limit the removal of moisture and to prevent excessive transpiration by the crop, by closing the curtain in the event of low air humidity in the greenhouse. The humidity curtain works in a modulating fashion up to a maximum curtain position.
Curtain control
The curtain control (I168 Curtain control) monitors the achievement of the curtain position and makes it possible to control and protect the curtain manually.
In the curtain control, you can define the limits for the curtain position:
• When the curtain may be controlled automatically;
• The manual control to a fixed position;
• The storm protection by moving the curtain to a specific position in the event of a storm;
• A maximum curtain position above which the curtain position may not go.
If the curtain has been closed to create a black out or to save energy, the air humidity or the temperature may become high. By opening the curtain a little (a gap), hot and/or humid air can be discharged. You can set (I165 Gap strategy) when it is too hot or too humid and how far the curtain should open. If a temperature gap and an air humidity gap are required at the same time, the larger of the two is controlled.
Step control
Before the curtain is opened or closed, the heating is first adjusted to keep the climate as constant as possible. The speed of opening and closing of the curtain is determined by the greenhouse temperature and the outside temperature. The settings for the step control can be found in the curtain function (I161.1 Black out curtain step control or I162.1 Energy curtain step control).
CO2 is an important fertiliser for the plant. A correct dosage ensures good growth of the crop and thus higher production and better quality. The CO2 control switches a fan on and, if required, opens a dosage valve, with which CO2 is dosed.
In I170 CO2 strategy you can define the type of dosage. The type of dosage determines if and when CO2 is dosed. The types are:
• None; there is no dosage;
• Passive; dosing only takes place if there is a surplus of CO2, for instance if the boiler is on for heating;
• Active; dosing is desired and a source is switched on for CO2 production, for example the boiler is switched on;
• Both; there is active and passive dosage.
With the dosing type 'both', active dosing takes place up to the calculated concentration. If the CO2 source remains enabled for other reasons than the CO2, the passive dosage will continue up to the maximum concentration.
The calculated CO2 dosage always depends on the radiation. The dosage can be adjusted by:
• Wind speed;
• Vent position;
• Temperature;
• Humidity;
• F&P cooling.
The dosing may take place in various ways, i.e. by concentration or by quantity (I170.1 CO2 influences). The concentration is a good indication of the availability of CO2 for the crop. In addition, the concentration indicates if too much CO2 is present in the air and there is a risk of damage to the crop. In situations in which the concentration is not a good measure of the availability of CO2 for the crop, a quantity (in kg CO2 or consumed quantity of gas in m3) can be dosed. This situation applies if, for instance, there is a lot of ventilation.
The purpose of the CO2 dosage based on concentration is to ensure that there is sufficient CO2 available for the crop. In this case, the concentration is a measure of availability.
With (almost) closed vents, the concentration is a good unit to specify the availability of CO2 for the plant.
The following is specific for controlling the concentration:
• The dead band around the calculated concentration for switch slow-down.
• The setting table to specify for what deviation in concentration how many kg of CO2 must be dosed.
The purpose of the CO2 dosage based on concentration is to ensure that there is sufficient CO2 available for the crop. The indication of sufficient availability is the quantity that is dosed.
The following applies specifically to controlling the dosing based on quantity:
• The CO2 monitoring, which resets the dosing if the concentration reaches the maximum concentration range;
• Blocks the dosage if the concentration is likely to exceed the maximum concentration.
With open vents, the dosage is a good unit to specify the availability of CO2 for the plant. With large vent openings the concentration is not very dependent on the dosage.
kg dosage
The indication of sufficient availability is the number of kg of CO2 that is dosed. The number of kg is provided by liquid CO2, by a central supplier or by converting the gas consumed to number of kg.
m3 dosage of
The indication of sufficient availability is the number of m3 gas that is combusted in order to produce CO2.
Climate monitoring
For the following reasons, the CO2 dosage is blocked by the climate:
• The concentration is too high;
• The temperature is too high;
• The relative air humidity is too low (the greenhouse air is too dry);
• The humidity deficit is too high (the greenhouse air is too dry);
• The crop protection does not allow dosing;
• The CO2 measurement is faulty.
The humidification system can be used for misting and/or cooling (I180 Misting strategy). Humidification and/or cooling can be used to prevent or at least reduce stressful situations for the plants. The humidification becomes active if the measured air humidity is lower than the desired air humidity and/or the measured temperature (for cooling) is higher than the desired temperature. It is possible that radiation can influence both conditions. Cooling is only possible if the humidification has been released.
The mist valves are switched with a dead band to ensure stability of control. Air support by air circulation fans is possible for a good mixing of the air. Spraying takes place in successive cycles, each consisting of a spray time and a pause time. The duration of the spray time and the pause time are dependent on the difference between the measured air humidity and the humidity limit.
The humidification system (for cooling) is kept off if the measured air humidity is too high. The cooling effect is not present in that case, because the water can hardly evaporate.
Air circulation
The air circulation control (I190 Air circulation strategy) switches the fans on. This brings the greenhouse air into motion, enabling large differences in temperature and/or humidity in the greenhouse to be reduced. The fans are also controlled by the crop protection and the humidification.
The fans are switched based on the following conditions:
• Greenhouse temperature;
• Temperature difference;
• Humidity;
• Humidity difference;
• Calculated water temperature;
• Vent position lee;
• Vent position wind;
• Curtain position;
• External.
The conditions can be used separately or collectively to switch the fans on (I190.1 Air circulation influences). If used collectively, all the set conditions must be valid before the fans are switched on. A dead band around the condition(s) and a minimum time on and off prevent excessive switching.
Lighting is an addition to or a replacement of sunlight, and is necessary for the growth of the crop. If the lighting is used in this way, we refer to it as growing light. Generally speaking, more light means more growth and production.
Lighting can also be used to control crop growth, vegetative or generative. In that case, we refer to it as long day lighting. Vegetative growth is the growth of the crop, the formation of leaves and stems. Generative growth is the formation and growth of flowers and fruits.
Growing light
The condition for the switching on of the growing light is the measured radiation (I205 Growing light strategy). When the measured radiation is below the adjustable radiation limit, the growing light switches on to supplement the deficit in sunlight. With growing light, all lamps switch on or off. If insufficient electricity is available, lamps can be kept off. To prevent (excessively) frequent switching, a dead band and a deviation sum are used. Furthermore, the minimum times can be adjusted to on and off.
The measured radiation sum can keep the growing light off or switch it off. The plants have already had so much light from the sun that additional lighting is not necessary or may even have a negative effect on growth.
Modulating growing light
There is also the possibility of switching on more or fewer lamps, depending on the quantity of sunlight (I205 Growing light strategy). In that case, we refer to modulating growing light. With modulating growing light, there are a maximum of 4 radiation limits, each of which controls a string. Less radiation means more strings (more lamps) are switched on. The installation is decisive for an optimum distribution of the growing light. The lamps should be connected according to a chequerboard principle, or a variation thereof.
Long day lighting
In the case of the control of the crop growth by long day lighting, for each system only one string is switched on (I205 Growing light strategy). To prevent the same lamps being on in each case, there is a rotation time, at which the active string of all systems moves one place. Because one of the maximum of four strings is being controlled, a string is activated once every so many days. The number of days on the number of connected strings.
HID lighting system
The growing light is divided into systems (I206 Growing light systems), which are assigned to growing light programs.The growing light program contains the conditions for switching the lighting.
For each system, a maximum of 4 strings are connected, which are controlled simultaneously or individually. A string is a number (row) of lamps that is switched on at once.
Growing light uses electricity. The strings of a system are given sequence numbers for electricity consumption, with the lowest sequence number having priority over a higher sequence number for electricity consumption. In the event of insufficient electricity being available, the lamps with the highest sequence number remain off or switch off.
To prevent light emission (I207 Growing light emission strategy), a curtain can be linked to a growing light system, which is closed when the growing light is on.
The energy supply takes account of supply and demand.
The total energy demand from the greenhouse is calculated based on the desired inside conditions and the measured and expected outside conditions.
The supply is dependent on the available sources, such as boiler and HP. The sources may have limits that reduce the supply, such as the size and availability of the source or the maximum permitted gas consumption. In addition, the energy provided needs to be transported to the demanding compartments. The whole combination of demand, supply and transport is controlled by the management.
The following tables show the possible demands and source for each form of management.
Heat management:
Demand from Supply by
greenhouse (heating) buffer
buffer boiler
heat exchanger
CO2 management:
Demand from Supply by
greenhouse (CO2) boiler
Electricity management:
Demand from Supply by
growing light (electricity) network
cyclic lighting HP
(electricity) network (is export)
Energy management
The management ensures that the total demand is produced by the producers (sources). The total demand is limited by the gas distribution. The sequence for switching on the producers is determined by the following choices:
• Release of the source (also malfunction)
• Capacity; minimum and maximum capacities of the source
• More sources simultaneously (only for CO2)
• Sequence number (page 31)
• Assign demand (page 32)
• Priority when by-product (page 32)
Sequence number
The sequence number of the source determines the sequence in which the demand will be distributed over the sources. The lowest sequence number is enabled first.
For sources with the same sequence number, the demand is distributed as evenly as possible.
Assign demand
A source may be suitable to meet a demand, but they may be reasons for not controlling the source.
An HP can supply heat, CO2 and electricity, but may only be switched on for electricity.
No heat demand is assigned to the HP. The heat that is produced as a by-product may be taken into account. For instance, in the production of electricity.
Priority when by-product
If the source is enabled for another demand, then when distributing demand the supplied by-product is taken into account. In this situation, the actual capacity is called the 'forced capacity'.
Example 1
The installation consists of 1 boiler and 1 HP. Both sources are off. 200 kW of heat is required.
Maximum capacity Sequence number Priority when by-product
boiler 2000 kW 2 yes
HP 400 kW 1 no
The heat demand is sent to the HP, because it has a lower sequence number. The HP switches on and the boiler remains off.
Example 2
The installation consists of 1 boiler and 1 HP. The boiler is on for a CO2 demand of 800 kW. 200 kW of heat is also required.
Maximum capacity Sequence number Priority when by-product
boiler 2000 kW 2 yes
HP 400 kW 1 No
The heat demand is sent to the boiler. Although the HP has a lower sequence number, the boiler is on for CO2 and is producing enough heat to also meet that demand. The HP remains off.
Heat management
Heat management handles the distribution of the heat demand amongst the heat sources, as described in the management (I301.1 Heat source corrections and I301 Heat source correction conditions). The various sources of heat are:
• Buffer;
• Boiler;
• HP;
• Heat exchanger.
The heat demand consists of a temperature demand and a capacity demand. The temperature demand is the highest of the requested temperatures from the heating networks. The capacity demand is the sum of the requested capacities from the heating networks.
The buffer stores heat that is surplus at the moment of production. This is the heat that is produced as a by-product, for instance in the production of CO2 or electricity. This heat can be used again later. The buffer does not produce heat, but can supply heat and is therefore a heat producer. Before the buffer can supply heat, heat must first have been stored in the buffer. The filling of the buffer occurs as a result of a heat surplus in the heat source.
A buffer can also request heat itself, because you think that the buffer should be fuller or because the control sees that a large demand for heat is imminent. A demand is then issued to the heat source(s):
• Storage capacity (page 33)
• Reserve capacity (page 33)
Fill %
The filling of a buffer is indicated by a fill %. The buffer filling is therefore relative. This is because the return temperature from the greenhouse determines when a buffer is empty. If the buffer is completely full of water with a temperature equal to the return temperature, the buffer can no longer supply heat for maintaining the greenhouse at the desired temperature. The buffer is then empty.
The buffer is full if the temperature of the water in the buffer is equal to the maximum temperature of the source. It is possible that we will have to take into account a temperature loss between the source and the buffer.
The achieved fill % of the buffer is determined on the basis of the temperature at which the buffer is full, the temperature at which the buffer is empty and the average temperature achieved.
The heat management controls the fill % of the buffer(s). Various fill %s can be set (I300 HT heat management - strategy):
• Maximum fill %; to save space for another period of the day or for an externally cooled heat source.
• Desired fill %; to distribute the CO2 production by a modulating source over the day or to aim for a buffer filling with storage capacity.
• Minimum fill %; to save heat for another period of the day (closed buffer) or to have heat in stock (open buffer) as a back-up in the event of changing heat demands. With an open buffer system, the reserve capacity tries to maintain the minimum fill %.
Storage capacity
Storage capacity is requested directly from a source, without the intervention of the management. The buffer requests capacity to work towards a desired fill %.
To use the storage capacity, the storage capacity must have been released in the heat management strategy. In addition, a forced storage capacity must be requested from a source (boiler, HP or heat exchanger). Depending on the difference between the desired and actual fill %, a storage capacity is requested from a source.
Reserve capacity
Reserve capacity is an expected heat demand that is produced in advance in order to meet a future heat demand and thus smooth out gas consumption. Reserve capacity is handled by the management in the same way as a heat demand. The expected heat demand is dependent on yesterday’s heat demand or the weather forecast.
Reserve capacity can be requested in the following ways:
• Costs; to save costs by smoothing out production and using cheaper gas as far as possible.
• CO2; to use the buffer as little as possible for heat and to produce the heat as late as possible.
• Strategy; to distribute production over the day, taking into account the desired buffer filling for CO2.
If you know that the HP will soon be producing electricity, the reserve capacity can take into account the heat that will be released as a result. The precondition is that the electricity must be requested from the electricity strategy or the week clock.
The boiler (I310 Boiler settings) meets the heat demand by controlling the burner setting. Depending on the installation, that takes place in a switching or modulating fashion. The requested temperature from the compartments determines the calculated boiler temperature. This calculated boiler temperature is always limited above the minimum boiler temperature and 5 °C below the maximum boiler temperature.
Internal capacity is capacity with which the heat demand is decreased or increased, because the measured boiler temperature is higher of lower than the calculated boiler temperature.
If the boiler becomes too cold because more heat is being demanded from the boiler than the boiler can produce, the boiler is protected in order to prevent condensation in the boiler. If this protection is activated, the off-take limit is gradually increased from 0% to 100%. The off-take limit may decrease the calculated hot water temperatures and thus close the mixing valves.
An HP (I330 HP settings) supplies heat immediately after being switched on. In the event of a large heat demand it can happen that the HP cannot supply the requested temperature. Therefore, it is possible to have the HP running in series with or parallel to the boiler. The HP is protected against becoming too cold by a minimum HP temperature and against becoming too hot by maximum supply and/or return temperatures.
Heat exchanger
A heat exchanger (I340 Heat exchanger settings) is a system that transfers (exchanges) heat between a 'warm side' and a 'cold side'. The 'warm side' may consist, for example, of the residual heat from a power plant or of geothermal heat. The heat emissions are determined by:
• The temperature difference between the 'warm side' and the 'cold side'. The greater the difference, the greater the heat emission.
• The current flow of the water on the 'warm side'. The faster the water flows, the more heat is emitted.
• The current flow of the water on the 'cold side'. The faster the water flows, the more heat is absorbed.
A ring line control (I350 Heat transport - settings) takes care of the heat transport from the manifold to the heating networks. With a ring line control, a separate supply and outlet line is not necessary for each heating network from the manifold to the greenhouse. The transport temperature is dependent on the requested temperatures from the compartments, and is limited by the minimum and maximum transport temperatures.
Gas distribution
The gas distribution (I304 Gas maximum) takes care of the monitoring of the maximum gas consumption per hour. This maximum gas consumption is adjustable. For a good control, it is important that it control should be exercised according to the average gas consumption. The computer can intervene if more gas is (temporarily) being consumed than the set maximum. The sources that are adjusted according to the gas distribution are boilers, HPs and hot air systems.
CO2 management
The CO2 management (I250 CO2 management strategy) takes care of the distribution of the CO2 demand over the CO2 sources.
An excessively full heat storage reduces the CO2 demand in order to dose CO2 for longer.
CO2 transport
The CO2 transport unit (I255 CO2 transport - settings) takes care of the transport of the CO2 to the compartments. A protection can be used to switch off the CO2 transport unit if the measured CO2 concentration rises above the CO2 limit and if more flue gas valves are measured 'open' than are allowed.
If the boiler is switched on for CO2, then the boiler switches on at minimum CO2 power (I310.1 Boiler influences). Depending on the desired CO2 production, the burner controls up to the maximum CO2 capacity.
The CO2 dosing can be kept off by a CO monitoring.
After being switched on, a flue gas cleaner of an HP (I330.1 HP influences) remains on for a minimum time. Even after the CO2 demand has declined, the flue gas cleaner remains on briefly.
External source / Liquid CO2
An external source (I260 CO2 external settings), such as liquid CO2, supplies CO2 when the dosage valve is opened. The external source is released by the CO2 management if the measured CO2 concentration falls below the 'release concentration'.
Electricity management
The electricity management (I200 Electricity consumption strategy) takes care of the distribution of the electricity demand amongst the electricity sources, as described in the management.
The demand is determined by the lighting systems and the electricity customers. One of the consumers can be the electricity network in order to return (export) electricity. The returning of electricity is controlled by a week clock or the electricity strategy. In the strategy you can, for each hour of the day, release the HP(s), and set the import, export and own consumption. You can set the desired export either according to the strategy or per hour for the next few days. If required, the desired export can also be registered by an external party.
Electricity network
Electricity from the electricity network is available directly. The network is both a producer (import) and a consumer (export). As soon as you export electricity, importing is blocked.
The HP switches on as a result of:
• an electricity demand from the management;
• the week clock of the HP;
• the electricity strategy;
• the electricity company (external).
Before switching on, lighting groups wait until the HP has been switched on and sufficient electricity is available.
Water, demand
There may be several reasons for wanting to place water in the vicinity of the crop, such as providing the crop with sufficient water and influencing the climate around the crop. Depending on the needs of the crop or the circumstances, there is a desire to irrigate.
The water dosage consists of a start program, a valve group, a valve, a line and a water system. One part of this system is purely software, while the other part can also be seen in the hardware. Firstly, a description of the parts for starting an irrigation cycle.
In the diagram below, valve group 1 is started by start 1. Valve group 1 passes on the start to the valves 1, 2 and 3 and valve group 2 passes on the start to valves 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Schematic structure of the starting
: start 1
: valve group 1
The start program (I400 Start strategy) consists of a strategy for configuring a desire for irrigation. Depending on the desire, conditions (I400.1 Start installation) can be selected to describe the desire as accurately as possible. If the condition(s) is/are met, an automatic start command is issued to the allocated valve group(s) (I400.4 Allocate start program). It is also possible to issue a manual start command, with the allocated valve group(s) receiving the start command for the irrigation cycle.
The automatic starting can be based on:
• needs of the crop (Start by need (page 38))
• circumstances (Start by circumstance (page 39))
• time (Start by time (page 39))
• other (Other start conditions (page 40))
Valve group
The valve group (I401 Valve group settings) receives a start command from the start program. The valve group then forwards this command or a manual start command from the valve group to the allocated valves in the group (I401.4 Allocate valve to valve group). A valve group includes valves that have the same requirements. The valve group represents a crop or part of a crop. With the valve group, several valves can be configured and started with a small number of settings.
The start can be divided into several phases, with each phase having its own quantity and/or time and recipe. This allows you to divide an irrigation cycle into several phases, such as wetting, fertilising and post-purge, or to specify a different cycle size or recipe for each period of the day.
The valve (I411 Valve settings) receives a start command from the valve group or a manual start command. The valve then activates the connected water system. During a start, a recipe is also sent in which the desired EC and pH value, among other things, have been configured (I403 Recipe settings). The valve must be opened to provide water. The quantity of water to be administered, the maximum time that the valve remains open and the recipe number are determined by the valve itself or by the valve group to which the valve is assigned. Several valves can irrigate simultaneously if the radiation-dependent number of valves and the capacity of the pump permits this.
Start by need
There are a number of starting conditions that indicate when the crop requires irrigation.
Radiation sum / drain
The radiation sum is a sum of the measured radiation and is a measure of the transpiration by the crop. In the event of radiation, the crop must transpire in order to cool down, and with greater radiation there should be greater transpiration. It provides a start condition if the radiation sum exceeds the radiation sum limit after the last start. The transpired quantity of water that is removed from the substrate for the cooling of the crop must be replenished. The radiation sum limit can be increased if there is too much drain and reduced if there is too little drain.
After a radiation sum start, the counted radiation sum is reduced by the radiation sum limit. After a start, the measured radiation sum is not therefore always 0 J/cm2. The measured radiation sum will be limited to the radiation sum limit, so that no more than 1 catch-up cycle is given.
Transpiration sum
The transpiration sum is a sum of the transpiration of water by the crop over a specific period. This calculation takes account of the circumstances, such as the quantity of radiation, the use of pipes, curtain and growing light and the size of the crop. It provides a start condition if the calculated transpiration sum exceeds the desired transpiration sum limit after the last start. The transpired quantity of water that is removed from the substrate for the cooling of the crop must be replenished.
The desired transpiration sum limit is determined by deducting the water dosage from the desired drain amount. If there is too much or too little drainage, the desired transpiration sum limit can then be corrected, so that the next start will be earlier or later. Even if transpiration sum starting has not been selected, the data from the transpiration sum can
be used for checking/monitoring.
After a transpiration sum start, the counted transpiration sum is reduced by the transpiration sum limit. After a start, the measured transpiration sum is not therefore always 0 J/cm2. The measured transpiration sum will be limited to the transpiration sum limit, so that no more than 1 catch-up cycle is given.
The transpiration is a calculation of the rate of evaporation of water by the crop based on the weight measurement of the substrate. It provides a start condition if the transpiration speed rises above the transpiration limit, in order to prevent the substrate becoming too dry.
Dry-out (drain percentage)
The dry-out is a measure of the drying out of the substrate. The dry-out is used to strive for a specific humidity of the substrate or a specific drain percentage. It provides a start condition if the drying out of the substrate and/or the drain percentage exceeds the dry-out limit. The dry-out is determined with weighing scales and a rapid drain measurement.
Moisture level
Depending on the type of substrate, the moisture level can be measured, for instance with weighing scales or a moisture level sensor. A start condition is provided if the measured moisture level is lower than the moisture level limit to prevent it becoming too dry.
Tension limit
The moisture level can be measured in a substrate with a tensiometer. A start condition is provided if the measured tension is higher than the specified tensiometer limit. The tension of the substrate (or the soil) will increase as the substrate becomes drier.
Start by circumstance
The start condition can be used to improve the effects of negative circumstances. In many cases, a combination of these start conditions will be used to actually start the irrigation.
Temperature start
A start condition is provided if the measured temperature is higher or lower than the temperature limit. By starting above a temperature limit, the irrigation can be used for cooling. Starting below an (external) temperature limit may be desirable as frost protection.
Humidity start
A start condition is provided if the measured air humidity is lower than the humidity limit. The irrigation can therefore be used for humidification.
Radiation start
A start condition is provided if the measured radiation is higher or lower than the radiation limit. By starting above a radiation limit, the irrigation can be used for cooling. Starting below a radiation limit may be desirable to make a chalk shading transparent.
Start by time
There are a number of ways of starting at a specific time or after an elapsed time.
Maximum interval time
The maximum rest time results in starts after a fixed rest time. If this is selected in combination with other start conditions in a period, then this maximum interval time is used as a monitor for the other start conditions. If at the moment that the maximum interval time has elapsed, the start conditions have not yet been met, then a start will be provided on the basis of the maximum interval time. At that moment, the elapsed rest time is reset to 0. The maximum rest time then serves as a minimum start frequency.
Day clock
The day clock provides, with a fixed (minimum) rest time, one or more starts from the start time. The day clock provides the starts until the required number of starts have been initiated. If required, the clock starts are repeated on the following day. The start time is the start time of the period and not of the start, unless you use more periods.
If you set a clock start in the active period, the start is performed immediately.
Week clock
The week clock provides, with a fixed (minimum) rest time, one or more starts from the start time. For each day of the week the week clock provides the number of starts until the required number of starts have been initiated. If required, the clock starts are repeated the following week.
If you set a clock start in the active period of the current day, the start is performed immediately.
Start sequence
The start sequence is a component of the start program (I400.3 Start sequence). The start sequence enables a once-only sequence of starts to be carried out, either immediately or at a start time. For each start, you can specify whether it is to be carried out. A start can start a phase or all phases of the linked valve group(s). It is possible to set an interval time between the starts in the sequence.
Other start conditions
In addition to starting by the need of the crop, by time and circumstances, there are other possibilities for starting the irrigation.
Manual start
A manual start ensures that starting takes place immediately, regardless of any other conditions that have been set. The elapsed interval time is set to 0, and the elapsed radiation sum and transpiration sum are adjusted.
A manual start can start the following program components:
• Start, whereby the elapsed rest time is set to 0 after the previous start. In that case, the manual start is an anticipation of the upcoming start and possibly an additional start;
• Valve group, whereby nothing happens with the elapsed rest time. It is possible that a short time after the manual start an automatic start will also take place;
• Valve, whereby nothing happens with the elapsed rest time. It is possible that a short time after the manual start an automatic start will also take place.
External start
The external start provides a start condition if the external start condition becomes valid. The installer can configure this.
Water, supply
If a valve receives a start command, the water system is activated to meet the demand for water. In addition, water of a particular composition is requested via the recipe number that is sent with the demand.
A: A-tank fertiliser stock ECs: EC supply control
B: B-tank fertiliser stock
Z: acid or lye
dc: dosing channel
The line forms the connection between the valve (I411.4 Allocate valves to main) and the water system (I430.4 Allocate water system to main). If the valve demands water, the line must supply water. The line activates the water system in order to be able to supply the water.
After a change in the requested recipe, the line may be rinsed (I415 Rinse valve settings) if the new recipe is in a different flushing group (I403.2 Recipe flushing group).
Recipes (I403 Recipe settings) indicate the water composition and conditions of the water to be used for irrigation. The origin and composition of the supply water, the dosage (EC and pH), the water temperature and the destination of the drain water are defined in the recipes.
EC supply control
The EC supply control can mix water from different stocks on the basis of the measured EC of the water mixture. This is usually a mixture of drain water and fresh water (for instance rain water or osmosis water). Mixing can also be controlled by flow. You can use the EC supply control to determine the EC of the supply water and the water composition, to which fertilisers can then be added.
EC control
In the EC control, fertilisers are added to the supply water using the dosing channels. For each dosing channel, you can specify how much fertiliser should be added in accordance with the fertilisation recipe. The EC control achieves the desired EC of the irrigation water.
pH control
In the pH control, acid or lye is added to the supply water using the dosing channels. For each dosing channel, you can specify how much acid or lye should be added in accordance with the fertilisation recipe. The pH control achieves the desired pH of the irrigation water.
Dosage monitoring
The dosage monitors (I420 Monitor dosage) the EC and the pH of the irrigation water based on the measured values relative to the calculated values for EC and pH.
The Vialux is a drain water disinfector suitable for selective or total disinfection.
The Vialux uses UV radiation. UV radiation is damaging for organisms and can kill the organisms if it is strong enough. You can use the radiation dose of the disinfector to select whether selective or total disinfection should take place.
Selective disinfection kills fungi and bacteria. Total disinfection kills fungi, bacteria and also viruses.
Radiation dose
The radiation dose is the total quantity of energy in the form of UV-C radiation to which the water is exposed. The radiation dose depends on three factors:
• Radiation intensity (I403 Recipe settings); the number of operational hours is also of importance here
• Exposure time of the water in the radiation chamber
• Transmission of the water (T10)
T10 is the percentage of UV-C light remaining after the light has passed through an aquifer with a thickness of 10 millimetres. The lower the T10 value, the more energy is needed to achieve the radiation dose.
Filtration and cleaning
Particles floating in the water create shadows and may harbour bacteria. It is therefore very important to use a good (sand) filter. To prevent the (sand) filter from clogging up, it is necessary to regularly back wash the sand filter. The sand filter is back washed after a quantity of treated water or as a result of a pressure difference across the sand filter.
A wiper mechanism cleans the quartz tube with the UV lamps. The radiation intensity is continually measured using a UV-C sensor. If the radiation dose falls below the desired value, a acid dosing takes place with a wiper action (I452 Disinfector cleaning). If the UV-C dose is still too low, the lamps switch on. If the radiation dose increases insufficiently after the cleaning action and the switching up of the lamps, the Vialux will show a malfunction.
A disinfection cycle can be followed by an acid dosing to ensure that, with a pH of around 3, there is no precipitation and the quartz tube is completely clean before the start of the next disinfection cycle.
What should we do if ...
In this part of the manual you will find a help section for resolving undesirable situations. Often, a limitation of a control will be active. Where can you find the limitation, and is it correct?
Problems caused by the installation are not described in this manual.
How to change the time, for instance from summer to winter time?
See Time synchronisation settings (page 12).
The temperature is too high
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively high temperature:
• Heating (page 20); is the calculated heating temperature too high as a result of the setting or influences?
• Minimum hot water temperature (page 21); is the calculated minimum hot water temperature too high as a result of the setting or influences?
• Hot air heating (page 21); is the hot air heating on correctly?
• Ventilation (page 21); is the calculated ventilation temperature too high as a result of the setting or influences?
• Maximum vent (page 23); is a limit active?
• F&P cooling (page 24); is a limit active?
• Shading curtain (page 26); should the shading curtain be closed to screen irradiation?
• Gap (page 27); is the curtain closed and should a gap become active?
• Air circulation (page 29); the fans may run to create sufficient air movement and to prevent differences in climate.
• Humidification (page 28); should the humidification system be switched on for cooling?
• CO2 (page 27); should the CO2 dosage be reduced to keep the plant active?
• Temperature start (page 39); should the overhead irrigation be started?
The temperature is too low
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively low temperature:
• Heating (page 20); is the calculated heating temperature too low as a result of the setting or influences?
• Maximum hot water temperature (page 20); is the calculated minimum hot water temperature too low as a result of the setting or influences?
• Hot air heating (page 21); is the hot air heating limited?
• Ventilation (page 21); is the calculated ventilation temperature too low as a result of the setting or influences?
• Minimum vent (page 23); is a minimum vent active?
• Energy curtain (page 25); should the energy curtain be closed to limit the energy loss?
• Gap (page 27); is the curtain closed or is a gap active?
• Air circulation (page 29); the fans may run to create sufficient air movement and to prevent differences in climate.
• Growing light (page 29); should the growing light be on to supply additional heat?
• Temperature start (page 39); should the night frost irrigation be started?
The air humidity is too high
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively high air humidity:
• Minimum hot water temperature (page 21); a humidity adjustment of the minimum water temperature is possible.
• Ventilation (page 21); a humidity adjustment of the ventilation temperature is possible.
• Minimum vent (page 23); a humidity-dependent increase in the minimum vent is possible.
• Gap (page 27); a humidity gap is possible.
• Air circulation (page 29); the fans may run to create sufficient air movement and to prevent differences in climate.
The air humidity is too low
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively low air humidity:
• Minimum hot water temperature (page 21); a humidity adjustment of the minimum water temperature is possible.
• Ventilation (page 21); a humidity adjustment of the ventilation temperature is possible.
• Maximum vent (page 23); a humidity-dependent reduction in the maximum vent is possible to retain humidity.
• Humidity curtain (page 26); the curtain may be closed in order to conserve moisture.
• Humidification (page 28); should the humidification system be switched on to humidify?
• CO2 (page 27); should the CO2 dosage be reduced to keep the plant active?
• Humidity start (page 39); should the overhead irrigation be started?
The CO2 concentration is too high
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively high concentration of CO2:
• CO2 (page 27); is passive dosing taking place for too long? Is the monitoring of the climate set too loosely? Is the calculated dosage too high as a result of the setting or of influences?
• Hot air heating (page 21); does the hot air system remain active for too long for another reason?
The CO2 concentration is too low
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively low concentration of CO2:
• CO2 (page 27); is there a limit from the climate? Is the calculated dosage too low as a result of the setting or of influences?
• Hot air heating (page 21); is there a limit on the hot air system?
• CO2 management (page 35); has a source been released for dosing? Is there a limit on the CO2 production?
• CO2 transport (page 35); is the CO2 protection active?
• External source / Liquid CO2 (page 35); is the source malfunctioning?
• Boiler (page 35); is the boiler malfunctioning? What is the CO2-production capacity?
• HP (page 35); is the HP malfunctioning?
• Heat management (page 32); is there still sufficient space for heat storage?
The air movement is too high
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively high air movement:
• Maximum vent (page 23); should the maximum vent be limited further?
• Air circulation (page 29); are the fans running?
The air movement is too low
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively low air movement:
• Maximum vent (page 23); has the maximum vent position been limited?
• Minimum vent (page 23); is the minimum vent position too small?
• Air circulation (page 29); are the fans running?
The water dosage is too high
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively high water dosage:
• Start (page 37); have the starting conditions been set correctly? Are too many starts being made? Has a minimum rest time been set?
• Valve group (page 38); is the cycle size too large?
• Valve (page 38); is the cycle size too large?
• Radiation sum / drain (page 38); is the radiation sum limit too low? Is there a drain correction on the radiation sum?
• Maximum interval time (page 39); is the maximum rest time too short?
The water dosage is too low
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively low water dosage:
• Start (page 37); have the starting conditions been set correctly? Are too few starts being made? Is the minimum rest time too long?
• Valve group (page 38); is the cycle size too small?
• Valve (page 38); is the cycle size too small? Is a valve malfunctioning?
• Radiation sum / drain (page 38); is the radiation sum limit too high? Is there a drain correction on the radiation sum?
The nutrient dosage is too high
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively high nutrient dosage:
• Recipe (page 41); are the desired EC supply, EC and pH too high? Must a radiation decrease of the EC be used?
The nutrient dosage is too low
There follows a summary of and reference to the various controls that may result in or may resolve an excessively low nutrient dosage:
• Recipe (page 41); are the desired EC supply, EC and pH too low? Is there a radiation decrease of the EC? Is the quantity per dosing channel sufficient?
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