时间:2021-07-29 18:06 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
口译是一项难度比较大的工作,要求译员有良好的语言水平和逻辑关系外,还需要拥有丰富的专业知识以及良好的心理素质,下面世联翻译公司为大家分享口译失误的常见原因有哪些? Interpretation is a difficult job. Besides having a good language level and logical relationship, interpreters also need to have rich professional knowledge and good psychological quality. What are the common causes of interpretation errors? 1. 记笔记贪多贪全 1. Taking notes is greedy for more and more 口译员记笔记时往往是前面的内容记得很详细,后面就来不及去记了,因此翻译出来的东西让人感觉虎头蛇尾的。记笔记不宜过多,过多的笔记会干扰对原文大意的把握,特别是英译汉的部分。一般来说,口译笔记应该记录一些重要的概念、逻辑关系以及一些孤立的、难以记忆的内容等,比如数字、专有名词、地名、人名等。 When interpreters take notes, they often remember the contents in front in detail, and there is no time to take notes later. Therefore, the translated things make people feel like a tiger's head and a snake's tail. Too many notes should not be taken. Too many notes will interfere with the grasp of the main idea of the original text, especially the part of English-Chinese translation. Generally speaking, interpretation notes should record some important concepts, logical relationships and some isolated and difficult to remember contents, such as numbers, proper nouns, place names, person names, etc. 2. “卡”在生词上 2. "Card" is on the new word 一段讲话中往往会遇到一些难词或生词,许多口译员就“卡”住了,没有跳过去听完整句话,而是继续停留在这一个词上,结果影响了对全句乃至全文的理解。 Some difficult words or new words are often encountered in a speech. Many interpreters "get stuck" and don't jump over to listen to the whole sentence, but continue to stay on this word, which affects the understanding of the whole sentence and even the whole text. 3. “卡”在长句上 3. "Card" is on the long sentence 口译针对的是正式场合的翻译,讲话者所讲句子的长短不一。口译员平常要多注意下书中的定语从句和包含分词短语的长句。另外,口译员可以调整下句子的排序,只要把讲话者的意思表达清楚就可以了。 Interpretation is aimed at the translation of formal occasions, and the length of sentences spoken by speakers varies. Interpreters usually pay more attention to the attributive clauses and long sentences containing participle phrases in the book. In addition, the interpreter can adjust the order of sentences as long as the speaker's meaning is expressed clearly. 4. 不熟悉口音 4. Unfamiliar with accent 发言人讲话时,往往会伴随着一些口音问题,这就可能会导致口译员出现听不懂的状况。所以口译员平常要多听些录音多看些原版片和中央电视台的SUNDAY TOPICS,北京电视台等。 When the speaker speaks, it is often accompanied by some accent problems, which may lead to the interpreter's incomprehension. Therefore, interpreters usually listen to more recordings and watch more original films, Sunday topics of CCTV, Beijing TV, etc. 5. 不熟悉讲话者所说的内容 5. Not familiar with what the speaker said 不熟悉讲话者所说的内容,就会导致思考的时间太长、无法在规定的时间内完成翻译。所以,口译员应提前与讲话者讨论下讲话内容。平常的时候,口译员应注意观摩和学习口译案例,例如:观看一些外语访谈节目。 Being unfamiliar with what the speaker said will lead to thinking too long and unable to complete the translation within the specified time. Therefore, the interpreter should discuss the content of the speech with the speaker in advance. At ordinary times, interpreters should pay attention to observing and learning interpretation cases, such as watching some foreign language interview programs. 6. 欠流利 6. Lack of fluency 这一点在“中译外”中表现得尤为明显,原因是外语不流利,不停的修正自己的发音和用词,以至于耽误了翻译的时间。要知道口译员练好口语是第一步。 This is particularly evident in the "Chinese to foreign" translation, because the foreign language is not fluent, constantly correcting their pronunciation and words, so as to delay the translation time. You know, the first step is for an interpreter to practice oral English well. 7. 词汇量不够 7. Insufficient vocabulary 中译外和外译中都会出现因词汇量不够导致翻译不好的情况。口译员并不是要求能够懂得每一个单词,关键在于能使原文意思清晰准确的传达出来。 There will be poor translation due to insufficient vocabulary in both Chinese and foreign translation. Interpreters are not required to understand every word. The key is to convey the meaning of the original text clearly and accurately. 8. 心理紧张 8. Psychological tension 很多口译员由于紧张,连中文都会听错,把“显现”听成“献血”而翻译成“donate blood”,还常把自己会的单词也说错,比如说,“better and better”说成“gooder and gooder”等等。平常多做一些译员之间的交流会帮助你逐渐克服心理紧张。 Many interpreters are nervous and even mishear Chinese. They translate "appearance" into "donate blood" and often say the words they know wrong, such as "better and better" into "better and better". Doing more communication between interpreters will help you gradually overcome your psychological tension.