时间:2021-05-10 16:59 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
随着国内外重视医学领域的技术刷新,我国扩大了与发达国家的医学领域交流。在现代医学领域,与西方的医学成就仍然存在一定的差异,需要不断的学习和交流,医学翻译的价值也显现出来,只有充分的医学翻译才能准确地传播知识内容,今天世联翻译公司带大家了解医学翻译的注意事项有哪些? With the development of medical technology at home and abroad, China has expanded the medical exchanges with developed countries. In the field of modern medicine, there are still some differences with the achievements of Western medicine. We need constant learning and communication, and the value of medical translation also shows. Only sufficient medical translation can accurately spread the knowledge content. Today, the world union translation company will show you what should be paid attention to in medical translation? 根据读者层或上下文,使用不同翻译方法的译文要考虑读者的认知语境和阅读反应,即译文的实际交际效果。一般来说,中医译文的读者可以分为两类。一个是医学研究院、临床医生或对中医学习感兴趣的人。另一类是不了解西医,但对中医感兴趣,想了解中医或接受中医治疗的普通读者层。前者的情况是,在科技英语构词法中,采用由“祝合法”、“合法”等构成的专业性强、规范的用语,适合于促进中西医之间的贯通和国际间的学术交流。后一种情况下,应尽可能使用简单明了的一般词汇。 According to the reader's level or context, the cognitive context and reading reaction of the reader should be taken into account when using different translation methods, that is, the actual communicative effect of the translation. Generally speaking, the readers of TCM translation can be divided into two categories. One is medical research institutes, clinicians or people who are interested in learning Chinese medicine. The other is the ordinary readers who are not familiar with western medicine but are interested in traditional Chinese medicine and want to understand or accept traditional Chinese medicine treatment. In the former case, in EST word formation, the use of professional and standardized terms composed of "Zhu legal" and "legal" is suitable for promoting the connection between Chinese and Western medicine and international academic exchanges. In the latter case, simple and clear general words should be used as far as possible. 医学翻译涉及医学理论和医学实践等,语言方面非常专业,医学翻译包含大量词汇,对常见词汇的准确运用至关重要。医学翻译要掌握大量具有医学意义的这些普通词和复合词和缩略语。医学翻译应忠实地用目标语言准确地表达源语言的信息,使源读者获得的信息与翻译读者获得的信息内涵,即信息等价物相同。 Medical translation involves medical theory and medical practice, and its language is very professional. Medical translation contains a large number of words, which is very important for the accurate use of common words. Medical translation needs to master a large number of common words, compound words and abbreviations with medical significance. Medical translation should faithfully and accurately express the information of the source language in the target language, so that the information obtained by the source readers is the same as that obtained by the translation readers, that is, the information equivalent.