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1 Corporate Profile
Queentec International Chad Co., Ltd ( Queentec Chad for short) is a company specialized in minimizing the environmental footprint of drilling operations. With over 150 employees and based at one technical center, two operating centers and one business center in China, Queentec Chad is an vital part of Beijing Queentec Environmental Protection Sci-tech Co., Ltd( Beijing Queentec for short).
Queentec Chad will work as a professional supplier of developing drilling waste mud and cuttings treatment service in Chad, and Striving for excellence, technical innovation and teamwork are the center of who Queentec Chad is. Based on such principles, the companies adopts a number of technologies with Chinese national patents in drilling waste mud and cuttings treatment service and always focus on delivering superior solutions that improve customer performance.
In China, Beijing Queentec’s technology services and solutions have helped drilling operators to clean up and reuse drilling fluids, process separated water, non-toxic mud and cuttings. Such point of concept gives operators an environmentally proven solution for working in highly regulated areas where waste minimization is high priorities. And Queentec Chad will supply the same services in Chad. 
On a large scale, the environmental emphasis and expertise of Queentec Chad are guiding forces behind the company’s focus on drilling waste mud and cuttings management in Chad, as Queentec Chad examine the total impact a well can have ,and all the ways in which the company can give the customers and local government more value, as well as benefit the local environment.
2 About the Technology
2.1 Propose of the technique
To solve the problem thoroughly for contaminate from waste drilling fluid. 
2.2 Technical coverage
To solve the contaminate problem from the very beginning to the end for the whole operation period.
2.3 Advantage of the technique: 
Mot only minimizing waste, but also transforming it into a beneficial resource.
2.4 Advantage of the technique: 
Special technique to remove oil elements in the drilling waste mud and cuttings.
Special technique to change heavy metal ions (HMI) contains in the drilling waste mud and cuttings into stable non-toxic forms.
Allows onsite disposal of treated drill solids 
Cost savings from high oil and diesel recovery rate 
Environmentally sound, onsite disposal of treated drill solids 
Elimination of expensive, offsite transport and disposal 
Reduced mobilization costs and rig‐up time 
Flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing site conditions with minimal downtime 
High throughput 
Safe operation
2.5 Process follow chart:
1) Treatment while drilling
    There are 7 groups of equipments for drilling waste mud and cuttings treating service while drilling, with the process as follows:
1、 Install all of the equipments beside the drilling platform. Through dense phase conveying technology, drilling waste liquid including drilling waste mud and cuttings are collected from drilling platform into the Collecting/Separating and Pretreating System. In this system, non-toxic cuttings more than 5 mm in diameter will be separated from the drilling waste liquid and showered by sprinklers fixed in the system. After that, the clean cuttings will be throw out and be used for drilling site construction and the density, viscosity and other physical properties of the rest drilling waste liquid will be controlled by this system to meet the subsequent processing requirements. Furthermore, It is worth mentioning that such Collecting/Separating and Pretreating System is highly efficient processes for reclaiming valuable drilling fluids, recovering hydrocarbons, minimizing waste and preparing solid materials for the following disposal.
2、 Pump the pretreated drilling waste liquid from Collecting/Separating and Pretreating System into the Temp Storage Tank, thus the liquid will be prelimily precipitated and pumped into the Chemical Mixing System.
3、 In Chemical Mixing System, drilling waste liquid with high viscosity will be stirred by agitators installed in this system. As the same time as the agitators work, chemicals and water will be added into such liquid for even reaction to break the colloid state of it. After this step, drilling waste liquid solid-liquid separation is realized and solid will deposit in the bottom.
4、 Pump the solid and water mixture from Chemical Mixing System into the Oil Removing System, separating oil emulsions for recovery, cleaning purpose and disposal. The oil  separated here will be collected. 
5、 Pump the solid and water mixture without oil element from the Oil Removing System into the Physical Drying System. In this system, plate-frame pressure filtration will work to remove the water from the mixture. The mixture above will be transported through the filter cloth under certain pressure of the equipments, while solid will be left in the filter chamber, and gradually form filter mud cakes. In the same time, removed water will be carried to the holes on the plate-frame for excretion, for which can be reused as drilling water supplies in the name of water circulating. And non-toxic mud will be collected in the same system.
6、 After circulating for drilling water, the excess waste water will be pumped into the Water Treatment System. This system introduces three steps of waste water treatment. For the first step, remove the most of the suspended solids and about 30% organic contaminants in the waste water by physical filtration. For the second step, remove 90% organic contaminants exist in the form of colloidal and dissolved state by chemical method. For the third step, choose reverse osmosis treatment technology, to further remove the suspended solid substance, inorganic pollutants and other contaminants in the sewage and get clean water at last.
In additional service, Queentec Chad will operate a specialized laboratory, where environmental staff conduct exhaustive tests of toxicity, recyclability and reuse.
 2) Treatment after drilling
    There are 8 groups of equipments for drilling waste mud and cuttings treating service after drilling, with the process as follows:
1、 Install all of the equipments beside the waste mud and cuttings pit, and transport the waste mud and cuttings form pit into Agitating tank by excavator. Add water into the Agitating tank and stirred the waste mud and cuttings by agitators. Screen out large pieces of garbage that my jam the following equipments by Mesh Screen and then pump the waste above into the Collecting/Separating and Pretreating System.
2、 In the Collecting/Separating and Pretreating System, non-toxic cuttings more than 5 mm in diameter will be separated from the drilling waste liquid and showered by sprinklers fixed in the system. After that, the clean cuttings will be throw out and be used for drilling site construction and the density, viscosity and other physical properties of the rest drilling waste liquid will be controlled by this system to meet the subsequent processing requirements. Furthermore, It is worth mentioning that such Collecting/Separating and Pretreating system is highly efficient processes for reclaiming valuable drilling fluids, recovering hydrocarbons, minimizing waste and preparing solid materials for the following disposal.
3、 Pump the pretreated drilling waste liquid from Collecting/Separating and Pretreating system into the Oil Removing System, separating oil emulsions for recovery, cleaning purpose and disposal. The oil separated here will be collected.
4、 Pump the drilling waste liquid without oil element from Oil Removing system into the Chemical Mixing System. Drilling waste liquid with high viscosity will be stirred by agitators installed in the Chemical Mixing system. As the same time as the agitators work, chemicals and water will be added into such liquid for even reaction to break the colloid state of it. After this step, drilling waste mud solid-liquid separation is realized and solid will deposit in the bottom.
5、 Pump the solid and water mixture without oil element from the Chemical Mixing system into the Physical Drying System. In this system, plate-frame pressure filtration will work to remove the water from the mixture. The mixture above will be transported through the filter cloth under certain pressure of the equipments, while solid will be left in the filter chamber, and gradually form filter mud cakes. In the same time, removed water will be carried to the holes on the plate-frame for excretion, for which can be reused as water supplies to meet the needs of  the Agitating tank and Collecting/Separating and Pretreating system operation.  Such circulating water will be stored in the Water Tank. And non-toxic mud will be collected in the Physical Drying system.
6、 After circulating for Agitating tank and Collecting/Separating and Pretreating system operation, the excess waste water will be pumped into the Water Treatment System. This system introduces three steps of waste water treatment. For the first step, remove the most of the suspended solids and about 30% organic contaminants in the waste water by physical filtration. For the second step, remove 90% organic contaminants exist in the form of colloidal and dissolved state by chemical method. For the third step, choose reverse osmosis treatment technology, to further remove the suspended solid substance, inorganic pollutants and other contaminants in the sewage and get clean water at last.
In additional service, Queentec Chad will operate a specialized laboratory, where environmental staff conduct exhaustive tests of toxicity, recyclability and reuse.
2.6 Comparison before and after treating 
3 Main Equipments
3.1 Collecting/Separating and Pretreating system
No. Description
1 Dimension  13x2.7x2.7 meter
2 Weigh 11 ton
3 Capacity 20 m3/hour
4 Power consumption 36 kw/hour
3.2 Chemical mixing system
No. Description
1 Dimension  13x2.7x2.7 meter
2 Weigh 11 ton
3 Capacity 20 m3/hour
4 Power consumption 30 kw/hour
3.3 Oil Remove system
No. Description
1 Dimension  13x2.7x2.7 meter
2 Weigh 13 ton
3 Capacity 20 m3/hour
4 Power consumption 15 kw/hour
3.4 Water treatment system
No. Description
1 Dimension  13x2.7x2.7 meter
2 Weigh 10 ton
3 Capacity 20 m3/hour
4 Power consumption 24 kw/hour
3.5 Physical Drying System
No. Description
1 Dimension  13x2.7x2.7 meter
2 Weigh 8 ton
3 Capacity 20 m3/hour
4 Power consumption 35 kw/hour
4 Team Introduction
Queentec Chad’s target is to build a first rate company in the field of drilling waste mud and cuttings management industry. Queentec Chad people operate with an awareness of the environment and a sense of responsibility for protecting it. This awareness has guided and driven a company-wide program of product development, refinement and application focused on protection and sustainability.
Managing group.
one general manager/ one operating manager/one chief engineer/one senior engineer for equipment development and making and one manager for company internal affairs management.
Technical group
    There are 3 engineers working in a group for research and solving tough problems. They are always keeping in their mind the new concept of green and clean production, energy saving and minimizing discharge when solving any problems in drilling fluid treating.
Operating group.
    The operating group always keep in line with the QHSE system. They will work hard to provide high quality service for our customer and quality first, service first, keep the discharge 100% reached national standard is their target.
QHSE group
 Our HSE&S professionals partner with managers across all departments and every business segment to develop specific programs tailored to meet local needs aligned with corporate goals. This strategy enables HSE&S integration with the business, regardless of the product, service, project, or location through:
•measurable goals promoting continual improvement toward zero incidents and the prevention of pollution
•line management accountability for HSE&S matters and the individual contribution of all employees
•recognition by all employees that, as a condition of employment, and contractors as a condition of working with us, safety and environmental protection are first and foremost, and they are responsible for their safety and the safety of those around them.
We minimize our environmental footprint, which includes conserving resources, such as energy and water, reducing waste and spills and increasing recycling.
We promote a culture where Stop Work Authority is exercised freely and is valued as a proactive process to control HSE&S risks and impacts. We integrate HSE&S and social considerations into our business decisions, plans, and operations and ensure the security of our employees and operations in our increasingly complex business.
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