时间:2022-03-03 23:45 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
翻译公司根据剧中人物的心情、语调来进行翻译,剧中的人物总会存在着很大的情绪起伏,如果不去注意这一点,那么翻译出来的剧本就会平淡如水,也就不能吸引观众,观众也不会感受到跌宕起伏的情景。所以剧中的人物说话是以什么样的态度说出来的,一定要了解清楚了,这对翻译来说也是至关重要的。 The translation company translates according to the mood and intonation of the characters in the play. The characters in the play will always have great emotional ups and downs. If you don't pay attention to this, the translated script will be as plain as water, so it can't attract the audience, and the audience won't feel the ups and downs. Therefore, we must understand the attitude of the characters in the play, which is also very important for translation. 由于剧中人物的文化背景、生活条件,各种生活习惯的不同,所以也就会造成不同的性格,要根据人物自身的性格来进行翻译,如果不相符合,观众看了也就会觉得有违和感,所以翻译需要根据任务的性格来。 Due to the differences in the cultural background, living conditions and various living habits of the characters in the play, they will also lead to different personalities. The translation should be carried out according to the characters' own personality. If it is not consistent, the audience will feel contrary to the sense of harmony after watching it. Therefore, the translation needs to be carried out according to the personality of the task. 剧本的翻译不像是诗词翻译,需要口语化,如果翻译的之乎者也,人们听不懂剧中的人物在说什么自然会对此剧失去兴趣,台词的翻译无论是文是质都需要口语化,要让演员说起来是上口的,观众听起来也会清楚。 The translation of the script is not like the translation of poetry, which needs to be colloquial. If the translation is too good, people will naturally lose interest in the play if they don't understand what the characters are saying. The translation of lines needs to be colloquial regardless of the text and quality. The actors should be catchy and the audience will sound clear.