时间:2021-04-29 14:48 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
英语同声传译是需要注意力高度集中的工作,每个国家的英语有着不同的表达方式和特色,因此同声传译译员需要面对很多挑战,下面世联翻译公司为大家分享英语同声传译译员需要具备哪些技能? English simultaneous interpretation requires a high degree of concentration. English in each country has different ways of expression and characteristics. Therefore, simultaneous interpreters need to face many challenges. Let's share with you what skills English simultaneous interpreters need to possess? 必须拥有广博的见识,了解各国的经济、贸易、政治和文化等领域的发展史与当前发展趋势。比如,国际经济论坛的同声传译,要求译员必须了解这个国家的传统习俗和礼仪、文化背景和经济相关的法律知识。 We must have a wide range of insight and understand the development history and current development trend of various countries in the fields of economy, trade, politics and culture. For example, the simultaneous interpretation of the International Economic Forum requires the interpreter to understand the traditional customs and etiquette, cultural background and economic related legal knowledge of the country. 拥有超强的记忆力。由于时效性的原因,译员必须在听的同时,即时说出相应的译文,所以信息必须闪存到大脑里,这个难度是极高的。 Have a strong memory. Due to the timeliness, the interpreter must speak the corresponding translation while listening, so the information must be flashed into the brain, which is extremely difficult. 拥有极高的专业素质,熟知各个国家英语的发音特点和表达习惯,并且精通各个行业的专业术语。比如,英式英语和美式英语在发音和语序上就存在着很大的区别;东南亚小国家在英语口语的表达上更加注重表达的涵义,而不注重语法。就专业术语而言,同一个词在不同行业所表达的意义可能是不同的。 With high professional quality, familiar with the pronunciation characteristics and expression habits of various countries, and proficient in professional terms of various industries. For example, there are great differences between British English and American English in pronunciation and word order; The small countries in Southeast Asia pay more attention to the meaning of expression than grammar. In terms of technical terms, the same word may have different meanings in different industries.