时间:2021-06-11 15:05 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
口译工作是有一定难度的,对译员的要求较高,译员在工作的过程中不可避免的会出现一些问题,今天世联翻译公司为大家带来口译工作常见的问题有什么? There are some difficulties in interpreting, and there is a high demand for interpreters. There will inevitably be some problems in the process of interpreting. What are the common problems in interpreting brought by World Union translation company today? 1、笔记在口译工作中起到很大的作用,但是在记笔记的时候也要注意切勿贪多,记得太详细会导致后面的内容来不及记,要知道笔记不需要记太多,只要记录一些重要的人名、数字、逻辑关系、内容就好了。 1. Note taking plays an important role in interpretation. However, when taking notes, you should pay attention not to be greedy. If you remember too much, you will not be able to take the following contents too late. You should know that you don't need to take too many notes, just record some important names, numbers, logical relations and contents. 2、遇到生词停顿时间过长。老是停留在生词处就无法将全文听完,这就相当于拣了芝麻丢了西瓜。 2. The pause time of new words is too long. Always stay in the new words, you can't finish listening to the full text, which is equivalent to picking sesame and losing watermelon. 3、在长句处停留。有的时候演讲者所讲的句子过于长,但却可以用一句话翻译概括出来。所以在进行口译工作时,不需要仔细分析主谓宾从句之类的,只需要将原文的意思表达清楚就可以了。 3. Stop at long sentences. Sometimes the sentences the speaker says are too long, but they can be summed up in one sentence translation. Therefore, in the process of interpreting, it is not necessary to analyze the subject predicate object clause carefully, just to express the meaning of the original clearly. 4、很多人说话是带有口音的,如果不熟悉就会很难理解讲话者所表达的含义,所以,口译工作者要适当的去了解各地的口音以便不时之需。 4. Many people speak with an accent. If they are not familiar with it, it will be difficult to understand the meaning of the speaker. Therefore, interpreters should properly understand the accents of different places in order to meet their needs. 5、要提前做好准备,不能不知道整场口译所要表达的重点以及大概的内容,那么翻译起来会很辛苦的,没有准备的战场离成功还是有一定的距离的。 5. If you want to prepare well in advance, you have to know the key points and general contents of the whole interpretation. It will be very hard to translate. There is still a certain distance between the unprepared battlefield and success. 6、很多新手由于词汇不熟悉,容易紧张,不断的纠正自己的生词语法,这样不但耽误了大家的时间而且也不一定能够表达清楚。 6. Many novices are not familiar with vocabulary, easy to nervous, constantly correct their new words and grammar, which not only delays everyone's time, but also may not be able to express clearly. 7、口译并不是要求工作者必须要懂得每一个词汇,而是需要将大概的意思表达清楚即可。 7. Interpretation does not require workers to understand every word, but to express the general meaning clearly. 8、口译工作者不能克服自己内心紧张的情绪。一紧张就容易出错,而一出错就更加容易紧张了,这样的一个恶性循环是绝对需要避免的,要找到适合自己的办法去克服紧张的情绪。 8. Interpreters can not overcome their inner tension. When you are nervous, you are prone to make mistakes, and when you make mistakes, you are more likely to be nervous. Such a vicious circle absolutely needs to be avoided. You need to find a suitable way to overcome your nervous mood. 9、在刚开始翻译的时候自我感觉翻译的不好从而影响后面的情绪,这是绝对需要避免的,一开始没翻译好也许只是还没适应,慢慢调整下就可以了。 9. At the beginning of the translation, I feel that the translation is not good, thus affecting the emotions behind. This is absolutely necessary to avoid. If I didn't translate well at the beginning, maybe I just didn't adapt. Just adjust slowly. 10、在翻译的过程中总是想要一鸣惊人,抱着语不惊人死不休的想法,总是希望在单句上翻译得更好,这样就可能会出现漏听漏译的情况。 10. In the process of translation, we always want to make a big splash, and we always hope to translate a single sentence better. In this way, we may miss listening and translation.