时间:2021-02-23 08:32 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
序一:关爱生命——回归医学的本质![]() Prefacer 1: Caring for life – Returning to Medical Essence 北京东方生命文化研究所所长 陆莉娜 Director of Institute of Oriental life culture, Beijing Lu Lina 于保法院长请我为本书说几句话,我当然乐于从命。我和于院长是多重关系:他是我们北京东方生命文化研究所的特约研究员,我是他的病人,还是他在协和医科大学上学时的老师。 Director, Yu Baofa, asked me to say a few words for this book, and of course I'm happy to obey. It is multiple relations between Director Yu and me: he is the researcher engaged by special arrangement of our Institute of Oriental life culture, Beijing, while I was his patient as well as s a teacher of Union Medical College when he studied in it. 10年前,我被确诊为肝肿瘤。根据我的认知,我没有选择常规的手术、化疗、放疗。由于工作关系,我曾多次和许多专家一起,到济南保法肿瘤医院、泰美宝法肿瘤医院考察。从各地前来就医的病人身上,从医生护士和管理人员的工作和言谈举止中,我对“缓释库疗法”充满信心,对医护人员的敬业精神,尤其钦佩。最后决定尝试于保法教授的“缓释库疗法”,我做了三次治疗,肝部8.9cm×5.4cm的实性占位得到了有效的控制。这种新的抗癌疗法,具有许多优点:毒副作用小,消灭癌细胞快,患者花钱少,治疗的肿瘤类型多,而且对早、中、晚期肿瘤都有疗效,这是非常难得的。经过治疗,我得以安全地“带瘤生存”。作为一个年逾古稀的老人,年轻时又受过严重的战伤,能够维持现在这个状态,正常生活, 正常工作, 应该感谢于院长的创新技术和精心治疗! Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with liver cancer. I did not choose a conventional operation, a chemotherapy or a radiotherapy on the basis of my awareness about the disease. For the work relevance I had gone to investigate in Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital and Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital for many times together with a lot of experts. Then my confidence in "Releasing Storage Therapy" was filled in my heart based on the conditions of the patients came to the hospital from various regions, the speech and deportment of the doctors, nurses and management staffs. I admired the staff professional dedication especially. Finally I decided to try professor Yu Baofa’s "Releasing Storage Therapy", taken the treatment for three times, then 8.9cm×5.4cm lesions on my liver has been effectively controlled. This new anti-cancer therapy has a lot of advantages: small toxic and side effect, fast eliminating the cancer cells , less cost and more tumor types be treated as well as with curative effect to all the early, the medium and the advanced tumor, which is very rare. After treatment, I can be safely "survival with tumor". As a man of over seventy years old, seriously wounded when I was young, I am able to maintain this status, normal life, normal work, and I am grateful to Director 's innovative technology and careful treatment! 我作为一个从事生命文化研究的学者,很为于院长的医疗理念、医疗实践以及保法肿瘤医院的病人们战胜疾病的毅力所感动。而最使我感动的,是他们对生命的关怀和热爱。生命文化的第一要义,是关爱生命,医疗是生命文化最重要的实践领域之一。于保法教授的自传,抓住了问题的根本,自始至终落在关爱生命这个根本点上。 As a scholar engaging in the study of life culture, I am very touched for Director Yu’s concept of medical treatment, medical practice as well as the cancer patients’ willpower to overcome disease in Baofa Tumor Hospital, while the thing most touched me is their concern and love for life. The first essential meaning of life culture is caring for life, and medical treatment is one of the most important practice fields of life culture. Professor Yu Baofa's autobiography caught the root of the problem, standing on the key point of caring life throughout. “缓释库疗法”的发明,源自于对“完整意义上的人”的关爱。传统的手术治疗,是一项重大的发明创造,救治了无数病人。可是,“发现一处肿瘤就割掉一个局部或一个器官,这个人还是完整意义上的人吗?这些病人已经变成生理和心理受到极大伤害的‘残疾人’。”正是怀着这样的忧思,于保法教授才孜孜以求,最终发明了“缓释库疗法”这个无需动刀子的新技术。 The invention of "Releasing Storage Therapy" derived from the caring and loving for “a man of complete significance”. The traditional operation treatment was a great invention which had saved countless patients, however, “A tumor was found and then removed with a partial or an organ of the patient, still was the patient a man of complete significance? The patients like this had become a ‘disabled person’ with hurt both of physiological and psychological '. Just cherishing this worries in mind, Professor Yu sought assiduously and finally invented the new technology of "Releasing Storage Therapy" with no knife. 治疗过程中,医生们为病人考虑得十分周到,手法是那样轻柔,宁可自己劳神费力,也要尽可能减少病人痛苦,这同样源自于对病人生命的关爱。而病人尤其是那些危重病人,之所以能够顽强地挺过一个又一个难关,奋力地从死亡线上逃回来,同样是源于对生命的热爱。 In the course of treatment, the doctors considered very thoughtful for patients with so gentle manipulation, and they would rather tax their own mind and strength to reduce the patients’ pain as far as possible, which is derived from the same for patient’s life care. The reason that the patients, especially those critically ill patients, were able to tenaciously survive through one and another troubles, struggled to escape from the death, which also stems from the love of life. 我相信,于保法教授的自传,不仅可以帮助肿瘤患者找到更加安全可靠的治疗方法,而且可以在弘扬生命文化方面,发挥重要的教化作用。 I believe Professor Yu Baofa's autobiography can not only help patients find cures for a more secure and reliable, but also play an important moralizing role in promoting the culture of life. 二〇一三年十一月二十七日于北京 November 27th, 2013, in Beijing 陆莉娜教授简介: Brief introduction of Professor Lu Lina: 1936年12月出生,苏州人。1949年4月参加中国人民解放军,后入朝作战并负伤。1954年入中国人民大学法律系学习,1958年毕业留校任教,后在该系攻读硕士研究生。1961年毕业后一直在高校当老师。2003年11月离休前为中国协和医科大学社会科学系主任、教授。曾被评为北京市优秀教师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。现任北京东方生命文化研究所所长。 Born in Suzhou,December, 1936. Participated in the People's Liberation Army of China in Aprial, 1949. Later took part in Korean War and wounded in a battle. In 1954 went to learn in the law department of Renmin University of China, graduated in 1958 and stayed to teach, then studied for the master’s degree in the department. After graduating in 1961, was a college teacher all along. Before retired in November, 2003, was a professor and director of social science department of Union Medical College, China. Has been rated as outstanding teachers in Beijing City, enjoying special government allowance from the state council. Currently be the director of the Research Institution of Oriental Life Culture, Beijing. 序二:我的生命是最好的序言 Prefacer 2: My life is the best introduction 生存超过15年的肝癌患者 苏唐生 A HCC patient who has been survival for more than 15 years Su Tangsheng 2013年11月24日,济南保法肿瘤医院院长于保法先生打电话给我,说想请我为他的自传作序,盛情难却,于是恭敬不如从命。 On November 24th, 2013, Mr. Yu Baofa, Director of Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital called to ask me to write a preface for his autobiography, for me, it was hard to turn down the warm-hearted offer, so I obeyed rather than to be politeness. 1997年12月,我不幸罹患肝癌。当即在美国洛杉矶著名肿瘤医院希望之城(City of Hope)进行手术治疗。一年后复发,肝内大范围转移。经该医院化疗半年后,肝内仍然有大大小小十个肿块。接着又做了一次肝动脉栓塞,情况并没有多少改善。至此,招数全用上了,依然山穷水尽已无路,死神还在我身边徘徊。 In December 1997, I unfortunately suffered from liver cancer. Instantly I took the operation at the famous tumor hospital-- City of Hope in Losangeles, USA. A year later, it recidivated with intrahepatic metastasis of a wide range, After taking chemotherapy for half a year in this hospital, there were still ten intrahepatic masses of large and small. Then done a liver artery embolism, and little improvement appeared. So far, all the tricks have to be used, none the less, there was no way at the end of hills and rivers, and the death continued wandering around me. 1999年6月底某天,一位老乡打电话给我说:“早两天我从报上看到一篇报道,介绍了一种称为‘缓释库’的治癌新疗法。这种疗法的特点是直接把化疗药物注射到肿瘤中去,杀死癌细胞,据说近期有效率可达百分之九十。我保留了这份报纸,想给你送过来。”当晚我就去老乡家取回了这份报纸。第二天一早,我按报上的联系电话找到了于保法先生,询问有关情况,并相约见面。 One day at the end of June,1999, a fellow-townsman called me and said: " As early as two days, I read a report introducing a new cancer therapy called ' sustained-release base'. The feature of this therapy was directly inject chemotherapeutics into tumors to kill cancer cells, said, recently the efficiency can be up to 90%. I kept the newspaper and want to send you to read." I went to a pick up the newspaper that night. Early in the morning the second day I called Mr. Yu Baofa according to the phone number on the newspaper, asked the relevant situations and made an appointment with him. 1999年7月4日是美国国庆节,我们一家开车从洛杉矶去圣地亚哥会见于保法先生。他也放弃休假从家里赶来与我们会面。第一次相见,没想到他还这么年轻。他是那种典型的北方大汉,大块头,四方脸,大眼睛,谦和而不失热情。在一间简陋的办公室坐定之后,他详细地向我们一家介绍他的治疗方法。当他看过我的计算机断层扫描(CT)片子后说道:“您的病我们可以治,我的方法治肝内肿瘤效果最理想。”妻女脸上露出了欣喜的笑容,我心里也感到宽慰许多。他还说:“我在大陆刚刚开了一家医院,治疗效果完全一样 。只是医院尚在建设之中,生活条件差一些,不知您是否能适应。”我说:“只要能治好病,其他都不重要。” July 4th, 1999 was American National Day, I with my family drove to meet Mr. Yu Baofa from Losangeles to Santiago, and he had given the vacation, came from home to meet with us. As it was the first time we met, I unexpected that he was so young who was that kind of typical man from north China, big, square face, big eyes, modest and not lose enthusiasm. After sat down in a shabby office, he introduced his therapy to us in detailed. After he saw the film of my computer tomography (CT) and said: "Your disease can be cured, and it can get the most ideal effect using our therapy to the intrahepatic tumor." Hearing this, happy smile was onto faces of my wife and my daughter, and I also felt relieved a lot of in my heart. He also said: "I have just opened a hospital in mainland China where the treatment effect was exactly the same as here. But the hospital is still under construction, and living conditions is relatively poor at present, I wonder whether you adapt to it." I said: "As long as the disease can be cured, others are not important." 1999年9月22日傍晚,我来到东平县泰美宝法肿瘤医院。医院坐落在郊区一条新修的六车道水泥路边,路两旁没几栋像样的建筑物,没有人行道,也没有路灯。天已黑尽,拖拉机来往穿梭,发出震耳的“突突”声,路人闻声让道,因为它们一律不开前车大灯。偶尔也有小轿车和出租车驶过,一束昏黄的灯柱穿过飞扬的尘土,给夜空带来一线光明。下了出租车,我拖着旅行箱快步朝医院大门走去,开始了我的“求生之旅”。 In the evening of September 22th, 1999, I came to Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital in Dongping County in China. The hospital was located on the side of a new six-lane concrete road, of which on both sides there was few decent buildings, no sidewalk as well as no streetlight. As it has been black thoroughly, tractors shuttled to and fro making a earsplitting "chug" sound, and the passers-by heard then went out of the way, because all the tractor drivers did not open the headlights without exception. Occasionally there was a car or a taxi passing by, and then a beam of yellow light traversed through the dust to bring the night sky with a gleam of light. Got out of the taxi, I dragged a suitcase walking toward the front door of the hospital, starting my “Journey of Survival". 因为治疗之后的几天是不能洗澡的,刚入院的我趁天气晴暖,吃过午饭立即拿着脸盆直奔澡堂。临时澡堂设在锅炉房隔壁,但不由锅炉房供热水,用的是屋顶上的太阳能热水器。澡堂只有中午和傍晚开放一小时,大部分时间水温很低,因为这里的太阳被雾霾笼罩着,没法加热热水。我走进澡堂,三个生锈的水龙头一字排开,中间没有隔断,一个赤条条的汉子,正在用洗衣粉擦身子。我顾不了许多,赶紧脱光衣服站在水龙头下。刚洗了一半,有人在外面喊我的名字,并说:“于院长叫你赶快去治疗室。”“马上就来!”我边擦身子边大声喊道。 As in the several days after the treatment, the patient cannot take a shower. Just admitted to the hospital, I took a chance while the weather is warm and sunny, having lunch, immediately went straight to the bathroom with a basin. The temporary bathroom was next to the boiler room, while the heat water supply depended on the solar water heater on the roof instead of the boiler. The bathroom was open for only an hour respectively at noon and in the evening, and most of the time the water temperature was very low, since the sun here was shrouded in haze, and no heating to the water. I walked into the bathroom, saw three rusty tap lined up with no partition, a naked man was cleaning his body with washing powder. I did not care a lot, and hasten to strip off the dress then stood under the tap. Just as I washed a half, someone called my name from outside and said: "Director Yu asked you to go to the therapeutic room quickly." “I am coming right now.” I answered loudly as wiping my body. 当我满头大汗匆匆忙忙赶到治疗室时,房间里站了许多人。除了于保法和马副院长外,还有几位护士,超声(B超)机前坐着一位医师。于保法从护士手中接过一个白布包,取出一根长约十厘米的钢针,眼睛盯着超声(B超)机屏幕。马副院长手持一支注射器,也注视着超声(B超)机屏幕。专做超声(B超)的那位女医师将探头压在我的右上腹某个部位,然后用指甲掐了个印记,对于保法说:“从这里进针。”马副院长立刻对我说:“我现在给你打麻药。”注射麻药后,于保法将针扎进我的右上腹,眼睛紧盯着屏幕。此时,护士手持一根直径约2.5厘米的高压注射器,来到床边。我从盖在脸上的纱布下面,看到针管里装有小半筒黄褐色药液。于保法将注射器上的胶管接在钢针尾部的接头上,说声“进药”,那护士立刻旋转注射器开关,肝里一阵胀痛袭来。随着药水不断进入肿块,疼痛逐渐加剧,我忍着没哼出声来。接着又轻微的胀痛了几次,前后持续了约莫五六分钟。“行了。” 于保法说。“这么快就完结了吗?”我不相信这就结束了,接着又问道:“真的完了吗?”大家都笑着看我。 When I hurried to the therapeutic room with sweating profusely, a lot of people were in the room. In addition to Yu Baofa and the vice director Ma, there were several nurses, and a physician sitting in front of the ultrasound (B ultrasound) machine. Yu Baofa received a white cloth packet from a nurse, took a steel needle about ten cm long, staring at the computer screen (B ultrasound). Holding a syringe, vice director Ma also watched the ultrasound (B ultrasound) screen. The woman physician who specially done ultrasound (B ultrasound) pressed a probe on somewhere of my right upper quadrant, then pinch a seal and said to Yu Baofa: "From here into the needle“. Vice director Ma immediately said to me: "Now I inject anesthetic for you." After injection, Yu Baofa stabbed the needle into my right upper quadrant, staring at the screen. At the time, a nurse held a high pressure syringe with diameter of about 2.5 cm coming to the bed. I could see through the gauze covered on my face that the syringe was filled with a small half brown liquid. Yu Baofa connected the syringe hose to the connector on the tail of the needle said "drug", the nurse immediately rotated the switch on the syringe, and a swelling pain in the liver pain hit me which gradually increased along with the drops continuously into the mass, I tolerated not to cry out. Then a slight pain emerged several times lasting about five or six minutes. “That’s OK” said Yu Baofa. “Is it end so soon?” I could not believe it, then asked again “Really?” And everyone laughed at me. 这次治疗给一大四小共五个肿块注射了药物。做完第一次治疗,并无不良反应。一不发烧,二不呕吐,而发烧呕吐是患者治疗后最常见的不良反应,有的病人要持续好几天。此后接着又做了两次“缓释库”治疗,至此,检查出来的十个肿块全部注射了药物。 In the treatment, they injected the drug into the total of five masses of one big and four small. After the first of treatment, I felt no adverse reaction, neither a fever nor a vomiting, while both of which were the most common adverse reactions after the patients be treated, and some patients would continue for several days. Later I made twice other "Sustained Release Base" treatments, so far, the inspected ten masses were all injected with the drug. 离开医院时,已近十月,天气晴和,阳光明媚,我庆幸自己从死亡阴影中逃过了一劫。时光荏苒,十四个年头过去了,十个肿块全部坏死消失。本人年过古稀,依然健在。 It was near October when I left the hospital, and the weather was so fine and sunny. I was grateful I had escaped from the shadow of death. As time flies, fourteen years has passed, the ten masses in my body were necrosis and disappeared. And I am over seventy years old now, still alive healthily. 美国医疗水平世界第一,但在癌症治疗上了无创新,乏善可陈,几十年一贯制老套路,就像程咬金的三板斧。和于保法的治癌新理念及“缓释库疗法”相比,不知落后多少年。除了一声叹息,我还能说什么呢? The medical level of America was Number One in the world, but in the treatment of cancer there was no innovation, lackluster, and the old routines was practiced for decades like Cheng Yaojin's ax. Compared to Yu Baofa’s new concepts and “Sustained Release Base” therapy, I do not know how many years it is backward. In addition to a sigh, what can I say? 读过于保法先生的自传,才知他为什么会这么优秀,为什么会成功。苦难的童年,伟大的母爱,“百善孝为先”的中华传统美德促使他少年励志从医,发誓解开癌症“黑洞”之谜,是他日后成功的关键因素。他之所以有今日,除了他自身的坚持和努力之外,与他父母家庭的支持密不可分。感谢他的父母,为国家民族养育出了这么好的儿子。 You do not know why Mr. Yu Baofa is so excellent and why he is so successful, unless you have read his autobiography. The key factors to his success later are the suffering childhood, the great maternal love and the traditional Chinese virtue “of all virtues filial piety is most importance” urged him inspirational to be a doctor when he was youth and swore to unravel the mystery of cancer "black hole". In addition to his own perseverance and efforts, the reason why he has achieved so much today is inseparable from the support of parents and his family. Thanks to his parents who have raised such a good son for the nation. 拜于保法先生的成功所赐,我有幸成为众多“缓释库疗法”的受益者之一。除了说一声“谢谢”,我还能说什么呢? Thanks to the success of Mr. Yu Baofa, luckly I become one of the so many beneficiaries from the "Sustained Release Base" therapy. In addition to say "thank you", what can I say? 序三:超微创开创革命性局部肿瘤及全身免疫治疗为一体的新时代 Peface 3: Super minimally invasive create revolutionary local tumor and systemic immune therapy for the new era of integration 于保法教授的朋友和患者 斐力甫·秦(Phillip Qin) Professor Yu Baofa's friend and patient Phillip • Qin(斐力甫·秦) It’s a great pleasure and honor for me to write a preface for Dr. Baofa Yu’s new book of interventional treatment of solid tumors with a optimized yet very effective injection of high density chemotherapy medicine directly into the tumors, avoiding the risky and painful traditional surgeries, even has advantages over minimum incision operations since an injection doesn’t even cause a minimum incision, so as I call it an “Ultra Minimum Incision Treatment”, which surely benefits many patients in all main aspects, initialized a new trend of revolutionary subtle therapy with fine tuned and controlled steps to achieve more, also avoiding the sensitive side effects usually introduced by the traditional oncologic surgical, chemo and radio therapies, as a big step forward in the history of medical science of human kind. 我很高兴和荣幸能为于保法教授的优化和高效的肿瘤内直接注射高浓度化疗药物的介入疗法的新书写个序言。这个方法能够避免传统手术的风险和痛苦,并且对于微创手术也有优势,因为这个方法连微创都不产生,所以我叫它“超微创”,一定能够在许多主要的方面造福很多的病患,以精细和可控的过程开创了一个新的革命性的精微医疗的方向,并且避免传统手术、化疗和放射疗法带来的副作用,在人类医学发展史上向前迈进了一大步。 I got to know Dr. Yu in a conference held in New Jersey State by North America Chinese Entrepreneur Association on December 3rd of 2011, while Dr. Yu gave an introduction to his specific therapy, afterward we had dinner together with better chance talking more about the possible conceptual and practical improvement of the new therapy, we discussed even more in-depth late in his hotel till midnight. I was very impressed with the effectiveness and advantages Dr. Yu’s new therapy offers to the patients, also was very pleased with his good personality as being very honest and sincere in discussing the pros and cons of various approaches of oncologic therapies with deep and broad comparisons. The reason I was so interested in Dr. Yu’s interventional therapy is because I had deep interest in medical science areas treating challenging sicknesses including cancer, searching to find the revolutionary super effective therapies as the trend of the future. I made good friends with Dr. Yu since then. 我于2011年12月3日在美国新泽西州的北美华人创业协会举办的一个会议上认识于教授,当时他介绍了他的独特疗法,在随后的晚宴上我们坐在同一桌,就有机会交谈更多有关他的新疗法的理念和临床及改进等各个方面,后来我们甚至到他入住的酒店交谈到半夜。我对于教授的新疗法能提供给病患的有效性和优越性印象深刻,并且对他在讨论各种治疗方法的优缺点比较时表现出的真诚的性格非常喜欢。我之所以对于教授的独特介入疗法这么感兴趣,是因为我长期以来对具有挑战性的医学领域有很深的兴趣,一直在寻找革命性的优秀高效的代表未来发展方向的疗法。我和于教授自那以后就成了朋友。 This may not get into personal experience later if I was not detected of a small mass in the chest during a routine MRI scan I did in US after I got to know Dr. Yu. As a surprise and also a non-surprise since the number of people having tumors found is huge, anyway treatment is needed. I consulted with some oncologists all recommended surgeries, some for traditional, some for minimum incision. The doctors I saw are all in the most prominent hospitals in US and the whole world, including University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Cornel University Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York City. 如果不是后来我在美国的一个核磁共振的例行检查中发现胸腔中有一个小块,于教授的疗法就不会成为我个人的体验。这对我是个惊奇,但也并不奇怪,因为有很多的人也被发现有肿瘤存在,不管怎么说治疗还是需要的。我咨询了一些医生,他们都推荐进行手术切除,有些推荐传统的方法,有些推荐微创手术。我看的都是美国甚至世界上最好的医院里的医生,包括费城的滨州大学医院,纽约的康奈尔大学医院和最好的肿瘤专科斯隆医院。 As a savvy in medical science myself, personally I don抰 like the idea of surgery for which I deem not very necessary in my situation, I would prefer a less impacting approach. So I called Dr. Yu and explained that I got a mass found in my chest, no biopsy pathological test is performed to determine if it’s benign or malignant, though a blood test searching for a few typical tumor markers did not find anything. Dr. Yu recommended his tumor injection treatment to me, I gladly accepted the offer and went to his hospital in China from US right away with good understanding and consensus with his concept and practice. I have done a thorough research in US and concluded that there is no hospital or doctor offering the same type of interventional therapy in US under the strict control of FDA regulations and length processes of approving new treatments. The experience of Dr. Yu’s treatments is a great pleasure, the whole operation takes less than 30 minutes in total including the preparation, not much more complex and painful than a flu shot! I was able to resume normal activities after resting on bed for a couple of hours, the impact is really ultra minimum, surely cannot be more as compared to any other treatments. 对于具有一定医学知识的我来说,我不喜欢手术的方案,因为我觉得对我的情况来说不是太有必要,我更愿意采用一个影响更小的方法。所以我给于教授打了个电话,解释我在胸腔发现有一个小块,还没有做病理检查来确定它是良性还是恶性,虽然做过血液检查,但并没有发现相关的肿瘤标识物。于教授推荐他的肿瘤注射疗法给我,我很高兴地接受了并很快从美国飞回中国来到他的医院,因为我对他的疗法的理念和临床都很理解和认同。我在美国做过透彻的研究,最后结论是在美国没有医院或医生提供和于教授同样的治疗,可能是美国医药管理局管得太严。于教授的治疗是一个很愉快的体验,整个手术过程包括准备工作不超过30分钟,比打一个流感预防针复杂不了多少。术后在床上休息一到两个小时后我就能完全恢复正常的活动,影响确实是非常的小,肯定不会比其他治疗方法更大。 Knowing the advantages of Dr. Yu’s interventional therapy gives me better peace of mind, especially the super effective-ness with local high density of medicine inside the tumor at least dozens of times higher than traditional chemotherapy, plus the negligible side effect with much lower total dosage of medicine applied directly into the tumor as compared to the opposite in traditional chemotherapy killing too many healthy cells, also the killed tumor cells got circulated into the blood system can cause the human immune system to develop specific antibodies as a preventive and curing mechanism for the future. The advantages of Dr. Yu’s therapy are phenomenal! 了解于教授的介入治疗方法的优点让我更加安心,特别是在肿瘤内部造成的高于传统化疗几十倍的药物浓度所产生的高效性,以及低得多的全身整体用药量避免了传统化疗过多用药杀死太多正常细胞的不良影响,并且被杀死的肿瘤细胞进入循环系统能诱导人体本身的免疫系统产生针对这种肿瘤细胞的特定抗体,来达到人体自身预防和治愈同样肿瘤细胞的功能。于教授的治疗方法的优点是很突出的! As convinced by personal experience, I gained strong faith in this therapy, so have been encouraging Dr. Yu to expand the coverage of his extraordinary treatment to more areas including America, Europe and other countries where such treatment is not yet available. I was glad to be informed that Dr. Yu did get more patients from overseas to come to his hospitals in China, and the results are very positive and exciting! I have no doubt that Dr. Yu’s innovative“Ultra-minimum Incision Treatment” of tumor injection interventional therapy has great advantages over most other therapies in treating solid tumors, to benefit more and more patients, and to lead the new trend of medical science development. This is surely a track leading to the ultimate complete control of tumors, one more light into the future of human civilization! 由亲身体验所证明的,我对于教授的疗法有很强的信心,所以就鼓励于教授将他的杰出的疗法推广到美洲欧洲及其他地区的国家。我很高兴得知于教授已经帮助了一些海外的病患,结果也非常好且振奋人心!我认为于教授的创新式的“超微创”肿瘤注射介入疗法在治疗固体肿瘤上相比绝大多数其他的疗法具有极大的优势,将造福更多的患者,也将引领医学的发展。这肯定是一条将导向最终完全控制肿瘤,是人类文明发展的又一道亮光! Phillip Qin’s Brief autobiography: 斐力甫·秦自我简介: I was born and grew up in China, went to US after college in early 1990s to continue graduate study in physics then transferred to computer science, worked in various financial companies in New York area for about 18 years. I have been interested in many science areas for many years with much learning and study, including medical science. I have personally learned and experienced Dr. Baofa Yu’s specific therapy, value it a lot and would like to recommend it to more people. Thanks! 我在中国出生和长大,20世纪90年代初大学毕业后到美国继续研究生阶段的学习,先学物理,后转入软件专业,在纽约地区的金融公司工作了近18年。我对许多科学的领域有很深的兴趣,所以坚持进行很多年的学习和研究,包括医学。我亲身学习和体验了于保法教授的独特疗法,非常推崇,并推荐给更多的人。谢谢! 北京翻译公司哪家速度快-北京翻译公司哪家专业-北京翻译公司哪家最好 序四:把梦变成现实的人 Preface 4: A man who turned the dream into reality “七七届”在中国教育史上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔,“七七届”的学生,都有着不平凡的人生经历和生活感悟,他们来自农村、农场、工厂、部队,接受过基层的磨练和再教育,是成熟、理性的一代,而于保法是他们中的佼佼者。 The students of the year 1977 owned their marks of thick and heavy in colours in the history of Chinese education, who experienced extraordinarily and possessed uncommon life apperceptions. They always came from rural areas, farms, factories and troops; and had taken in the base training and re-education, so they constituted a mature, rational generation, and that Yu Baofa is a flagship among them. 居里夫人说过:“我要把人生变成科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。”于保法就是这样一个人。 Madame Curie said: "I will turn the life into a science dream, and then turn the dream into reality." Yu Baofa is just the person do as this. 从“文革”时的“可教子女”到国立名校的硕士生;从跟着导师做研究到自己研发“缓释库”;从美国名校的教授到归国自主创业……为了抗癌中国梦,为了把梦变成现实,于保法经历了多个角色转换,承受了多重坎坷磨难,他对科学研究的执着,对肿瘤事业的锲而不舍,令人敬佩。 In order to struggle for a China Dream of curing cancer as well as to turn the dream into reality, Yu Baofa have experienced multiple roles conversion, from a teachable offspring in the Cultural Revolution to be a master student of the national elite school;from a graduate who did research following the mentor to be a man research and develop "Sustained release library" solely; from a professor of a prestigious college in USA to return China to operate his own enterprise. Yu Baofa suffered too much frustration and tribulation in this process. His insistence on science research and perseverance in the career of curing tumor is very admirable. 以身试药是古代名医所为,也发生在他的身上;事业刚刚起步,却耗资300多万元发起“医疗长征万里行”活动;站在美国法庭上,征服了美国的法官和医生,为美国男孩打赢了官司;他精湛的医术、敬业的精神,他对病人的真诚、病人对他的信任和依赖……令人感动。 The practice of testing drugs with one’s own body was often taken by ancient famous doctors, as well as taken by Yu Baofa; when his career was just at the beginning, he took more than ¥3,000,000 to launch the activities of “Long March of Medical Treatment”; standing in the court of America, he conquered American judges and doctors to win the lawsuit for an American boy; his superb medical skill, dedication spirit, his sincerity to the patients, and the patients’ trust and dependence to him ...... All of these are very touching. 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |