时间:2021-07-12 18:27 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
口译活动在一定程度上的要求非常高,所以对口译译员的口译质量要求也较高,下面世联翻译公司小编带大家了解译员口译质量评估标准: To a certain extent, the requirements of interpretation activities are very high, so the quality of interpretation of interpreters is also very high. Here is a brief introduction to the evaluation criteria of interpreter interpretation quality 可信度:主要指信息是否被完整、准确的传达,是否表述清楚服务对象的意思; Credibility: mainly refers to whether the information is completely and accurately conveyed and whether the meaning of the service object is clearly expressed; 可接受度:主要指译语表达是否具有明确的逻辑性,层次是否分明,便于听众理解; Acceptability: mainly refers to whether the target language expression has clear logic, whether the level is clear, easy for the audience to understand; 简明度:主要指是否简明扼要的表述出服务对象的原话; Conciseness: mainly refers to whether the original words of the service object are expressed concisely; 多样性:主要指译员是否能够灵活自如的应对各种口音、题材及口译活动类型; Diversity: mainly refers to whether the interpreter can flexibly deal with various accents, themes and types of interpretation activities; 迅捷度:主要指译员是否能以较短的时间整理思路,传递出地方的信息; Quickness: mainly refers to whether the interpreter can organize ideas in a short time and deliver local information; 技术性:主要指译员的职业举止、交流艺术、应急策略、洞悉跨文化差异、控制交际场面是否得当,以及译员是否精通口译设备的运用。 Technicality: mainly refers to the interpreter's professional behavior, communication art, emergency strategy, insight into cross-cultural differences, proper control of communication scenes, and whether the interpreter is proficient in the use of interpretation equipment.