时间:2019-07-10 16:30 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
电影京剧《孟母三迁》字幕Mencius’ Mother Moving Three Times Subtitle 啊 哈哈哈 Ah Ha Ha Ha 老头子听喝一家人 The old man is the king of the family 快乐逍遥 He lives a delightful life 睡得早 起得晚 Goes to sleep early and wakes up late 我浑身酸懒 I have lazy bones all over my body 老头子做买卖 他把钱赚 The old man runs a business and brings home money 老孟家我咳嗽一声 Every time he coughs at home 山摇地撼 The house also keeps shaking 不听话 我就把脸来变 I severely scold anyone who disobeys me 老身苟氏 Ms. Gou, the old lady 配夫孟丕为妻 Is married to Meng Pi 所生二男一女 She has given birth to two boys and one girl 老头子贩卖布匹为生 The old man sells cloths for a living 日子呢 倒还富裕 And the life is fairly well-off 兄弟孟谦 Men Qian, His brother 在县衙里头当了一名书吏 Is a civil servant in the township government 他为人老实巴交 He is a man of honesty and integrity 娶妻仉氏 And has married Lady Ji 嘿 我这个弟妹呀 Well, here is my sister-in-law 她特别贤惠 She is fairly nice a housewife 她不多说不少叨的 Never talks too much and too little 就是心眼儿特别多 Except that she has too many misgivings 侄子孟轲 My nephew Meng Ke 这孩子岁数不大 He’s still a little boy 鬼机灵 But is cannily smart 不爱读书也不爱干活 He has no interest in studying and also dislikes chores 整天就是玩啊玩啊 Be it day or night, he is always playing 干那些讨厌的事儿 And causes nuisances here and there 说来也巧 It happens that 上个月他爸爸得暴病死了 His father died from sudden disease in last month 生前呢 Before he died 我们住在一个院里头 We once lived together in the same property 他们住三间房 They occupied three rooms 我们住两间房 And we use two 如今老二走了 Now the younger brother is gone 他们娘俩还住着那三间大瓦房 But his wife and son are still occupying the three large rooms 我们这么些人口挤在这儿 While we have to live crowdedly in the old place 这怎么成啊 有嘞 That’s unfair! Here I’ve got an idea 今个我让他们娘俩搬家腾房 Now I have to make the mother and son move 我们一家子也宽敞宽敞 So that my family can have a roomy house 嗯 就是这个主意 Right! That’s exactly a good idea 孟丕呀 孟丕 你快出来吧 Meng Pi! Meng Pi! Quickly come to me 来了 I’m coming 兄弟孟谦暴病丧 My brother Meng Qian has died from illness 撇下了弟媳侄男好凄凉 How sad it is for my sister-in-law and my nephew 怎奈妻子虎狼样 But my wife is so aggressive and dominating 朝夕吼叫吓断肠 She shouts at me day and night and I feel so scared 夫人 清晨起来 My darling, it’s so early in the morning 你就是这样大呼小叫的 But you are shouting loudly like this 哪里像个妇道人家呀 This should by no means happen for an elegant lady 怎么了 怎么了 怎么了 Come on, what’s the matter with you 这两天谁借给你胆儿了 Where did you get your bloody courage 你敢跟我说三道四的 To argue with me like this 你说什么 我又山呼海叫的了 What did you just say? I shouted too loudly? 告诉你 Let me tell you 我做姑娘的时候说话就大嗓门 I spoke as loudly as I do now when I was unmarried 谁让你爹你妈拿八抬大轿 It’s your parents who sent the marital sedan chair 把我娶过府来的 And brought me to your house 有能耐你甭娶我呀 If you don’t have the ability to marry someone else 这会儿你嫌我说话声音大了 You should never dislike my loud voice 没什么说的 你呢 Don’t argue with me on that 就忍着点吧。 Just tolerate it 好 好 我忍 我忍 Well, well, I will tolerate 不忍也得成呀 It’s fine if you don’t agree 除非你的身上又不自在的了你 Unless you would like to have your body smacked 怎么讲话呀 Don’t say that 夫人 Darling 把我唤了出来 何事啊 What have you called me for 我问问你 Let me ask you 明个是什么日子 What day is it tomorrow? 什么日子 What day? 你好好想想 Think about it 不晓啊 I have no idea 你又不晓了 Again! You don’t know that 一跟你说吧 Let me tell you 你就说你们是忠厚传家 兄慈弟孝 You’ve always been saying that your family has the tradition of good filial duties and brothers love each other a lot 明个是你兄弟死后的忌日 Tomorrow is the anniversary of your brother's death 你都给忘了 I can’t believe you’ve forgotten that 往后别提你们老孟家那点门风了 Never mention your family tradition any more in the future 一天到晚 It’s you shouting at me day and night 我都被你吵糊涂了 I’ve got confused by the noise 明儿固然是我兄弟的忌日 Of course tomorrow is the anniversary of my brother’s death 我们全家还要到 All the family members are 兄弟的坟上烧纸祭扫 Going to his tomb to commemorate him 待我去准备 I have to do the preparation now 老头子 烧纸忙什么的 Wait, my old man, put aside the preparation for a moment 明儿还一天呢 You still have one whole day for that 我有两句话得跟你说说 I have some words for you 么事儿 么事儿 That’s fine, fine 过来过来 Come here, come here 好 好 好 Ok, ok, ok 我让他们搬家 I will ask them to move 给咱们腾房 And give us the rooms 不可 No 你跟着我走 Come with me 不可 No 咱们跟她说去 走走走 We will talk to here, come on 夫人 不可呀 We can’t do that, my darling 咱们得跟她说去 We have to talk to her 秋风起 叶飘零 万花纷谢 Autumn has comet to blow leaves and flowers away 夜幽长 更鼓稀 恶梦频接 The night is so long that nightmares come one after another 更焦心 小孟轲 厌倦学业 I’m even more worried that my little son has no interest in studying 喜玩耍 爱游逛 日不停歇 He plays around doing nothing day and night 我必须 织罗网 捕住飞雀 I have to knit a net to caught the naughty sparrow 严管教 顽劣儿 远别狎邪 I have to discipline my son rigidly and keep him away from bad things 今一日 祭亡夫 热泪滴血 I’ve almost cried to death at my husband’s passing away 到坟台 恸刎颈 愿化蛱蝶 Before his tomb, I even want a suicide and leave the world together with him 遭不幸 我爹爹下世太早 My own father died when I was very little 撇下了母子们 饱受煎熬 Leaving my mother and the kids suffering from the crude life 父一死如灯灭难以尽孝 When the father is gone, it becomes hard for the kid to fully do his filial duty 从此后无人管乐得逍遥 No one is to discipline him any more and he indulge himself as he likes 妈 我回来了 Mom, I’m back 参见母亲 Good afternoon, Mom 孩儿回来了 Here is my darling 回来了 回来了 You’re back; you're back 你从何处归来 Where have you been today 学馆呀 The school 今日读的什么书 What have you read today 读的是《论语》 The Analects 如此说来 Well 是哪一章呀 Then which chapter did you read 是 是 是“为政” It’s …it’s…it's “State Governance” 为政 Governance 是“为政” It’s "State Governance” 是真的 It’s true 当然是真的了 Of course it is 拿来 Bring it to me 拿 拿什么呀 Bring…bring what 把书拿来 Bring the book to me 妈呀 孩儿我下得学来 Mom, I’ve just come from school 头也晕 肚子也饿 My light-headed and hungry 连这腿肚子都有点转筋 And I have a cramp in my leg 妈呀 咱们还是歇会儿吧 Please Mom, let’s take a break first 明儿再背书吧 And I will recite the book to you tomorrow 儿啊 今朝之事今朝毕 My son, today’s duties should be finished today 岂能荒废好光阴 Why should you waste such valuable time 好光阴 好光阴 Valuable time! Valuable time! 就知道让我背书 You talks about nothing but asking me to recite books 给你 Here they are 儿啊 孔圣人这样言道 My dear, Confucius has once said 《诗》三百 一言以蔽之 “Shi San Bai, Yi Yan Yi Bi Zhi” (meaning The three hundred poems in Book of Songs can be concluded in one single sentence) 曰“思无邪”这是何意呀 “Si Wu Xie” (meaning written with one’s heart-felt feelings), do you know what does this mean 妈呀 你怎么连这个都不知道啊 My dear mom, how can you not even know this? “诗三百 一言以蔽之” “Shi San Bai, Yi Yan Yi Bi Zhi” 这就是说呀 Is to mean 人这一辈子 In one’s life of time 做三百首诗就够了 Three hundred poems would be enough for one to write 那“思无邪”呢 Then what about “Si Wu Xie” 妈 你怎么连这个也不知道呀 My dear mom, how can you not even know this? 这个啊 就是告诉大人 That is to tell the adults 小孩想干什么就干什么 Let the kids do what ever they want to do 你呀 就随着他去 就得了呗 So why don't you just let me do as I like 一派胡言 Nonsense 待我去问过先生 I have to go to your teacher 别 别 别 别呀妈 No, no, no, please don’t, Mom 孩儿我看今儿是我爹忌日 Because it’s the anniversary of father’s death 我就没去上学 I did not go to school 你半日未去学馆 You were absent from class for half a day 往何处去了 Where have you been 我跟邻居小伙伴 I played hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏来着 With my friends 怎么 What 他们也未去学馆读书吗 Didn’t they go to school, either 他们啊 他们跟我一样 Well, they are the same like me 一看见书本 脑仁就疼 Our head aches in sight of books 就跟玩儿没仇 But we all are excited about games 儿啊 My son 小孟轲果然是自暴自弃 My little Meng Ke is indeed indulging himself 荒学业已非是一朝一夕 It has been long that he’s neglecting his studying 人家邻居小伙伴都玩 All my friends living around are playing 又不是我一个人玩 I’m not the only one 小伙伴也只知沉迷嬉戏 They also only know playing 视读书为畏途唇齿相依 And are afraid of studying, that’s why they stick to each other 再不能纵容儿 虚度时日 I can’t let my son waste his time any more 挽狂澜拨航道 事不宜迟 It’s urgent to steer his life path right the moment 儿啊 今日为娘也不责罚于你 My son, I won’t punish you today 好好读书去吧 Go to read your book 我知道了 I got it 我读书去了 我读书去了 I’m going to read the book; I’m going to read the book 我读书去了 我读书去了 I’m going to read the book; I’m going to read the book 我读书去了 我去玩了 I’m going to read the book; I’m going to play 弟妹在哪里 弟妹 Where is Ji? Ji? (译者注: “仉氏",英文中通常以名字互相称呼,不用亲属关系) 弟妹 弟妹 弟妹在屋里头的吗 Ji? Ji?Are you in there? 弟妹 弟妹在屋里头的吗 弟妹 Ji? Are you in the room? Ji 兄嫂来了 Here is your brother and sister in law 弟妹 Ji 弟妹呀 有道是人有旦夕祸福 My dear sister-in-law, it’s said that accident happens 不想我兄弟中年远行 None of us has ever expected that my brother would have left in his middle age 连累你居孀育孤 Now you are alone with a child 怎不叫愚兄痛心疾首 As your brother-in-law is really sorry for that 是呀 是呀 Right, right 没想到孟谦年轻轻就走了 Who has ever anticipated Meng Qian passing away so early 撇下你们孤儿寡母的 Leaving you alone with a child 往后这日子可怎么过啊 How are you going to live your life 这可怎么好啊 What shall we do 我的老二啊 我的老二啊 Oh, my brother, my brother 兄嫂 今乃儿夫周年之际 My brother and sister in law, today is the anniversary of my husband’s death 是 Right 还望兄嫂与我同去坟前祭扫 I hope you can come with me to commemorate him 那个自然 我们一同前往 Of course, we will go together 别忙别忙 我有两句话说完了 Wait a minute, let’s me finish first 咱们一块去 好吗 Then we will go together, all right? 兄嫂请讲 Go ahead please. 老头子说吧 你说吧 Tell her, my old man, you do it 还是你来讲吧 我讲不明白呀 You’d better say it yourself. I can’t make it clear. 你瞧 到了坎节上了你就说不明白了 Look at you! You forget how to talk at crucial moments 平常日子跟我拌嘴的时候你那话多着呢 Where have you got so much to say when you argue with me 又说不明白了 There again 还是你来讲吧 I said you’d better say it your self 有什么说不明白了 Can’t understand how hard it is to say it 弟妹 它是这么回事 My dear, here is the thing 你瞧 咱们呢 Look 住在一个院里头 We live in the same yard 你们住三间房 我们住两间房 You use three rooms and we use only two 如今老二走了 Now the younger brother is gone 你们娘俩还住着三间大瓦房 But you and the kid are still occupying the three large rooms 我们这么些人口挤在这儿 While so many of us live crowdedly here 你说这合适吗 是不是 Do you think it is fair? Right? 老头子 来 来来来 Come on, my old man 你说两句 你说两句 It’s your turn 弟妹 你嫂嫂说的也是呀 My dear Ji, what your sister-in-law said does make sense 都怪我兄弟不肯分家 It’s all my brother’s fault that he didn’t agree to spilt the property 事到如今叫我也无可奈何呀 Now I have no choice but to ask you to leave 是不是 谁让你们当初你们不愿意分家呢 What do you say? It’s you who didn’t agree to split the property 这会儿呀 没什么说的 待会呀 That’s enough for the moment 咱们上坟回来 劳弟妹你的大驾 When we return from the grave 麻利地规置东西给我们搬家腾房 Please bother to pack and move elsewhere 你们是痴心妄想 How dare you think of that 闻言怒火三千丈 I can’t help feel ferocious at such words 插圈弄套恶婆娘 It’s a plot set up by the old bitch 手拍胸膛想一想 You ask your conscience 与我爹你们是骨肉情长 You and my father are blood brothers 谋夺家产良心丧 You’ve lost your conscience to covet the property 小孩子也替尔脸上无光 Even I feel ashamed for you as a kid 好你个小畜牲 You little bastard 反不了你了 How dare you talk to me like that 你是什么东西 Who do you think you are 大人家说话哪有你插嘴的份 It’s an adult thing and you just stand aside 我要不看你妈的面 If it’s not for your mom 我 我 我这一脚非把你踹死不可 I…I…I have to kill you with a hard kick 我要不看在我大爷的份上 If it’s not for my uncle 我早一巴掌把你这个专门挑拨离间的 I would have slapped you back to your home 恶婆娘给扇回老家去了 You trouble-stirring-up old bitch 气死我了 气死我了 Little bastard! Little bastard! 我就问你们娘俩一句话 You two just answer me 你们给我腾不腾房 Whether you will move or not 想的美 我们不腾 Never dream of that. We won't move 小畜生 气死我了 气死我了 Little bastard! Oh I'm so raged 给我腾房 腾房 腾房 You move right now! Move! Move! 不腾 不腾 不腾 No, no, no 不腾 No 孟轲 大胆 Stop! Meng Ke 小孟轲你怎能目无尊长 My little son, how can you disrespect the elders 恶言语如泉涌令娘心伤 I’m so hurt hearing your vicious words 望兄嫂宽宥我疏于教养 Please forgive my negligence of the child’s education 望兄嫂原谅这无父的儿郎 Please forgive this father-less kid 气死我了 气死我了 I’m so angry! Angry! 弟妹 我要不看你的面 My dear sister-in-law, if it's not for you 今个我跟他没完 I have to punish him today 弟妹 弟妹 挨两句骂我倒是不在乎 Well, well, I don’t really care his bitter words 我就问你们娘俩一句话 I just need your answer 你们腾不腾房啊 Whether you will move out or not 妈 你可不能吐口 Mom, you can’t answer that 你要是吐了口 If you agree 咱娘俩上哪住着去呀 Where shall we live next 坟地呀 Of course the graveyard 坟地那有两间房归你们娘俩住 There are two rooms near the graveyard. You can live there 我们还没死哪 We haven’t died 要死 也是你们先死 And you are certain to die ahead of us 你这孩子怎么说话这么难听呀 What bitter words to be said by a kid 你 你 You listen 要是想让我说好听的 If you want to hear nice words 那就别让我们娘俩腾房 Then don’t make us move 你怎么这么说话呢 How dare you say that 你瞧他怎么这么说话呢 Look at him! What is he talking about 夫人 这腾房之事放放再说吧 Madam, let’s put this thing aside for a moment 不能放放再说 No we can’t 放放再说吧 Just for a moment 你们也太欺负人了你们 Isn’t it too cruel to do that 夫人放放再说吧 Madam, just put this thing aside for a moment 兄嫂既然开口讲 Now that you’ve ordered us to move 我母子迁出去坟场 We will move to the graveyard 千金难将情埋葬 Even wealth and fortune can’t destroy people’s relationship 何况区区一张床 Not to say a small piece of bed 妈 可不能中了他们的圈套呀 Mom, that’s a trap, you can’t do that 人活世上当谦让 Living in this world, we shall be modest 你父邻里尚相帮 Your father helped a lot of neighbors in his life time 宽厚家风不能忘 We can't forget the family morality of generosity 你远离旧居也应当 And it’s reasonable for us to move away from the old residence 兄嫂但把宽心放 Stay relaxed, my brother and sister in law 我母子祭完亡人就腾房 We will right away move out of the house back from visiting the graveyard 妈 我不腾 我不腾 Mom, I won’t move, I won’t! 孩儿 随为娘走啊 My son, come with your mom 妈 Mom 弟妹 弟妹 弟妹 Ji, Ji, Ji! 你叫她干什么 我在这儿呢 Why are you looking for her?I'm here 你呀 Look at you 怎么了 What 你瞧 你还唉声叹气了 Look, you are sighing 让他们搬家你不乐意呀 Why? Aren’t you happy about their leaving 什么呀 什么呀 What are you talking about 招我 招我生气 Don’t make me angry 哥儿几个快来呀 Come on, buddies 来了来了 Here we go 哥儿几个 How many of you are here 这孟轲怎么没来啊 Where is Meng Ke 是啊 Right 找找去 找找去 Go and find him 找找去 找找 Go and find him 孟轲 孟轲 Meng Ke! Meng Ke! 哥儿几个 怎么还是没有呀 Guys, we still haven’t seen him 是呀 Right 吓我们一跳 Hey, you scared us 是呀 Oh, yes 你说说咱们今天怎么个玩法 What shall we play today? You have an idea? 这坟地有什么可玩的 What’s to play out there in the graveyard 咱们今天玩神仙捉鬼 We will play “Zhong Kui catches ghosts” 那好啊 你说说咱们怎么个捉法 Ok, show us how to play 我当钟魁 I’ll play Zhong Kui 你当小气鬼 You play the mean ghost 你当吝啬鬼 You play the stingy ghost 你当贪心鬼 You play the greedy ghost 你当瞎话鬼 And you play the nonsense ghost 孟轲 别忙别忙别忙 Meng Ke, just wait a minute 我怎么越瞧这些个越像你大爷和大妈啊 I figure those are your uncle and auntie 可不是吗 Right 算你猜着了 Your guess is correct 我呀 就是想把他们一概拿下 I do want to bring them down 带上 带上 带上 Come here, come here, come here 带上 带上 带上 Come here, come here, come here 怎么样 瞧瞧 怎么样 How is it going, have a look, how is it going 你们哪里走 Where are you going 我妈来了 咱们赶紧走 That’s my mom, let’s go 走 走 走 Go, go, go 泪滴坟台又一年 A year past, I shed tears again before the tomb 几度月圆心不圆 I’ve watched plenilune for several times but never felt happy in heart 南学书声儿少念 The children are reciting books in the school 喜做殡葬枉搬迁(译者注:不是很理解这里“喜”和“枉”的意思) 一腔愁苦常为伴 I’m surrounded by endless sorrow 凉夜无眠对谁言 Who will listen to me in the cold nights 待我去安排祭礼 Let me prepare for the sacrificial offerings 老乞婆得陇望蜀又生一计 The old woman is unsatisfied and has got a new idea 虽然是贪心不足我确难及 Though it’s just greediness, I can hardly deal with it 小孟轲竟胆敢对我无礼 Little Meng Ke spoke to me so bitterly 他这是不想活 羊捋虎须 Does he want to be killed to offend me 我的妈呀 My gosh 吓了我一大跳 You scared me 你这孩子怎么没正经的你 Why are you always such a nuisance 你心里没鬼有什么可怕的 You wouldn’t have been scared if you are an honest person 也不知道想什么坏主意呢 Who knows what the hell you are plotting 你这孩子说话怎么这么难听呢 How can you say such bitter words to me 孟轲 我呀 找你妈有话说 Meng Ke, I’m here to meet your Mom 你找我妈干什么呀 What's for 瞧我妈好欺负是不是 Because my mother is subject to bullying? 跟你说不清楚 说不清楚 I can never explain it to you 老头子 来 你跟你侄子说吧 My old man, come and talk to your nephew 跟他说 你来讲 You talk to him 你跟他说吧 你跟他说 说 说 You do it, come on, just do it 侄儿 My dear nephew 夫人 还是你来讲吧 我讲不明白呀 Darling, you’d better say it yourself, I can’t make it clear 你来你来 You do it, you do it 你瞧瞧 你瞧瞧 Look at you, look at you 到了坎节你就说不清楚了 Every time it comes to the crucial moment you just back off 你呀 你老做好人 Well, you play the good man 好好 Ok , ok 让我歹人 I’ll be the devil 我说 我说 Well, well 孟轲 它是这么回事 Meng Ke, here it is 你瞧 你们住这坟地这儿 Look, now you are living in the graveyard 这多荒凉呀 This place is too bleak and desolate 连个人影也没有 No people is living here at all 这回呀 我给你选好了 This time I’ve chosen a place for you 县里头 鼓楼旁 那有间门面房 There is a house with a street frontage in the two by the drum tower 那可热闹着了 你们搬到那去 好吗 It’s a hustling place. Would you like to move there 得了吧你 Save it 怎么 What’s wrong 我们家三间房变成两间房 We used to have three rooms, now there are only two 你 你还想让我们搬到那住去 And you…you want us to move back 我们才不去呢 你们太欺负人了 We will never to there. You guys are too bad 什么欺负人呀 跟你说不清楚 What do you mean by bad? Well, I can never get it straight with you 我找你妈去 弟妹 I have to talk to your mom. Ji! 干吗 干吗 干吗 弟妹 弟妹 What do you want? What do you want? Ji! Ji! 得了吧你 你又要给我告状是不是 What, are you accusing me again 我说来呀 I said, come here 来了 来了 I’m coming, I’m coming 你们要干什么 What do you want 把这两个老家伙 Get these two old guys 什么老家伙 Who is old guy 给我架起来 Get them tied 架起来 架起来 Get them tied! Get them tied! 架起来 架起来 Get them tied! Get them tied! 让他们给我爹磕头 Make them kowtow to my father 你们要干什么你们 What do you want to do 一磕头 二磕头 三磕头 One, two, three 弟妹 弟妹 Ji, Ji 瞧你们这孩子 Look at these children 没大没小 跟我动手动脚 They have no respect for the elders and even dare to touch me 你还望子成龙呢 I can’t believe you are counting on him 他这辈子也学不了好了 He won’t make any good in his life time 来呀 给我打 Come on, beat them 打 打 打 Beat them! Beat them! Beat them! 快走 快走 快走 Go! Go! Go! 打 Beat them! 两耳旁似听到狂风阵阵 I feel strong wind blowing by my ears 双眼前好像有黑雾沉沉 And dark clouds gathering before my eyes 一霎时天地旋 步履不稳 Suddenly I feel the world is swirling and unable to stand steady 身发抖手脚凉 冷汗淋淋 My body feels cold and can’t stop sweating 我只说迁坟茔 使儿安分 I thought to move to the graveyard can keep my son from distractions 谁又知他整日 迷阳恋阴 But it didn‘t occurred to me he would be obsessed with ghost stories 爹周年儿竟然不来一恸 This is again the anniversary of his father’s death, but he hasn't shown up until now 对长辈缺宽厚 刻薄少仁 He shows no respect for the elder and lacks generosity and kindness 坟场地遍阴云 骄阳难进 The graveyard is surrounded by so many shadows that no sunlight falls upon it 必需要再搬迁 驱寒迎春 It’s imperative to move again and find a place of the fragrance of spring 抓住他们 Catch them 快跑 Run, hurry up 抓住他们 Catch them 快跑 快跑 Run, hurry up, run 抓住他们 抓住他们 快跑 打 Catch them! Catch them! Run, beat them! 弟妹 弟妹 Ji! Ji! 弟妹 弟妹 Ji! Ji! 你们赶紧回去吧 Please go back to your home right now 走 走 走 Go, go, go 弟妹 弟妹 Ji, Ji 弟妹 弟妹瞧瞧你们这孩子 Ji, Ji, look at our child 不 祖宗 祖宗 活祖宗 No, I’d better call him little ancestor, my alive ancestor! 我佩服他 我佩服他了 He wins, he wins 这房子你们甭搬了 Don’t you bother to move 你们就住这就得了 Just live here 你们就在这坟地住着吧 Live right here is this graveyard 就住这吧 Right here 兄嫂 又要我母子搬到何处 My brother and sister in law, where do you want us to move this time 搬到何处 Where to 县里头鼓楼旁那有间门面房 There is a house with a street frontage in the town by the drum tower 你们搬到那去 那不好吗 Wouldn’t it be good if you mover there 弟妹 你们就在这住着吧 Ji, you just live here 不用搬了 不用搬了 Don't bother to move, don’t bother 妈呀 咱们家三间房 Mom, we used to have three rooms 眼下只剩下一间房了 Now there is only two 他们也太欺负人了 They are bullying us 我不搬 我不搬 I won’t move, I won't move 房大房小五尺床 Be the room large or small, the bed you need is always of the same size 人生人灭一瞬长 The life time of human beings is really short 唯有诗书可继世 Only knowledge and wisdom can be passed to our next generations 贯通天地锦文章 Be a well-read man and write your own books 妈 Mom 我们走 Let's go 吕屠户 开肉杠 财源茂盛 Mr. Lv is a butcher and runs a thriving business 虽然是 小本经营 年有余盈 Though he runs with a small capital, he has considerable annual profit 人一世 岂能尽是 花似锦 Who can live a smooth life all the time 年半百 无子嗣 我昼夜烦心 I'm now over fifty but still have no child. It annoys me day and night 今日里 讨债归 开怀畅饮 I collected a debt today and felt happy, so I went to drink as I liked 最妙在昏昏沉沉 The best feeling is to be in a daze 迷迷瞪瞪 And semi-conscious 似醉不醉叫微醺 I call such feeling lightly-drunk 老婆子 老婆子 My old lady, old lady 来了 I’m coming 老头子卖肉能赚钱 Your old man runs a butcher and makes money 我不愁吃来不愁穿 I’ve never worried about what to eat and what to wear 膝下无儿香烟断 Only that we have no child to continue the family line 他长吁短叹相当烦 The old man’s complains and sighs are really annoying 老头子 你回来了 My old man, you are back 这是喝多少酒呀 How much have you just drunk 这个味啊 What a strong smell 你等着 我给你沏壶茶去 You stay here and I will make you some tea 我不渴 I’m not thirsty 我刚在茶叶铺给你买的茉莉双熏 I've just bought some jasmine tea leaves in the store 倍儿香 你等着 The taste is amazing. Just a moment 我给你说了 不喝 不喝 What did I say? I don’t want the hell tea 我说老头子 You old man 你犯的这是什么病啊 What’s the matter with you 横也不是 竖也不是 Unhappy about everything 你成心找碴呀 Do you want to pick a fight 我 我这 Well, I just… 我明白了 Got it 准是还为了孩子的事 It must be the child thing 我是没给你生个一男半女的 It's true that I didn’t bear you any kid 可也不能全怨我呀 But it's not entirely my fault 要怨就怨你们家的风水不好 It’s the poor luck of your family to blame 没长这棵青蒿子 Your family just doesn't have the good fortune 你 你真要把我给气死 You…do you really want to outrage me to death 你听我跟你说 You listen to me 咱们开了这个肉杠 This butcher store of us 虽然是小本经营 Is not large 可还赚钱 挺红火 But it’s profitable and is growing more and more prosperous 这不眼下人手不够了 You see, we now have not enough staff to help 咱们又请了新搬来的街坊孟大娘帮工 So we employed Ms. Meng, who have just moved here to help with the business 你想过没想过呀 Have you ever thought 你我夫妻年老将至 When we turn old 这往后这家当谁来继承啊 Who is going to inherit this business 思想起来 Every time when I think of that 我 我堵得慌 I...I can’t help feel depressed 老头子 My old man 你那心事真是怨不得你呀 I know you shouldn’t be blamed for that 可是一样 But the thing is 就你这个年纪 At your age 我这个岁数 And mine 咱们就是再生九牛二虎之力 Even we try our best 也生不出来了不是 We won’t be able to have a child 我倒有个好主意 I have a good idea 咱们不如认个螟蛉义子 What don’t we find a foster son 你看怎么样呀 What do you think 收干儿子 Foster son? 把我半辈子辛辛苦苦 I’ve earned this money through half of my life time 赚来的钱都交给他 If I give all this money to him 咱们再摊上个没良心的 And he happens to be a conscience-less guy 败家的 Or squanderer 那不要咱们的老命了吗 We will certainly die in his hands some day 不 不 不 No, no, no 老头子呀 My old man 听我给你说 Please listen to me 我打听了 I’ve asked around 这孩子又聪明又伶俐 The child is smart, agile 心眼还挺好的 And fairly kind-hearted 咱们把他找来 We shall go and find him 你说的是谁家的孩子呀 Whose child are you talking about 你听我跟你说 Please listen to me 我听说 I've been told that 咱们附近新搬来一街坊 A new neighbor has moved around us recently 母子二人度时光 A mother with a son 那个做娘的白天帮工夜织纺 The mother works for others in the day and do spinning at night 供养着儿子上学堂 She affords her son to go to school 没想到 However 那孩子他学习成绩不怎么样 The child performs poor at school 专把那学伴聚一帮 But he likes playing with his friends 他们学做买 学做卖 The imitate to buy and sell 促销砍价称斤约两样样都在行 Crying out wares, bargain, weighing products, they imitate everything well 咱们要是收他做为了螟蛉子 If we have him as the foster son 我保你后继有人 I guarantee your business will be carried forward 事业发展 家业兴旺 世世代代 Growing more and more prosperous and continue for generations 日久天长 是日久天长 It will last for good, for good 你说的那个小子 The boy you just mentioned 我倒是瞧见过 I have seen him once 能说会道的 He’s a guy with the gift of the gab 可咱们既不知根又不知底的 But we know nothing about his background 你就让我认干儿子啊 You want me to have him as foster son? 跟你说 不成 I tell you , I can’t do that 什么 不成 What, you can’t? 好你个老头子 我看出来了 Good for you! I’ve figured it out 你不是想儿子 你想二奶了吧 You are not in want of a son, but a second wife 要不然就想到处沾花惹草 Otherwise you are thinking of raising a mistress 告诉你说 有我在一天 I tell you, as long as I’m alive 你就办不到 You never think of that 劝你莫把心思坏 I suggest you never have that kind of idea 有句话儿我要交待 Let me make it clear 有我在就绝不许你娶二奶 I will never allow you to have second wife as long as I'm alive 路边的野花就不要采 And stay away from those easy women 绝对不许采 Never, ever should you touch them 你 你可真要把我给气死 You…I'm really annoyed to death 老伴说话气死人 The old woman is annoying me to death 你夫岂能有花心 How could it be possible for me to be interested in other women 买卖贸易靠诚信 You need credit to be a successful business man 沾花惹草 三妻四妾 To fool around with women 那是富人 Is what rich people do 我只怕一冲动眼光不准 I’m just worrying about choosing the wrong person 俗话说请神容易 难送神 It is said that it’s easy to invite a deity to your home but hard to send him away 老伴啊 此事不急 需要稳 My old lady, we shouldn't hurry for this 十拿九准 咱们再认亲 We wont' make the decision until we are absolutely sure about it 哇 是这样子啊 Well, so that’s what you mean 老头子 你怎么不早说呢 My old man, why didn't you tell me that just now 这么着 改日我把那孩子给叫来 Here is the idea. I will bring the child home some day 你们爷俩好好说说 And you talk to him carefully 要是投缘 你就收他做干儿子 If you like him, then we will have his as the foster son 不成 咱们再想别的主意 If not, we will figure out a way otherwise 好 好 好 Ok, ok, ok 我忘了 I’ve almost forgotten 给咱们家帮工的那个孟大娘子 Ms. Meng, who’s helping with our business 还在山上干活呢 Is still working in the mountain 这天可不好 我拿伞接她去 It is about to rain soon. I have to bring an umbrella to her 认子的事就这么办了 Let's carry out the plan as discussed 去你的 Go to hell 选螟蛉如选婿需当谨慎 To choose a foster son is as important as to choose a son-in-law 怕的是选错了人悔恨终身 A mistake could lead to a life-time’s regret 南山上勤劳作贴补家用 I work hard in the mountain to support the family 为肉杠拾干柴伴月披星 I often collect firewood for the butcher until it’s late in the night 携孟轲两搬迁心中怀梦 I’ve relocated twice for my son 盼望着儿一天书房苦攻 Dreaming that he will one day study hard in the school 未料想离坟场又涉市井 It never occurred to me following the graveyard there comes the marketplace 与众童假做生意其乐融融 Now the kid is taking pleasure with his friends imitating doing business 近朱赤近墨黑古有明训 An ancient saying goes that “He who stays near vermilion gets stained red, and he who stays near ink gets stained black” 枝不修条不减幼树难存 If you don’t clean up mature branches and leaves, there would be no place for new trees to survive 忽然间狂风起乌云翻滚 Suddenly there blows strong wind and dark clouds are approaching 黑沉沉好令人胆战惊心 The dark sky is so scary 轰隆隆劈雷当头震 Horrible thunders are roaring above 哗啦啦暴雨可天倾 And the rainstorm comes immediately 罗衫湿透遍体冷 My body gets wet all over and feels extremely cold 秋水迷离白雾中 In the mist of the autumn rainfall 急忙下山寻路径 I hurry downwards for the mountain path to leave 风声雨声少人声 I’m surrounded by sounds of winds and rainfall and find no body 道路泥泞弓鞋重 The road is muddy and my steps grow more and more heavy 左摇右摆蜿蜒行 I keep staggering unsteadily on the zigzagging path 不顾崎岖奋然前进 Regardless of the bumpy road, I bravely keeping going forward 孟大娘子 你在这呢 Ms. Meng, here you are 我找你半天了 下雨了 I’ve been looking for you for a while. I started raining. 我接你回家去 I will walk you home 承蒙关爱同回程 Thanks for the care. I will go home with you. 孟轲 孟轲 Meng Ke, Meng Ke 好小子 Good boy 小孟轲果然不简单 No wonder people say you are so smart 灵牙俐齿好难缠 He has an excellent gift of talking 卖肉经他比我还熟练 He knows how to sell meat even better than I do 娃娃天生会转弯 He has the innate ability to rise to the occasion 聪明孩我见过千千万 I’ve seen a lot of smart kids 未曾见这样会逢源 But no one has his ability to curry favor with people 好样娃娃要归咱 The good boy belongs to us 岂能叫他飞上天 We definitely can't let him go 孟轲呀 你这干儿子 My dear Meng Ke, I will certainly 我认定了 Have you as my foster son 老爷子 你这干爹呀,我也认定了。 My old man, I will definite have you as my foster father too 好 Great 好 Great 走哇 走哇 Let’s go, let's go 别走了 Don't go 怎么 What 到了 We are back 别倒 Don’t drop 留着喂狗啊 Save it to feed the dog 现在连狗都不吃剩的了 Even dog don’t eat leftovers 跟我进来 Come in with me 你们这办什么喜事啊 What good news do you have 有酒没有啊 Have you prepared drinks 你就知道占便宜 You are always thinking of unearned gains 什么占便宜 What unearned gains 亲朋挚友的都来了 I have invited all our friends and relatives 咱们还是把孟大娘子请出来吧 Now let’s introduce Ms. Meng 好 好 请出来 Great, great, let’s meet Ms. Meng 我说孟大娘子 Ms. Meng 快请出来吧 Please come here soon 良禽择木巢筑稳 Smart bird chooses a proper tree to build nest steadily 娇儿不教怎成材 How will the little kid grow into a useful man if not properly educated 妈呀 Mom 你就是在这给人家帮工啊 It is them you are working for 孟轲 你为何到此呀 Meng Ke, what are you doing here 别着急 别着急啊 Don't worry, don’t worry 我跟我们老头子说说去 I’m talking to my old man right now 老头子 你说呀 Tell me, my old man 我跟你说 这回呀 Let me tell you 我是一百个放心 I'm one hundred percent assured this time 这回行了 It will work out this time 行啦 Ok 你说说去吧 Go and tell her about it 你是内当家 还得你说去 You are the boss at home. You should do it 我说去 那我说去 Ok, then I’ll do it 我说孟大娘 Ms. Meng 是这么回事情 Here it is 我们老两口年过半百 乏嗣无后 Both I and my old man are over fifty but we have no child of our own 就想找个继承人 So we would like to have an inheritor 我们瞧瞧孟轲又聪明又伶俐 We think Meng Ke is very smart and agile 心眼又好 And also kind-hearted 再加上孟大娘子这么好的人 Besides, Ms. Meng is also a nice lady 就想收他做为螟蛉义子 So we would like to have him as our foster son 等我们二老百年之后 When we pass away in the future 也好给我们养老送终 He will make arrangement for our funeral affairs 这份家业也都是你们的了 And our business will also be passed down to you 此事万万使不得 No, we can’t do that 妈 我也愿意了 Mom, I’m will to do that 他都愿意了 He has agreed 是啊 是啊 Right, right 这门亲戚要是认了 If we become foster father and son 往后咱们吃肉就甭花钱了 We won't have to pay for the meat 你说是不是 What do you say 孟大娘 你听我说 Ms. Meng, please listen to me 休看孟轲未成年 Though Meng Ke is still underage 也未学徒柜台前 And has never been an apprentice 天生聪明善盘算 He in innately smart and good for doing business 小小神童降人间 He’s a magic boy born in our world 掌柜不必谬夸赞 My boss, please don’t exaggerate his talent 孟轲应该在寒窗 Meng Ke is supposed to be in school 苦攻诗书慕垂范 Study hard and take successful scholars as models 诚实待人戒巧言 He is supposed to treat people honestly instead of talking skillfully 卖肉经商何低贱 Why do you regard butcher so low 读书做官终为钱 School-goers and officials ultimately seek for fortune too 你母子从此得温饱 If you agree, you and your son will live a comfortable life 少年显贵在人前 And he will win his fellows admiration 万千少年当奋勉 Young people shall pursue success through their own efforts 赢头之利不可贪 And never be attracted to small benefits 莫让白头空浩叹 Otherwise he will regret in his late years 天下父母为子贤 Parents in the world all hope their child to be a successful person 天下父母理一般 Parents in the world all follow the same principle 留给儿孙房与田 To leave their property and fields to their children 感谢你夫妻心良善 We appreciate your kindness 人终有志两难全 But we have a different ambition 开弓难有回头箭 When an arrow is shot, it can never come back 机不再来只此一番 You only have the opportunity for once 任贫任苦任路远 Regardless of poverty, hardness and long distance 为儿成材三搬迁 I’m will to relocate for the third time for the sake of my son’s future 妈 Mom 我们走 Let’s go 妈 Mom 弟妹 弟妹 弟妹 弟妹 Ji! Ji! Ji! Ji! 出学宫有子思孟家前往 Zi Si the teacher leaves the school for Meng’s house 烈日炎大地焦汗裹衣裳 The sun is burning, the ground is scorching, and he gets his cloths wet all over walking outside 三月前孟母她携子见我 Three years ago Meng Ke’s mom brought him to see me 小孟轲是个英姿勃发的小儿郎 Meng Ke is a handsome little boy 只可惜在学中贪玩游荡 But pitifully he enjoys playing and never works hard on studying 辜负了他的亲娘寡母 His widowed mother is really disappointed 望子成龙含辛茹苦的苦心肠 She undertakes all the hardship also and holds great expectation for her son 见孟母细说原委共商量 I met with Meng Ke’s mom and discussed with her 教孟轲迷途知返船改航 We sought for a solution to steer his life back to the right direction 痛先夫飘然去悲苦无限 The sorrow at my husband's leaving is endless 逢佳节遇忌日倍加思念 And the missing is stronger when it comes to festivals 辗转难眠 辗转难眠 It’s hard to fall asleep, hard to fall asleep 想那日夫弥留残泪滴面 I still remember the day he passed away, when he had tears on his face 声断续意拳拳要儿学圣贤 Asking me to cultivate our son into a scholarly man 病榻前我泣血誓继夫愿 Before the bed I cried and sworn I would carry out his will 为娇儿学有成三择芳邻三搬迁 I've relocated for three times to choose a good neighbor for my son 近学宫书声朗弦歌委婉 Now we live near to a school and can hear the recital of books 纵然是房窄小屋心也甜 Though the house is small but I feel happy inside 伴烈日先生来边讲边叹 Today the teacher come to my house and talk to me with sighs 小奴才依旧是读书不专 The naughty boy stills can’t focus on studying 儿夫呀 我心力用尽人影虚幻 My dear husband, I’ve tried every method and now I have no way to go 一阵阵意迷惘困上心间 I start to feel a daze coming towards my eyes 娘子醒来 娘子醒来 Wake up, darling, wake up 是哪个唤我 Who is calling me 是你丈夫孟谦回来了 It’s your husband, Meng Qian 原来是儿夫回来了 It’s you, my darling 妻呀 My wife 夫啊 My husband 娘子不要啼哭 Please stop crying, my darling 我这厢有礼了 I miss you 还礼 I miss you too 娘子啊娘子 My darling , my dear 你为了孟家的香烟 For the sake of our family’s descendants 苦度时光 You’ve gone through so much hardship 艰辛教子 Trying to educate our son properly 叫你受屈了 让你受苦了 It’s really hard and uneasy for you 我这厢多谢了 Here I appreciate you for that 仉氏不必珠泪滚 Please don’t cry, my dear 为夫言来仔细听 Listen to me carefully 小孟轲读书不上进 Meng Ke doesn’t work hard on his study 你为奴才操碎心 You have worried so much that you are feeling hurt 三迁三让胸怀万顷 You have relocated for three times and shown such great generosity 天上地下留你大贤名 You will be remembered by people in history 朽木难雕不可悯 A wood with poor quality can’t be made into a sculpture, and you don’t need to feel sorry for that 流一把辛酸泪任他去行 After crying, let him do as he likes 夫啊 My darling 儿夫流泪我心痛 Seeing your crying makes my heart hurt 儿夫弃子我血凝 But I’m stunned to hear you advising to abandon our son 纵然孩儿轻贤圣 Though our kid dislikes studying 再对夫面将誓盟 I will swear to your face again 父去母在独肩任 Even if you are gone and I have to undertake the responsibility myself 岂能愧对慈母名 I won’t be unworthy of the title of a good mother 三寸气在迎风进 I will proceed against all the difficulties with my braveness 只身携子浪中行 And carry my son by myself to go to the shore of success 娘子 保重啊 保重啊 My dear, take care, take care 坟场那帮小伙伴啊 The guys from the graveyard 可真是不够意思 They are really naughty enough 我妈带着我 My mom have made so much efforts 好不容易才搬到这儿 To move to live here 他们又让我出去玩 But they still want me to play with them 还说肉杠那老两口呀 And the old couple from the butcher 还让我回去给他们当儿子呢 They still want me go back and be their son 我就是再不爱念书 Even if I dislikes studying 也不能撇下我妈不管不是 I won't leave my mom alone 我呀 I 也没什么可跟他们玩的了 Have no interest to play with them these days 这两天我妈挺高兴的 My mom feels happy recently 我呀 回去了 And I’m going home 孩儿参见母亲 Mom 孩儿回来了 I’m back 回来了 You are back 今日读的又是什么书 What did you read in school today 还不是诗 书 礼 乐呗 Still The Book of Songs, The Book of History, The Book of Rites and The Book of Music 适才你的先生来过了 You teacher came to me just now 他来了 他来干什么呀 Him? What’s he doing here 妈呀 他都跟你说什么了 Mom, what did he say to you 道你每日学宫 He said when you were in school everyday 贪玩浮躁 心不在焉 You can’t focus on studying and still enjoys playing 这样荒废了学业 如何是好 If you fail your study, what shall we do 妈呀 你可千万别听他的 Mom, don’t listen to him 那个老八板 就会说人坏话 That old guy knows nothing but vicious talk 读书有什么用难的 Study is not hard 只要我想学 出不了两三天 As long as I want to study, it won’t take long 我学得一定比他们都强 For me to surpass all of them 臭老师 Bad teacher 他 他有什么了不起的 What’s he got to be so stuck-up 奴才 Bad boy 小奴才你怎能出言不逊 You little bad boy, how can you say that about your teacher 对先生 如敬父 不差毫分 You should respect your teacher as much as you do to your farther 天地间 唯师尊 授你学问 In this world, only your teacher lead you to knowledge 培养你 为社稷 He cultivates you into a useful man for your country 为苍生 竭尽忠忱 And guide you to make contribution to your people 看起来是为娘未尽到责任 It’s seems that I failed to fulfill my responsibility 今一天定责打你这无义人 I have to punish you conscience-less little guy 妈呀 你还真打呀 Mom, how can you really beat me 妈呀 你就是打死我 Mom, even you beat me to death 我也不能服啊 I won’t agree with you 我又没把他孩子往井里扔 I didn’t throw his kid into the well 他凭什么给我告刁状呀 Why did he talk vicious things about me 他 他 他就是欺负我没爸爸 He is ill-treating me because I don’t have a father 不顾劳累再造访 Regardless of tiredness, I paid a second visit 为使奇葩吐芬芳 I do hope the smart child can grow into a talent 孟家因何悲声放 Why is the lady in Meng's house crying so bitterly 大娘子 你因何这样啼哭呀 Ms. Meng, why are you crying like this 还不因为你呀 It’s all because of you 全为你告刁状 母才悲伤 My mother is sad because of the vicious things you talked 住口 Shut up 你竟然说此话全不思量 Have you thought about such words before saying them out 你竟把长幼礼抛在一旁 How can you put aside the curtsey for elders 为娘我苦相劝不放心上 And neglect my advices completely 竟然是怒冲冲恶语相伤 I can’t believe you are still so angry and speaking so bitterly 事到此心已灰万念皆丧 Now I have lost all my hopes 我割断了机头 痛摧了肝肠 I will destroy the spinning wheel for I’m already heart-broken 妈 你 你这是要干什么呀 Mom, you…what are you doing 你把机头割断 If you cut off the wheel head 眼看这快要织成的一匹绢就全毁了 This brocade will be totally destroyed, but it’s almost done 你多少个黑天白日的辛苦就全白废了 Your hard work in these days would become a waste 你 你这是要干什么呀 Mom, what are you doing indeed 妈 妈 我知道错了 Mom, mom, I know I’m wrong 我这儿给你跪下了 I’m kneeling down in front of you 小孟轲你也晓织不能断 My little Meng Ke, you also know that brocade can be cut halfway 绢成匹方成材缝剪罗衫 They have to be woven into complete pieces to make clothes 与读书同一理寒暑不倦 This the same for studying, you can’t stop no matter it is summer or winter 半途废浅尝止 误了少年 If you give up halfway, your won't achieve anything in your adolescent years 三搬迁呕心血为寻佳境 I’ve relocated three times to find a good environment for you 好环境尚需你发奋向前 But you need to make your own efforts in addition to the good environment 可恨你学宫旁玩心不转 But you are still obsessed with playing while living by the school 叫为娘一腔希望化作尘烟 You’ve totally smashed my hope and expectation 孟轲啊 Oh, Meng Ke 你有负你娘亲三让三迁 You’ve wasted your mother’s efforts to tolerate and relocate for three times 你有负你娘亲重担独肩 You’ve let down your mother’s will to undertake the responsibility by herself 为培养你成材她不顾艰险 She’s been scared of nothing to cultivate you into a useful man 为育儿她何求富贵陶然 She never pursues wealth and fame to grow you up 她呕尽慈母心大爱无限 She has dedicated her whole life to be a good mother 你不尊母亲训 师教诲 You disobey your mother’s order and ignore your teacher’s instruction 令人心寒 It is really a sad thing 望贤母原谅他年幼识浅 I hope your reasonable mother will forgive your inexperience and ignorance 水滴石 石穿洞 涓涓细流 Water drops on stone and forms a hollow 必能溶汇百川 Little streams ultimately converge into a roaring river 老师尊一席话儿三春暖 The teacher's words has awaken and warmed my son 有仉氏倾诉这肺腑之谈 Lady Ji reveals in her heart-felt discourse that 梦中曾把儿父见 I’ve met the boy’s father in a dream 他叫我携孟轲苦读学圣贤 He asked me to make Meng Ke study hard and learn from scholars 一为天地留浩气 The first ambition is to pursue integrity in the world 二为百姓讲直言 The second is to speak on behalf of common people 我未完成夫遗愿 I failed to fulfill my late husband’s wish 最伤心奴才不知尊师严 And what hurts me most is the naughty boy’s showing no respect for his teacher 我与其活在世上空哀叹 If I were to live in this world sighing and complaining 不如一死伴夫眠 I would rather leave this world and go find my husband 母亲啊 My dear mother 深感娘亲频施爱 I know that you have given me so much love 只为孩儿早成材 With the expectation that I will grow into a talent 以往懒散今悔改 I will get rid of my laziness from today 立志孟轲更新来 And start fresh with a new ambition 一见孟轲迷途返 To see Meng Ke coming back to the right life path 不枉老夫遭恶言 I no longer care about his vicious words to me 孟母三迁教子成仁苦心一片 Meng Ke’s mom has dedicated so much to relocated for three times 从此后 From now 你是青史名标万载传 Your story will be recorded in history for good 谢孔师谆谆教导如彩虹 My teacher, your enlightening instructions are like the rainbow 照亮儿心露峥嵘 It has lighted my mindset and shown me a clear path 再谢孔师胸浩涌 I'm really grateful to your generosity 不忌童言救顽童 That you didn’t mind my naughtiness and saved me 愿今后孟轲成材为百姓 We hope Meng Ke will become a useful man for the common people 愿今后孟轲发迹不忘穷 We hope Meng Ke won't forget his days of poverty when he gets rich 不忘穷 Don’t forget the days of poverty 和谐济世追贤圣 Following the scholars and doing good to society 与娇儿弃旧共迎新 I will abandon the old days and go for the new with my son 和谐济世追贤圣 Following the scholars and doing good to society 与娇儿弃旧共迎新 I will abandon the old days and go for the new with my son 片头字幕: Opening Credits: 出品单位 北京金尊影视文化传播中心 Production Beijing Jinzun Television Culture Communication Center 片 名 吴氏新京剧《孟母三迁》 Name: Wu Rujun’s New Peking Opera Mencius’ Mother Moving Three Times, 出品人 王冰河 Producer Wang Binghe 总顾问 张和平 冯 远 艺术总监 吴汝俊 Art Director Wu Rujun 制作人 总导演 王冰河 Producer and Chief Director Wang Binghe 文学创意 吴汝俊 张永和 Literature Wu Rujun Zhang Yonghe 编 剧 张永和 吴汝俊 Playwright Zhang Yonghe Wu Rujun 导 演 刘建魁 Director Liu Jiankui 摄 影 孙圣允 Photographer Sun Shengyun 作 曲 吴汝俊 李长春 Composer Wu Rujun Li Changchun 鼓 师 李金平 耿连军 Drummer Li Jinping Geng Lianjun 琴 师 吴小妹 何 兵 Jinghu Player Wu Xiaomei Hebing 领衔主演 吴汝俊 Leading Actor Wu Rujun 主 演 李长春 寇春华 徐 莹 朱宝光 凌 柯 吕昆山 Co-Actors Li Changchun Kou Chunhua Xu Ying Zhu Baoguang Ling Ke Lv Kunshan 制片人 总监制 董小川 吴汝俊 Producer & Supervisor Dong Xiaochuan Wu Rujun 制片主任 王世昕 Production Director Wang Shixin 片尾字幕 Credits 职 员 表 The Crew 副导演 吴小妹 Associate Director Wu Xiaomei 场 记 宋慧颖 Log Keeper Song Huiying 剧照师 邵 毅 Still Photographer Shao Yi 副摄影 袁宝宁 Associate Photographer Yuan Baoning 跟机员 田 洋 Equipment Engineer Tian Yang 灯光师 张建志 Lighting Engineer Zhang Jianzhi 灯光助理 焦闯磊 曹晓磊 孙春阳 张建浩 Lighting Assistant Jiao Chuanlei Cao Xiaolei Sun Chunyang Zhang Jianhao 服装设计 吴汝俊 于桂兰 张丽雯 Costume Designer Wu Rujun Yu Guilan Zhang Liwen 化妆造型设计 宋小川 王凡 Stylist Song Xiaochuan Wangfan 道具师 于利德 Property Yu Lide 置景师 白玉生 宋晓香 Grip Bai Yusheng Song Xiaoxiang 服 装 王 喆 Costume Wang Zhe 录 音 徐 涛 Recording Xu Tao 剪 辑 张 岩 Editor Zhang Yan 调 色 彭才华 Toning Peng Caihua 动 效 Dynamic Effect 字幕整理 王世昕 Subtitle Recording Wang Shixin 合 成 Composition 制 片 刘章桐 Production Liu Zhangtong 生活制片 张群兰 Executive Producer Zhang Qunlan 场 务 刘文成 杜国红 李小齐 胡昆鹏 On-site Assistant Liu Wencheng Du Guohong Li Xiaoqi Hu Kunpeng 司 机 胡少青 陈士宁 Driver Hu Shaoqing Chen Shining 演 员 表 The Cast 孟 母 吴汝俊 Mencius's Mother Wu Rujun 孟 轲 徐 莹 Meng Ke Xu Ying 孟 丕 朱宝光 Meng Pi Zhu Baoguang 孟 谦 朱宝光 Meng Qian Zhu Baoguang 苟 氏 寇春华 Lady Gou Kou Chunhua 吕 旺 李长春 Lv Wang Li Changchun 吕齐氏 吕昆山 Ms. Lv Qi Lv Kunshan 子 思 凌 柯 Zi Si Ling Ke 后期制作 Post Production 北京数字菲林电影后期制作公司 Beijing Digital Filming Post Production Company 协 拍 Assistant Production 日本京剧院 Japanese Peking Opera Theatre 中国京剧院 Chinese Peking Opera Theatre 中央电视台戏曲频道 CCTV-OPERA 鸣 谢 Acknowledgement 中国京剧杂志社 Magazine Peking Opera 北京星光影视设备集团公司 影视之家 The Film Centre of Beijing Star Lighting Group Co. 北京银河星光文化传播有限公司 Beijing Galaxy Star Culture Communication Co., Ltd. 北京金尊影视文化传播中心 摄 制 Presented by Beijing Jinzun Television Culture Communication Center 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 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