时间:2021-05-07 17:18 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
随着翻译领域的增多,价格变化也比较大,翻译的价格和很多因素有关系,今天世联翻译公司带大家了解影响笔译价格的因素有什么? With the increase of translation field, the price changes greatly. The price of translation is related to many factors. Today, World Union translation company will show you what factors affect the price of translation? 1、翻译语种不同1. Different languages of translation有句老话说的是“物以稀为贵”,翻译行业其实也是这样。全球普及使用的大语言——英语,使用人数多,精通的也多,翻译价格自然有一定增减区间;相反,使用人数相对较少的语种,例如越南语、冰岛语、尼泊尔语、芬兰语等,原本在全球范围内使用人数就少,能够进行翻译工作的人才就更少,价格自然比英日韩高。稀有语种在翻译的时候比较繁琐,语法比较难,如果遇到小语种翻译价格比英语价格低的就需要再三小心了! There is an old saying that "the rarity of things is the most precious", which is also true in the translation industry. English, a big language widely used all over the world, has a large number of users and proficient, so the translation price naturally has a certain range of increase and decrease; On the contrary, languages with a relatively small number of users, such as Vietnamese, Icelandic, Nepalese, Finnish and so on, used to have a small number of users around the world, and fewer talents can carry out translation work, so the price is naturally higher than that of Britain, Japan and South Korea. Rare languages in the translation is more cumbersome, grammar is more difficult, if you encounter a small language translation price is lower than English, you need to be careful again and again! 2、文件专业领域不同2. The professional fields of documents are different文件所涉及的专业领域不同,报价自然也不同。例如,白话文和古诗文翻译起来难度不同,价格自然也是不同的。一般来说像工程机械领域、医学等专业领域,报价都不会相差很多,即使价格相差很多,但质量方面也不会发生特别大的误差,因为可供参考的资料很多,翻译公司翻译的多了,经验自然丰富。相反,较为冷门的领域,翻译起来难度高,价格自然高一些。 Different professional fields involved in the documents will naturally lead to different quotations. For example, the difficulty of translating vernacular and ancient poetry is different, so is the price. Generally speaking, in professional fields such as construction machinery and medicine, the quotation will not differ a lot. Even if the price varies a lot, there will not be a particularly big error in terms of quality, because there are a lot of reference materials and translation companies have more translation experience. On the contrary, the relatively unpopular fields are more difficult to translate, so the price is naturally higher. 3、译文质量等级不同3. The quality of translation is different翻译公司一般在报价时都会分为低、中、高三个等级,不同的等级匹配相应等级资质的译员来负责翻译。一方面根据客户文件使用方向决定,另一方面也可以给客户根据预算进行选择的机会。个人参考的文件,通常单价低一些;如果文件用于出版书刊或者专业交流,单价自然高一些。 Generally speaking, translation companies will be divided into three levels: low, medium and high when quoting. Different levels match the corresponding level of qualified translators to be responsible for translation. On the one hand, it is decided according to the use direction of customer documents, on the other hand, it can also give customers the opportunity to choose according to the budget. For personal reference, the unit price is usually lower; If the document is used for publishing books or professional exchanges, the unit price will be higher. 4、恶性竞争4. Vicious competition由于翻译行业没有固定的规范标准来衡量,因此哪家性价比高,哪家质量不好,谁性价比高,谁品质不太好,全靠客户心中的那把“尺”。但当客户自身无法判断时,便会用价格的高低来作为第一标准。这样的行业现状,就会有人钻了空子,也就造成了翻译行业整体的恶性竞争与不景气。 As there is no fixed standard to measure the translation industry, it depends on the "ruler" in the customer's mind which one has high cost performance, which one has poor quality, who has high cost performance and who has poor quality. But when customers themselves can not judge, they will use the price as the first standard. This kind of industry situation, some people will take advantage of the loopholes, which will cause the vicious competition and depression of the translation industry as a whole.