时间:2021-07-19 17:51 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
IT英语对专业性与技术性的要求都比较高,会涉及到通信、计算机、数据库等领域,下面世联翻译公司为大家分享IT英语翻译要注意什么? It English has high professional and technical requirements, which will involve communication, computer, database and other fields. What should we pay attention to in it English translation? 1、要注重其专业性和准确性1. We should pay attention to its professionalism and accuracyIT行业不同于其他传统的制造行业和服务行业,在IT行业中充满着各种专业性术语,而且这些术语是自成一个体系的,与其他的行业并无太大的联系。为了能够满足人们的IT英语翻译需求,这就需要翻译人员熟知IT英语翻译过程中所遇到的所有专业术语,同时还要根据不断变化与更新的IT行业,掌握更多的新的专业术语,这样才能更好的完成客户们的IT英语翻译需求。 IT industry is different from other traditional manufacturing industry and service industry. IT industry is full of various professional terms, and these terms form a system of their own, and have little connection with other industries. In order to meet people's it English translation needs, translators need to be familiar with all the professional terms encountered in the process of it English translation. At the same time, according to the constantly changing and updated it industry, they need to master more new professional terms, so as to better fulfill customers' it English translation needs. 2、注意其严谨性和简练性2. Pay attention to its preciseness and conciseness因为IT行业中专业术语的自成体系的特性,这就要求IT英语翻译人员一定要学会行文简练、严密思维的习惯,不能为了讲究整篇文章的华丽性而使用一些多余的词汇,或者是使用一些容易让人造成误解的词语,这样的不严谨性很容易给客户带来不可忽视的损失,并且会给自己的声誉带来一定的影响。 Because of the self-contained characteristics of professional terms in the IT industry, it English translators must learn the habit of concise writing and strict thinking. They should not use redundant words or words that are easy to be misunderstood in order to pay attention to the magnificence of the whole article. Such imprecision can easily bring losses to customers, And will bring a certain impact on their reputation. 3、要注意为客户保密3. Be careful to keep the customer secret由于IT英语翻译多涉及到高新技、先进技术,而这些技术多是企业的商机机密,是客户们发展的根本。因此,作为一名IT英语翻译人员必须要履行为客户保密的职业操守,不能够随意将翻译的内容泄露给其他客户。 Because it English translation involves high-tech and advanced technology, and these technologies are business opportunities and secrets of enterprises, and are the foundation of customers' development. Therefore, as an it English translator, he must perform the professional ethics of customer confidentiality, and can not disclose the translated content to other customers at will.