时间:2022-03-17 23:01 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
诗歌翻译是一种难度较大的翻译方式,应注意异域文化的传达,下面带大家了解翻译公司诗歌翻译的特色有什么? Poetry translation is a difficult way of translation. We should pay attention to the transmission of foreign culture. What are the characteristics of poetry translation? 1.词语特色 1. Word features 由于英汉两种语言中词汇的意义组合、感情色彩、语法功能、文化内含等方面的差异,使得看似简单的诗歌中词汇的翻译极具挑战性。 Due to the differences in meaning combination, emotional color, grammatical function and cultural connotation between English and Chinese, the translation of seemingly simple words in poetry is very challenging. 2.诗行特色 2. Poetic features 诗行颇具特色,与诗句是密切相关而又有所区别的。一个句子可能就是一个诗行,也可能就是一个句子分成数行或几个句子形成一个诗行。在两种语言中除了因句型结构不同可能导致诗行长短或是诗行数目有别之外,简短精练和繁复重叠之间有限度的转换也会对诗行产生一定的影响。 The lines of poetry have their own characteristics, which are closely related to and different from the lines of poetry. A sentence may be a line of poetry, or a sentence may be divided into several lines or several sentences to form a line of poetry. In the two languages, in addition to the difference in the length or number of lines due to different sentence structures, the limited conversion between brevity and complexity will also have a certain impact on the lines. 3.篇章特色 3. Chapter features 由于思维模式、文化背景和艺术审美的差异以及谋篇布局的特殊需要,上海翻译公司的译者有时要对整体篇章加以操控。诗歌创作是典型的形象思维、语言跳跃不羁、时空转化不定、情感变幻不测。看似毫无规律可寻的,但是诗的整体意趣总会存在于字里行间;因为不论是怎样飘忽浮泛,表层的形象思维总要有深层的逻辑阐释作为理解的基础。 Due to the differences in thinking mode, cultural background and artistic aesthetics, as well as the special needs of text layout, translators of Shanghai translation company sometimes have to manipulate the whole text. Poetry creation is a typical image thinking, uninhibited language jump, uncertain transformation of time and space, and unpredictable emotion. It seems that there are no rules to find, but the overall interest of poetry always exists between the lines; Because no matter how flighty, the surface image thinking always has a deep logical interpretation as the basis of understanding. 4.形象特色 4. Image features 在诗歌中形象的运用比比皆是。在不同的文化背景中,相同或是相近的形象会附带不同的感情色彩或产生不同的联想。上海翻译公司的译者如果忽视文化差异,一味去忠实照搬原来的形象,那么译品必定是索然无味,甚至不伦不类。形象特色的成败也是决定译品优劣高下的因素之一。 In poetry, images are used everywhere. In different cultural backgrounds, the same or similar images will have different emotional colors or different associations. If the translators of Shanghai translation company ignore cultural differences and blindly copy the original image, the translated products must be dull and even nondescript. The success or failure of image features is also one of the factors that determine the quality of translation. 5.形式特色 5. Form features 诗歌这种文体是有着其特殊的形式,行、小节、节奏及押韵等都有一定的要求,有些格律诗甚至是对音节或是字数及其读音方式等还有格外严格的规定。在诗歌翻译评论中除了“神似”之外,争议最大的就莫过于“形似”了;它的原因就在于诗歌是一种特别讲究形式的文体,而两种语言中诗歌的“形”有时会存在巨大的差异。 The style of poetry has its special form. There are certain requirements for lines, sections, rhythm and rhyme. Some metrical poems even have particularly strict regulations on syllables or word numbers and their pronunciation. In poetry translation criticism, apart from "similarity in spirit", the most controversial is "similarity in form"; The reason is that poetry is a style that pays special attention to form, and there are sometimes great differences in the "form" of poetry between the two languages. 6.审美特色 6. Aesthetic features 诗歌的审美情趣也是多种多样的,在不同的语言文化背景中更会有千差万别。在“美”的提下,译作与原作的表现手法也会有一些区别。 The aesthetic taste of poetry is also diverse, which will vary greatly in different language and cultural backgrounds. In the context of "beauty", there will also be some differences between the translation and the original. 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |