时间:2019-09-16 08:45 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
报告指出,截止到2019年6月,中国网民规模达8.54亿,中国互联网普及率达61.2%。 China's internet users totaled 854 million as of June 2019, with the internet availability rate reaching 61.2 percent, according to a report from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC).
▌9成网民没有上过大学,初中生占比最大 数据显示,约9成中国网民没有上过大学。 其中初中、高中/中专/技校学历的网民群体占比分别为38.1%、23.8%;受过大学专科、大学本科及以上教育的网民群体占比分别为10.5%、9.7%。 Data shows that nearly 90 percent of internet users in China have not attended or are yet to attend university. Those with junior and senior high school education account for 38.1 percent and 23.8 percent of the online population respectively.
▌网民群体中学生最多 在我国网民群体中,学生最多,占比为26.0%;其次是个体户/自由职业者,占比为20.0%;企业/公司的管理人员和一般人员占比共计11.8%。
Students make up the bulk of China's net users, accounting for 26%. the bulk (of sth) :某物的主要部分
▌超7成网友月收入不足5000 个人收入结构上,超过7成网友月收入不足5000。其中无收入及月收入在500元以下的网民群体占比为19.9%,月收入在2001-5000元的网民群体合计占比超过三分之一,为33.4%;月收入在5000元以上的网民群体占比为27.2%。 Over 70 percent of internet users earn less than 5,000 yuan per month. Users with a monthly income higher than 5,000 yuan account for 27.2 percent of the total.
此外,截至2019年6月,我国非网民规模为5.41亿,其中城镇地区非网民占比为37.2%,农村地区非网民占比为62.8%,非网民仍以农村地区人群为主。 ▌网上订外卖的用户占比近半 截至2019年6月,我国网络支付用户规模达6.33亿,较2018年底增长3265万,占网民整体的74.1%。 A total of 633 million people made online payments as of June, 32.65 million more than the figure of December 2018, said the report.
手机网络支付用户规模达6.21亿,较2018年底增长3788万,占手机网民的73.4%。 About 621 million people used mobile payments in China as of June, up 37.88 million compared with 2018.
网上外卖用户规模4.21亿,占网民整体49.3%。其中,手机网上外卖用户规模达4.17亿。 Meanwhile, about 421 million people ordered food online, up 15.16 million over the end of 2018, 417 million of whom did so on a mobile phone, up 20.37 million.