时间:2019-09-25 08:44 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
文章转载自环球时报GlobalTimes 一堂关于种族主义的讨论课程。 据今日俄罗斯电视台22日报道,北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校可能有点小烦恼。一堂关于白人至上和种族主义(white privilege and racism)的研讨课,全校只有9人选上了这节课。要知道,这个分校可有3万名学生。 据报道,去年,该学校推出同样课程,由于只邀请白人学生参加,遭到大家强烈反对和抵制。最后,他们改了说法,有色人种也可以参加讨论。 今年,这项研讨课程似乎开展地也不顺利! Of those nine, two were journalists there to cover the workshop, and two said their professors offered them extra credit for attending. The remaining five were members of the university’s chapter of conservative group Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), who came “more out of curiosity and concern about the nature of the seminar.” 在这九个人中,有两名是在那里报道研讨会的记者,还有两名说,如果他们出席课程,他们的教授会给他们额外学分。其余五人是该大学保守派“争取自由的美国青年”组织(YAF)分会成员,他们来的原因更多是:“ 出于好奇以及对研讨会性质的担忧”。 ▲RT - US university racism workshop returns, just NINE students come to learn about white privilege
保守派教育类新闻网站 College Fix 是这样报道的: ...the racism is what white people do to people of color and should not be confused with raicial discrimination, which covers all forms of mistreatment based on race. 种族主义是白人怎么对待有色人种,但是不能和种族歧视混淆。种族歧视包括各种在种族基础上采取的不恰当行为。 “I think the creators of this event had good intentions, but… we had two different definitions of racism. Unfortunately, if we can’t agree on the definition of racism then we can’t make any meaningful steps towards productive change,” YAF member Kelly VonEnde told the Fix. YAF成员Kelly VonEnde告诉Fix,“我认为这次活动的发起者有 良好的意愿,但是……我们对种族主义有两种不同的定义。不幸的是,如果我们不能就种族主义的定义 达成共识,那么我们就无法采取任何有意义的步骤来实现变革。” ▲RT - US university racism workshop returns, just NINE students come to learn about white privilege 网友都乐了,纷纷留言:
How about holding a seminar that runs through the list of special privileges that black students get? Beginning with softer admissions requirements at most schools. 办一场关于非洲裔学生特权的研讨会怎么样?欢迎大家都来。
I'm surprised more professors didn't offer extra credit as a way of forcing them to attend. 我很惊讶教授们竟然没有以学分要求大家都去参加。
This is good news, perhaps. Or maybe its just that "white privilege" seminars are old-hat (they've been around for ten years or more) and the left has moved on to trans and gender issues as the new rallying point. 也许这是好事。或者说“白人至上”的研讨会已经过时了(这些研究已经被讨论了十年或者更长时间了),学校应该更多地讨论性别研究等。
Only one race. We are all humans with different levels of melanin in our skin. 只有一个种族。我们都是人类,只不过身上的黑色素多少不一样。
We're too busy studying to attend. Deal with it! 我们学业太忙了,没时间参加!应该先把这事处理了! 据人民日报9月3日的报道,美国教育部民权数据收集办公室收集了近2.5万所美国高中的信息,总体上非洲裔学生占总数的15%,但是学校间的种族分化问题严重,约40%的非洲裔学生就读于以黑人为主的学校,而在白人为主的学校,非洲裔学生比例很低。 美国的种族不平等可以在很多方面体现: People of color continue to endure rampant discrimination in the housing market: 17 percent of Native Americans, 25 percent of Asian Americans, 31 percent of Latinos, and 45 percent of African Americans report experiencing discrimination when trying to rent or buy housing. By contrast, just 5 percent of white Americans report experiencing housing discrimination. 有色人种在住房市场继续遭到严重的歧视:17%的美洲原住民,25%的亚裔,31%的拉丁裔和45%的非洲裔美国人表示在尝试租房或购买住房时遭受歧视。相比之下,仅有5%的美国白人报告在住房市场遭受歧视。 ▲Center for American Progress - Systemic Inequality: Displacement, Exclusion, and Segregation (2019)
据知名智库美国进步中心发布的《系统性不平等》报告(2018年发),过去30年里美国种族收入差异最小的年份是1998年,非洲裔美国人的财富中位数约为白人的16%。 African Americans own approximately one-tenth of the wealth of white Americans. In 2016, the median wealth for nonretired black households 25 years old and older was less than one-tenth that of similarly situated white households. 非洲裔美国人只拥有大约白人财富的十分之一左右。2016年,还在工作的25岁及以上的非洲裔美国人的财富中位数,不及白人财富中位数的10%。 The black-white wealth gap has not recovered from the Great Recession. In 2007, immediately before the Great Recession, the median wealth of blacks was nearly 14 percent that of whites. Although black wealth increased at a faster rate than white wealth in 2016, blacks still owned less than 10 percent of whites’ wealth at the median. 非洲裔美国人和白人美国人之间的贫富差距尚未从大萧条中恢复。2007年,就在大萧条之前,非洲裔美国人的财富中位数几乎是白人的14%。尽管2016年非洲裔美国人的财富增长速度快于白人财富增长速度,但非洲裔美国人的财富中位数仍然不到白人的10%。 ▲Center for American Progress - Systematic Inequality
这个报告提到,非洲裔美国人家庭更加需要储蓄,由于种种原因,他们更有可能遭受到经济萧条带来的负面冲击(experience negative income shocks),但获得紧急备用金的可能性较小。结果,非洲裔美国人家庭在紧急情况下更有可能背上债务(go into debt)。
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