00:00-00:08 |
Healthy animals, healthy food, healthy world |
健康的动物、健康的食品与健康的世界 |
新闻翻译 |
Preparation before vaccination with live vaccines in vials |
用密封瓶中活疫苗接种前的准备工作 |
新闻翻译 |
Preparations before reconstitution
Vaccine check up
After work
Key points |
要点 |
新闻翻译 |
Introduction |
介绍 |
00:00-00:43 |
Live vaccines must be handled with care assuring the live organisms are maintained viable in order to achieve good results. The Preservation of live vaccine potency does not end at the time of manufacturing and storage, poor preparation for vaccination and improper application of vaccines can result in quick reduction of potency and vaccination failure. |
持拿活疫苗时必须小心,确保活微生物保持活性,从而获得理想的免疫效果。在出厂或贮存时,疫苗制剂的保存并未结束。若接种前疫苗准备工作不足或疫苗应用不当将导致效力快速降低和接种失败。 |
00:44-00:54 |
Live vaccines are attenuated viral or bacterial vaccines in freeze-dried life-like form ,preserved in vials and sealed under vacuum. |
活疫苗是减弱病毒或菌苗,是一种冻干制剂,真空密封保存。 |
00:55-01:00 |
Live vaccines must be stored under refrigeration and protected from direct sunlight, |
活性疫苗应冷冻保存,避免阳光直射。 |
01:15-01:17 |
Preparation before reconstitution |
疫苗复溶前的准备 |
01:18-01:20 |
Vaccine check up |
疫苗的检查 |
01:23-01:45 |
Check the storage temperature to be at plus 2°to plus 8°(degree centigrade), make sure you use the correct vaccines, and check the expiry date |
检查保存温度,确保在零2~8℃,确保使用正确的疫苗,并检查疫苗的有效期。 |
01:50-02:02 |
Make sure you have enough vaccines for the number of birds. Do not use any vials which are damaged or have been opened. |
确保有足够的疫苗用于鸡只免疫,不得使用瓶子损坏或已开封的疫苗。 |
01:58-02:03 |
Prepare clean water for vaccine solution |
为配制接种疫苗溶液准备干净的水 |
Clean de-chlorinated water |
干净的脱氯水 |
02:08-02:15 |
Use the water at PH 5.5-7.5 and use it as cool water |
使用PH 5.5-7.5的冷水。 |
02:21-02:24 |
Prepare a container for the vaccine solution |
准备配制接种疫苗溶液所需容器 |
Prepare container for reconstitution and stock solution |
准备疫苗复溶和保存所需容器 |
02:25--02:32 |
If you use regular water,add a de-chlorinator preferably with blue color of food quality,it’s best to use the sterile water from the manufacturer. |
如果使用平常水,则加脱氯剂,最好带食品质量的蓝色染料,并使用制造商所附送的无菌水。 |
Colored de-chlorinator |
着色的脱氯剂 |
02:28 |
Needle & syringe
Vaccine vials |
疫苗密封瓶 |
02:32-02:37 |
It’s the best use the spare water from manufacturing |
最好使用生产商提供的稀释液。 |
02:38-02:40 |
Prepare enough water for the solution, |
准备足量的水配制溶液 |
02:45-02:49 |
Use it via syringe and needles, |
使用注射器和注射针头操作。 |
02:53-02:55 |
Use an ice pack to move the vaccine to the poultry house. |
使用冰袋将疫苗送入鸡舍。 |
Reconstitution |
疫苗的复溶 |
03:00-03:05 |
Take the vials needed for immediate use out of the storage |
从保存室取出疫苗瓶,立即使用。 |
03:15-03:25 |
Dissolve the live vaccine within about five milliliters of clean water and transfer to the container for vaccine solution, |
将疫苗倒入大约5毫升的净水中,转移到接种溶液容器内。 |
03:58-04:04 |
Rinse the vial once more to remove the whole vaccine |
用净水再次清洗密封瓶,以便将所有疫苗转移到容器内。 |
04:05-04:25 |
Mix the vaccine solution |
将接种疫苗溶液搅拌均匀。 |
And use the reconstituted vaccine immediately |
立即使用复溶好的接种疫苗溶液。 |
04:40 |
After work |
接种后的工作 |
04:42- |
We recommend vaccine preparations be from any used materials, remove all packaging of used vaccines and dispose of them according to the local regulation and requirements. |
疫苗配制过程应禁止与已用过的物质接触,根据当地环境法规处理已用过的疫苗和一次性器具。 |
Key points |
要点 |
Make sure the vaccine was properly stored
Prepare materials before taking the vaccine out of the cold storage
Preparation area must be clean, cool and close to the vaccination site;
Use the cool water at PH 5.5-7.5 without any disinfectants and anti-viral/bacterial materials
Use the vaccine immediately after reconstitution
Dispose of any bio-wastes according to local regulations |
根据当地法规处理生物废弃物。 |