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00:00—0:11 Today, Wincor Nixdorf will show you that the mind shift has begun. Cash cycle management solutions have become a reality.  今天,德利多富会为您展示思维的转变已经开始了。现金循环管理解决方案已经变成了一个现实。
00:12—00:21 Around the world, cash is still the favorite payment medium. In fact 90% of all payment transactions worldwide have been made in cash. 在全世界各地,现金仍然最令人喜爱的支付媒体。事实上全世界各地90%的支付交易都是通过现金进行的。
00:22-00:29 And of course human behavior and reliance on cash vary greatly from one country to the next. 当然,人类行为和对现金的依赖在各国之间存在着很大的差异。
00:26 High cash usage 现金的高利用率
00:30-00:34 The use of cash is more popular in some countries than in some others. 在有些国家人们更流行使用现金。
00:34 Medium cash usage 现金的中等利用率
00:35-00:43 This makes it necessary to devise specific cash cycle management solution strategies tailored to suit individual needs. 这就使得我们必须设计具体的现金循环管理解决方案战略,来满足不同的需求。
00:40 Low cash usage 现金的低利用率
00:44-01:21 Nevertheless, Worldwide volume of cash in circulation continues to increase. For example, the number of euro bank notes in circulation is growing by 8% yearly, the worldwide annual cost of cash handling amounts to more than 300 billion US dollars, regardless of the total amount of cash handling cost in your country, 60% of these costs are always variable. This is where the cash cycle management solutions from Wincor Nixdorf come in. 全世界的现金量在继续增加。例如,流通中的欧元钞票正在以每年8%的速度增长,而一年之中全世界各地的现金处理费用高达三千亿美元。不管您所在国家的现金处理成本的费用金额如何,这些成本的60% 总是易变的。这就需要德利多富现金循环管理解决方案起到自己的作用了。
00:45 Worldwide volume of cash in circulation continues to increase 全世界的现金量在继续增加
01:23-01:33 In the banking and retail industries, cash process consists of many manual steps. On top, cash replenishment and removal is a logistical nightmare. 在银行和零售业,现金的处理有很多手动的过程。首先,现金的补充和取出是物流业的一个噩梦。
01:34-01:42 Although nearly identical cash handling scenario exists, retail and banking cycles still operate independently. 尽管现金处理的过程几乎是一样的,但是零售业和银行业仍然各自为战,相互独立。
01:43-02:06 The traditional way of cash handling involves a number of pain points. Just imagine: the high security risks in every process step, the lack of cash handling and flows, the immense cash handling costs for all parties involved and the inefficient manual handling processes. 传统的现金处理方式有许多劣势。想象一下:在一个步骤中都存在很高的安全风险,现金持有和流动中缺乏透明性,巨额现金处理成本-这些对于所有当事方而言都是一样的-还有效率地下的现金处理过程。
02:07-02:22  Cash cycle management solutions from Wincor Nixdorf revolutionize the end to end cash cycle and optimize all the cash handling processes, for banks, retailers and cash centers. 德利多富的现金循环解决方案彻底变革了端到端现金循环,最佳化了所有的现金处理过程,对银行、零售商和现金中心而言都一样。
02:23-02:30 First, the banking and retail cycles are streamlined, function as closed cycle in branches and stores. 首先,银行和零售中的现金循环被简化了,成为了一个在银行和店铺中的封闭式循环。
02:31-02:47  Second, the interbusiness cycle ties banking and retail together. By reorganizing the cash flow between the branches and stores,banks can replenish their cash points directly with the retailers and cash supplies. 其次,企业间的现金循环将银行业和零售业绑在了一起。重组了银行和店铺之间的现金流之后,银行可直接补充零售店和现金中心的取款机。
02:48  Third, the cash center cycle brings together banks and retailers and cash in transit companies and cash centers through automated filling and emptying of cash cassettes, all the parties involved in cash handling benefit. 其三,现金中心循环将银行、零售店和在运现金公司和现金中心联系在一起,通过自动补充和提走现金柜,使所有当事方受益。
03:04-03:15 Discover the revolution in cash handling. A vision becomes reality. 这是现金处理的革命。愿景变成了现实。
01:51 High security risks 安全风险高
01:57 Lack of transparency 缺乏透明性
01:59 Immense cash handling costs 巨额的现金处理费用
02:06 Inefficient processes 效率低下的过程

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