时间:2018-01-19 14:35 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
总之,印象中超长待机的英国女王奶奶严肃端庄又和蔼可亲,从来都是严谨到近乎完美滴优雅英伦范儿哒~ BUT!前几日播出的由BBC制作的纪录片《加冕礼》(The Coronation)差点儿让本君惊掉了下巴——女王奶奶居然,对着镜头亲自爆料•实力吐槽!印象中遥不可及的女王奶奶,突然摇身一变成了接地气儿的邻家奶奶style,这画风,不光世纪君,英国本土媒体看来也被女王奶奶吓到了呢↓↓↓(可爱的女王奶奶这次又实力圈粉儿啦~) 《卫报》:《加冕礼》剧评——王室惊喜趣招,女王星光绽放(四星半)
据报道,BBC拍摄的这部纪录片《加冕礼》是为了纪念女王君主加冕礼65周年(a documentary to mark 65 years since she ascended the throne),重现了女王1953年6月2日,在父亲乔治六世(George VI)过世后举行的加冕典礼。
There are six stages to a coronation: the Recognition, Oath, Anointing, Investiture, Homage and Communion; a strict order of ceremony that lasts for three hours. 纪录片中,女王和王室评论员Alastair Bruce坐在一起观看当时加冕礼的视频,一边看一边进行评论。虽然看起来像是Bruce在主导话题,但无疑,笑容可掬的女王奶奶才是大家的焦点~( ‘Coronation expert’ Alastair Bruce guides the action, but it’s the smiling sovereign who stars.)
圣爱德华皇冠(St Edward’s Crown) 喏,这就是加冕礼时坎特伯雷大主教给女王戴上哒那一顶~ The documentary also features the St Edward’s Crown, which the Archbishop of Canterbury placed on her head at the moment of coronation. 1661年制成的圣爱德华皇冠,只有女王、坎特伯雷大主教以及皇冠珠宝师可以碰。
The original, medieval crown was melted down by the Parliamentarians during Oliver Cromwell’s rule. When the monarchy was restored on 29th May 1660, new regalia had to be made before there could be a coronation. A copy was instructed to be made. 其实真正原版的圣爱德华皇冠已经被克伦威尔统治时期的议会下令融化了。1660年王朝复辟,在加冕礼前必须制作一顶新的,于是又造了一个复制品。
帝国皇冠 (Imperial State Crown) 加冕流程结束后,女王换上并戴着镶满钻石的帝国皇冠一路回到白金汉宫。
女王在之后的多数国会开幕大典上戴的也是它。纪录片中,女王似乎对这顶皇冠格外有“敌意”,还开启了实力“吐槽”模式~ Faced with her diamond encrusted Imperial State Crown, which she wore at the end of her Coronation and until recently used for most State Openings of Parliament, the Queen has an almost comically hostile expression as she unexpectedly pulls it towards her. 现在简直小了很多嘛! (You see, it’s much smaller isn’t it?) Bruce提到,当年女王的父亲乔治六世加冕的时候,这个王冠很大。女王表示: 是的,非常笨重。(Yes. Very unwieldy.) ![]() 幸运的是,我和我父亲的头型相同。一旦戴上了,就稳定了。它就自己固定了(Fortunately my father and I have about the same sort of shaped head. But once you put it on it stays. I mean it just remains on.)
因为皇冠重2磅5盎司(2斤多重),问到是否需要保持头部不乱动时,女王表示: 是的,而且你不能低头念稿,你需要这样拿起来。不然你的脖子就断了或者皇冠会掉下来。(Yes. And you can’t look down to read the speech you have to take the speech up. Because if you did your neck would break, it [the crown] would fall off.) 嗯,别低头,皇冠会掉! ![]() 所以皇冠也有一些缺点,但是其实它们也蛮重要的。(So there are some disadvantages to crowns, but otherwise they’re quite important things.)
《每日邮报》:“她像对待普通帽子一样!”《加冕礼》观众被女王对待皇冠的随意方式惊到了——这可是无价之宝啊,就这么动手动脚戳来戳去的! 文章太长,《每日邮报》的小编们贴心总结亮点: Hour-long The Coronation on BBC1 saw Queen reunited with Coronation crownBBC1 一小时长纪录片《加冕礼》,女王和加冕礼皇冠再度同框 The 91-year-old watched as an aide in white gloves brought the headwear to her 91岁的女王看着助手戴着白手套呈上皇冠 Viewers were delighted that she immediately 'man-handled' the historic item 看到女王“粗鲁地”对待皇冠,观众们乐不可支 Queen smiled as she prodded jewels on it including pearls and a sapphire 女王笑着对皇冠上的珍珠和蓝宝石戳啊戳 对比珠宝师堪比慢镜头的拿皇冠动作,女王奶奶的版本就有点儿…… 我戳
女王奶奶也说了:我戴它的时候,都是自己挪的,自己挪的,挪的……女王还一边戳着皇冠上的珍珠一边说:它们看起来很不开心啊…… 这么对“国宝”真的好嘛?网友们表示不淡定了……
“女王一点儿也不在意皇冠,我觉得她简直是想弄坏它。” Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您最近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务translation company,全球领先的翻译与技术解决方案供应商,北京翻译公司、上海翻译公司顶级品牌。无论在本地,还是广州、深圳、天津、重庆、苏州、香港、澳门、台北,海外,Unitrans.cn世联的英文翻译等专业服务为您的事业加速! 除了吐槽皇冠,已经开启吐槽模式停不下来的女王奶奶还顺道吐槽了一把自己的黄金马车:太沉了马都拉不动、不实用、一点儿也不舒服、慢死了、要走半个伦敦……
The Queen sees footage of the Coronation featuring her golden state coach, which weighs nearly four tons. She comments: ‘Horrible. It’s not meant for travelling in at all. I mean, it’s only sprung on leather. Not very comfortable.’When asked if she was in it for a long time, she pauses before smilingly responding: ‘Halfway around London. It can only go at a walking pace. The horses couldn’t possibly go any faster. It’s so heavy.’
这拦都拦不住的实力吐槽……难道是压抑太久终于决堤了不成? 话说除了实力吐槽,女王还在节目中开启了耿直girl的可爱画风……
被问到当天没去威斯敏斯特大教堂现场观礼的查尔斯王子和安妮长公主留在白金汉宫都干了些啥时,女王耿直girl起来也是没谁了:“我也不知道啊,我又没在家,不知道这俩孩子在干啥啊!” Alastair then quizzed: “What did the two children do for most of the day? Can you remember ma’am?”The 91-year-old monarch then replied: “No idea. Wasn’t there. I wasn’t there! I’ve no idea what they did. But there were a lot of other people in the palace as well I think.”