时间:2022-01-05 17:40 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
陪同翻译是专业译员在活动中提供口译工作,可以满足客户的休闲或者事务性甚至是专业需求,世联翻译公司给大家分享陪同翻译的事项有哪些需要注意的? Accompanying translation is the interpretation work provided by professional translators in activities, which can meet the leisure or transactional or even professional needs of customers. WorldUnion translation company will share with you the matters needing attention in accompanying translation? 一、不管是新手还是老手的口译员,在进行陪同口译的项目之前,一定要认真准备,熟悉需要翻译的文件内容,思考可能涉及的相关领域知识。因为准备不充分、翻译不流畅是口译员最大的失误。 1、 Interpreters, whether novice or experienced, must prepare carefully, be familiar with the contents of the documents to be translated, and think about the knowledge of relevant fields that may be involved before the project of accompanying interpretation. Because inadequate preparation and poor translation are the biggest mistakes of interpreters. 二、口译员应该比客户提前15-20分钟到达,无论有何种情况都不应该迟到。如果遇到堵车或其他特殊情况耽误,务必要给客户打个电话解释一下。 2、 The interpreter should arrive 15-20 minutes earlier than the client and should not be late in any case. In case of traffic jam or other special delays, be sure to call the customer to explain. 三、跟同声传译不同,大部分陪同翻译项目都是需要露面的,所以应该注意穿着,不能太随便搭配,不能邋遢出场。作为陪同翻译人员,需要跟随在外宾的左右,所以最好穿正式的衣服。 3、 Unlike simultaneous interpretation, most of the accompanying translation projects need to appear, so you should pay attention to your clothes, not too casual collocation or sloppy appearance. As an accompanying translator, you need to follow around the foreign guests, so you'd better wear formal clothes. 四、陪同翻译应该学会察言观色。因为很多时候陪同翻译要应付的不仅仅只是正式的谈判场合。客户既然雇佣你并支付一天的费用,肯定是希望你在生活的各个方面都给与帮助。比如:客户看不懂菜谱、找不到洗手间、想要什么东西时,翻译都应该主动上前询问是否需要帮助。 4、 Accompanying translators should learn to observe words and colors. Because most of the time, accompanying translators have to deal with more than just formal negotiation occasions. Since the customer hired you and paid for a day, he must want you to help in all aspects of life. For example, when the customer can't understand the menu, can't find the bathroom or wants anything, the translator should take the initiative to ask if he needs help. 五、因时间有结余或者中间有比较长的空闲时间的情况下,客户私自要求译员去周边地区旅游及相关项目时,其实是非常危险的,能避免应尽量避免,因为一来这类项目不能保证付费,第二点也就是最重要的,译员和客户二者中任何一个人出现安全问题,谁也无法保证谁也无法负责。确实无法避免的情况之下,应该在出发之前和客户说明相关情况,并找到第三方人员做证。 5、 When the client privately asks the interpreter to travel to the surrounding areas and related projects due to time balance or relatively long idle time, it is actually very dangerous. If it can be avoided, it should be avoided as far as possible, because for one thing, the payment for such projects cannot be guaranteed. Secondly, most importantly, any one of the interpreter and the client has security problems, No one can guarantee that no one can be responsible. If it is really unavoidable, you should explain the relevant situation to the customer before departure and find a third-party personnel to prove it. 六、中国人一般都会认为“提钱伤感情”,而外国人则主张公事公办。如果客户坚持付费,一定要说好是一次性付费还是按天付费。如果遮遮掩掩不敢明说,吃亏的还是自己。 6、 Chinese people generally think that "raising money hurts feelings", while foreigners advocate business. If the customer insists on paying, it must be agreed whether it is a one-time payment or a daily payment. If you don't dare to say it clearly, you will still suffer. 七、一般情况下,翻译公司都会在任务结束后一个月内将费用打到账户上,所以除了事先说明是客户当场付费,否则很少有在一周之内费用到账的情况。 7、 Generally, the translation company will pay the fee to the account within one month after the end of the task. Therefore, except that the customer pays on the spot in advance, there are few cases where the fee arrives within one week. 八、永远不要抛开介绍人直接联系客户。就算介绍人允许你这样做,你也应该不时汇报一下该项目的情况和进展,否则会给人留下一种“不懂事”或“忘恩负义”的不良印象。另外就是如果口译项目是别人介绍的,收到钱后一定要通知介绍人一声,介绍人不求你对他感恩戴德,但起码应尊重人家的知情权,而且特别是因为中间出现任何问题,往往还需要介绍人出面帮你解决。 8、 Never leave the introducer and contact the customer directly. Even if the introducer allows you to do so, you should report the situation and progress of the project from time to time, otherwise it will leave a bad impression of "ignorance" or "ingratitude". In addition, if the interpretation project is introduced by others, you must inform the introducer after receiving the money. The introducer does not ask you to be grateful to him, but at least you should respect the other person's right to know. Especially because there are any problems in the middle, you often need the introducer to help you solve them.