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1 Instruction
1.1 Document Overview 
This file describes the payment solution provided for the mobile phone payment industry, used for the internally related developing and technical supporting personnel and commercial tenants service technicians. The files introduces the working mode and development process of Tenpay in the aspects of interactive mode, signature, interface and matters needing attention. It can also help the developers to quickly master the developing skills and can be used as the quick-consulting manual for the interface parameters and parameter types. 
1.2 Reading objects 
This manual is used as reference and inquiry for Tenpay developers and commercial tenants serving technological or business personnel 
1.3 Business terms 
Terms Examples Description 
Commercial tenant No. 1900000109 Account number of air ticket plant is only used for account keeping and allocated with a 10-bit number by Tenant automatically. 
Secrete key 9ba2380ad9b2aacb96bca514eda27ac9 To guarantee no falsification of communication, Tenpay and commercial tenants agree 32-bit character string, used for signature “sign”.  
Account number jpgyf@qq.com
Tenpay account number can support two formats presently, qq number and email account number. 
Amount 100000 Amount, default as RMB, correct to fen, 1000 indicates RMB 10.00
2 Scheme Overview 
2.1 Industry background 
Among electronic business, merchants, sellers and intermediary service provider are the three links of transaction activities. The sellers select the goods and place an order. After the merchants confirm the order, the buyer pays the price of goods to the merchants through intermediary service provider, during this process, the merchants’ website requires the integration of the payment function of intermediary service provider to make the buyer complete the payment of goods amount. Apart from providing payment interface, as a professional intermediary service provider, Tenpay also provides results inquiry interface and order inquiry interface to help commercial tenants to record the goods payment, so as to make the commercial tenants concentrate on commercial goods service. 
The goods payment of commercial tenants shall be settled to the bank account of commercial accounts in the frequency of T0-T7 and charge the handling expenses. This process shall be completed automatically by Tenpay. The commercial tenants do not require the related development work. 
2.2 Interface introduction 
Interface name Request URL Function description Description of results
Initialization of interface https://wap.tenpay.com/cgi-bin/wappayv2.0/wappay_init.cgi Appoint payment parameters when calling the interface, complete the payment of the seller’s account to the commercial tenant’s account, and adopt the page-skipping interacting mode and backstage notifying interacting mode. Initiate wap request and make interactive verification through token_id. 
Payment interface https://wap.tenpay.com/cgi-bin/wappayv2.0/wappay_gate.cgi
Appoint payment parameters when calling the interface, complete the payment of the seller’s account to the commercial tenant’s account, and adopt the page-skipping interacting mode and backstage notifying interacting mode. Results are returned in two ways. One way is to add parameter returning at the back of “callback_url” at the front desk. The other way is to add parameter returning at the back of “callback_url”, requiring backstage “notify_url” response receiving notification. 
Order inquiry interface http://wap.tenpay.com/cgi-bin/wapmainv2.0/wm_query_order.cgi Commercial tenants inquire any order at the backstage and adopt the interacting mode of backstage system calling. Return the specific order contents and status according to order number and XML format. 
2.3 Business realizing flow 
 The blue straight arrows indicates system calling. Back straight arrows indicate the page skipping. 
    Transaction initiation of commercial tenants request: commercial tenants generates the order according to customers’ payment action, including the commercial tenants, commercial ordering No, amount and other payment elements. And submit request for initiation of transaction and obtain token_id.
    1) After Tenpay receives the request of transaction initiation of commercial tenants, the system creates Tenpay trading order and generates token_id simultaneously and returns the token_id. 
2) Commercial tenants ask for WAP payment: commercial tenants generates WAP payment request according to token_id. Guide users to enter into the Tenpay mobile phone payment center by page skipping method. 
3) After users complete payment at Tenpay mobile phone payment center, Tenpay calls “notify_url” to notify the commercial tenants about the transaction results. 
4) Commercial tenants returning results: according to the notification of successful deduction of money, complete the logic processing of goods delivery and return the Tenpay processing results. 
After Tenpay confirms the completion of transaction and skips back to “callback_url” of the commercial tenants. 
2.4 Call back “callback_url”
“callback_url ” shall be WAP page, showing the payment results. 
2.5 Notifying “notify_url” 
In this notifying interface mode, commercial tenants shall guarantee the stability and reliability of “notify_url”. The “notify_url” completes the payment results information delivered by Tenpay, the information of transacting results shall be delivered to the commercial tenants of “GET”. Tenpay only returns the successfully-paid order. 
3 Data format 
3.1 GET or POST
Adopt GET or POST protocol of HTTP standard. In order to guarantee the receiver to receive the correct data, if the transmitted parameters have special characters (like “&, =”) requiring URL Encode. 
GET or POST is generally used for the request or notification of page skipping interacting mode, request of back system calling mode and the request of backstage notifying mode. 
3.2 XML Data format 
Adopt standard XML protocol. All parameters only exist in the first node. Multi-node nesting shall not be adopted.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312" ?>
Generally, returning code “retcode” parameter is arranged. “0” indicates successful calling. “Non-0” indicates failed calling. The results shall not be signed in case of failure, only with “retcode” and returning information “retmsg”.
XML is generally used for the reply of background system calling mode. 
3.3 Character string format
Directly take simple character as the data content. They are generally used as the interface feedback of background notifying mode, indicating whether the treatment is successful or not. 
Returning results Result description 
success Successfully dealt with, “Tenpay” system would not issue following notice after receiving this result.
“fail” or other characters Unsuccessfully dealt with, Tenypay may receive this result or may not receive any result; the system issues another notice through order-supplementing mechanism (referring to Section 6 for details).
4 Digital signature 
To guarantee the authenticity and integrity of data during the data delivery process, we need to make digital signature on the data and make signature verification after receiving the signed data. 
The digital signature includes two steps. Firstly, splice the original strings to be signed as per certain rules. Then select the specific algorithm and secrete key to calculate the signature results. 
Generally, failed results require no signature. 
4.1 Original string of signature  
No matter request or reply, no matter using “get”, “post” or “xml”, the signed primitive strings are combined as character strings in the following way. 
1. Except “sign” field, all parameters shall use the “QueryString” format after following the order of ascii codes of field from small value to large value (key1=value1&key2=value2…) through splice. Vacant value shall not be transmitted or involve in signature string. 
2. All parameters refer to all the non-empty parameters actually appeared in the communication process. Even if the fields without description in the interface, they also require string formation with signature.  If no “test” field exists in refunding interface, in case of commercial tenants request or Tenpay replies, and “test” has value, then “test” field shall participate in signed group string. 
3. In the signed primitive string, field name and field value shall use the primitive value without URL Encode. 
4. The returned reply or notified information from Tenpay may increase parameters due to upgrade. Please pay attention to the conditions when replying this signature. 
Call some interface, the interface has the following field:
“ Partner, total_fee, desc and attach”
In case of actually calling interface, the value of all fields shall be as follows. 
The correctly signed primitive strings shall be:
The common errors include 
Note: the returned result parameter list (6.2.4) in Wap payment interface is very special. The second point is not suitable. That is, all the parameters refer to the parameters describing the interface. 
4.2 Signature algorithm 
Presently, signature algorithm only supports MD5 signature temporarily. 
MD5 signature 
MD5 is a kind of abstract generation algorithm. Add the contents of communication secret key of commercial tenants to signature primitive string for MD5 calculation. The formed abstract character string is the signed results. In order to benefiting for comparison, the signed results can be unifiedly converted as capital characters. 
Note: when signing, convert character string as byte stream conforming to “input_charset” of the designated character set. 
MD5 signature calculation format:
sign = Md5( Original character string &key= commercial tenant secret key) To UpperCase
For example:
Signed original string is : input_charset=GBK&partner=1900000109&total_fee=1
Secret key of commercial tenants : 8db4a013a8b515349c307f1e448ce836
Results of signature:
sign=md5(input_charset=GBK&partner=1900000109&total_fee=1&key=8934e7d15453e97507ef794cf7b0519d)= 8DB4A013A8B515349C307F1E448CE836
5 Order-supplementing mechanism 
As for backstage notifying interacting mode, if Tenpay receives the reply no “success” of commercial tenants or overtime, then Tenpay thinks notification fails, Tenpay will regularly issue notification through some strategy (for example, 8 times within 30 minutes), so as to improve the successful rate of notification, but Tenpay can not guarantee the notification can be successful finally. 
Due to the conditions of redelivery to the backstage notification, considering that same notification may be issued to commercial tenant system for many times. Commercial tenant system must be capable of processing the repetitive notices correctly. 
The recommended practice of Tenpay is to check the status of corresponding business data firstly and judge whether the notice has been processed or not after receiving the notice for processing; if the notice has not been processed, its shall be processed; if it has been processed, it shall return to “successes”, before checking and dealing with the business data, adopt data lock for concurrency control to avoid the data chaos caused by function reentry. 
6 Interface 
6.1 Interface of initialization request 
6.1.1 Business function 
Initiate “wap” request and implement interactive verification for generating “token_id”. 
6.1.2 Interactive mode 
Request: page skipping interactive mode. 
Request result + notice : page-skipping interacting mode+ backstage notification interacting mode. 
6.1.3 Request parameter list 
Request url:https://wap.tenpay.com/cgi-bin/wappayv2.0/wappay_init.cgi
Pass “get” or “post” request 
Field name Variable name Necessarily-filled Type Description 
Business parameter 
Version ver Yes String(8) Version No. “ver” default value is 1.0. The current version “ver” is set as 2.0.
Character string charset Yes String(8) “1 UTF-8, 2 GB2312” is defaulted as 1. 
Bank type bank_type Yes String(16) Bank type: Tenay is filled by ‘0” Tenpay.
Commodity description desc Yes String(255) Commodity description, within 32 characters 
Buyer’s Tenpay account number purchaser_id No String(20) User’s (buyer’s) Tenpay account number (QQ). If commercial Tenpay does not transmit the parameter. Then the buyer needs to input the Tenpay account number through Tenpay payment page. 
Number of commercial tenant bargainor_id Yes String(10) Commercial tenant number, which is a 10 bit positive integer unifiedly allocated by Tenpay (120 XXXXXXX)
Commercial ordering No. sp_billno Yes String(32) Order number within commercial system, within 32 characters, including letters. 
Total amount total_fee Yes Int Total amount, takes “Fen” as the unit, excluding any characters and signs. 
Currency type fee_type Yes Int Currency-type supported by cash, currently only supports RNB. The default value is 1: RMB.
Notifying address notify_url Yes String(255) URL receives the notice of Tenpay, requiring absolute path, format showing as http://wap.tenpay.com/tenpay.asp within 255 characters. 
Front stage address callback_url Yes String(255) URL skipped after transaction, requiring absolute path, format as http://wap.tenpay.com/tenpay.asp within 255 characters. 
Additional information attach No String(255) Additional information of commercial tenants can be used as extended parameters, within 255 characters. 
Order generating time time_start No String(14) Generating time of order with the format of “yyyymmddhhmmss”. For example, “at 9: 10:10 of December 25, 2009” can be expressed as “20091225091010”. The time zone is GMT+8 Beijing. The time is obtained form the server of the commercial tenants. 
Overtime of order time_expire No String(14) Failure time of order with the format of “yyyymmddhhmmss”. For example, 9: 10:10 of December 27, 2009” can be expressed as “20091227091010”. The time zone is GMT+8 Beijing. The time is obtained form the server of the commercial tenants.
Signature sign Yes String(32) MD5 signature results, refer to “MD5 signature rule, Chapter 4”
6.1.4 Returning results and notifying parameter list table 
Data shall be returned at real-time as per the format of XML 
Field name Variable name Necessarily-filled Type Description 
Business parameter 
Dynamic password token_id Yes String(64) Generated “token_id” by Tenpay 
Successful examples:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312" ?>
Error examples:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312" ?>
<err_info>error inofrmation </err_info>
6.2 Wap Payment interface 
6.2.1 Business function 
Users complete the order payment through “Wap payment interface.”
6.2.2 Interactive mode
Request: page-skipping interactive mode 
Return results: page-skipping interactive mode
Notice: backstage-notifying interactive mode 
6.2.3 Request parameter list 
Request url:https://wap.tenpay.com/cgi-bin/wappayv2.0/wappay_gate.cgi
Though “get” or “post” request
Field name Variable name Necessarily-filled Type Description 
Business parameter 
Dynamic password token_id Yes String(64) Generated “token_id” by Tenpay
6.2.4 Parameter list table of returned results 
Page returning is completed by request “callback_url”, adopting “get” or “post”.
Field name Variable name Necessarily-filled Type Description 
Business parameter 
Returned status code ver Yes String(8) Version No. “ver” default value is 1.0. The current version “ver” is set as 2.0.
Character set charset Yes String(8) Character code is determined as GBK and UTF-8. The default value is GBK. 
Payment results pay_result Yes Int Payment results:0-succeeded; other-failed 
Tenpay order number transaction_id Yes String(28) Tenpay transaction number, 28-digit long value; the first 10-digit is commercial tenant number; the last 8-digit is the date for order production, for example 20090415. The last 10 digits are serial number.  
Commercial tenants order No. sp_billno Yes String(32) Order number within commercial system, within 32 characters, including letters. 
Total amount total_fee Yes Int Total amount, takes “Fen” as the unit, excluding any characters and signs.
Currency type fee_type Yes Int Currency-type supported by cash, The default value is 1: RMB.
Commerical tenant number bargainor_id Yes String(10) Seller’s account number (commercial tenants spid)
Additional information attach No String(255) Commercial data packet, returning by original status 
Signature sign Yes String(32) MD5 SIGNATURE RESULTS 
Only give signature to the protocol parameters of returned notice
6.2.5 Parameter list of notification results 
Backstage notification is completed by request “callback_url”, adopting “get” or “post”.
Field name Variable name Necessarily-filled Type Description 
Business parameter 
Version number ver Yes String(8) Version No. “ver” default value is 1.0. The current version “ver” is set as 2.0.
Character set charset Yes String(8) Character code is determined as GB2312 and UTF-8. The default value is GB2312.
Payment results pay_result Yes Int Payment results:0-succeeded; other-failed 
Payment results Information pay_info No String(64) Pyament results information, it is Empty in case of successful payment. 
Tenpay order number transaction_id Yes String(28) Tenpay transaction number, 28-digit long value; the first 10-digit is commercial tenant number; the last 8-digit is the date for order production, for example 20090415. The last 10 digits are serial number.  
Commercial tenants order No. sp_billno Yes String(32) Order number within commercial system, within 32 characters, including letters. 
Total amount total_fee Yes Int Total amount, takes “Fen” as the unit, excluding any characters and signs.
Currency type fee_type Yes Int Currency-type supported by cash, The default value is 1: RMB.
Commerical tenant number bargainor_id Yes String(10) Seller’s account number (commercial tenants spid)
Additional information attach No String(255) Commercial data packet, returning by original status 
Signature sign Yes String(32) MD5 SIGNATURE RESULTS 
Payment bank bank_type Yes String(16) Bank type
Bank order number bank_billno No String(32) Bank order number,if it is the balance of Tenpay, the payment shall be Empty.
Payment completion time time_end Yes String(14) Payment completion time with the format of “yyyyMMddhhmmss”. For example, 9: 10:10 of December 27, 2009” can be expressed as “20091227091010”. The time zone is GMT+8 Beijing. The time is obtained form the server of the commercial tenants.
Buyer’s nickname purchase_alias No String(64) An encryption string of the corresponding buyer’s account number
6.2.6 Feedback of backstage notifying results 
Tenpay notifying backstage notifies commercial tenants through “notify_url”. After commercial tenants complete the business treatment, requires feedback of processing results in the character string form with the following contents. 
Returning results Description of results 
success Successfully dealt with, “Tenpay” system would not issue following notice after receiving this result.
“Fail” or other “Character ” Unsuccessfully dealt with, Tenypay may receive this result or may not receive any result; the system issues another notice through order-supplementing mechanism (referring to Section 5 for details).
6.3 Inquiry interface of ordering 
6.3.1 Business function 
Inquire the specific order information of Tenpay side record according to the commercial tenant ordering number or ordering number of Tenpay
6.3.2 Interacting mode 
Background calling interacting mode 
6.3.3 Request parameter list 
Request: url:http://wap.tenpay.com/cgi-bin/wapmainv2.0/wm_query_order.cgi
Through “get” or “post” request 
Field name Variable name Necessarily-filled Type Description 
Business parameter 
Version number ver Yes String(8) Version No. “ver” default value is 1.0. The current version “ver” is set as 2.0.
Commerical tenant number bargainor_id Yes String(10) Seller’s account number (commercial tenants spid)
Commercial tenants order No. sp_billno No String(32) Internal order number of commercial system, One of “sp_billno” and “transaction_id” shall be filled at least. Meanwhile, “transaction_id” takes the precedence.  
Tenpay order number transaction_id No String(28) Transaction order of Tenpay, One of “sp_billno” and “transaction_id” shall be filled at least. Meanwhile, “transaction_id” takes the precedence.  
Additional information attach No String(255) Commercial data packet, returning by original status 
Character set charset Yes String(8) Character code is determined as GB2312 and UTF-8. The default value is GB2312.
Signature sign Yes String(32) MD5 SIGNATURE RESULTS 
6.3.4 Reply parameter list table 
Data shall be returned in real-time as per XML format. 
Field name Variable name Necessarily-filled Type Description 
Business parameter 
Version number ver Yes String(8) Version No. “ver” default value is 1.0. The current version “ver” is set as 2.0.
Character set charset Yes String(8) Character code is determined as GB2312 and UTF-8. The default value is GB2312.
Payment results pay_result Yes Int Payment results:0-succeeded; other-failed 
Payment results Information pay_info No String(64) Pyament results information, it is Empty in case of successful payment. 
Tenpay order number transaction_id Yes String(28) Tenpay transaction number, 28-digit long value; the first 10-digit is commercial tenant number; the last 8-digit is the date for order production, for example 20090415. The last 10 digits are serial number.  
Commercial tenants order No. sp_billno Yes String(32) Order number within commercial system, within 32 characters, including letters. 
Total amount total_fee Yes Int Total amount, takes “Fen” as the unit, excluding any characters and signs.
Currency type fee_type Yes Int Currency-type supported by cash, The default value is 1: RMB.
Commerical tenant number bargainor_id Yes String(10) Seller’s account number (commercial tenants spid)
Additional information attach No String(255) Commercial data packet, returning by original status 
Signature sign Yes String(32) MD5 SIGNATURE RESULTS 
Payment bank bank_type Yes String(16) Bank type
Bank order number bank_billno No String(32) Bank order number,if it is the balance of Tenpay, the payment shall be Empty.
Payment completion time time_end Yes String(14) Payment completion time with the format of “yyyyMMddhhmmss”. For example, 9: 10:10 of December 27, 2009” can be expressed as “20091227091010”. The time zone is GMT+8 Beijing. The time is obtained form the server of the commercial tenants.
Buyer’s nickname purchase_alias No String(64) An encryption string of the corresponding buyer’s account number
7 Matters Require Attention 
1. Units of all amounts involved are “Fen”. The smallest unit is 1 Fen. Decimals are not allowed. 
2. “notify_url” means that Tenpay server directly initiates request to the commercial tenants server and commercial tenants can’t check users’ “cookie” or “session” when processing. 
3. “notify_url” may possibly repetitively notify, commercial tenants require to reprocessing, avoid multi-delivery. 
4. “notify_url” received notice, commercial tenants successfully processed or check order has been processed, the mark “success” requiring the success of returning process, to tell Tenpay not to notify. 
5. “notify_url” lasts 2-minute validity. Commercial tenants shall issue inquiry after receiving the notification. 
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