时间:2019-07-09 16:58 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
屋内的两个男人又开始为C贼受伤是谁的责任而开始吵架。捕快决定人赃并获,正欲踹开房门进屋抓捕的时候,脑后突遭暗袭。原来是目睹老板娘和捕快中迷药,却误以为两人苟且的小伙计,伺机报复。小伙计拿着擀面杖,看着捕快倒地,伙计也吓坏了。一个擀面杖,却打得捕快脑后见血,伙计本来只为泄恨,这会儿却以为自己错手将人打死,赶紧夺路而逃。屋内三人听到外面的动静,赶快吹熄蜡烛。屋外突然又悄无声息了。发现没动静之后,三人又在黑暗中,使出浑身解数,相互比较,将一个锦盒偷来偷去,难定胜负。老板娘此时从捕快屋里踉跄而出,路过屋外,被捕快身体绊倒,感觉店里一定出事了。细看之下,却是自己心爱的人倒在血泊之中。老板娘踉跄回屋,拿着亡夫留下的金疮药来给捕快止血。捕快悠悠醒转,老板娘含羞撕下自己的衣袖,给捕快包扎伤口。捕快亦觉感动,但同时也发觉屋内仍是打斗连连。捕快请老板娘扶他回屋,并称自己伤痛难忍且腹中饥饿,请老板娘熬煮些面食。老板娘去厨房了,捕快又来到三贼屋外。他缓缓取出腰间短箫,轻轻吹奏起来。这箫不是捕快风雅的点缀,而是迷幻人心的武功绝学,闻者心神混乱,内功停滞,不支倒地。屋内三人不明就里,本来就在运功互斗,箫声过处,三人不支倒下。捕快入屋将其三人捆绑,并拿回锦盒。三人醒来,见大势已去,早年情事的争锋吃醋不仅坏了大事,还将搭上性命。C贼希望两人在入狱之前能冰释前嫌,两个男人望着对方,没有说话。B贼突然劝捕快,为黎民苍生,放弃向A国下战书的举动,并称盗窃战书一事,全因自己而起,和AC无关,愿一力承担。A贼听闻,深感大义,嘴上没说什么,心里的冰却在渐渐融化。捕快此时方才明白,原来三人偷盗锦盒,并不为钱财,而是为免两国战事。捕快为三贼心系百姓的豪情感动, 捕快轻轻一笑,放三人离去……当白展送到盒子于邻国,呈于国君面前时,邻国公主恰在旁边。看到匣中的观音,潸然落泪,原来国王将自己的爱转化在这块稀世珍玉,命人雕琢她的容貌在它上面。。。动静传来,三贼觉得莫名不甘,一世英名,本想盗亦有道,无奈盒内并非战书,反而连累三人锒铛入狱。The two men in the room began to quarrel about who was responsible for Thief C’s being injured. The captor decided to capture both the stolen goods and the criminal. He was about to break into the room when he was attacked behind. It was the lad who wanted to seek his revenge when he saw the landlady and the captor took the drugged and thought they would make monkey business. Watching the captor fall to the ground, the lad was scared to death with a rolling pin in hand. While, the rolling pin made the captor bleeding. The lad had expected to take revenge, but never thought the captor was killed by him by mistake. He fled in a hurry. The three people in the room heard sounds outside and quickly blew out the candle. Suddenly it was quiet outside. The three people then tried their very best to compare the brocade box with other things and could not make a final decision. At that time the landlady staggered out of the captor’s room and was stumbled outside the room. She realized something could have happened there. She took a closer look, only to find her beloved lying in a pool of blood. Staggering back to the room, the landlady poured some incised wound medicine left by her deceased husband on the captor to stop bleeding. Seeing the captor come to his conciousness, the landlady ripped off her sleeve and helped the captor bind up the wound. The captor couldn’t help to be disturbed by the unceacing fighting in the house and asked the landlady to support him to the restaurant and cook some noodles to ease his starvation and undurable pain. When the landlady was in the kitchen, the captor came out of the restaurant where the three Theifs were fighting, gently pulled a flute from at his waist and began to play brisk musics. As a matter of fact, the flute is not something that would add to his elegance or gentility but some dazzling fatal martial art that could disturb the enemies metally and stop them from breathing and at last fall them down. No sooner the three Theifs in fighting heard the flute sound than they fell flat to the ground. The captor got them wrapped up in ropes and snatch back the brocade box. When the three Theifs were awake and found hopelessly that nothing could be done now but to regret about what they had done in the past had cost them almost everything and even their lives. Theif C Hoped the two could be reconciled and forgot about their misunderstandings. But the two guys saw each other in their eyes without saying a word. Theif B rose to speak to the captor and persuaded him to give up his war plan against country A for the sake of the common people and ascerted that he was was the one who should take all the responsibilities for stealing the war letter and A and C was igonerent. Theif A heard , without saying anything, was touched by his righteousness and his cold heart melted. The captor realized that the three theives stole the brocade is not for the money but to avoid the war between too countries. The captor was touched by the lofty sentiments of the three theives who concerned about the common people … When the Baizhan sent to the neighbour country, and presented to the king, the princess coincidently standed aside and cried at the sight of the Guanyin in the case. It turns out that the king has ordered somebody to carve her countenance on the rare gem which is used to express his love. ….A stir comes, the three theives felt baffled at their failure.and lost their illustrious name in their whole life . Even robbers have a code of conduct, however, it is not the letter of challenge in the case, rather than a trouble for their being put in jail. 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |