时间:2021-02-24 16:55 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
摘要是学术论文重要组成部分,可以准确传达论文的主题,还可以帮助读者快速了解文章的主要内容,世联翻译公司带大家了解学术论文摘要翻译的注意事项有什么? Abstract is an important part of an academic paper. It can accurately convey the theme of the paper and help readers quickly understand the main content of the paper. What are the precautions for the translation of academic paper abstract? 一、保证完整性 1、 Ensure integrity 学术论文摘要是对论文的整体描述,所以学术论文摘要翻译时一定要保证其完整性,如果翻译成其他语言时,对论文摘要进行省略的话,对整篇论文的的阅读就会造成困难,而我们翻译的最终目的就是让别人通过论文摘对论文有一个较为完整的了解,因此论文摘要翻译一定要保障其完整性。 The abstract of an academic paper is the overall description of a paper, so the integrity of the abstract must be ensured when translating it into other languages. If the abstract is omitted when translating it into other languages, the reading of the whole paper will be difficult. The ultimate goal of our translation is to let others have a more complete understanding of the paper through the abstract of the paper, so the abstract of the paper is very important The integrity of translation must be guaranteed. 二、避免语法错误 2、 Avoid grammatical errors 语法错误是翻译当中比较常见的一种错误,同时也是最为严重的错误,如果做论文摘要翻译,一定要避免此类错误的发生,因为一个语法错误就可能导致整段话失去原有意思,同时也要避免时态错误,一般只用第三人称和现在时。所以,对于论文摘要的翻译,我们要花时间仔细推敲,有条件的话尽量找一个母语级的人进行审校。 Grammatical error is one of the most common errors in translation, and it is also the most serious one. If you do abstract translation, you must avoid such errors, because a grammatical error may cause the whole paragraph to lose its original meaning. At the same time, you should also avoid tense errors. Generally, only the third person and the present tense are used. Therefore, for the translation of abstract, we should take time to deliberate, if possible, try to find a native speaker for proofreading. 三、选词要严谨 3、 Careful choice of words 学术论文一般都是非常严谨的,在用词方面都是经过不断思考的,所以译者在论文摘要翻译的时候,一定要进行语言润色,尽量做到准确、简洁、明晰、通俗易懂。 Academic papers are generally very rigorous, and the use of words is constantly considered. Therefore, when translating the abstract of a paper, the translator must polish the language, and try to be accurate, concise, clear and easy to understand. 四、注重逻辑性 4、 Pay attention to logic 学术论文摘要是对论文内容的概括性叙述,因此他的逻辑性一般都很强,句子结构紧凑,修饰成分较多。因此在翻译摘要时,首先要确定句子的主干,弄清楚每个句子成分之间的逻辑关系和逻辑顺序,然后用简明扼要、生动醒目的词汇来表达原文的意思。 The abstract of an academic paper is a general description of the content of the paper, so it is generally very logical, with compact sentence structure and more modifiers. Therefore, when translating the abstract, we should first determine the main part of the sentence, make clear the logical relationship and order between the elements of each sentence, and then use concise, vivid and eye-catching words to express the meaning of the original text. 五、格式及语言要规范 5、 Format and language should be standardized 学术论文是对某个科学领域中的学术问题进行研究后表述科学研究成果的理论文章。因此,它的编写要尽可能使用规范化的专业术语,避免使用非专业的语言以及非通用的符号、缩略语、生僻词。所以学术论文摘要在翻译时,也需要尽可能使用规范化的专业术语。 An academic paper is a theoretical article that expresses scientific research results after studying the academic problems in a certain scientific field. Therefore, it is necessary to use standardized professional terms as far as possible, and avoid using non professional language, non general symbols, abbreviations and rare words. Therefore, when translating abstracts of academic papers, it is necessary to use standardized terms as much as possible.