时间:2019-06-10 09:02 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
新德里东部的Ghazipur垃圾场,面积有40多个足球场大小,并以每年10米的速度长高。目之所及,遍地垃圾。 现在,这个垃圾山已经超过65米高。按照目前的增长速度,在2020年它将比近73米的泰姬陵还高。
Via AFP 印度最高法院去年警告称,不久后就不得不在垃圾场周围设立红色警示灯,提醒过往的喷气式飞机(不要撞“山”了)。 这座不断增长的垃圾场到底是什么来历呢? Ghazipur was opened in 1984 and reached its capacity in 2002 when it should have been closed. But the city's detritus has kept on arriving each day in hundreds of trucks. Ghazipur垃圾场于1984年开业,2002年应该关闭。但每天依然有数百辆卡车在上面倾倒垃圾。 "About 2,000 tonnes of garbage is dumped at Ghazipur each day," a Delhi municipal official said on condition of anonymity. “每天约有2000吨垃圾被倾倒在Ghazipur垃圾场,”一位不愿透露姓名的德里市政官员说。
Via AFP 垃圾场还经常引发坍塌和爆燃事故。 In 2018, a section of the hill collapsed in heavy rains killing two people. Dumping was banned after the deaths, but the measure lasted only a few days because authorities could not find an alternative. 2018年,一部分“山丘”在大雨中坍塌,造成两人死亡。事故发生后当局禁止了倾倒,但该措施仅持续了几天就旧态复燃,因为无法找到替代方案。 Fires, sparked by methane gas coming from the dump, regularly break out and take days to extinguish. 来自垃圾场的甲烷气体经常引发火灾,并且需要数天才能熄灭。 Via AFP 而且,垃圾场导致的空气和水污染,还让周围的居民几乎难以正常呼吸。 "The poisonous smell has made our lives hell. People fall sick all the time," said 45-year-old local resident Puneet Sharma. 45岁的当地居民Puneet Sharma说:“有毒的气味使我们的生活变成地狱。人们总是生病。” A government survey conducted between 2013 and 2017 reported that Delhi saw 981 deaths from acute respiratory infection while more than 1.7 million residents suffered from infections. 2013年至2017年间进行的一项政府调查显示,德里有981人死于急性呼吸道感染,170多万居民受到感染。 Via AFP 媒体预测,印度这个垃圾“山”未来几年只会变得更大。
Via AFP Indian cities are among the world's largest garbage producers, generating 62 million tonnes of waste annually. By 2030, that could rise to 165 million tonnes, according to government figures. 印度各城市是世界上最大的垃圾生产者,每年产生6200万吨垃圾。根据政府的数据,到2030年,每年生产的垃圾可能会增至1.65亿吨。 Via AFP 对此,网友们也是很无语…… @Olderbutnonethewiser: Yet they have a space programme! @Olderbutnonethewiser: 他们还计划飞向太空呢! @Eyeswideclosed Incredible India? @Eyeswideclosed 神奇的国度?