时间:2019-09-09 08:21 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
深信对用户的喜好和习惯都了如指掌的脸书(Facebook),终于也在美国推出了它的手机端新功能“约会”(Dating)。 作为全球最大的社交媒体平台,脸书拥有超过2亿名“单身”用户。当地时间周四,脸书在它的手机客户端推出了“约会”新功能,旨在帮助用户通过其强大的数据库资料,找到与自己志同道合、志趣相投的另一半。
此前,国外已经推出过多款约会交友类社交软件,例如Tinder、Hinge和Bumble等,它们各自也都有一些独特的功能,帮助用户快速“锁定”潜在约会对象。 那脸书的这个“约会”功能有什么特别之处呢? The new service, Facebook Dating, can be accessed in the Facebook app but requires users to create a separate dating-specific profile. 新服务“脸书约会”可以通过脸书的应用程序访问,但要求用户创建一个单独的特定用于约会的个人资料。 It then links users with potential matches based on location, indicated preferences, events attended, groups, and other factors. 然后,它根据位置、偏好设置、参加的活动、小组以及其他因素,将用户同其他潜在的与其相匹配的用户连接起来。 Facebook Dating will integrate with Instagram and offer a feature called Secret Crush, which allows users to compile a list of friends they have an interest in, to be matched with if the crush lists them as well. 脸书约会将与Instagram整合,并提供一项名为“暗恋”的功能,允许用户编辑自己感兴趣的朋友列表,如果用户互为“暗恋”的对象,那他们就可以相互配对。 ▲Facebook has launched its new dating service in the US. Sounds safe, right? (via The Guardian) 此外,通常人们总是希望通过自己已有的社交圈来认识朋友的朋友,找到合适的对象。但脸书约会却是反其道而行之,通过屏蔽自己的朋友圈来拓展圈外的约会资源。 Dating apps like Hinge have historically marketed themselves on their ability to match you with friends of friends—people with whom you already have existing social ties. 像Hinge这样的交友软件,它们历来标榜的功能是,可以将用户与其社交圈内的朋友相配对。 Facebook Dating also allows you to do the opposite: You can preemptively turn off matching with friends of friends, which may be a welcome option for anyone who wants to date outside their network. 而脸书约会也允许你反着来:你可以先发制人地关掉与朋友的朋友相配对,这可能对任何想与圈外人士约会的人来说都是一个受欢迎的选择。 You can also block people from seeing your Facebook Dating profile, even if you want them to still have access to your Facebook or Instagram accounts. 你也可以阻止别人看到你的脸书约会资料,即使你希望他们仍然可以访问你的脸书或Instagram账号。 ▲Facebook Dating Is Now Available in the US. Here’s How It Works (via Wired)
其实早在一年多前,脸书就公布了这个约会新功能,却迟迟未在美国推出,而是先在哥伦比亚、巴西、加拿大等19个国家和地区率先试水。美国是其推出这项新功能的第20个国家。而脸书没有从一开始就在全球大范围推广该新功能的原因之一就是,这家社交媒体公司一年多来一直因其数据隐私保护问题而受到抨击,其中最引人瞩目的就是英国剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)的丑闻。 The announcement of Facebook Dating comes days after the company admitted to exposing more than 419m user IDs and phone numbers online, a glitch in June 2018 made private posts of 14 million users public, and another breach in September 2018 compromised the data of 50 million users. 就在宣布约会功能的前几天,脸书公司承认在网上泄露了超过4.19亿个用户ID和电话号码,2018年6月的一个小故障导致1400万用户的私密帖子被公开,2018年9月的另一起黑客攻击事件泄露了5000万用户的数据。 In a separate scandal it was revealed in 2018 the company improperly harvested the data of millions of users through a partnership with campaign firm Cambridge Analytica. 在2018年的另一起丑闻中,脸书收集的数百万用户的数据,被与其合作的政治咨询公司剑桥分析公司滥用。 ▲Facebook has launched its new dating service in the US. Sounds safe, right? (via The Guardian)
如今,脸书希望用户通过它来寻找对象(网上最私密的活动之一),用户怎么看呢? “Facebook is here to make money and I get that,” said Seth Carter, 32, an engineer from Terre Haute, Ind., who tried a host of dating apps including Match, Bumble, Tinder and Christian Mingle before his current relationship. “脸书是来赚钱的,我明白这一点,”32岁的Terre Haute公司工程师塞斯·卡特说道。在和目前的交往对象确定关系前,他尝试过很多约会软件,包括Match, Bumble, Tinder和Christian Mingle。 But he worries that Facebook’s stated commitment to privacy would ultimately buckle under pressure to make money off the service. “That likely means they’re going to sell my dating preferences, which means even more intrusions into my life.” 但他担心,脸书对隐私的公开承诺最终会屈服于赚钱的压力。“这很可能意味着他们要出售我的约会偏好,这意味着对我生活更多的干预。” ▲Going from like to love: Facebook online dating service launches in U.S. (via Los Angeles Times) 社交媒体上,网友也是纷纷不看好脸书新推出的这个相亲功能。
Get ready US singles: The company that sold all your data and surfaces old pictures of your ex all the time would now like to help you find love. 美国的单身人士准备好吧:这家一直在出售你所有的数据和公布你前任的旧照片的公司,现在想帮助你找到真爱。
Yeah, I definitely want to give Facebook Dating access to my "Secret Crushes" and the last bit of personal, intimate data they haven't already collected on me. What's not to trust? 是的,我绝对想让脸书约会功能知道我的“暗恋”对象,和他们还没有收集到的关于我的最后一点个人隐私数据。有什么不能相信的呢?
你觉的脸书的约会新功能怎么样?欢迎留言并分享观点!世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |