时间:2021-04-07 17:06 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
正规翻译公司有营业执照,虽然纸质的营业执照是可以造假的,但是网上的备案注册可都是实打实的。因此,我们在判断一家正规翻译公司是否正规的第一点就是要到网上去查看下公司是否备案注册,没有有国家颁发的营业执照。 The formal translation company has business license. Although the paper business license can be fake, the registration of online filing can be all practical. Therefore, the first point to judge whether a formal translation company is formal is to go online to check whether the company is registered on record or not, and whether there is no business license issued by the state. 有自己的办公地点的,而且一般都会很体面,例如有个诺大的门市或者是在大厦、写字楼里面。而不正规的翻译公司一般会在居民楼里面,很难找不说,各种设施都不齐全。选择这种“皮包公司”,根本不靠谱。 Those with their own office locations, and are generally very decent, such as having a Nuo large market or in a building or office building. And informal translation companies will generally be in residential buildings, it is difficult to find not to say, all kinds of facilities are not complete. It is not reliable to choose such a "leather bag company". 正规翻译公司的译员无论是翻译水平和翻译质量都是高的。如果是依靠兼职翻译的公司,不断地换翻译人员,翻译质量难得稳定,售后服务更难保证。所以,通过考察翻译团队也是可以判断的。 The translators of regular translation companies have high translation level and quality. If it is a company that relies on part-time translation, the translation quality is difficult to be stable and the after-sales service is more difficult to guarantee. Therefore, it can be judged by examining the translation team. 最后,正规翻译公司的报价都很合理。话说一分钱一分货、便宜没好货,翻译本来是智力与体力相结合的耗时劳动,报酬应该比较高,如果翻译价格偏低,说明翻译公司本身不过硬,或者翻译人员缺少积极性而偷工减料,最后还是客户暗地里吃亏。 Finally, the regular translation company's quotation is very reasonable. In other words, a penny a cent of goods, cheap goods, no good goods, translation is originally a time-consuming labor combined with intelligence and physical strength. The remuneration should be relatively high. If the translation price is low, it means that the translation company is hard or the translator lacks enthusiasm and steals work and materials, and finally the customer secretly suffers from losses.