时间:2021-03-19 08:59 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
4. Ausgabe Mitarbeitermagazin Beschichtungs-Beschichtungs-GruppeSeite 2 / Im Rampenlicht Insights 商业观察 COATINGS INSIGHT has been talking to Looser GroupCEOTim Talaat. And he took the opportunity to lay out Looser’s current strategic emphases for our entire Group workforce. 《涂料观察》杂志采访了Looser集团的总裁蒂姆·塔拉特。他借此机会为整个集团员工阐述了当前的战略重点。 Tim Talaat, our Group fell short of its financial objectives last year. How do we intend to achieve them for 2014? 你好,蒂姆·塔拉特,去年本集团未达成财务目标,我们打算如何在2014年实现这些目标? Tim Talaat (TT): It’s not so much what we plan that’s pivotal to our success; it’s what we do about making those plans happen. As I said in my latest Letter from the CEO, decisive action is what we need most right now. And raising our efficiency – and, in doing so, enhancing our competitive credentials – is crucial here. So we’ll be vigorously pursuing the growth and development drives we’ve initiated, and our ongoing process enhancement and cost control programmes, too. And we’ll be doing so throughout all our divisions. We’re also working consistently on our strengths, such as our innovative flair and the services we provide. And our aim here will be to reduce the time these all take, raise our profitability and boost our growth. TT:与其说计划是我们成功的关键,不如说对计划的执行才是成功的关键。正如我在最近发出的“总裁来信”中所说,果断行动才是我们现在最需要的。提高效率--通过这样做,提高我们的竞争实力,这才是关键因素。因此,我们将大力追求增长,并大力推进我们已启动的发展动力项目,持续改进过程和加强成本控制。我们将在所有部门实行这些举措。我们要不断发挥集团的优势,比如我们的创新能力和所提供的服务。我们目标是降低耗时,提升盈利,促进增长。 Some people may feel that you can’t speed up processes without hiring more staff or increasing your stocks… 有些人也许认为:在不增加新的雇员或增加股份的情况下,是无法加快流程的。 TT: That would just send our costs up. And if those are too high, we’ll just price ourselves out of the market. No: what we need to do is make our processes even smarter, by throwing any “ballast” overboard. And what we also need to do is focus squarely on the essentials – what truly benefits the customer – in our development, our procurement, our production, our order processing and our distribution. TT: 那样做只会增加我们的成本。而如果成本太高了,我们的定价将会令我们被市场淘汰。不能这么做。我们要做的就是将任何多余的负担卸载掉,让我们的流程变得更加顺畅。另外,我们也需要确保集中力量在关键环节上—我们的研发、采购、生产和订单处理及分销,这才是真正有利于客户的方面。 Can you already see benefits from the growth drives so far? 目前,你已看到这种增长驱动的好处吗? TT:Oh yes. Thanks in no small part to the actions we’ve initiated, we expect our Group’s 2014 first-half results to be a slight improvement on last year’s; and we feel that our targets for this year as a whole are entirely achievable. Not that we can sit back and relax: we’re still facing challenging markets in all our business segments. And we must face up to this and develop appropriate responses. But I’ll say it again: it’s optimizing the efficiency of all our groupwide operations that is the core programme in all these endeavours. TT: 是的。这在很大程度上要归功于我们已经采取的行动,我们预期集团2014年上半年的业绩与去年相比略有好转;而且我们认为我们今年整体的目标是完全可以实现的。这并不是说我们就可以高枕无忧了:我们在所有的业务领域仍然面临着市场的挑战。我们必须正视这一点,并制定相应的对策。不过,我再说一遍:这优化了我们整个集团业务的效率,也是所有行动中最核心的项目。 Why did we sell the Feycolor Group and Feyco’s metal coatings business? 为什么我们要卖掉Feycolor事业部和Feyco金属涂料业务呢? TT: It’s our longer-term business alignment that’s behind these disposals. As part of its overall strategy, the Looser Group has decided that the portfolio for our Coatings Division should be focused more strongly on wood, packaging and non-stick coating products. So these two sales were made to achieve this strategic objective, because neither of these businesses could benefit from sufficient synergies with our other coatings companies. TT:在这些出售行为的背后有着我们对长期业务的调整考虑。作为其整体战略的一部分,Looser集团认为涂料事业部的投资组合应该更聚焦于木材、包装和不粘涂料产品。这两项业务的出售就是为了实现这一战略目标,因为这两项业务无法从于集团其它涂料公司充分的协同效应中受益。 Are we likely to see further disposals? 我们是否有可能看到进一步的行动? TT:We have no plans for any at present. TT:我们目前没有任何行动计划。 We also plan to move Feyco’s production to Schekolin’s Bendern plant. What’s the thinking here? 公司还计划将Feyco生产搬到列支敦斯登工厂去。这是基于什么考虑? TT:Our plans here are the product of extensive analyses of our operations. Our Wood Coatings project team devised a number of scenarios, including possible closer collaborations between our Coatings Group companies. The competition in the wood coatings market has really increased. And we just have to take this step if we’re to keep our own wood coatings business competitive and defend our market share – and also to support the international expansion of our packaging coatings activities.The corresponding modifications to our existing facilities will cost us some CHF 13.5 million. And we do appreciate that this move will also mean the loss of up to 30 jobs at our Feyco locations over the next two years. Needless to say, we’ll be working very closely with our employees’ representatives and the authorities to cushion the impact here as much as possible and give the people concerned all the support they may need. TT :我们这样计划是基于对我们经营产品的广泛分析做出的。我们的木器涂料项目团队设计了多种方案,包括可能与我们的涂料集团企业之间更紧密的合作。木器涂料市场的竞争确实变得更激烈了。如果我们要保持自身的木器涂料企业竞争力和捍卫我们的市场份额 —并且还要支持我们的包装涂料业务向国际扩张,我们就必须采取这一行动。对现有设备进行相应调整要花去1350万瑞士法郎。同时,我们也明白,此举将意味在未来两年里Feyco工厂有多达30个职位流失。毫无疑问,我们将与员工代表及有关部门一道紧密工作,尽可能将影响降到最低,并给与相关人员一切必要的支持。 So where will we be focusing our energies now within the Coatings Group? 那么,我们将把精力集中在涂料集团内的哪些业务上? TT: In wood coatings we’ll be concentrating on integrating the production and logistics in Bendern, and on cultivating the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets for products like oils and stains and for new applications such as vinyls. On the non-stick coatings front we’ll be focusing on developing new technical applications and tapping into the North American market. And in packaging coatings the emphasis will be on developing UV spray coatings and vacuum metallization products and on getting into the US and Chinese markets. And we’ll be putting a lot of effort into implementing our strategic procurement policy, too. TT :在木器涂料方面,我们将专注于对列支敦斯登生产和物流的整合,并培育中国和东南亚的产品市场,如油脂和污渍市场;以及新应用,如乙烯。在不粘涂料前沿市场,我们将专注于开发新的技术应用和进军北美市场。而在包装涂料方面,重点将放在开发紫外喷涂涂料和真空镀膜产品,以及进入美国和中国市场。我们也会投入大量的精力来实施我们的战略采购政策。 And how do you rate the overall prospects for the Looser Group? 你如何评价Looser集团的整体前景? TT: I’d say they’re good – not least because we have an acknowledged quality product, and a workforce that’s willing to do whatever it takes to deliver it. Having said that, we do need to keep a close eye on developments in Eastern and Southern Europe and in the Middle East. There’s a lot of market uncertainty and economic instability right now, and these are bound to affect us, too. So we must consolidate and further develop what we’ve already achieved; and we must continue to work on innovative new products if we’re to take maximum advantage of all our market opportunities. TT :前景很好—这不仅因为我们有国际公认的优质产品,也因为我们有一支优秀的员工队伍,他们愿意竭尽全力达成目标。话虽如此,我们仍需要密切关注在东欧、南欧和中东地区的事态发展。现在,大量市场的不确定性和经济的不稳定性,都势必会影响到我们的发展。因此,如果我们想将一切市场机会优势最大化,我们就必须进一步巩固和发展我们已经取得的成绩;我们还必须继续进行产品创新。专业德文翻译-专业财务翻译 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |