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当地时间周三,法国巴黎动物园(Paris Zoological Park)向媒体展示了一种奇特的生物。

图 via CNN

这种生物外形呈鲜亮的黄色黏液状,被称为“粘液菌”(slime mold)或叫“多头粘液”(the many headed slime)。它看起来像菌类,却有着动物的行为能力。它没有腿或翅膀,却能以每小时4厘米的速度爬行。假如被一分为二,它能在两分钟内自愈。它不止有两种性别,而是有着多达720种性别(科学家们怎么知道的?)最神奇的是,它没有大脑,却会解决问题

图 via Reuters

"It surprises us because it has no brain but is able to learn (...) and if you merge two blobs, the one that has learned will transmit its knowledge to the other," aid Bruno David, director of the Paris Museum of Natural History, of which the Zoological Park is part.


Researchers say the organism, which has been loosely identified as some kind of slime mold, is capable of a learning.


In an experiment from 2016, researchers found that they could teach the mold to cross a bridge lined with salt - a substance the mold was initially repulsed by.


Furthermore, they found that when they combined a slime mold with another mold that had not been taught to cross the bridge, the learning transferred into the new organism.


▲Meet the Blob: Organism with no brain and almost 720 sexes that regenerates in TWO MINUTES after being cut in-half is showcased at Paris zoo (via Daily Mail)

图 via Reuters


It first came to public's attention in May 1973, after a Texas woman discovered a rapidly-expanding yellow blob growing in her backyard. With its otherworldly, extraterrestrial appearance, the blob became a brief media sensation, even picking up a mention in the New York Times.


The Texas blob died as quickly as it had appeared.


Scientists initially grew the blob in petri dishes, feeding it oatmeal, its favorite food, according to a video published by the Zoological Park. Once it had reached a certain size, it was grafted onto tree bark -- which it feeds on -- and placed in a terrarium, where visitors will be able to view it from October 19.


"Acacia trees, oak bark and chestnut bark are its favorite places," said the zoo's Marlene Itan.


The blob is normally found on forest floors in Europe, she added. "It thrives in temperatures oscillating between 19 and 25 degrees Celsius (66 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit) and when humidity levels reach 80% to 100%," she said.


Almost immortal, its only foes are light and drought, according to the zoo's press release. But it can hibernate during several years when threatened, it added.


▲The 'blob': Paris zoo unveils unusual organism which can heal itself and has 720 sexes (via CNN)

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