时间:2021-05-13 17:18 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
商务合同翻译是一项十分严谨的工作,不同类型的合同要考虑不同的词汇,今天世联翻译公司带大家了解商务合同翻译的注意事项: Business contract translation is a very rigorous work. Different types of contracts need to consider different words. Today, World Union translation company will show you the notes of business contract translation 一、酌情使用公文语惯用副词1、 Use of adverbs in official language as appropriate商务合同属于法律性公文,所以英译时,有些词语要用公文语词语、特别是酌情使用英语惯用的一套公文语副词,就会起到使译文结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅的作用。但是从一些合同的英文译本中发现,这种公文语惯用副词通常被普通词语所代替,从而影响到译文的质量。 Business contract is a legal document, so when translating some words into English, it is necessary to use official document words, especially a set of official document adverbs, which are commonly used in English, so as to make the translation structure rigorous, logical and concise. However, from some English versions of contracts, it is found that this kind of adverb is usually replaced by ordinary words, which affects the quality of the translation. 二、谨慎选用极易混淆的词语2、 Careful selection of words that are very confusing英译商务合同时,常常由于选词不当而致词不达意或者意思模棱两可,有时甚至表达的是完全不同的含义。因此了解与掌握极易混淆的词语的区别是极为重要的,是提高英译质量的关键因素之一。 When translating business contracts into English, improper choice of words often leads to ambiguity or ambiguity, sometimes even completely different meanings. Therefore, it is very important to understand and master the differences of easily confused words, which is one of the key factors to improve the quality of English translation. 三、慎重处理合同的关键细目3、 Handle the key details of the contract carefully实践证明,英译合同中容易出现差错的地方,一般来说,不是大的陈述性条款。而恰恰是一些关键的细目。比如:金钱、时间、数量等。为了避免出差错,在英译合同时,常常使用一些有限定作用的结构来界定细目所指定的确切范围。 Practice has proved that, generally speaking, the error prone part of English translation contract is not the big declarative clause. It's just some key details. For example: money, time, quantity, etc. In order to avoid mistakes, some limited structures are often used to define the exact scope of a contract.