时间:2022-09-15 17:00 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
笔译涉及的范围广泛,译员翻译的时候也需要了解多方面的知识,世联翻译公司带大家了解专业的笔译译员需要具备哪些条件? Translation covers a wide range, and translators also need to understand many aspects of knowledge when translating. WorldUnion translation company will show you what conditions professional translators need to meet? 1、专业的笔译译员需要对源语言和目标语言有充分的理解和全面的掌握。 1. Professional translators need to fully understand and master the source language and target language. 一位译者如果对源语言和目标语言不够熟悉,或者没有掌握足够数量的双语词汇,那么他/她就不是一位合格的译者。(如果你需要把英文翻译成中文,那么英文就是源语言,这是你需要翻译的语言;中文就是目标语言,这是你需要翻译成的语言) If a translator is not familiar with the source language and the target language, or does not master a sufficient number of bilingual words, he / she is not a qualified translator. (if you need to translate English into Chinese, then English is the source language, which is the language you need to translate; Chinese is the target language, which is the language you need to translate) 2、专业的笔译译员需要十分熟知两种文化或多种文化。 2. Professional translators need to be familiar with two or more cultures. 语言是一种独特而又鲜活的文化现象,它不会脱离一种文化环境而独立存在。语言不仅仅只表达各种事物和行为动作的称谓,而且它还表达人的情感、态度、信念和精神。要想完全掌握一门语言,译者还必须熟知这种语言的文化环境,必须熟知以这种语言为母语的人,必须熟知这些人的行为方式、风俗习惯和信仰理念。 Language is a unique and vivid cultural phenomenon. It will not exist independently from a cultural environment. Language not only expresses the appellation of various things and behaviors, but also expresses people's emotion, attitude, belief and spirit. In order to fully master a language, the translator must also be familiar with the cultural environment of the language, the native speakers of the language, and their behavior, customs, beliefs and ideas. 3、专业的笔译译员需要迎头赶上语言的发展变化,尽力做到与时俱进。 3. Professional translators need to catch up with the development and changes of the language and try their best to keep pace with the times. 语言其实一直都处于一种不断变化的状态,新的时代必然有新的语言。随着信息社会的快速发展,新的词汇层出不穷,年年涌现,月月涌现;词义也是不时发生变化,古今中外,概莫能外。译者平时要注意搜集和整理新的词汇、新的说法,以便做到所翻译的文字接地气、浅显明白、通俗易懂,紧跟时代的步伐,终身学习。 In fact, language has always been in a changing state. There must be new language in the new era. With the rapid development of information society, new words emerge one after another, emerging year after year and month after month; The meaning of a word also changes from time to time, both at home and abroad. Translators should pay attention to collecting and sorting out new words and expressions, so as to make the translated words grounded, simple, clear and easy to understand, keep up with the pace of the times and learn for life. 4、专业的笔译译员需要正确对待互译中的双向问题,尽力做到齐头并进。 4. Professional translators need to correctly deal with the two-way problem in mutual translation and try their best to go hand in hand. 一般来讲,译者把源语言翻译成自己的母语更为容易一些,因为只要对源语言的理解是准确的,那么用自己的母语来表达清楚应该是问题不大的,这是互译中的一个方向;而将自己的母语翻译成另外一种语言(即目标语言),则要求译者对目标语言有极强的驾驭能力,能够用目标语言表述清楚,这是互译中的另外一个方向。译者必须充分认识到互译中存在的双向问题,努力提高自己的母语水平和外语水平,以便做到相互促进,形成一个良性的互补。 Generally speaking, it is easier for translators to translate the source language into their own mother tongue, because as long as the understanding of the source language is accurate, it should be no problem to express clearly in their own mother tongue, which is a direction in mutual translation; Translating one's mother tongue into another language (i.e. the target language) requires the translator to have a strong control over the target language and be able to express it clearly in the target language, which is another direction in mutual translation. Translators must be fully aware of the two-way problems in mutual translation and strive to improve their mother tongue and foreign language level, so as to promote each other and form a benign complementarity. 5、专业的笔译译员需要有翻译多个专业领域和行业背景的能力。 5. Professional translators need the ability to translate multiple professional fields and industry backgrounds. 译者要想做好文字翻译还需要对一个或多个领域的专业知识有一定的了解,愿意沉下心来去学习和研究这个领域,将语言技能和专业知识结合起来,这样的翻译才能做到“信赖”和“达意”。 学习和了解多个专业领域也有利于增加译者的词汇量和知识面,因此译者需要有强烈的好奇心和求知欲才能做好翻译。 In order to do a good job of text translation, translators also need to have a certain understanding of professional knowledge in one or more fields, be willing to sink down to study and study this field, and combine language skills and professional knowledge. Only in this way can translation achieve "trust" and "meaning". Learning and understanding multiple professional fields is also conducive to increasing the translator's vocabulary and knowledge. Therefore, the translator needs to have a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge in order to do a good job in translation. 6、专业的笔译译员需要具备写作和演说的能力 6. Professional translators need to be able to write and speak 一位专业的译者应该具有在笔头和口头上能够清晰、迅速、准确地进行表达的能力。译者有时候需要像记者那样能够实时地传递信息,而且还要用大家都能够听得明白、听得真切的语言。译者从某种意义上讲就是一位作家和演说家。 A professional translator should have the ability to express clearly, quickly and accurately both in writing and orally. Translators sometimes need to be able to convey information in real time like journalists, and also use language that everyone can understand and hear. In a sense, the translator is a writer and speaker. 7、专业的笔译译员需要很强的笔译速度。 7. Professional translators need strong translation speed. 对译者的翻译速度有要求出于两个原因:一是客户往往在最后一个阶段才将翻译工作分派出来,因此所要完成的翻译工作都是非常紧急的,这时候客户最关心的一个问题就是“什么时候能够完成?”译者不得不在保证质量的情况下高效地完成翻译工作。 There are two reasons for the requirement of the translator's translation speed: first, the customer often assigns the translation work at the last stage, so the translation work to be completed is very urgent. At this time, the customer's most concern is "when can it be completed?" The translator has to complete the translation work efficiently under the condition of ensuring the quality. 二是译者的工作量和工作报酬紧密相关,且成比例。一位译者翻译得越多,其工作报酬就越高,当然前提是翻译质量过硬。高质量高效率的译者会带来高报酬。 Second, the translator's workload and remuneration are closely related and proportional. The more a translator translates, the higher his salary will be. Of course, the premise is that the translation quality is excellent. High quality and efficient translators will bring high remuneration. 8、专业的笔译译员需要培养较强的信息搜集能力 8. Professional translators need to cultivate strong information collection ability 译者为了完成高质量的翻译,往往需要动用其信息搜集能力获取与翻译工作相关的参考资料。这些资料能够为译者提供详细的专业背景知识,帮助译者做好翻译工作,因此译者要特别重视搜集和整理这些参考资料,定期分主题进行梳理。 In order to complete high-quality translation, translators often need to use their information collection ability to obtain reference materials related to translation. These materials can provide detailed professional background knowledge for the translator and help the translator do a good job in translation. Therefore, the translator should pay special attention to collecting and sorting out these reference materials and sort them out regularly by topic. 9、专业的笔译译员需要能够娴熟地运用各种办公设备、办公软件和互联网络 9. Professional translators need to be able to skillfully use all kinds of office equipment, office software and Internet