时间:2021-07-30 17:04 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
很多企业遇到需要陪同翻译的活动,陪同翻译员要注意自己的言行举止和礼仪问题,下面世联翻译公司给大家分享陪同翻译需要具备什么礼仪? Many enterprises encounter activities that require accompanying translators. Accompanying translators should pay attention to their words, deeds and etiquette. Next, WorldUnion translation company will share with you what etiquette should accompany translators have? 1、谨慎从事 1. Be cautious 陪同翻译工作是国际交往活动的一个重要组成部分,每一位陪同翻译人员都绝不能对自己的工作掉以轻心、麻痹大意,而是应该高度的重视,并且谨慎从事。 Accompanying translation is an important part of international exchanges. Every accompanying translator must not take his work lightly or carelessly, but should attach great importance to it and be cautious. 2、服从领导 2. Obey leadership 不论是集体活动还是单独与外方人士相处,陪同翻译人员都必须遵守有关纪律,服从上级领导所安排的一切。在工作中,要按照政策办事,保证国家以及集体的利益,切勿掺杂个人的兴趣和感情。 Whether it is a collective activity or getting along with foreign people alone, the accompanying translators must abide by relevant disciplines and obey everything arranged by the superior leaders. In work, we should act in accordance with policies, ensure the interests of the state and the collective, and do not mix personal interests and feelings. 3、少说多听 3. Speak less and listen more 少说多听是对陪同翻译人员的普遍要求。为了防止喧宾夺主的情况发生,陪同翻译人员与外方人士相处时,一定要谨言慎行,既要做到事事争取主动,又要充分考虑自己一言一行所带来的直接后果,宁肯不说、少说、慢说,也绝对不可以胡说、乱说。在一般情况下,应该尽可能的避免发表不必要的个人意见。 Speaking less and listening more is a common requirement for accompanying translators. In order to prevent the situation of distracting guests from dominating the world, when accompanying translators with foreigners, they must be cautious in their words and deeds. They should not only strive for the initiative in everything, but also fully consider the direct consequences of their words and deeds. They would rather not say, speak less and speak slowly, but also never talk nonsense and nonsense. In general, unnecessary personal opinions should be avoided as far as possible. 4、计划周全 4. Well planned 陪同外方人士外出或参加重要的活动时,一定要布置周密,提前把工作计划制定好。对可能出现的情况要有充分的估计,对对方可能提出的问题要求要做到心中有数。与此同时,陪同翻译人员还需要采取必要的安全措施,保证外方人士的安全,避免发生令人遗憾的意外事件。 When accompanying foreigners to go out or participate in important activities, we must make careful arrangements and formulate the work plan in advance. We should have a full estimate of the possible situation and be well aware of the problems that may be raised by the other party. At the same time, the accompanying translators also need to take necessary security measures to ensure the safety of foreigners and avoid regrettable accidents. 5、注意保密 5. Pay attention to confidentiality 陪同翻译人员在与外方人士共处时,要记得口头保密与书面保密并重。切勿在外方人士面前议论有关内部的问题,例如:有关内部情况的相应文件、资料、笔记、日记等。关于公司内部的笔记本电脑,如果不是公事尽量不要随身携带,更不要交与他人看管或直接借给他人使用。 When accompanying translators with foreigners, they should remember to pay equal attention to oral confidentiality and written confidentiality. Do not discuss internal issues in front of foreigners, such as corresponding documents, materials, notes, diaries, etc. As for the company's internal laptop, if it is not business, try not to carry it with you, let alone hand it over to others or lend it directly to others. 6、距离适度 6. Moderate distance 与外方人士共处时,陪同翻译人员必须做到不卑不亢,要与之保持适当的距离。既要在生活上主动关心照顾对方,努力满足对方的一切合理要求,又要维护自己的国格、人格,切切不可与外方人士不分彼此。不要借工作之便与外方讨价还价,提出不合理的要求,例如索取财物或是在其他方面随意求助于外方,也不要对外方的一切要求不加任何区分的有求必应。 When living with foreigners, the accompanying translators must be neither humble nor arrogant, and keep an appropriate distance from them. We should not only take the initiative to care for each other in life and strive to meet all reasonable requirements of each other, but also safeguard our national character and personality. We must not be indiscriminate with foreign people. Don't bargain with the foreign party and make unreasonable demands, such as asking for property or turning to the foreign party at will in other aspects, and don't respond to all foreign requests without any distinction.