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00:04 现金循环管理解决方案银行现金循环 Cash cycle management solutions Banking Cycle
00:08-00:17 高昂成本,复杂过程,安全风险和非常低的透明度,银行主管们目前面临着重大挑战。 High costs, complex processes, security risks and very little transparency, bank directors are facing major challenges. 
00:09 银行主管现在所面临的挑战 Today’s challenges of a bank director
00:20 怎么解决? What is the solution?
00:21-00:26 德利多富开发了一个解决方案,可从端对端的方式最佳化零售银行的现金管理。 Windcor Nixdorf has developed a solution that optimizes the cash management in retail banking from end-to-end.
00:27-00:37 现金循环管理解决方案的基础是各个不同的模组,包括咨询,硬件,软件,服务,为每一个银行都带来了明显可见的益处。 Cash cycle management solutions are based on modules consisting of consulting, hardware, software and services that deliver clear benefits to every bank. 
00:40 取款机现金循环 Cash Point Cycle
00:41-01:03 以零售银行为例。自助银行超越了日常的银行营业时间,可在营业日结束的时候,将每日的余额存入银行之中。银行钞票在被验证和测试之后,立刻又可以供客户取款使用,在系统内形成一个封闭式现金循环。那么这样做对零售银行有怎样的益处呢? Let’s us take retailers as an example. Regardless of opening hours, they can bring the day’s takings and deposit them into the bank at the end of a business day. The bank notes are validated and tested for fitness and immediately made available for withdrawal again,creating a closed cash cycle within the system. And how do retailers benefit from this?
01:04-01:34 自助银行的每日余额都会立刻计入银行账户之中,不受银行营业时间的限制。这个过程非常迅捷简单。现金循环系统意味着现金随时可供客户取出使用,而取款机的填充和取现的频率大幅降低。此外,客户对24小时服务也会感到非常便利,从而对银行非常满意。 The daily takings are credited to their accounts immediately and they are not tied to the bank’s opening hour. And the procedures are quick and easy. Cash cycling systems mean that cash is ready for immediate withdrawal, Cash points need to be replenished and emptied much often. What’s more, customers really appreciate the around the clock service and are very satisfied with their bank. 
01:35 自助银行 Self-service
01:36-01:53 这是对未来的投资,通过降低的成本,最佳化流程和最大程度的安全,投资金额仅需两年就可完全收回。银行支行的所有流程随时都可监控。 This is the investment in the future with the full return in just two years through reduced costs, optimized processes, and maximum security. All processes at the bank branch are tracked the whole time.
01:54 自助更换现金盒 Self-service cassette exchange
01:55-02:29 两个自助系统间互换现金盒
Exchanging cash cassettes between two self-service systems Small software monitors the entire cash cycle and for example, automatically informs the bank staff when critical cash threshold levels are imminent, suggesting which cassettes are to be exchanged in order to maintain optimal flow of cash. As a result, bank staff can optimize cash levels quickly and reliably. In addition, a closed cash cycle means that far fewer transports by cash in transit company are required.
02:29-02:45 所有这一切成为可能都需要感谢智能化现金盒的出现,智能化现金盒能精确报告其所含现金数额,并可在不同系统之间互换。而这就给了银行职员更多的时间来从事真正重要的事情,例如客户服务。 All of this is possible thanks to intelligent cash cassette that report their holdings exactly and can be exchanged among the systems. And this gives bank staff more time for really important things, like customer service.
02:45 支行内部现金循环 In-branch cycle
02:46- 这个系统的另一个优势是能够将支行的所有取款机联系起来。假设一个ATM机里的现金即将用尽,软件建议从银行的ATS里取出现金填入该ATM机。一个银行职员将ATM机里的现金盒取走,并更换成从银行内部拿出来的一个现金盒。 Another advantage of the system is the ability to connect all cash points at the branches. Let’s assume that cash cassette of an ATM is almost empty and the software suggests replenishment from the back office ATS. A bank employee removes the indicated cassette and replenishes the system with one from the back office.
03:24-03:49 现金额的变化直接报告给了软件。这个重大现金供应取款被银行前台注意到了。他们将空了的现金盒放入了一个存款频率更高的存取款机中。所有这些流程都是同步的,并能确保所有的存取款机中的现金供应保持在平衡状态。 The new status of the cash levels is reported directly to the software. A critical cash supply is noticed in the front office, the removed empty cassette can be used in a cash point where the frequency of deposit is high. All of these processes are synchronized and ensure a balanced supply of cash among all the cash points.
03:57-04:34 几乎快满的现金盒被送回到银行后台,而后台是这个流程的核心部位。整个现金循环就完成了。所有的现金订单都已履行,而支行的所有存取款机又能够完全为客户服务,而没有任何限制。这是迅捷安全的客户服务的基础。 The almost full cassette from the front office is returned to the back office, which serves as the central hub of this process. This closes the cash cycle. All cash orders are completed, and all cash points at the bank branch are available again without any restriction. This is the basis for fast and secure customer service.
04:35-04:41 给银行完全的透明度和控制权是现金循环管理解决方案的关键。 Giving banks complete transparency and control is the essence of cash cycle management solutions.
04:41 为银行主管提供的增值服务 Added values for a bank director
04:46-04:58 最小化成本和最佳化现金处理流程,使得为银行客户提供咨询时银行能更灵活更自由。而这会为银行带来更多的收入。 Minimised costs and optimized processes of cash handling allow for more flexibility and more freedom when it comes to advising bank customer. And that generates more revenue.
04:59- 德利多富服务公司可承担起现金管理过程和信息技术营运的责任,为大至宽泛复杂的银行网络,小至小银行提供服务。由于全世界各地都标准一致化的现金处理程序,从而使得系统可用性提高了,现金的供应最佳化了。  The Windcor Nixdorf service organization can assume responsibility for cash management processes and IT operations, ranging in size from small branches to broad and complex branch networks. System availability is increased and cash supplies are optimized on the basis of worldwide standardized processes.
04:41-05:07 而银行只需按一下键就可受益于最新的服务信息。愿景变成了现实。现在现金循环管理解决方案集成了专家咨询,适当的硬件和软件解决方案的实施,并提供端对端服务。我们的理念将不同产业的现银行、金循环进行了最佳化处理,将零售商、现金中心和中央银行联系在一起。 And banks can benefit by the latest service information that can be accessed eat the push of a button. A vision becomes reality. Today cash cycle management solutions integrate expert consulting, the implementation of the right hardware and software solutions, and provide end-to-end services. Our concept optimizes the cash cycle across industries, links banks, retailers, cash centers and central banks.
05:08 愿景变成了现实。 Vision becomes reality

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