时间:2021-02-25 17:18 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
论文翻译对专业性的要求非常高,译员需要对该论文的背景和领域有一定的了解,下面世联翻译公司给大家分享论文翻译的难点有什么? The requirement of professional translation is very high. The translator needs to have a certain understanding of the background and field of the thesis. What are the difficulties of thesis translation? 1.专业术语晦涩难懂 1. The technical terms are obscure 论文翻译往往都会涉及到专业学科领域里的术语、专有名词、生僻词等;而这些词汇在传统的纸质词典或电子词典里可能都查不到,即便能查到也着实得费一番功夫。 The translation of papers often involves terms, proper nouns and rare words in the field of professional disciplines, which may not be found in traditional paper dictionaries or electronic dictionaries, and even if they can be found, it will take a lot of effort. 2.句子结构错综复杂 2. The sentence structure is complicated 中英文两种语言有着完全不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式。仅仅是把各个简单句堆积起来;不能称之为翻译,必须还要考虑到句子和句子之间的内在逻辑关联,通览全文;而且还要熟悉英语常用的、地道的表达方式,才可能翻译得准确无误。 Chinese and English have totally different ways of thinking, language habits and expressions. It's just to pile up the simple sentences; it can't be called translation; it's necessary to consider the internal logical relationship between sentences and read the whole text; it's also necessary to be familiar with the common and idiomatic expressions in English so that the translation can be accurate. 3.基本没有翻译技巧 3. No translation skills 所谓术业有专攻,某-专业的学生可能对自己的专业领域十分熟悉,但是英语水平十分有限。翻译也是一门专业,讲求技巧性;有些地方需要特殊处理,比如增译、减译、拆句、合并、正译、反译、倒置、转换、包孕、插入、重组等,而专业翻译之外的人很少了解掌握这些技巧和方法。 The so-called technology has a specialty, a - professional students may be very familiar with their professional field, but their English level is very limited. Translation is also a major, which emphasizes skills. Some places need special treatment, such as adding translation, subtracting translation, splitting sentence, merging, positive translation, reverse translation, inversion, conversion, inclusion, insertion, reorganization, etc. but those who are not professional translators seldom understand and master these skills and methods. 4.学术规范要求很高 4. High academic standard 论文翻译不同于一般的文章翻译,不仅因为其中出现大量的专业术语,也因为它对学术规范表达有很高的要求。没有专业领域对应的专家审校润色,很难确定自己的表达是否既地道又符合学术规范。 The paper translation is different from the general article translation, not only because of the emergence of a large number of professional terms, but also because it has high requirements for academic standard expression. It is difficult to determine whether one's expression is authentic and in line with academic norms without the corresponding experts in the professional field.